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And how has the wage of the middle class worker held up against the cost of his/her housing, travel, food, healthcare?
Charts are like polls,only good at the time of publication.
How about all the brilliant patnetters telling me what will happen in a week or month.
What's the best investment on Oct. 1 2018?
OH! No one knows? Thanks anyway!
I like this graph, A lot.
But I have a question.
Isn't it evidence that Trump and his followers are wrong about globalization ? If GLOBALIZATION HAS BEEN THAT INCREDIBLY GOOD for the world, one might think that a little cognitive dissonance was in order for the diehard Trump fanboys.
Or is it that "we've done our part for the rest of the world, and now it's time to turn inward and save ourselves with some good old fashioned white nationalism ?"
So.... the entire US economy can be played like a cartoon using 20 folders of slides. 156million people working on paper looking bad ass. In reality, these are debt slaves with their income sucked away by rent seekers through house, tuition, medical care and they will never break free from this grotesque “bull market” enabled by the central banks. 156million people are creating wealth and wealth get transferred to the hands of the 1% of the 1% of the 1%.
If you try to argue “data” with Logan, he will bury you, regardless which sector, time frame. The thing is he is trying to abstract reality into data sets and ignore what is real. What’s real is the country has NEVER been this divided, the 1% BS the 99% inequality, the extreme left and right even inflict violence upon each other and he talks about the country like a whole entity and ignore the hatred, anger, insecurity( house, tuition, health care ) and struggle of the mass which are what real people feel in real life. He tries to abstract all of those out and plays a set of cartoon and tell you everything is awesome.
Yes, the S&P is good and it SHOULD be after this much effort by the central banks at the cost of inequality and division of the countries within and internationally. And yet, S&P all time high has little or nothing to do with how people fret about their mortgages, health care and tuitions and for those bills, people drive uber and lyft, be one of the 156million bad ass working people which also include those being employed by Theranos, Tesla, SnapChat etc, those fraud or money losing businesses enabled by the central banks printing.
Why is China not on that manufacturing graph above?
Answer: because they are the ones who took it from the rest of the world.
China vs U.S. not even close, Even China is moving now to a service based economy, China's prime age labor force has already peaked, game is over, the next 30 years will be U.S. dominance over the world
156,000,000 Bad Ass Americans working and 6,800,000 job openings this year.... even manufacturing job openings are at 21st century highs
DEEPEST job cuts ever in recent history.. A set up for above.
QE into infinity
I think lol, I've got 18 days to go on one hell of a shopping spree or rack up some CC bills,
Something like lower, middle, upper middle
Being poor in America is very expensive, the problem I see what the extreme left and right make is that they assume most people are 2nd wage earning Americans working 2 jobs and have no education or skill set training. Now that group has issues for sure, but my lord, this is a over play on the economy
Logan is there a stock you can recommend that is a prime for buyout?
But even median incomes even with the added demographic adjustment are at all time highs now
1/2 have been hammered?
If you don't have any education
Stock market at all time highs, record duration expansion cycle next, American bears failed once again.
When it is all said and done, this economic cycle is going to break all the records.
Why did Logan the shill change his name just as the Real estate and stock markets are starting to decline? Is he now an old man hiding behind a fake name on the Internet?
Yeah took the bait, that’s funny, time to change your name back again.
Ha Ha Ha
You kids took the bait.... thank you again
The S&P 500 was around 1550 back in March 2000
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When it is all said and done, this economic cycle is going to break all the records.Not because of President Obama or President Trump, but because of the American people!
If you have lost faith in humanity, have faith in us..... remember 2019 will the best first Calendar year where our prime age labor force is growing again from 2007.