by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Pretty quiet on this topic. I'm still wondering why the wall wasn't an emergency for the entire TWO YEARS when the Republicans had a majority in both houses?
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency until the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives.
Still no answer.
With the amount of time spend on wall discussion, I'm surprised that nobody has an answer to this question.
Still no answer.Nobody is really answering because it's a boring question.
With the amount of time spend on wall discussion, I'm surprised that nobody has an answer to this question.
Pretty quiet on this topic.
I've expressed on Patnet why I don't like the idea of the WALL! at least 3 times
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency
Why didn't Trump declare an emergency when Republicans controlled the house?
We've never had a wall, so I guess the "emergency" is 242 years old and counting ;)
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency until the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives.
Tenpoundbass saysI keep hearing that talking point.
It's not a talking point, Trout. It's a legitimate question.
Why didn't Trump declare an emergency when Republicans controlled the house?
Also from the link:
It's still to early to draw conclusions
Also from the link:
It's still to early to draw conclusions
It's still to early to draw conclusions
Should I start rolling out the proclamations of premature victory from the current administration now ?
And here’s the thing: We still don’t have enough data to draw conclusions!
The average tax refund issued so far increased to $3,143, up 1.3 percent from $3,103 at the same time last year, according to IRS figures. It has issued almost 38.6 million total refunds,
It was too early to draw conclusions when average refund drop was widely reported and gloated upon, but it didn't stop anyone, did it?
Didn't do the math on the second link
It was too early to put up a Mission Accomplished
Ceffer saysCanada could be conquered in a couple of days by USA or any of it's civil war splinter
And why would anyone or USA want to conquer Canada. It maybe easy to conquer but difficult to retain countries or regions.
Both republicans and democrats hate each other. More people are willing to put aside their humanity for their partisanship. Republicans love their guns and the democrats love their high horses.
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