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Nope--the card IDs here as a member of the association. It is absolutely an ID. She actually used it to open up a gate proving that it was valid.
Nice reductio ad absurdum.
Nope. She proved her residency AFTER the inquiry
In the actual matter at hand, the access card had neither a photo nor even a name, so it was not ID of any kind. That is why the board chair said he would like to see ID.
No she proved residency with her association ID. During the inquiry.
investment visas, shuffling things around to avoid tax.
She might be the Nigerian widow who sends all those emails.
In order to enter the every association pool I've ever seen, you need to prove you are a resident by using the association ID card. Which she did.
curious2 saysBTW, you never got around to answering 2Scoops in the Abhulimen thread, where you were caught lying about the key card, which anyone can see in the linked video in that thread.
Nope--no lies. I was (and still am) correct. Didn't feel the need to keep replying to the trolling over there. IDs aren't required to have pictures or addresses on them.
I just wanted to copy and paste this comment into this thread. A blank white card, with no picture or address, nor even a name, is plainly not ID, which is why the pool chairman said he would "still like to see some ID." The card is merely an electronic gate key. If someone obtains a key to your front gate, that does not mean they own your house, and it does not identify them as you. Maybe LeonDurham/JoeyJoeJoeJr/Tatupu70's claim makes sense to someone who considers identities fungible and changes them at will, but it looks like lying and trolling to me.
Last night ABC Evening news had a bit where a store clerk doubted the authenticity of a coupon an black woman wanted to use.
Scary Authoritarianism.It's the modern day equivalent of Mao's Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. Highly educated, fully qualified people regularly lost their jobs and in some cases their lives because they didn't toe a particular party line.
pool chairmanSounds like one of those "jobs" they'd give kids in elementary school that really didn't carry any weight, kind of like cloak room monitor.
Who cares? This is a needle in a haystack type scenario. There are far greater transgressions against minorities and this is the one that makes headlines?
WookieMan saysWho cares? This is a needle in a haystack type scenario. There are far greater transgressions against minorities and this is the one that makes headlines?
No, others do too. This was just an egregious one that is emblematic of the problem.
No, the story was about how he CALLED THE COPS on her.
Sure, label it egregious. But it's emblematic of what problem? Something that happens to a fraction of a percentage of our society? You cannot eliminate bigotry.
curious2 sayspool chairmanSounds like one of those "jobs" they'd give kids in elementary school that really didn't carry any weight, kind of like cloak room monitor.
Why would anyone own someone's house?
When you stay at a hotel, you use the room key as identification
Must stop free speech. Cannot let dissenting views be heard.
it's a sign of how insane the Left has become looking to prove America is still full of lynchings.
So, give up and just let bigots be? That's your solution?
Who cares? This is a needle in a haystack type scenario. There are far greater transgressions against minorities and this is the one that makes headlines?
Unfortunately the pool rules didn't state that 1 must prove their residence. She did have a working key card what more did she need? Maybe ID Adam shouldn't have bothered to involve the police in such a trivial matter?
This story involves a HOA community pool, with a parking lot full of cars. People drive there.
Turd Worldism and SJW attitudes ARE the establishment, promulgated as holy Truth from your local State University to the State Department to Google.
You're not the moral revolutionary vanguard, you're the Old Guard.
Turd Worldism and SJW attitudes ARE the establishment, promulgated as holy Truth from your local State University to the State Department to Google.
You're not the moral revolutionary vanguard, you're the Old Guard.
Yes, especially since TDS. Even after most of the phoned in threats against Jewish community centers turned out to have been phoned in by a Jewish teenager, and even after other incidents turned out to be false flag phonies, press continued to report that there had been record numbers of anti-semitic incidents. That's all part of the 'nuclear Hitler' narrative, fake news trying to paint a grandfather with Jewish grandchildren as the reincarnation of Hitler, who had no children.
As a moderator, you're part of the Trump World Order that stifles free speech then, I guess.
I know, I know.. We must devote 40 threads/day to SJWs, but ignore racists even though both are a very small percentage of the population.
just like Hitlers followers
He only rhymes with Hitler. Instead of Jews it's Muslims. Trump's followers won't even question him, we saw a good example of that yesterday. They have blind faith, just like Hitlers followers.
"Two of the operations for which the Irgun is best known are the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre, carried out together with Lehi on 9 April 1948."
So you are saying they didn't blow up a building or the King David wasn't a building? I'm a bit confused. It pretty simple either they did or didn't blow up a building, the reason really does not matter.
Unfortunately the pool rules didn't state that 1 must prove their residence.
He only rhymes....
All pharmacists are now subject to random full cavity searches?
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Abhulimen is a pharmacist from Nigeria. (One of the San Bernardino terrorists was a pharmacist from Pakistan. Among Muslims, education and wealth increase the risk of terrorism.) Northern Nigeria is overwhelmingly Muslim, and Nigerian Muslims are notorious for slaughtering and otherwise abusing Christians, who are necessarily inferior according to Islam. Watching the video, the first thing that struck me was Abhulimen's tone of indignation and outrage that an inferior had dared to ask her for ID. Nevermind that he is the pool chairman and it is his job to enforce pool rules, including the residency requirement, she looked for ways to attack him, demanding to know how she could file charges of "racial profiling." In reality, nobody recognized her at the pool, and Bloom was responding to an inquiry by a fellow board member who said Abhulimen had stated an invalid address.
Abhulimen's baseless attack against Bloom appears to have worked. He has had to resign as pool chairman, and from the HOA bard. His employer, a packaging company called Sonoco, fired him because of the "terrible" incident.
As far as I can tell, he had done nothing wrong. In the video, he behaves calmly and rationally, merely asking for ID. The only person who even raises a voice is Abhulimen, who sounds outraged and refuses to produce ID. It's a suburban neighborhood, how could she have even got to the HOA pool without a driver's license? Operating a motor vehicle without a license in the vehicle is a violation in itself. Yet, her outrage seems to intimidate even the "courtesy officers" who responded to Bloom's call. In the end, she never produces ID, only a key card. Reportedly, she did in fact reside at the second address she gave; when that was confirmed, Bloom apologized.
Too late. Already fired, resigned, and vilified on social media, Bloom is a pariah. He says he has received death threats against his whole family. Anyone who dares to defend him is threatened and insulted by people who do not even consider the merits of the case. They do this on FB, using their real names.