Trump referred to Haiti, African nations as 'shit hole' countries; White House doesn't deny

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2018 Jan 11, 4:08pm   60,167 views  199 comments

by Strategist   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/11/white-house-doesnt-deny-that-president-trump-referred-to-haiti-african-nations-as-s--hole-countries.html President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "s---hole countries" in a meeting with lawmakers, a Democratic aide briefed on the matter told NBC News.

The Washington Post first reported the news, citing two people briefed on the meeting. The newspaper said that lawmakers had convened with the president in the Oval Office on Thursday to discuss a bipartisan immigration deal.

When lawmakers brought up protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, Trump asked, "Why are we having all these people from s---hole countries come here?"

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89   Booger   2018 Jan 12, 7:02pm  

Reminder: Trump Took More Flak for Accurately Describing Haiti than Hillary Did for Stealing Millions From Them.
93   RWSGFY   2018 Jan 12, 7:10pm  

Booger says

Well, this one is at least two levels above "Kenyan flying toilet".
94   Booger   2018 Jan 12, 7:11pm  

San Francisco is literally a shithole:
95   RWSGFY   2018 Jan 12, 7:12pm  

Booger says
San Francisco is literally a shithole:

Same BART where one janitor pulled $240K in pay last year.
96   Patrick   2018 Jan 12, 7:25pm  

I can confirm that there is regularly human shit on the streets of San Francisco.

There are even maps of where the majority of the shit is:

97   Strategist   2018 Jan 12, 7:31pm  

Booger says

Has anyone confronted him on his foolish remarks? I'm curious to know what he would say about Venezuela now, knowing it's such a failure.
My guess, he will just blame America like everyone else does.
98   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 12, 7:34pm  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
But it is.

There's nothing more bigoted and identitarian than saying that no people from haiti should be let in the country, because the country is a shithole. Whether or not Haiti is a shithole is irrelevant, because we are a merit based society. We don't assess people by the quality of their group. Well, Trump does. His supporters don't think it's racist when he does.
99   alpo   2018 Jan 12, 7:38pm  

Isn't Melania Trump from a shit-hole country too? Trump is clearly racist. It's sad that after so much work on civil rights in this country, we have a racist president again.
100   anonymous   2018 Jan 12, 9:17pm  

We don't assess people by the quality of their group. Well, Trump does.

So do the liberals.
101   Shaman   2018 Jan 13, 6:28am  

The problem with people from shitholes is that they have cultural and social issues responsible for CREATING the shitholes in which they’ve lived. When we import such people, they often bring these cultural issues along for the ride. If they settle in a group, they’ll have a chance to create new shitholes right here in America. The only way they are useful is if they drop their diseased culture for the more vibrant American culture. Otherwise they just create problems.
Unfortunately we have academics insisting that we all need to value everyone’s native culture, even if it does turn nice places into shitholes.
102   CBOEtrader   2018 Jan 13, 6:37am  

anon_11ddf says
We don't assess people by the quality of their group. Well, Trump does.

So do the liberals.

Studies on the diversity lottery, wherein only country of origin matters, necessitate judging the effectiveness of said policies solely by the country of origin.

Shocker: countries w high crime rates and low income result in immigrants who create crime and cost taxpayers money.

The irony is that these countries are only part of the diversity lottery because they are shithole in the first place.

Moral outrage has hit peak righteousness. TDS has taken over the brains of the left
103   RWSGFY   2018 Jan 13, 6:53am  

alpo says
Isn't Melania Trump from a shit-hole country too?

You mean Slovenia? Oh, sure.Her hometown looks EXACTLY like the pictures of Haiti/Somalia. Same thing.

104   bob2356   2018 Jan 13, 7:06am  

Quigley says
The problem with people from shitholes is that they have cultural and social issues responsible for CREATING the shitholes in which they’ve lived. When we import such people, they often bring these cultural issues along for the ride. If they settle in a group, they’ll have a chance to create new shitholes right here in America. The only way they are useful is if they drop their diseased culture for the more vibrant American culture. Otherwise they just create problems.

Like the Irish did?
105   bob2356   2018 Jan 13, 7:15am  

CBOEtrader says

Studies on the diversity lottery, wherein only country of origin matters, necessitate judging the effectiveness of said policies solely by the country of origin.

Shocker: countries w high crime rates and low income result in immigrants who create crime and cost taxpayers money.

The irony is that these countries are only part of the diversity lottery because they are shithole in the first place.

Like african immigrants of which 41% have college degrees vs 36% for white americans?
106   bob2356   2018 Jan 13, 7:25am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
You realize that Brazil has over 200M people, and is one of the largest countries by landmass to boot, but has the same exact vote as Little Lithuania or Gambia with just over 2 Million?

How about Malta or Iceland with less than a million, compared to Mexico or Malaysia? One vote each.

Literally a country with half a million people has the same vote share as one with almost a billion. Undemocratic and Unrepresentative.

The UN is a joke, a meeting of corrupt officials. Time for it to go away entirely, it's obsolete.

You realize that montana with 600,000 people has he same vote in the senate as california with 40 million people.The senate is a joke, a meeting of corrupt officials. Time for the senate to go away entirely it's obsolete.
107   CBOEtrader   2018 Jan 13, 8:09am  

bob2356 says
CBOEtrader says

Studies on the diversity lottery, wherein only country of origin matters, necessitate judging the effectiveness of said policies solely by the country of origin.

Shocker: countries w high crime rates and low income result in immigrants who create crime and cost taxpayers money.

The irony is that these countries are only part of the diversity lottery because they are shithole in the first place.

Like african immigrants of which 41% have college degrees vs 36% for white americans?

Bzzt wrong. We are discussing the DV lottery sepcifically, and the merits thereof.

Thank you for showing us that regular immigration works though. Does this mean you are in favor of eliminating the DV lottery? Or do you agree w the fake news that discussing the DV lottery is itself racist?
108   Shaman   2018 Jan 13, 8:12am  

bob2356 says
Like the Irish did?

Apparently you’ve never heard of how savagely the Irish were hated when they first came as immigrants. People compared them as worse than negros and gave them the shittiest work. The government drafted half of the men and got them killed on civil war battle fields. They got acculturated in time and everyone forgot that they hated Irish.
109   Shaman   2018 Jan 13, 8:15am  

bob2356 says

You realize that montana with 600,000 people has he same vote in the senate as california with 40 million people.The senate is a joke, a meeting of corrupt officials. Time for the senate to go away entirely it's obsolete.

That is how our Republic is formed. It’s not a perfect Democracy, but that’s intentional because mob rule is one step away from total anarchy. If you like that sort of government, I hear Somalia is nice this time of year. Perhaps you should visit?
110   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 10:26am  

(Above post is mine)

Versus Gay Paris:

111   alpo   2018 Jan 13, 10:54am  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
You mean Slovenia? Oh, sure.Her hometown looks EXACTLY like the pictures of Haiti/Somalia. Same thing.

Everything looks good from one mile up in the air, but what I meant was former Yugoslavia - breakup of the country + ethnic warfare for many years with rival factions attempting to carry out ethnic cleansing genocide. Racists are found all across the globe, not just in this country. This isn't about Haiti vs Slovenia, but the racist thinking that trump and his gang encourage that if not checked will lead this country into another civil war.

Trump, as a president, is clearly racist and he is exercising his white privilege to make and pass comments with the weight of his presidency that no non-white president would have the privilege of doing. People will tolerate this crap only for so long. US is no longer a "whites only" country (if it every was since one can't forget the often overlooked fact that there were non-white native Indians here before whites illegally immigrated to north and south america).

And let's not forget the tent cities here in our own backyard as idot trump conveniently ignores as he passes degrading remarks about poor in other places.
112   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 11:15am  

zzyzzx says
I credit Trumps comment with today's stock market action:

The market values honest assessments.
113   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 11:18am  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
You mean Slovenia? Oh, sure.Her hometown looks EXACTLY like the pictures of Haiti/Somalia. Same thing.

Great posts, Nakamoto-san, I gotta finish reading the thread before I respond.
114   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 11:19am  

bob2356 says
You realize that montana with 600,000 people has he same vote in the senate as california with 40 million people.The senate is a joke, a meeting of corrupt officials. Time for the senate to go away entirely it's obsolete.

It's problematic, but the conversation was about the UN, not the US Senate.
115   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 11:21am  

Quigley says
Apparently you’ve never heard of how savagely the Irish were hated when they first came as immigrants. People compared them as worse than negros and gave them the shittiest work. The government drafted half of the men and got them killed on civil war battle fields. They got acculturated in time and everyone forgot that they hated Irish.

AND, the Irish did not live knee deep in filth back in Ireland, either. Nor did they live on foreign aid, nor were they an independent country at the time, in charge of their own future.

Speaking of the Sassanach, many of these countries would be better off under the British Empire again. For starters, the streets would get cleaned and sewers and gutters built.
116   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 11:24am  

alpo says
And let's not forget the tent cities here in our own backyard as idot trump conveniently ignores as he passes degrading remarks about poor in other places.

Two travelogues from backpackers, who don't stay in the Ritz-Carlton or Sheraton downtown, at street level.

117   HeadSet   2018 Jan 13, 11:27am  

Patrick says:

I can confirm that there is regularly human shit on the streets of San Francisco.

I go on business trips to SF every few years (been a couple of years since my last visit, though). On my last trip I had 4 free days and did a lot of walking around town. I was staying in the Financial District and walked through North Beach, Chinatown, Russian Hill, Fisherman's Wharf, etc. I did not see the human feces you mentioned, but I did notice lots of vagrants with mattresses sleeping on the sidewalks right outside storefronts and businesses. No vagrants sleeping in the green parks, though. I presume the attitude of SF is that vagrant rights apply to all public spaces except parks, and supersede any desire to keep bums from loitering and camping.

I went to Denver last summer and noticed quite few homeless camps and mass bum hangouts that I did not see in my earlier trips to Denver. Not sure if the legal weed has drawn in the bum crowd. SF and Denver are beautiful cities that I think would be greatly enhanced by some good vagrancy laws.
118   HeadSet   2018 Jan 13, 11:53am  

It is not "racism" to call a shithole a shithole.

It is racism to overlook a shithole merely because the people in the shithole happened to be of a certain ethnicity.

By being willing to excuse incidences of poor performance, whether inner city, college, or nations, because the people in question are not "white," you are implying that these folks are childlike beings that do not know better and need extra slack from "whites." Non-racists understand that race is just one attribute of an individual, and does not in itself determine talent, intelligence, or morality.

NFL $25 million per year player Colin Kaepernick has more "white privilege" than anyone in Appalachia, or in fact more "white privilege" than most whites in America.
119   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 12:12pm  

alpo says
Isn't Melania Trump from a shit-hole country too? Trump is clearly racist. It's sad that after so much work on civil rights in this country, we have a racist president again.

Looks nice to me, no plastic bags all over the ground, or human excrement, or wandering livestock. Clean Public Tram, pothole free roads.farmers markets, beautiful buildings.

Looks nicer than Paris.
120   Ceffer   2018 Jan 13, 12:18pm  

San Francisco isn't a shithole. It is merely a Mediterranean oceanside paradise with third world accents.
121   Patrick   2018 Jan 13, 12:21pm  

bob2356 says
Like the Irish did?

Well, to be honest, when the masses of starving Irish were allowed in, they did frequently create nasty ghettos, like Hell's Kitchen in NYC:


And they did bring quite a bit of corruption to big city politics, using their political patterns of behavior from the old world.

So there was a big cost to letting them in, but the country was so empty and demand for labor was so great at that point that it turned out to be a good deal for America overall. The country is no longer so empty, and the demand for labor is nothing like it was back then.
122   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 12:28pm  

alpo says
Trump, as a president, is clearly racist and he is exercising his white privilege to make and pass comments with the weight of his presidency that no non-white president would have the privilege of doing.

You can't possibly think Trump is given a pass as compared to Obama. Obama killed brown people around the world every day of his presidency, yet somehow could do no wrong in the eyes of the media. Trump, OTOH, is framed as a racist from everyday behavior, like drinking from a water bottle or eating 2 scoops of iced cream.
123   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 12:30pm  

Just read this on tumbler.

Black Live Matters activists are saying Europe was a shithole for 400 years during the Dark Ages during which no whites were allowed in Africa.

They also brought up the Black Plague in the 14th century Europe claiming whites must have lived in a much bigger shithole to allow a few oriental rats to wipe out 2/3 of the population. During this time no whites were allowed into Asia through the Silkroad.

They said too bad. 1/3 survived.
124   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 12:31pm  

HeadSet says
SF and Denver are beautiful cities that I think would be greatly enhanced by some good vagrancy laws.

Tricky issue. The government doesn't have nearly the institutions it once did for adults with intellectual and or emotional deficits (other than prisons). So what do you do ?

"Last states and cities with strict vagrancy laws is a rotten egg."
125   anonymous   2018 Jan 13, 12:31pm  

It's true apparently that in the U.S., our government is somewhat of a reflection of our people.

North Korea is probably one of the best examples of a country where it's a shithole because of the government, and not because of the people. There are many countries in Africa and elsewhere, even today, where this is the case.

Our nations romantic story, which I believe to be true, is that many of our original immigrants came from countries where peasants were treated like shit and lived in shithole conditions, because of their oppressive government and not because of who they were as human beings.

The irony here is that Trump's policies will increase inequality here and lead to greater number of places with shithole conditions.
126   mell   2018 Jan 13, 12:49pm  

anonymous says
Not a nice way to talk about your fellow countrymen. Shouldn't we pressing our local, state and federal governments to improve the situation instead of handing out tax breaks to corporations?

I would be sympathetic towards fees - not taxes - that cannot be funneled away under long jail-time punishment - for which the usage would go directly to take the violent assholes off the streets (incarcerate them) and provide reasonable shelter and food for those willing to clean up the city and keep it clean in exchange. The problem is that all the money even in cities like SF flush with tourist and tech cash goes into corrupt government hands and big pensions. The tax breaks are not the main issue here, even after those there is ample money on the cities hands, but it gets misused and city employees make big bucks and guaranteed 8% APR pensions while doing jack shit to improve the city. SF, Oakland, Berkeley are in a hard leftoid grip of corruption. Most mayors and assemblymen do jack shit while living off of taxpayer money, and the streets of SF are a disgrace for an otherwise naturally extremely beautiful city/climate.
127   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Jan 13, 1:15pm  

anon_08dee says
The irony here is that Trump's policies will increase inequality here and lead to greater number of places with shithole conditions.

How is that exactly?
128   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 13, 1:21pm  

anon_a4cd7 says
They also brought up the Black Plague in the 14th century Europe claiming whites must have lived in a much bigger shithole to allow a few oriental rats to wipe out 2/3 of the population. During this time no whites were allowed into Asia through the Silkroad.

Well, Europe was 90% rural back then so kinda doubt it was the sewer system and more like a near-total lack of resistance to Yersina Pestis. Much like the Native Americans had no resistance to Smallpox, Chicken Pox, etc. Imagine the black death over and over again in multiple forms, every few years, and that's how the Indians were wiped out. Far more from disease than the relative handful of Europeans with weapons confined largely to a handful of villages on the US East Coast.

Of course, the end result of the Plague was to re-popularize Ancient Roman inventions of Water and Wind Mills, to be employed on a massive scale. The tight supply of labor also created boom times for ordinary Europeans and eventually led to the increased independence of Burghers and eventually, Common People. Whereas the Bone-Noses still employed Caste Systems. The Aztecs were big into the Caste System, a very brutal civilization.

By the way, it was the Mongols fault because by uniting all of Asia, Poor Chinese landless peasants travelled into Central Asia to become farriers. Unlike the natives, they happily trapped marmosets "acting funny", the pelts of which ended up on Silk Road Caravans. Because the Chinese, Turks, Mongols, and others had been the victim of many bouts of Y. Pestis, they didn't die out like Europeans did, who had only been exposed once or twice before (under Justinian many centuries prior, but only really in the Eastern Med).

Detroit, 2028 after the last non-Black has left:

We Wuz Kangz, honky!

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