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6   bob2356   2018 Aug 31, 8:23pm  

MisterLefty says
bob2356 says
Does that mean we should not have elected a 5 time draft dodger for president?
Leave Bill Clinton alone, you thug!

How do you know lostandconfused voted for clinton? I"m pretty sure he voted for the other 5 time draft dodger.

So the question stands, but of course will never be answered.
7   ForcedTQ   2018 Aug 31, 10:19pm  

bob2356 says
lostand confused says
The fighter pilot vs the tutu wearing liberal for AZ senate

Does that mean we should not have elected a 5 time draft dodger for president? You can't have it both ways.

Nope, we shouldn't have. But we also shouldn't have elected Hillary or Bernie.

Three shit choices.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 31, 10:25pm  

bob2356 says
Does that mean we should not have elected a 5 time draft dodger for president? You can' have it both ways.

Factcheck: Pants on Fire.

Four deferments for college, one 1-Y for bone spurs.

Now, which branch of the military did Obama and Clinton serve in?
9   Ceffer   2018 Aug 31, 11:11pm  

I thought it was a fake news joke, but she really WAS wearing a tutu.
10   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Sep 1, 12:56am  

RafiMaas says
TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
one 1-Y for bone spurs

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Pants on Fire

Yes, Trump didn't really have bone spurs.


You just cited a letter to a newspaper, containing literally zero factual evidence, as basis for proofing up a statement out of nowhere.

11   lostand confused   2018 Sep 1, 3:52am  

bob2356 says
How do you know lostandconfused voted for clinton? I"m pretty sure he voted for the other 5 time draft dodger.

So the question stands, but of course will never be answered.

The choice is between a tutu wearing liberal commie and a fighter pilot who risked her life to defend our nation. Divert away-because even you can't support a tutu wearing liberal for senate in AZ.
12   bob2356   2018 Sep 1, 5:05am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Factcheck: Pants on Fire.

Four deferments for college, one 1-Y for bone spurs.

4+1=5 Been taking math tutoriing from CIC?

lostand confused says
Divert away-because even you can't support a tutu wearing liberal for senate in AZ.

Don't have to divert anything. i never supported a liberal in my life. I would have barely tolerated bernie over hillary or trump as the least worst candidate. . As a military brat growing up on base I knew some fighters pilots who were really total assholes that would have been much worse than a tutu wearing liberal as an elected official. The words "fighter pilot" are't some magic canonization of sainthood no matter how much you believe it should be true.

Being an independent I actually research each candidate and vote for the least terrible rather than being one of the sheeple mindlessly worshipping at either of the 2 alters of newspeak propaganda that tells me lies that I desperately want to believe no matter how absurd.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell Keep on doing your part making orwell into the most accurate prophet of all times.
13   lostand confused   2018 Sep 1, 6:48am  

bob2356 says
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell Keep on doing your part making orwell into the most accurate prophet of all times

LOLZ.... ok now.
14   lostand confused   2018 Sep 1, 7:05am  

The next dem candidate for President.
15   Shaman   2018 Sep 1, 7:35am  

bob2356 says
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell Keep on doing your part making orwell into the most accurate prophet of all times.

What’s amazing to me is that some people who say things like this have these YUUUUGE blind spots when it comes to Leftist thought. They can’t seem to see the oppression inherent in politically correct speech, racial discrimination (against white people), or socialist/communist goals. You’re right there in their face screaming “I want to tell you what to do and say and think for your own good!” But they don’t seem remember Orwell’s warnings at that point.
16   komputodo   2018 Sep 1, 7:56am  

bob2356 says
Does that mean we should not have elected a 5 time draft dodger for president? You can' have it both ways.

It could mean that...but the dnc decided to put the very worst candidate possible against him and it cost them the election. There were probably several hundred potential candidates that could have beaten Trump but because the dnc was bought and paid for by the clintons and it was "her turn", they fucked up the whole democratic party with their petty selfishness. And with her unwillingness to just walk away now, she continues to fuck it up. I would speculate that if the dnc would sack up and move to prosecute clinton and regain control of their party without the clintons, they would gain massive support again and possibly win in 2020.
17   FortWayne   2018 Sep 1, 8:04am  

Trump is a great president. He gets shit done.

Unlike Democrats, who just bullshit people.
18   Shaman   2018 Sep 1, 1:14pm  

komputodo says
I would speculate that if the dnc would sack up

And you’ve lost me. The Democrats would regard this as oppressive patriarchal behavior (unless it’s done by a Muslim man, in which case it’s commendable!). They’re too busy securing rights of transgender aphids and dreaming up new communistic wealth redistribution schemes to actually sit down and listen to what the people are loudly and clearly saying. Nope, their strategy will be to crank the volume on the media propaganda machine up to 11 and full steam ahead into fantasy dildo land!
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 1, 1:24pm  

RafiMaas says
Yes, Trump didn't really have bone spurs.

Military agreed that he did.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 1, 1:26pm  

bob2356 says
Being an independent I actually research each candidate and vote for the least terrible rather than being one of the sheeple mindlessly worshipping at either of the 2 alters of newspeak propaganda that tells me lies that I desperately want to believe no matter how absurd.

That's great. I chose Trump to shake things the hell up. I didn't think he's be a tenth as good as he is.

Like America during McCain was a great place where Middle America flourished with living standard increases, wage growth that outpaced iron costs of living like healthcare and housing, there were no expensive useless wars that certain Senators promoted ceaselessly and with abandon, that domestic banking, which had been almost crisis free since the 1930s needed "modernization" to take advantage of "innovation"?
21   Ceffer   2018 Sep 1, 1:53pm  

FortWayne says
Trump is a great president. He gets shit done.

Unlike Democrats, who just bullshit people.

Say what you will, Trump has done more in less than two years for the actual citizens of the country than Obama ever did in eight years, in spite of the withering hatred and relentless press assault. Obama was a cardboard cutout legend designed for liberal idolatry tokenism, nothing more. Obama is exactly the kind of useless sock puppet the globalists want to trot out to control the idiot, free shit masses.
22   bob2356   2018 Sep 1, 2:16pm  

Quigley says
bob2356 says
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell Keep on doing your part making orwell into the most accurate prophet of all times.

What’s amazing to me is that some people who say things like this have these YUUUUGE blind spots when it comes to Leftist thought. They can’t seem to see the oppression inherent in politically correct speech, racial discrimination (against white people), or socialist/communist goals

You missed this part some how? That meant EITHER to the left or to the right.

bob2356 says
mindlessly worshipping at either of the 2 alters of newspeak propaganda

Racial discrimination agains white people? ROFLOL. White people basically own everything. How fucking ridiculous.
23   bob2356   2018 Sep 1, 2:20pm  

komputodo says
It could mean that...but the dnc decided to put the very worst candidate possible against him and it cost them the election.

Very true, but there was also a republican primary where at least 4 very good candidates got blown away by our huckster in chief's carnival barker's act.
24   bob2356   2018 Sep 1, 2:23pm  

Ceffer says

Say what you will, Trump has done more in less than two years for the actual citizens of the country than Obama ever did in eight years.

The citizens in the .1%. MAGA (for the .1%)
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 1, 3:47pm  

bob2356 says
The citizens in the .1%. MAGA (for the .1%)

Not buying it. The concentrated ownership Media, Academia & Corporate Funded Think Tanks, most of Big Tech, etc. are implacably opposed to Trump.

We just saw that today with another event that transformed a funeral - one would think for a President rather than a Senator - into a barking mad circus of Trump Bashing.

It's pretty clear the Elite are largely opposed to Trump for getting in the way of Engine of Globalization, fueled by the bones and blood of America's Middle Class.
26   Shaman   2018 Sep 1, 4:46pm  

bob2356 says
Racial discrimination agains white people? ROFLOL. White people basically own everything. How fucking ridiculous

Boom, blanket statement about people based on their race. The very definition of racism. The fact that you think this is ok because most of the very richest people are white (in this country) is proof that you are a racist. Sure there are a lot of rich white people. But that’s like 1%. The rest of us honkys are just working for a living.
27   bob2356   2018 Sep 2, 11:33am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

Not buying it. The concentrated ownership Media, Academia & Corporate Funded Think Tanks, most of Big Tech, etc. are implacably opposed to Trump.

Proof it.. How many of the 9 million corporations are media or big tech? Acedemia and think tanks? WTF is ownership of academia? Grasping at straws?
28   bob2356   2018 Sep 2, 11:41am  

Quigley says

Boom, blanket statement about people based on their race. The very definition of racism. The fact that you think this is ok because most of the very richest people are white (in this country) is proof that you are a racist. Sure there are a lot of rich white people. But that’s like 1%. The rest of us honkys are just working for a living.

I am a honky. Go ahead, how much of public stock and private corporations are owned by non whites? What percentage of executives? What percentage of finance industry? What percentage of the commercial real estate? Put up some numbers to back it up if you don't believe whites own the vast majority of wealth in America and all of the first world.

Point out where I said the richest people are white is ok. I said "white people basically own everything". A very simple declarative statement that I thought would be easily understood. I was in error apparently. .

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