TDS Thread

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2017 Jan 8, 8:06am   19,052 views  169 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Post your examples of TDS here.

I'll start with a Shtetl Maus possessing great neurosis.

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21   MMR   2017 Jan 8, 8:54pm  

rando says

Detecting a bit of TDS in Apocalypsefuck

Yes, ironic considering the years of chindian rhetoric, like Indians are coming to the Bay Area and buying houses with cash taken from apocalypsefuck wallet.

24   Patrick   2018 Jul 28, 7:46pm  

Ceffer says
Trump isn't racist because HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!

Lol, I actually think this is true. But that's a virtue! He really could not care less about anyone's race.

And there's no way he's anti-Semitic. His own daughter married a Jew and converted. His own grandchildren are Jewish.
25   komputodo   2018 Jul 29, 11:53pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
Trump isn't racist because HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!

That is so TRUE...he doesn't give a shit about your race or religion...He just likes to WIN...And the more people that are against him just make his victories even sweeter.
29   anonymous   2018 Jul 31, 6:57pm  

Is that John Bolton hunched over on the right like an old man? Haha.
30   MrMagic   2018 Jul 31, 8:19pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
Is that John Bolton hunched over on the right like an old man? Haha.

He's Hunting Wabbits.

List of figures from left to right: Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway, John Kelly
33   mell   2019 Jan 13, 4:00pm  

Booger says

Lol keep em coming!
34   marcus   2019 Jan 13, 6:08pm  

Quigley says
I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump

Could it be tendencies toward objectivity and above average intelligence ?
35   marcus   2019 Jan 13, 6:10pm  

Strategist says
99% of the terrorism, 99%. It goes beyond "Most"

Not nearly most in the U.S.
36   Shaman   2019 Jan 13, 7:06pm  

marcus says
Could it be tendencies toward objectivity and above average intelligence ?

Yah if we apply intelligence to this behavior then half the country are fucking retards, ESPECIALLY the Leftist (atheist/secular) Jews. Honestly, if you are a Jew and you’re not religious, you’re just a white person with delusions of oppression and a racial superiority complex.
38   clambo   2019 Jan 14, 5:07am  

TDS my neighbor hates him with a passion; but she's circumspect to rail about him to me since she knows I have lived in Mexico and later California so I know what's up.

Recently I was at a dermatologist office. The guy had brightly dyed blonde hair, sort of odd glasses, seemed a little bit too "metrosexual". He burned something on my skin with frozen nitrogen and said he would Rx me some cream. They told him my insurance doesn't want to pay for that stuff and I said "no problem, I can buy it. If I need more I can get some down in Mexico sometime."

"Oh, isn't that where there's gonna be a wall?" he sneered.

He's likely another New Yorker transplanted to Florida so he's among the most clueless Americans with an education you can find.
39   marcus   2019 Jan 14, 9:54am  

It's funny to me. The dimbulbs come upwith this "TDS" becasue they want to somehow look down on the majority of the country that believes Trump is the worst PResident ever.

Is there anyone that believes the 38% or whatever it is, of the country, that like Trump, are (on average) of above average intelligence ?

I mean this as an honest question, although I guess it's also a put down.

But seriously, does anyone think that ?

Perhaps it's a special kind of idiot savant perspective that can appreciate the advantages of having an amoral narcissistic clown as President.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 15, 4:26pm  

Chabad and Mossad are the secret forces behind Trump, says Newsweek Politics Writer Nina Burleigh.

I said Newsweek, not Stormfront.
42   rocketjoe79   2019 Feb 2, 9:23am  

Strategist says

T L Lips says

Many Jews really aren't religious.

Fucking atheists.

The good part of being an atheist is you won't be in heaven where the fucking terrorists end up.

Wait - can't why can't Muslims have their own, separate heaven? One where killing fellow humans is allowed?
45   Shaman   2019 Feb 2, 10:09am  

Oh yah? I can spell it with one word: Northam.

Suck it!
47   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 8, 7:53pm  

Liberal propaganda works well.

CovfefeButDeadly says

put it down to the same reason blacks, gays, trans, and SJWs of all colors think he is some mad racist ready to bring back the lynch mobs.

I REALLY do not understand this line of thought at all. Where are the mobs causing these people to crap their pants? Why is it they are incapable of defending themselves?

48   komputodo   2020 Feb 8, 8:30pm  

marcus says
Quigley says
I reallly really really don't get why the Jews are so fucking triggered by Trump

Could it be tendencies toward objectivity and above average intelligence ?

Surely if TRUMP haters are the group of above intelligent citizens, they should easily be able to manipulate the dumb TRUMP voters to vote for a DEM in 2020. They've been given 4 years to figure it out too....But it somehow appears that these highly educated morons turn everything they touch into a FUBAR circle jerk...I don't get it marky.
50   mell   2020 Feb 8, 9:38pm  

NoCoupForYou says

Lol so true
52   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Feb 9, 12:08pm  

53   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 9, 12:08pm  

I wonder if that is Godfrey Elfwick?
54   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Feb 9, 12:11pm  

Kinda looks like him.
56   richwicks   2020 Sep 22, 4:10pm  


I'm sorry. It's hilarious. Man, I never thought I'd be on the side of really disliking liberals. I used to think they had ethics and morals, no, they just oppose anybody that is called "a republican".

They are by far, the most propagandized group in the United States, and I'm saying this remembering I watched in horror as I saw person after person defend the Iraq War over the non existent weapons of mass destruction program. Of course, they figured it out, but it took them a decade.
57   Karloff   2020 Sep 22, 4:18pm  

The liberals of yore supported free speech, differences of opinion, honest education, and fair play.

What we see today is something much farther left than the classic liberal. Liberals were too tolerant and weak, and it allowed them to be pushed aside or converted into the raving communist puppets you see today.
58   richwicks   2020 Sep 22, 4:31pm  

Karloff says
The liberals of yore supported free speech, differences of opinion, honest education, and fair play.

What we see today is something much farther left than the classic liberal. Liberals were too tolerant and weak, and it allowed them to be pushed aside or converted into the raving communist puppets you see today.

You know, I suspect the liberals haven't changed. They just call themselves "conservatives" now.

My parents for example are pretty conservative. They believed the BS about the Iraq war, but after 15 years I got through to them. Trump did a lot of that, in a debate he said directly that the Bush administration lied the nation into a war and was surprised he wasn't impeached - it's obvious now that the Democrats were in on it now.

Jimmy Dore has ALMOST had a revelation. He was extremely critical of the Iraq War, but also the bombings Obama did. Still he hates Trump, but at least, he hates Biden worse. I really can't see much that is objectionable with Trump, at least compared to our last 4 presidents. One thing I like about Trump, he's stopped the lie that the US government is "impartial" when it comes to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. I don't like it, but at least I know what I suspected for 3 decades was true after all.

One thing that used to annoy me was the use of "RINOs" (Republican in Name Only) - to me it was just the "Not a true Scotsman" fallacy. I understand it now if only because all the Democrats are DINOs, maybe with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, Dennis Kucinich, and Mike Gravel.

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