An elephant goes into a bar and asks for a beer. "That's 10 dollars" says the barman. "Say we don't get a lot of elephants in here" "Not at these prices you don't."
A man goes to see a psychiatrist. Doctor: "What's the problem?" "I think I'm turning into a dog." Doctor: "OK, come over here and lay down relax and we can talk more about it." "I'm not allowed on the furniture."
A man goes to the doctor "I have a problem, my dick has turned orange." Doctor: "Let's take a look. Oh, it is orange. Let me start to take your history. What do you do for starters?" "I mostly sit around watching porn and eating Cheetos."
I saw a green hat while I was in Paris. The shopkeeper said, "20 euros". It sounded like a reasonable price so I asked if he had it in tan. He said, "15 euros". I said, "No, I want it in tan". He said, "OK, 10 euros". I bought the green hat for 10 euros.
I was on the subway, sitting on a newspaper. A guy comes over and asks "Are you reading that?" I didn't know what to say. So I said yes, stood up, turned the page, and sat down again.
A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." The neutron says "Are you sure?" The proton replies "I'm positive."
A man and his wife had a small child. The wife told her husband "We have to stop saying 'let's fuck' because he will now understand. We have to use code. When you want to have sex with me, say 'may I borrow your washing machine?'" They use this system. One night the husband asks "May I use your washing machine?" "No, I have a sick headache." Later she wakes up and she's in the mood. "Wake up, do you want to use my washing machine now?" Husband. "It was s small load, I did it by hand."
A doctor looked down into his coat pocked and saw a thermometer. "Some asshole's got my pencil."
A couple couldn't conceive. They found out the husband had low sperm count. They decided on artificial insemination. The female went to the doctor with trepidation. In the waiting room another female told her "Honey, it's nothing. The doctor gets a small bottle from the refrigerator and you just squirt it in." With the doctor she is instructed to remove her clothes and lay back on the small padded table. He left the room and came back naked and started to climb on top of her. "Doctor, wait! I thought it came in little bottles!" "Sorry lady, we're all out of bottled, you have to take draft."
A boy walks into his parents bedroom and sees his parents having sexual relations. The woman is on top. "What are you doing mommy!?" "Oh, you know how daddy's stomach is big? I am trying to push it down so his stomach looks flat." "That won't work mommy; when you leave in the morning the neighbor lady comes over and blows him back up."
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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