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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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101106   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 3, 3:51pm  

Tarantula says
Pretty quiet on this topic. I'm still wondering why the wall wasn't an emergency for the entire TWO YEARS when the Republicans had a majority in both houses?

I keep hearing that talking point. What is the point of reminding Trump supporters over and over, the same Rino's they tried to Primary out because they didn't support Trump,
Lost anyway, because Brenda Snipes is one hell of a Ballot Cook?

So the Rinos are out, because the Republican Party in many districts in America are to Chickenshit to inject a suitable RINO Primary challenger.
What would you guys that keep repeating this Mantra how the Republicans had the house for two years and didn't do anything that Trump wanted?
What is your suggestion, or are you just stating the Obvious that the RINO's didn't do shit for us? Is your name Sherlock?
101107   MrMagic   2019 Mar 3, 3:58pm  

Tarantula says
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency until the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives.

Go ask your Dem friends in Congress. You know, the ones who voted FOR 600 miles of wall in 2013.

Remember, they were FOR the wall before they were AGAINST it.


BTW, nice new sockpuppet account.
101108   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 3, 4:27pm  

The President decides what an emergency is. Congress gave him the powers. Don't like it, Congress can take it away.

I call a million or more unauthorized border crossings a national emergency.

Obama declared Yemen elections and Ukraine to be national emergencies, but our porous border isn't?

101109   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 3, 4:37pm  

Tarantula says
Still no answer.

With the amount of time spend on wall discussion, I'm surprised that nobody has an answer to this question.

Here's one.....

Don't come in here as a long time poster with yet another account posing loaded questions.

If a reasonable discussion is wished for, ask balanced fact finding questions or present a reasonable point of view. Present why, in factual detail, the wall is a bad idea, and what a better idea to deal with illegal immigration is. Short of that, no one is taking the bait.

The questions are STUPID because EVERYONE knows Trumps emergency declaration is bullshit. Its just a way to try and get the wall built. His supporters know it, his opponents know it.
101110   porkchopXpress   2019 Mar 3, 5:55pm  

Tarantula says
Still no answer.

With the amount of time spend on wall discussion, I'm surprised that nobody has an answer to this question.
Nobody is really answering because it's a boring question.
101111   Bd6r   2019 Mar 3, 6:18pm  

Tarantula says
Pretty quiet on this topic.

I've expressed on Patnet why I don't like the idea of the WALL! at least 3 times (see here - http://patrick.net/post/1322601?0#comment-1572694). I do not see why I should do it the 4th - posters will get tired of reading the same thing over and over. And I agree with Rand Paul on emergency declaration 100%
101112   Booger   2019 Mar 3, 6:20pm  

101113   Shaman   2019 Mar 3, 7:02pm  

d6rB says
I've expressed on Patnet why I don't like the idea of the WALL! at least 3 times

My idea was to invade and conquer Mexico. Then annex it as a state when it’s been properly subdued. Then build a wall on the border with Guatemala. Much more reasonable project!
101114   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 3, 7:19pm  

Tarantula says
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency

There has been an emergency for decades.
101115   HeadSet   2019 Mar 3, 7:41pm  

Interesting. The lobsters still have the bands on the claws. Euphemism for no nukes?
101116   Y   2019 Mar 3, 9:06pm  

becaue it's only an emergency when libbies control anything...

Tarantula says
Why didn't Trump declare an emergency when Republicans controlled the house?
101117   REpro   2019 Mar 3, 9:17pm  

Wall is emergency from at least 30 years.
Just nobody cares before. Congress protect borders of other countries and spend billions on it, while ours own border was leaking.
101118   steverbeaver   2019 Mar 3, 10:44pm  

Yeah was disappointed with Rando on this, from what I heard. Why is there such a race to suck Jew cock so by T/R? Better be a bretty gud reason. Hopefully is optics.
101119   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 3, 11:51pm  

Tarantula says
We've never had a wall, so I guess the "emergency" is 242 years old and counting ;)

Walls are the coming thing. They're propping up all over the World, and Obama paid for Jordan's Wall with Syria - which works great. As does the new Hungarian Wall.

Get with the program, the open borders project is dead.
101120   steverbeaver   2019 Mar 4, 12:47am  

Thing is though, I'm starting to go from wall to flog and tossover.
101121   anonymous   2019 Mar 4, 2:11am  

Tarantula says
I haven't heard a good reason why there was no emergency until the Democrats took control of the House of Representatives.

You will not hear a good reason - ever.

You will hear a lot of crappy bullshit reasons but not a good reason, not a sound reason based in logic, not an intelligently thought out reason - but a plenty of bullshit and spin reasons.
101122   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 4, 4:46am  

Tarantula says
Tenpoundbass says
I keep hearing that talking point.

It's not a talking point, Trout. It's a legitimate question.

Why didn't Trump declare an emergency when Republicans controlled the house?

You're trying to avoid answering the question by deflecting.

I did more than called it a talking point, I also asked a serious question. Answer it seriously or don't get taken seriously.
101123   Bd6r   2019 Mar 4, 5:28am  

Actually it is a very valid question - why was wall not voted on when R's controlled House, Senate, and Presidency?
It is almost as if R's don't want the wall and Trump did not want to embarrass them (for having to vote against wall)
101124   marcus   2019 Mar 4, 6:30am  

101125   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 4, 7:52am  

Because the GOPe doesn't want Immigration Controlled. They get a lot of money from Pea Packers, Home Improvement companies, Big Agra, etc. to keep the cheap labor in and the wages down.

I also don't hear anything about E-Verify from Democrats or Rand Paul/McConnell types.
101128   RC2006   2019 Mar 4, 12:54pm  

More of the left need to start calling out this hypocritical bitch. In every way she has surpassed Sara Palin in complete utter stupidity and will push more centrists right.
101129   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 4, 1:10pm  

101130   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 4, 1:41pm  

Sounds scummy, but nowhere near what other politicians pull on the reg.
101131   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 4, 2:53pm  

It's OK She's not a Republican and he has never met Trump.
They are Golden!
101132   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 4, 2:56pm  

Remember Sander's wife embezzled $500K from a School?

The only reason that Shirtless Commie and his Fat wife aren't in jail because they made deal with Hillary to a be a Good Boy and not make a fuss for being fucked over by the DNC and having the voting public's will overturned. After Bernie Sander's won the Primaries.
101133   anonymous   2019 Mar 4, 3:00pm  

Also from the link:

It's still to early to draw conclusions

In other words, there were always warning signs that the first weeks of data wouldn’t be representative of tax refund sizes this year. The National Taxpayers Union Foundation warned as much just a week ago, but others did as well — Morgan Stanley, for instance, is predicting that refunds will be 26 percent higher this year.

And here’s the thing: We still don’t have enough data to draw conclusions! Last week, average refunds were cumulatively down 17 percent. Two weeks ago, they were down 9 percent. The average refund could go up further or back down next week, as data naturally fluctuates. These numbers won’t be clear until filing season ends.

What to believe ?

An opinion piece penned by the right leaning National Taxpayers Union citing data by the left leaning Tax Policy Center twisted together to support the Great Tax Heist.

National Taxpayers Union - National Taxpayers Union (NTU) is closely related to their "501(c)(3)" (i.e. non-profit) foundation, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF). According to the 990 forms of NTUF, the NTU and NTUF share staff, facilities, web site and board members. NTUF is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network, a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country.

Tax Policy Center - In review, the Tax Policy Center uses minimal loaded emotional wording in their research and is minimally biased. All research is factually sourced to credible sources of information. The TPC also has a blog that has a left leaning bias in story selection and wording. The blog is also properly sourced and there isn’t evidence of any failed fact checks. Overall, we rate the Tax Policy Center least biased in research and left-center biased as a whole, based on a blog that favors left leaning policy issues. This source is also high in factual reporting

WSJ - Much harsher tone than above, labels the group really left leaning - https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-partisan-tax-policy-center-1457132750

If it's any help...Tax refunds are now larger than a year ago after the fourth week of filing season, a reversal from the last three weeks, the Internal Revenue Service reported on Thursday.

The average tax refund issued so far increased to $3,143, up 1.3 percent from $3,103 at the same time last year, according to IRS figures. It has issued almost 38.6 million total refunds, down 4.8 percent from last year.

Almost three-quarters of taxpayers whose returns were processed got refunds last year.

The latest numbers now include refunds to taxpayers claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) – which generally increase the size of refunds.

101134   RC2006   2019 Mar 4, 3:02pm  

Bitch has to pay for her outfits and living large somehow.
101135   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 4, 3:12pm  

Kakistocracy says
Also from the link:

It's still to early to draw conclusions

It was too early to draw conclusions when average refund drop was widely reported and gloated upon, but it didn't stop anyone, did it?
101136   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 4, 3:12pm  

Kakistocracy says
Also from the link:

It's still to early to draw conclusions

It was too early to draw conclusions when average refund drop was widely reported and gloated upon, but it didn't stop anyone, did it?
101137   anonymous   2019 Mar 4, 3:23pm  

It was too early to draw conclusions when average refund drop was widely reported and gloated upon, but it didn't stop anyone, did it?


It was too early to put up a Mission Accomplished banner on an aircraft carrier for a photo op to reported and gloated upon but it didn't stop anyone, did it ?

Should I start rolling out the proclamations of premature victory from the current administration now ?

Didn't do the math on the second link ? The average tax refund increase is a whopping $40

React to the headlines - don't bother with a little digging to see what else in the link and related materials
101138   MrMagic   2019 Mar 4, 3:34pm  

Kakistocracy says
It's still to early to draw conclusions

But you drew conclusions anyway, remember this thread (it's yours)?


Hugolas_Madurez says
Should I start rolling out the proclamations of premature victory from the current administration now ?

Nah, just continue with the #OrangeManBad theme, your specialty!

Kakistocracy says
And here’s the thing: We still don’t have enough data to draw conclusions!

Really, not enough data??

Kakistocracy says
The average tax refund issued so far increased to $3,143, up 1.3 percent from $3,103 at the same time last year, according to IRS figures. It has issued almost 38.6 million total refunds,

38 MILLION isn't enough data to draw any conclusions?

Where did you learn math?

Hugolas_Madurez says
It was too early to draw conclusions when average refund drop was widely reported and gloated upon, but it didn't stop anyone, did it?

Yep, certainly didn't stop him.

Kakistocracy says
Didn't do the math on the second link

Yes, we noticed.
101139   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 4, 3:35pm  

Kakistocracy says

It was too early to put up a Mission Accomplished

What the fuck is this about? How the fuck is this relevant? Grasping for straws again?
101140   Booger   2019 Mar 4, 3:56pm  

101141   Booger   2019 Mar 4, 3:57pm  

101142   anonymous   2019 Mar 4, 5:05pm  

OC - weren't you going to pack up your toys and go play somewhere else if certain people didn't stop commenting ?

As for Mr. Magic - the too early to draw conclusion came from the article not my words, then someone would have to be honest to fully use the quote instead of twisting the shit out of things to get a round of high fives from the fellow attack club members.

Same for leaving off the question mark on "didn't do the math" helps if all the parts of the quote are included but that doesn't serve the purpose of the attack.

As for my post sure is - still stand by it.

Then again RIF has never been a strong suit for the attack club but I did notice a number of high fives being passed around amongst the group.

As for the piece about the Mission Accomplished Banner - sure it's relevant - just using the same logic as the attack club - change the parameters - move the goalposts and add a new dimension to the topic at hand

The only ones missing right now is the respondent that schleps insurance from Los Angeles and my personal moderator.

Guys - please get some new material and while it is flattering you are trying to imitate me on a number of things here in this thread - the effort gets the following grades..

Creativity F

Originality F-

Overall presentation D-- (pity grade)
101143   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 4, 5:38pm  

Tim Aurora says
Ceffer says
Canada could be conquered in a couple of days by USA or any of it's civil war splinter

And why would anyone or USA want to conquer Canada. It maybe easy to conquer but difficult to retain countries or regions.

To bolster our Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve, of course. If shit gets crazy, do you want to be eating dry pancakes???
101144   LastMan   2019 Mar 4, 6:08pm  

I can see a civil war coming. Both republicans and democrats hate each other. More people are willing to put aside their humanity for their partisanship. Republicans love their guns and the democrats love their high horses. Not a good situation, unless you are China or Russia.
101145   MrMagic   2019 Mar 4, 6:43pm  

LastMan says
Both republicans and democrats hate each other. More people are willing to put aside their humanity for their partisanship. Republicans love their guns and the democrats love their high horses.

Based on that, who do you think is going to win?

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