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1   lostand confused   2018 May 30, 5:53pm  

Why was this against the law? If you are going to die anyway, what is wrong in trying any option?
Now that trump signed this, will the dems rail against this?
2   curious2   2018 May 30, 5:55pm  

lostand confused says
Why was this against the law? If you are going to die anyway, what is wrong in trying any option?
Now that trump signed this, will the dems rail against this?

Most Democrats oppose it, and some identitarian "liberal" media (e.g. Huffington Post) are already railing against it. They claim falsely that clinical trials and FDA "expanded access" fill the need. They are alienating millons of patients, families, and friends who know all too well the facts listed below on the White House website:

“Right to Try” gives the over 1 million Americans who die from a terminal illness every year a new tool to fight and make potentially lifesaving decisions about their treatment.

According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 609,640 Americans will die from cancer alone in 2018.

Prior to this legislation, options for terminally patients who had exhausted all treatment options were extremely limited:

Many terminally ill patients were considered too sick for clinical trials of new medication. In fact, only 3 percent of cancer patients today are enrolled in clinical trials.

The FDA’s “compassionate use” application is complicated and time-consuming, resulting in only about 1,200 approved applications per year.

The word "liberal" used to mean letting people live their own lives. The founders of the republic considered themselves liberal because they believed in freedom of religion among other things. Now "liberal" means "generous" in the sense of coercive policies that purport to take care of everyone from cradle to early grave, or generously dropping bombs on Libya (Hillary's War, which was not "hostilities" according to the Obama administration) and Syria among other places.
3   Shaman   2018 May 30, 6:27pm  

Score this one in the “win” pile for the Trumpster.and Congress!
4   Booger   2018 May 30, 6:42pm  

lostand confused says
will the dems rail against this?

Of course! Liberals are always against anything that takes away government control.
5   bob2356   2018 May 31, 4:11am  

Feux Follets says
Finally Potus has done something worth a positive nod.

It certainly won't rally hurt anything since a minuscule number of people are involved. But huffiest is right, it won't do much either. Despite the deranged ranting about the gubnment, medicine, regulators,, libruls, war, the price of tea in china, etc. etc. . realistically this was more about scoring political brownie points and playing to the base about big gubment than doing anything useful. Especially since 40 states already allow it anyway and 9 have legislation pending most of which will pass. Anyone that wants to try has access already by simply traveling to a neighboring state.

A big nothingburger basically..
6   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 31, 6:14am  

That makes MJ legal in every state then.
7   lostand confused   2018 May 31, 8:01am  

bob2356 says
A big nothingburger basically.

yeah expecte for the dying and their loved ones-dems-sigh.
8   Goran_K   2018 May 31, 8:15am  

Feux Follets says
Finally Potus has done something worth a positive nod.

9   Goran_K   2018 May 31, 8:16am  

bob2356 says
Anyone that wants to try has access already by simply traveling to a neighboring state.

Have you ever been involved in the transfer of a deathly sick or terminally ill patient? Depending on the circumstances, it's not as easy (or covered) as you may think.
10   mell   2018 May 31, 8:17am  

Long overdue - another win for personal freedom.
11   FortWayne   2018 May 31, 8:19am  

lostand confused says
Why was this against the law? If you are going to die anyway, what is wrong in trying any option?
Now that trump signed this, will the dems rail against this?

Democrats will find a way to twist this and to somehow make this sound like it's racist. They always do, no matter what.
12   Shaman   2018 May 31, 8:36am  

FortWayne says
Democrats will find a way to twist this and to somehow make this sound like it's racist. They always do, no matter what.

Let me see if I can write that Leftist story:
“Undercutting FDA authority to ensure drug safety only encourages GREEDY CORPORATIONS to take advantage of POOR MINORITIES who are sick and desperate. We can’t let these rich white men turn helpless brown people into lab rats for their relentless pursuit of dirty profit!”
13   Ceffer   2018 May 31, 9:53am  

At the end of the day, we are all glorified lab rats.
14   BradK   2018 May 31, 10:09am  

curious2 says
lostand confused says
The word "liberal" used to mean letting people live their own lives.

And we can't have that, can we? That's why the modern left has adopted "progressive" as a dog whistle for collectivism. The almighty State is all-knowing, all-powerful, and knows what is best for you. Unless, of course, a Conservative is in power (see: fascism).
15   bob2356   2018 May 31, 11:08am  

lostand confused says
bob2356 says
A big nothingburger basically.

yeah expecte for the dying and their loved ones-dems-sigh.

You mean the ones that live in the 40 states that already have the law or the 10 states where people can easily access it and will mostly have the law this year?

Yep, love those congress critters going home for 2018 elections saying look what we did for you, passed a law to make legal what is already legal. Perfect.
16   bob2356   2018 May 31, 11:17am  

Goran_K says
bob2356 says
Anyone that wants to try has access already by simply traveling to a neighboring state.

Have you ever been involved in the transfer of a deathly sick or terminally ill patient? Depending on the circumstances, it's not as easy (or covered) as you may think.

It's not covered period. The law doesn't require insurance to pay for experimental treatments, doesn't require pharma to provide treatment to people outside of clinical studies, doesn't require docs to treat patients with experimental drugs.

Want to name all the expereimental treatments out there fhat might help people that are so sick they can't be transported an hour or two and how many people that would be? Go ahead.

When did conservatives get all goey and overcome with concern for their fellow man? This is the same conservatives that just gave a gigantic christmas present to the .1% to push the debt through the roof and set up for massive cuts in social programs? Really?

Big nothingburger, just sound bites for 2018 elections.
17   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 May 31, 11:23am  

Goran_K says
bob2356 says
Anyone that wants to try has access already by simply traveling to a neighboring state.

Have you ever been involved in the transfer of a deathly sick or terminally ill patient? Depending on the circumstances, it's not as easy (or covered) as you may think.

How much you wanna bet ol' Bob doesn't buy the same exact argument when it comes to abortion since, you know, poor people cant drive or take the bus.
18   lostand confused   2018 May 31, 11:26am  

bob2356 says
You mean the ones that live in the 40 states that already have the law or the 10 states where people can easily access it and will mostly have the law this year?

Yep, love those congress critters going home for 2018 elections saying look what we did for you, passed a law to make legal what is already legal. Perfect

You mean the people who don't have access to it. Why do dems hate giving comfort tot he dying. As for federal and state laws, you must have heard of the supremacy clause? Sigh democrats are getting more evil and callous by the day.
19   lostand confused   2018 May 31, 11:27am  

bob2356 says
Big nothingburger, just sound bites for 2018 election

Aah the dems and their concern for the terminally ill is touching.
20   curious2   2018 May 31, 12:06pm  

bob2356 says
You mean the ones that live in the 40 states that already have the law or the 10 states where people can easily access it and will mostly have the law this year?

Please tell us your experience in this area, or what you can actually prove with links. How did you get around federal supremacy?

bob2356 says
Want to name all the expereimental [sic] treatments out there fhat [sic] might help people...

Please feel free to search for everything that has cleared Phase 1 but has not yet got approved. I did a quick search for you and got more than 10,000 results.
21   FortWayne   2018 May 31, 12:29pm  

Quigley says
FortWayne says
Democrats will find a way to twist this and to somehow make this sound like it's racist. They always do, no matter what.

Let me see if I can write that Leftist story:
“Undercutting FDA authority to ensure drug safety only encourages GREEDY CORPORATIONS to take advantage of POOR MINORITIES who are sick and desperate. We can’t let these rich white men turn helpless brown people into lab rats for their relentless pursuit of dirty profit!”

Bravo sir, bravo!
22   curious2   2018 May 31, 12:35pm  

Quigley says
FortWayne says
Democrats will find a way to twist this and to somehow make this sound like it's racist. They always do, no matter what.

Let me see if I can write that Leftist story:
“Undercutting FDA authority to ensure drug safety only encourages GREEDY CORPORATIONS to take advantage of POOR MINORITIES who are sick and desperate. We can’t let these rich white men turn helpless brown people into lab rats for their relentless pursuit of dirty profit!”

That might come next, but so far the linked HuffPo article attacks from the opposite direction, while tripping over itself:

"But right-to-try legislation isn’t just superfluous ― it may also create a new type of inequality among the terminally ill. To rally drug companies to provide experimental therapies, patients and their families often need to be well-connected, relatively affluent or adept at navigating social media to put drug companies under pressure. Those without the resources or know-how may never receive access to experimental therapies."

The argument seems to be: everybody already has access, but nobody should get access until everybody can have access. The first part is false, and the second part doesn't help anyone. It's just a phony self-serving excuse to say no while pretending not to be cruel.

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