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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,233,958 views  44,061 comments

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571   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 30, 2:59pm  

marcus says
Don't you remember in late 2017

You realize it is 2019 right?

marcus says
All the Trump Cucks thought

Stuck in the past AND mindreading... lolz dude please find the cheese.
572   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 30, 3:00pm  

marcus says

Thanks GOP Congress!

That still doesn't counter the fact that the Democrats love illegals, freely and deliberately conflate them with legal immigrants, have opposed actual spending on the Wall, set up Sanctuary Cities and State Laws (CA) that command law enforcement not to cooperate with ICE.

Whose party members openly discuss eliminating ICE and claim that "Nobody is illegal."
574   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 30, 10:34pm  

Is that the new invisible hook to hang the hat on?

Mueller indicted nobody, and a prosecutor looking for his last, career crowning act does not do so unless he knows he can't get a grand jury behind it.

(Squawk, Mueller didn't, Squawk, indict, Squawk!)
575   Onvacation   2019 May 1, 6:15am  

marcus says
"why is the govt running out of money for social security, but not running out of money for massive tax cuts for the rich ?"

Where do you think the money to run the government comes from? You should read, "The Goose Who Laid the Golden Egg".
576   Onvacation   2019 May 1, 7:11am  

marcus says
Onvacation says
Where do you think the money to run the government comes from?

The same place that the supposedly separate (payroll taxes) money for social security comes from. Everyone.

Almost half right. 45.3 percent of Americans pay no income taxes.
579   Shaman   2019 May 1, 6:46pm  

Barr is gonna be fine.
Democrats in 2020 have major problems though. Much of the 2018 election bump they got was from people believing the Russian Collusion hoax. That’s over, and only the TRUE BELIEVER Leftist idiots still believe it after their hero Mueller let them down.

2020 is going to be a bloodbath for Dems.
586   Bd6r   2019 May 2, 9:54am  

marcus says

working class does much better in Republican TX than in Democratic CA, the boot should be that of D's
587   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 2, 10:05am  

Sit down for this one folks...

588   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 2, 10:13am  

Liberuls are so fucking stupid.

The only mother fucker in the whole world that could have put Democrats out of their misery and put Trump away for life.
Punted a mealy mouthed report with a clear language that there was no Collusion but then vaguely put in dog whistle buzz words that only a MSM drive by media host can construe as a clear repudiation of Trump as guilty... maybe, I guess, kind of sorta, but there's no proof.

They are now bitching at Barr because he couldn't hear Muellers dog Whistle and recommend Trump be sent to Guitmo.

Alls Mueller had to do, is say... "I fully recommend prosecution of Donald Trump he committed crimes and here are the bullet points to back it up."

But he DIDN'T because there was no Collusion, there was no Obstruction of justice, there wont be any mulligans or do overs, but now the Obama deep state nasty players and proably most of the Democrats trying to fry Trump and Barr's balls are going to jail. They are panicking and they are livid.

Fuck those Idiots I hope they rot in Jail with Ghoneria they got from the Glory hole in the shower.
589   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 2, 11:14am  

Tenpoundbass says
But he DIDN'T because there was no Collusion, there was no Obstruction of justice, there wont be any mulligans or do overs, but now the Obama deep state nasty players and proably most of the Democrats trying to fry Trump and Barr's balls are going to jail. They are panicking and they are livid.

Yep. You know they're running scared. The insurance policy was cancelled, they cannot collect. They needed that insurance policy to stop the FISA/Lobbying Violation investigations.

Again, 40-year Dem Insider and Divine Untouchable Greg Craig has already been charged - Legal Counsel to TWO Dem Presidents and longtime Lobbyist. Ohr and possibly Yates are next.

Wouldn't be surprised if they use Craig's Lobbying Violations to get him to talk about his Trump Spying/FISA advice to Obama.
590   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 2, 11:23am  

John Kerry has to get the Logan Act. The audacity of the Dems and that Evil cocksucker Mueller to charge Manafort with it, then Kerry run to Iran to whine about America in the Iatola's ear.
591   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 2, 11:44am  

Tenpoundbass says
John Kerry has to get the Logan Act. The audacity of the Dems and that Evil cocksucker Mueller to charge Manafort with it, then Kerry run to Iran to whine about America in the Iatola's ear.

Hey TPB, there's another angle.

What if the Steele Dossier is Russian Disinfo, and Fusion/Perkins-Coie/FBI passed it on with knowing it was or just might be Disinfo, but ignored it to get Trump?

Noting that Steele depended on Informants, many of which he never met and many were affiliated with the Russian Government.

That could be considered Treason or Espionage.
592   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 2, 12:37pm  

Worried Trump wouldn't be Presidential they said.

594   CBOEtrader   2019 May 3, 4:58am  

marcus says

How did barr lie?

It's looks like you are all innuendo, no facts. Share your facts

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