Trade War

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2018 May 19, 4:09pm   6,974 views  48 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Goddamn Trumpler is starting a Trade War. We're all Doomed Doomed, DOOMED!

Oh. Well the North Korea talks will fall apart, then.

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26   Goran_K   2018 May 21, 10:46am  

bob2356 says
April always has a surplus, It's when people pay their taxes

So every April is the "biggest ever"?
27   rdm   2018 May 21, 5:58pm  

May 21, 2018
WASHINGTON — By the time American negotiators wrapped up high-level talks with a visiting Chinese delegation last week, President Trump’s ambitions for a multibillion dollar trade agreement had, for the time being, shriveled (like his dick) into a blandly worded communiqué without any dollar figures. It was not clear that the talks set a path to success.

Ceaseless infighting and jockeying for influence on the White House’s trade team helped deprive Mr. Trump of a quick victory on his most cherished policy agenda, several people involved in the talks said. The deep internal divisions carried over into how officials characterized the agreement and muddied the outlook for the next phase of the negotiations between Washington and Beijing.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that the United States would hold off on imposing tariffs on China, putting the trade war “on hold,” but hours later, the United States trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, warned the Chinese that the Trump administration might yet impose tariffs.


Who knew trade negotiations with China could be so complicated?

Just about anyone who has ever dealt with Chinese in negotiations. They will fuck you up the ass while picking your pocket. The real negotiations begin after the deal is done. In
a negotiation between Trump's crew of rejects, pikers and crooks and the Chinese, my money is on the Chinese, bigly.
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 21, 6:15pm  

Feux Follets says
Doing some research on average turnaround times for container ships the U.S. is far from competitive. Couldn't have anything to do with humans would it ?

Not one tax dollar to supporting imports. Let Walmart and Qatar Ports or COSCO or whomever pay for it.

Why subsidize imports? Which is of course the bottleneck, not exports which are a fraction of the imports. Let the Chinese pay to add more capacity if it's that important to them.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 21, 6:18pm  

CBOEtrader says
Answer this: what could Trump do that you would agree with? Here we have Trump finally addressing a HUGE problem we have directly w the appropriate leaders. This is something no other president has done, and is EXACTLY what needs to happen. Bob: "We cant reduce the deficit to zero so lets pretend the problem isnt there." Nice analysis and plan, Bob.

That's the Americant Philosophy.

"The Wall won't stop 100% of illegal drugs and people, so forget it. Reciprocating after decades of one sided trade might start a Trade War!"

Good thing we don't apply that "Logic" to Drunk Driving or Murder or Bypass Surgery.

"Well this type of treatment only helps 40% of the patients so let's just scrap it. We only stop 40% of estimated DUIs on Highway 11 on Friday, so let's stop flagging suspects down entirely... We only find homes for 40% of the stray animals, so let's shut down the pound and just euthanize them all right away ... "
30   Goran_K   2018 May 22, 9:36am  

Feux Follets says
For the current Potus the answer will be yes. Just like those "biggest ever" crowds at the inauguration that were blown out of the water by the crowds for the royal marriage of which he wasn't invited to.

This is why I don't see a blue wave. Not enough focus on actual issues (who gives a fuck about the royal wedding). Too much denial of reality from the left.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 22, 10:28am  

Feux Follets says
Quigley has previously stated the automation etc. at the Port of Long Beach is in place and we still can't be competitive in turn around times etc. when the Asians are doing the same damn thing with less people ?

Seriously: What's competitive here?

Is there an alternative market bigger and richer than America that the Chinese can sell to?

"Well that's it Guai Los, your port is all backed up. We'll going to sell our hundreds of billions in Products somewhere else, maybe in another Parallel Dimension. Kiss your Trade Deficit Goodbye"


We don't need compete to help other people sell us crap, especially when we have a massive trade deficit.
33   Shaman   2018 May 22, 11:40am  

Aphroman says
Not sure if you even realized it, but you quoted his question and proceeded with a whole bunch of buzzwords that have been marketed at you heavily, without ever attempting to answer the question.

If you don’t understand even this much of the Shipping industry, how do you know that I didn’t answer his question? My point was that the capacity is there, fully there, and would actually make things run better if it were utilized.
34   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 22, 11:54am  

China is about to copy and attack head-on all the western industries it left untouched so far: cars, planes, cell phones, software, movies, etc...

It is set to become a larger percent of the world economy than the US was at the end of WW2.

Meaning the US companies absolutely need access to China's market.
Meaning the days when the US could push its weigh around are gone.
Get used to it and prepare to compete like crazy.

And hope you enjoyed the cheap crap of the past couple decades. That was a super smart strategy!
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 22, 2:27pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
And hope you enjoyed the cheap crap of the past couple decades. That was a super smart strategy!

Many people think the Chinese just picked themselves up by the bootstraps and started making all these laptops, smartphones, washing machines, fridges, etc.

NOPE. 100% Tech Transfer via US Multinationals who demanded "Free Trade" did that by outsourcing to Chinese subcontracts and importing the products at minimal to no tariff, while Chinese companies stole and imitated these products and flipped the bird at IP protections that no US President since 1994 has been arsed to really enforce.

Trump is Cleaning up a disgusting Neoliberal Mess, but it's too far to reverse 100%. At the very least though we can level the playing field.

The Environment didn't get cleaner, it just polluted Shanghai and Xi'an instead of LA and Detroit.
36   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 22, 2:44pm  

Aphroman says
That Giant Sucking Sound isn’t the collective Betas cramming their tongues up Donalds bunghole in adulation like ignorant, disgusting children, no. It’s our economy being sucked across the sea by Republicans

I'm wondering how naive you have to be to think the 2 parties were not together in the corporatism and the short term profits. Clinton loved free trade agreements. And Democrats never made 1 move against that trend.

I find this really amazing that some people still think Democrats stand for labor in this country.
37   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 22, 3:32pm  

Aphroman says
Where have you ever seen me defending Democrats, or offering them up as a solution?

You attacked Republicans. If you were not defending Democrats, you would attack both sides, not 1 side.
38   Goran_K   2018 May 22, 3:40pm  

Feux Follets says
Agee 100% and then some. The best I see is perhaps getting control of one of the houses of congress.

If Pelosi and the rest of the "old guard" maintain their control on power, things look bleak. Failure to keep Hillary out of the news isn't going to help either.

DNC losses /failure will be a self inflicted wound, not the result of anything positive from the other side. This will carry all the way into 2020.

The opportunities are there however the DNC and other party leader have shown themselves to be oblivious to the obvious.

The DNC will become relevant again when it gives up collectivism and begins to embrace individualism and personal liberty. Their losses and failures are because they have embraced socialism plain and simple.

Socialism and Fascism are inherently leftist traits (both are branches of of collectivism), and right now the DNC is on the path to full on communism or fascism (both examples of extreme leftism).
39   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 22, 3:55pm  

Goran_K says

The DNC will become relevant again when it gives up collectivism and begins to embrace individualism and personal liberty. Their losses and failures are because they have embraced socialism plain and simple.

I think they are irrelevant for the exact opposite reason: they are corporatists plain and simple.
Obama and Clinton were fighting to blow every banksters in sight, and Obamacare is a market based solution, with a subsidy and idiosyncrasies that are there purely to profit insurances.
Yeah they support some unions, but that is just an other kind of corporatism.

There are still republicans who think Reagan is the model for GOP politicians, and anything on the left is communism. These people live 40 yrs in the past and are as lost as those on the left who believe Democrats actually want to help American working class families. Things are just no longer cut out that way.
40   FortWayne   2018 May 22, 4:03pm  

marcus says
And perhaps trickledown will kick in big time and the tax cuts will lead to the first surplus since Clinton was President !

Clinton inherited that nice economy, and was smart enough not to fuck it up. Can't say that about modern day liberals, who just want free stuff, and think world is just made of money and unicorns. Somehow it always results in taking more from working people to pay the moochers and overpaid government bureaucrats.
41   Goran_K   2018 May 22, 4:39pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
There are still republicans who think Reagan is the model for GOP politicians, and anything on the left is communism. These people live 40 yrs in the past and are as lost as those on the left who believe Democrats actually want to help American working class families. Things are just no longer cut out that way.

There is truth to that.

But there is a movement in the GOP for a more moderate libertarian form of government. This is headed by guys like Rand Paul, Laura Ebke, Justin Amash, etc. These people are more foundational constitutional politicians as opposed to guys like Paul Ryan, Mccain, and Romney.

You don't have this same movement in the DNC, in fact, you have more radicalism in the pursuit of collectivism (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, anyone in the California Assembly who is a Democrat). This ideology leads to bigger and more powerful government and less individual freedom, proven time and time again over the past 2 millennia.

In fact, I challenge anyone to find 5 elected DNC politicians who primarily advocate for smaller government policies.

That's why I believe the left is far more dangerous, there is more collectivist thought and much less internal dissent. Luckily their power was severely checked in 2016.
42   HowdyThere   2018 May 22, 5:28pm  

Goran, what policies of Bernie Sander or Elizabeth Warren do you consider to be radical collectivism?
43   mell   2018 May 22, 6:40pm  

Goran_K says
This is headed by guys like Rand Paul, Laura Ebke, Justin Amash, etc. These people are more foundational constitutional politicians as opposed to guys like Paul Ryan, Mccain, and Romney.

I supported Rand Paul but it was clear he isn't going to win. As explained many times, Libertarians are especially vulnerable to leftoid venom of bullshit spewed all over them since they tend to be more docile when attacked, similar to mainstream Recucklicans, but with much better constitutional policies. Trump is neither mainstream Republican nor Libertarian nor right-wing religious Republican, you can't put him in a bucket, but he runs tight game and gives zero fucks about his political career - coming from a highly profitable private enterprise - which is the secret of his success. He like no other can put a mirror in front of the leftoids and mainstream Republicans, can agree and amplify (since he is not a politician so it doesn't put him in a bad light) in light of corruption allegations and put his yuge fingers into their wounds, right where they are vulnerable: they are all politicians who essentially have done nothing to curb higher taxes and immigration while lining their own pockets and (a specialty of the left) alienating and vilifying the common man, no matter what spin they put out on the floor.

HowdyThere says
Goran, what policies of Bernie Sander or Elizabeth Warren do you consider to be radical collectivism?

I'd start with their stances on taxes and immigration as well as discrimination against straight white males in the spirit of collectivism. Well for Warren that backfired since she won't do genetic testing which will show she is as white as whitey whiteman.
44   Goran_K   2018 May 22, 6:42pm  

Those are good ones. I’d add their stances on health care, taxation and then being advocates for equality of outcome to round out their socialist tendencies.
45   mell   2018 May 22, 6:56pm  

I'd like to add that the Republicans have done similar assholery such as the failed war on drugs incarcerating people sometimes needlessly. However with free speech and being treated as equal people can advocate for a change in such laws while they can live without smoking a joint at work place or in public places, but they cannot live with the thought/speech police surveilling every word they say and discriminating against them for what they cannot change. That is why I think the modern left is losing, their policies are far more dangerous and people have started realizing that.
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 22, 6:58pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

I'm wondering how naive you have to be to think the 2 parties were not together in the corporatism and the short term profits. Clinton loved free trade agreements. And Democrats never made 1 move against that trend.

I find this really amazing that some people still think Democrats stand for labor in this country.

It's shocking that somebody would say that the Clintons - who ran the Democratic Party from 1992 onwards and were the #1 Allies of Outsourcing, Free Trade, H1-B Visas, and never, ever any reciprocal Tariffs or trade retailiation for IP Threft - were somehow defenders of American Manufacturing and Labor.

The Media still parrots the failed Neoliberal Policies of unlimited outsourcing, unlimited immigration, H1Bs to the Maximum, and the benefits of offshoring $20/hr jobs in exchange for fewer $9-12/hr jobs warehousing and moving imported goods.

It wasn't until 2016 that Hillary distanced herself from any Trade Deal, and that's because the TPP was quite rightly outed as another big transfer of jobs abroad. But her criticism was so weak and vague "As it's written" - anybody with half a brain knew that once she was elected she'd announce some token change fit her criteria. In fact, TPP would have signed by April 2017, if she had won.
47   HowdyThere   2018 May 22, 7:20pm  

Okay, we have some examples.

Taxes. I'd say policy on taxes is irrelevant in the face of spending, unless you believe that deficits don't matter. Spending is what counts. Neither party is able to cut spending in a meaningful way.

Immigration. Putting aside the sabre rattling by the Rs, there is no significant difference in outcomes. In fact, Trump is deporting fewer than Obama.

Discrimination vs white males in the spirit of collectivism. I'll start off by saying I've been a victim of white male discrimination, over 20 years ago. Was not happy about it. But I'd like to know what policies either Bernie or Elizabeth have proposed that fit this description.

Health Care. Universal health care, single payer, whichever, is common throughout the world including many close US allies. Hard to call this radical collectivism. Maybe the US should invade the UK and Canada to stamp out the extremism of universal health care. Keep in mind, universal health care has significant benefits for employee mobility and minimizing lost days of productivity.

Equality of Outcome. Need a policy attached this. I've talked about the problem of D and R talking points in other threads. This sounds like an R talking point without substantiation.

mell says
they cannot live with the thought/speech police surveilling every word they say and discriminating against them

This is important. There are people on the left side of the political spectrum that want to silence reasonable debate. There are people on the right side of the political spectrum that want to use free speech for protect hate speech. Moderates on both sides need to come together to find a reasonable compromise. As long as the general public keeps accepting the extreme messaging by Ds and Rs of the 'other side', the reasonable compromise is impossible.
48   HowdyThere   2018 May 23, 6:14pm  

What? No interest in this thread now?

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