Chicago legalizes weed! And goes SJW insane

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2019 Jun 9, 8:39pm   5,499 views  51 comments

by CBOEtrader   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


You can find the bill linked in that article. I am currently putting together an application for a "craft grower" license. It is an incredibly extensive and expensive process.

Upon reading the bill, I am shocked (*not shocked) to find free loans, half off fees/costs, and stated preferential application status for minorities, women, disabled, veterans... Anyone except white males ofc.

Serious question, how can a govt literally say process for white men is $2 million, while price for everyone else is $1 million? This can't be legal

SJW insanity needs to end

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7   Booger   2019 Jun 11, 4:26pm  

CBOEtrader says
I am currently putting together an application for a "craft grower" license. It is an incredibly extensive and expensive process.

For the purposes of the application, you identify as a gay black woman.
8   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 12:38am  

BigFrank says
Between the onerous fees and the less than desirable climate,

The hemp farmers are growing outdoors in IL. Curious to see how they do. I'll bet they can only get 1 good crop/year though I've heard them suggest they can do 3. I know a guy doing 150 acres of hemp. Says he is $3 million into it, and expects to make $8 million in revenue if things go well... Your feedback may be accurate for hemp farming in IL (or any state). Hemp (CBD oil) is a national free-ish market.

Cannabis industry in IL is highly protected by state. There won't be any outdoor cannabis grows in IL. There is no opportunity to get in years later. This is a competition to be chosen as 1 of the 135 total growers licenses to be awarded in IL. There wont be any more. The entirety of the $2 billion/yr Chicago market will be divided between the owners of those licenses.

Waiting it out is not an option. Either leap now, or sit back and play armchair quarterback. Those are the options.

Cannabis isn't that hard to grow. Data science analysis and better process management will make a much bigger difference than experience . The technology and best practices are changing faster than anyone can keep up. LED lights are better than HID. This maybe happened within last 2 years. Autoflowers will dominate soon, yet almost no pro operation uses them yet. Still a huge, almost untapped market for high end edibles and extraction products for mothers and business professionals rather than for stoners.

I am hoping to kill it in this first round, then pick up a processing and storefront license in the 3rd and final cannabis licensing round for IL. Limit is 3 licenses per investor group.
9   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 12:42am  

Booger says
CBOEtrader says
I am currently putting together an application for a "craft grower" license. It is an incredibly extensive and expensive process.

For the purposes of the application, you identify as a gay black woman.

I am a member of the Rosebud Sioux tribe. Two great grandparents born/raised at pine-ridge. Had great uncles at wounded knee. I never filled out paperwork for my free tuition to Dartmouth (stupid mistake in hindsite since I spent $120k at W&L instead). It's time to collect my reparations and sell green crack to white people
10   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 4:52am  

CBOEtrader says
Someone should sue. This can't be right. The qualifications are 1) non white, cis, able male 2) made less than $750k last year. Then if they accept you as a "social equity" candidate, your substantial fees are cut in half and you are allowed to apply for zero % loans. Oh, AND they prioritize your application with ONLY 40 AWARDED!!!!

My big beef is the state is in a financial toilet. If you're going to discriminate, just do it. If you're going to discriminate and collect HALF the fees and loan money for free, fuck off. If they're going to cap the number of companies/people allowed to start growing and selling, collect as much fucking money as you can from these people. It obviously wouldn't solve the states financial issues, but I don't understand the logic of collecting half and giving money away for free. We just need the money.

NuttBoxer says
Too little too late. Chicago has had some of their largest population losses in last few years. This won't keep people from leaving. In California the exorbitant fees to grow legally are sending the entire industry underground again.

While this is true with regards to Chicago, and this will come across as racist and isn't meant to be, but the losses are coming from black neighborhoods. Which honestly needs to happen. I'd argue the one's getting out are going to have a MUCH better life outside of Chicago. Much of the south and west sides just need to be bulldozed and rebuilt. The housing is pure shit if you ever get into these neighborhoods.

And you'd think with public transportation mobility wouldn't be an issue. It is. There are kids that get to 18 years of age and have barely left their neighborhood let alone the city or state. They don't know the real world of production and prosperity. All they see is blight, crime and frankly a bunch of uneducated adults running around. Outside of having good parents, teaching you to be responsible and all that crap, your surroundings are probably the 2nd most important influence on your life (at least in these areas of Chicago).

It's only natural for people to mimic their surrounding culture. They NEED to get out of Chicago. And this isn't some white guy wanting blacks out of Chicago. It's actually a plea for them to get help and live normal lives. Unfortunately even with the internet, they don't know what "normal" is so to speak.
11   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 6:15am  

RafiMaas says
Well, to sue, requirement 1 would need to be true and not some made up bullshit. Goes to show you can't believe everything you read on the internet.

Rafi, unfortunately this one is true. It's been mentioned almost every morning on the news (god damn wife likes the tv in the bedroom) here in Chicagoland. Minorities will 100% get preferential treatment, lower fees and no interest loans. WGN and the local NBC affiliate are all reporting this live on air.

I don't like the doling out of college acceptances or stuff like this based on race at all, but I'm more pissed about the money portion. JB wants to pump the income tax, and then wants to discriminate on collecting fees from what are likely wealthy minorities anyway. They can pay the full boat and still survive. So now more money needs to be found for our pension crisis (not that these licenses would come anywhere close to fixing it).

I'm 100% on board for the legalization, but they've fucking botched the licensing part of this to epic proportions.
12   HeadSet   2019 Jun 26, 6:34am  

You pot growers may get "Ubered."

That is, after paying your fees and related expenses, someone with an "app" may come in and sell a synthetic. The "app" being that since the product is not grown, the laws on pot do not apply to the sellers of synthetic THC. Sort of how NY taxi drivers were required to spend hundreds of thousands on a medallion, plus follow inspections, insurance requirements, and ADA policies. Then comes Uber/Lyft come into the taxi business with none of these requirements at all, just because they take trips by "app."
13   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 8:28am  

HeadSet says
The "app" being that since the product is not grown, the laws on pot do not apply to the sellers of synthetic THC.

CPD would deal w them on very short order. THC in any form is highly regulated in IL.

The business bet in IL is that they won't allow sales from any other sources than the existing 30, plus the 100 new licenses planned. Even if they do this for only 3 years, we will have made $40 million in that short timeframe.

If THC is ever a free market, OR outdoor farms will be 5000 acres and noone else could compete. As it is today, you wouldn't be able to sell your flowers grown in OR. FAR too much in state supply for the in state demand.

IL is a great bet for where we are today.
14   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 8:30am  

WookieMan says
I'm 100% on board for the legalization, but they've fucking botched the licensing part of this to epic proportions.

Really bizarre right? These are people who don't care about logistics, efficiency, production... They care about SOCIAL EQUITY.

It's a cult
15   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 9:17am  

WookieMan says
RafiMaas says
Well, to sue, requirement 1 would need to be true and not some made up bullshit. Goes to show you can't believe everything you read on the internet.

Rafi, unfortunately this one is true. It's been mentioned almost every morning on the news (god damn wife likes the tv in the bedroom) here in Chicagoland. Minorities will 100% get preferential treatment, lower fees and no interest loans. WGN and the local NBC affiliate are all reporting this live on air.

I don't like the doling out of college acceptances or stuff like this based on race at all, but I'm more pissed about the money portion. JB wants to pump the income tax, and then wants to discriminate on collecting fees from what are likely wealthy minorities anyway. They can pay the full boat and still survive. So now more money needs to be found for our pension crisis (not that these licenses would come anywhere close to...

I don't see anything wrong with it. Minorities were disproportionately harmed by Cannabis Prohibition and the War on Drugs, so an attempt to right that wrong doesn't trigger me at all. I find it odd that Americans who shirked their civic duty and never once spoke out, or voted out the politicians who are still waging their Right Wing Conservative Jihad, are all of a sudden now getting all triggered about racial disparity and an attempt to right the glaringly obvious wrong.
16   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 9:22am  

CBOEtrader says
BigFrank says
Between the onerous fees and the less than desirable climate,

The hemp farmers are growing outdoors in IL. Curious to see how they do. I'll bet they can only get 1 good crop/year though I've heard them suggest they can do 3. I know a guy doing 150 acres of hemp. Says he is $3 million into it, and expects to make $8 million in revenue if things go well... Your feedback may be accurate for hemp farming in IL (or any state). Hemp (CBD oil) is a national free-ish market.

Cannabis industry in IL is highly protected by state. There won't be any outdoor cannabis grows in IL. There is no opportunity to get in years later. This is a competition to be chosen as 1 of the 135 total growers licenses to be awarded in IL. There wont be any more. The entirety of the $2 billion/yr Chicago market will be divided between the owners of those licenses.

Waiting it out is not an option. Ei...

Cannabis isn't that hard to grow, however i always get a good laugh when people who have never grown, processed and sold cannabis, speak about how simple it is. It's easy to grow poor quality cannabis, however, ask all the other people growing commercial grade cannabis how easy it is to fetch the top dollar prices for a subpar product. Growing the cannabis flowers is the easy part, curing, hand trimming and packaging it properly so that it maintains quality for a decent shelf life is a different story. There's plenty of good reasons that most growers don't use autoflower chemovars. They are nothing new
17   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 26, 9:32am  

CBOEtrader says
They care about SOCIAL EQUITY

Their view of equity is kind of arbitrary. It's not based on merit, it's just based on "not being white straight male". First they tell everyone to not discriminate based on race/gender/sexualPerversions.... and next they go and discriminate on every single one in the arbitrary categories they created in first place.

As another poster posts here... this is Clown World.
18   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Jun 26, 9:34am  

BigFrank says
I don't see anything wrong with it. Minorities were disproportionately harmed by Cannabis Prohibition and the War on Drugs
And so minorities who are disproportionately harmed by laws against murder should....?
19   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 9:34am  

BigFrank says
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Nothing wrong with directing public funds towards individuals based on skin color. No problem at all.BigFrank says
There's plenty of good reasons that most growers don't use autoflower chemovars. They are nothing new


Autoflowers have only matched THC potency in the last 2 to 3 years.

Growers use photoperiod strains for the cloning process control and (until about 2 years ago) for the higher THC and more variety.

There is a reason why banana farms have gone from 250 trees per acre, to 1750 dwarf banana plants per acre. Now that THC levels are equivalent, and feminized seed production is a snap, autoflowers are the best way to mass produce THC. Half the time to harvest, far better for a perpetual harvest indoor farm.

And if I'm wrong, it's cool. A/B testing is simple as can be, and adjusting strategies via empirical evidence is exactly how and why my team will win.

Also, have you asked yourself how much free consulting you can buy when you purchase $400k of LEDs or $300k on an industrial grade extractor? I have top pros in my phone, ready to fly to Chicago to help w any issue ... All complimentary of our very large purchases.

Selling flower is a rookie move. We will not be selling flower under our brand. Let the tards who use logic like "there's a reason why growers..." as if this industry hasn't completed changed every 3 years. Selling flower is a race to the bottom.

The big money is in branding extractions and edibles.
20   Bd6r   2019 Jun 26, 9:35am  

willywonka says
And so minorities who are disproportionately harmed by laws against murder should....?

Hunting Fucking White Males should be completely legal
21   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 9:38am  

Sneak peek
22   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 9:39am  

CBOEtrader says
BigFrank says
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Nothing wrong with directing public funds towards individuals based on skin color. No problem at all.BigFrank says
There's plenty of good reasons that most growers don't use autoflower chemovars. They are nothing new


Autoflowers have only matched THC potency in the last 2 to 3 years.

Growers use photoperiod strains for the cloning process control and (until about 2 years ago) for the higher THC and more variety.

There is a reason why banana farms have gone from 250 trees per acre, to 1750 dwarf banana plants per acre. Now that THC levels are equivalent, and feminized seed production is a snap, autoflowers are the best way to mass produce THC. Half the time to harvest, far better for a perpetual harvest indoor farm.


You didn't seem to have any issue with directing public funds towards individuals based on skin color when it was to harm those people via the War on Drugs
23   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 9:41am  

BigFrank says
You didn't seem to have any issue with directing public funds

I'm cool and all, but I don't have the authority to direct public funds bro.
24   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 9:47am  

CBOEtrader says
BigFrank says
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Nothing wrong with directing public funds towards individuals based on skin color. No problem at all.BigFrank says
There's plenty of good reasons that most growers don't use autoflower chemovars. They are nothing new


Autoflowers have only matched THC potency in the last 2 to 3 years.

Growers use photoperiod strains for the cloning process control and (until about 2 years ago) for the higher THC and more variety.

There is a reason why banana farms have gone from 250 trees per acre, to 1750 dwarf banana plants per acre. Now that THC levels are equivalent, and feminized seed production is a snap, autoflowers are the best way to mass produce THC. Half the time to harvest, far better for a perpetual harvest indoor farm.


You will learn quickly that THC content isn't nearly as important as you seem to be believing that it is. The biggest differentiation comes from the terpene content, and while everyone knows what THC (and now CBD) is, there's another 100+ cannabinoids that will largely factor into differentiation in branded products moving forward. I've been hearing these plans and investment pitches for years, everyone jumps in and thinks they know it all, on paper. IN practice, it's just not that simple to bring a product to market that will command the type of price points that everyone sees and gets all wide eyed over. I wish you luck, and hope you win a cultivation license in round 1! We barely missed out the first round in my state, and wound up missing out on round two as well, so had to abandon the Indoor Cultivation angle for the time being. Have since moved on to Cannabis growing, processing and retail with <.3% THC so that we can call it Hemp and get on to making money. Not as much competition (yet), and it's allowed my company to remain lean while building out our brand, since we aren't fighting the crowd of indoor marijuana cultivation. My plan is to buy up one of the many failed entities that don't survive the next year or two
25   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 9:55am  

CBOEtrader says
BigFrank says
You didn't seem to have any issue with directing public funds

I'm cool and all, but I don't have the authority to direct public funds bro.

You have every right, as an American, to whinge about how and where they are spent. I'm just pointing out the obvious, it's a sort of comeuppance to watch people whinge about how unfair it is that minorities are given special privilege during this legalization push, while they were never bothered that massive amounts of funds were targeted at harming minorities for decades with the Republicans War on Drugs.

In one scenario, our tax dollars were wasted by sending cops to shoot, rob and kill minorities under the guise of doing good waging the war on drugs. So the minorities lived it for decades. In terror, in misery, in prison. People like me paid for it, and have worked to end these UnAmerican practices.

In the other scenario, our Freedoms and Liberties are still impinged by these Oligopolies and Limited License schemes, where a privileged few will have the States blessing to reap the benefits, and a little reparations for those who have suffered from the inequities is the only thing that bothers you.

To each his own, good luck on getting the licenses! We already are growing and selling Cannabis in Illinois, and it's top notch, dialed in, high test, so you better bring your A game!
26   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 10:05am  

BigFrank says
My plan is to buy up one of the many failed entities that don't survive the next year or two

There is already plenty of second hand equipment, and land is cheap.

BigFrank says
everyone jumps in and thinks they know it all, on paper.

That's their problem. This industry is totally different every 3 years. Use empirical data science methods to analyze and make better decisions.

BigFrank says
The biggest differentiation comes from the terpene content, and while everyone knows what THC (and now CBD) is, there's another 100+ cannabinoids that will largely factor into differentiation in branded products moving forward.

THC purity and quality, along w terpenes, and ability to separate/combine the other cannabinoids will indeed be important. That's why I'm buying $300k of: trimmer, decarboxylation oven, winterizer, and Apeks extractor. That's also why im buying the best lights and nutrients we can find.

Sales/marketing is probably the biggest unknown, in that regulations haven't been created yet. How and to whom are we allowed to market? We shall see... Lucky for us, I know how to set up sales processes w the best of them. I'll know every purchasing manager for every dispensary in IL within a few weeks.
27   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 10:07am  

BigFrank says
I'm just pointing out the obvious, it's a sort of comeuppance to watch people whinge about how unfair it is that minorities are given special privilege during this legalization push, while they were never bothered that massive amounts of funds were targeted at harming minorities for decades with the Republicans War on Drugs.

I've always been against the war on drugs , dude I'm opening up a cannabis farm in IL. You can't fix improprieties of the past by classifying and dividing people TODAY based on perceived racial priviledge. It is an excercise of absurdity.
28   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 10:11am  

BigFrank says
We already are growing and selling Cannabis in Illinois, and it's top notch, dialed in, high test, so you better bring your A game!

You own one of the 35 medical licenses? Or are you talking about CBD?

I began this journey to start a hemp farm. Then IL dropped the retail legalization news. Given my available food grade wharehouse plus immediate human resources in our management group make the cannabis license too perfect for us.
29   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 10:16am  

CBOEtrader says
It is an excercise of absurdity.

I'm saying this as someone whose family was directly oppressed. My great grandparents were sent to Catholic school by force. They weren't allowed food or water or playtime unless they spoke English and engaged in Catholicism. I had "great uncles" (everyone is your great uncle on the reservation) who were injured at wounded knee in 1973.

You can't fix any of this shit by pointing at someone and declaring them priviledged/oppressed based on looks. It's totally absurd
30   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jun 26, 10:18am  

Not surprised about the huge fees and taxes. The liberals out here in crazy California were salivating over the same thing and how they could direct that newfound revenue stream towards their "worthy" causes. Seemed that few people actually cared about the weed; it was all about the revenue.
31   BigFrank   2019 Jun 26, 10:56am  

CBOEtrader says
BigFrank says
We already are growing and selling Cannabis in Illinois, and it's top notch, dialed in, high test, so you better bring your A game!

You own one of the 35 medical licenses? Or are you talking about CBD?

I began this journey to start a hemp farm. Then IL dropped the retail legalization news. Given my available food grade wharehouse plus immediate human resources in our management group make the cannabis license too perfect for us.

I own a piece of a few med licenses via Green Thumb, Cresco, and Harvest Health. And Acreage via dispensary license. The CBD business is the one making all the money lately, but i won't complain. Every year it's the same, sell the Spring rips, buy the summer dips, trade around a core position. The advantage to CBD at the moment is no real regulatory restrictions, which means it's not nearly the capital intensive venture that vertically integrated MMJ has been. Which allows us to build presence with the brand, because most are still confused to the fact that Cannabis was legalized in late 2018, federally. There's just a THC cap of 0.3%, which is absurd, but that's what the government does best, is absurdity. In the meantime, we get to build up our business while others are sinking tons of money into just getting started. We're growing high CBD "hemp" flower already, and that's actually fetching a higher price point than 'marijuana'! Which will surely change with more competition, but in the meantime, I just root for the FDA to keep dragging their feet. Keeps the big corp's from competing for the most part.
32   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 11:57am  

BigFrank says
are all of a sudden now getting all triggered about racial disparity and an attempt to right the glaringly obvious wrong.

Race is a bullshit and you know it. It's all cultural, but hey, skin color.

And what wrong are you talking about? If we're gonna go back 40 years or later let it go Elsa. We're basically six months away from 2020. 40 years ago was 1980. Are we seriously going to sit here and say specific races were specifically targeted by a majority and suppressed them somehow?

I'm living in the twilight zone if that's the case, cause it didn't happen. Government, politicians and the most racists of them all, the whites, have done nothing but bend over backward to try and equalize things to the point the scales have tipped in the opposite direction. Not sure why we can't just award production, intelligence, etc without filling a quota.
33   Reality   2019 Jun 26, 12:50pm  

Hey CBOETrader,

From hearing what you are describing as the IL medallion scheme, my primary misgiving is the fact that it is a Medallion Scheme: have an exit plan and execute before the medallions become like city cab medallions after Uber and Lyft. If I were in IL and were interested in participating in this program, I'd be tempted to search the ancestry in my family and find some hispanic roots therefore take those 0% loans as a minority-owned corporation (self-identify as a woman and get a new driver's license issued if necessary) while having as little of my own capital as down payment in the game as possible. I'm glad I'm not in IL, nor do I know much about growing MJ, so I'm not tempted. Best of luck with your new enterprise regardless how you decide.

Abusing / taking advantage of irrational laws are morally justified because rendering it absurd to enforce is an efficient way of having those laws repealed or not made again next time to begin with.
34   Shaman   2019 Jun 26, 12:57pm  

BigFrank says
We're growing high CBD "hemp" flower already, and that's actually fetching a higher price point than 'marijuana'!

Interesting. I like CBD because it’s a great wind-down at the end of a day, and it’s also good for during the day when I have muscle aches or joint pain. I can take some and then go go go the rest of the day with little pain and very little impairment.
35   Bd6r   2019 Jun 26, 1:25pm  

Quigley says
I like CBD because it’s a great wind-down at the end of a day

Tried, does not seem to work on me.
36   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 1:38pm  

Quigley says
We're growing high CBD "hemp" flower already, and that's actually fetching a higher price point than 'marijuana'! Which will surely change with more competition, but in the meantime, I just

Yeah I was thinking of trying it in Texas for my Morton's Neuroma (nerve damage pain in feet). Too damn expensive to buy a gram of CBD as a test, $80-100 assuming the brand isn't lying to you.

Are you selling the extract at higher prices or the flower? Either way, this is a function of CA/OR/WA or whatever oversupplied state you live in.

If you are in one of those states, an outdoor grow for hemp will certainly be the right approach.

BigFrank says
There's just a THC cap of 0.3%

Yeah, I would go ahead and call this Hemp, given the Texas bill and others like it legally differentiate. I told texas state reps that I am a farmer wanting to grow hemp so they send me email notices of their meetings. I've asked detailed questions about Texas's plans for hemp vs cannabis.

They suggest that under .3% is legally hemp. Between .3-1% is forced destruction of the crop IF grown and processes without a cannabis license. Over 1% they call police and let you explain why you aren't just a terrible drug dealer.

These states do not take hemp vs cannabis definitions lightly. Call it hemp and save yourself some trouble.

Awesome to hear your business is going well. What products are hot? Vapes and edibles? CBD flower is not sold in Texas so I havent seen or tried that stuff yet.
37   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 1:50pm  

Reality says
my primary misgiving is the fact that it is a Medallion Scheme

100% spot on. Yeah, it's a short term protected market . Make hay while the sun is high and either propel yourself into a national CBD brand like BigF above so that you can compete when interstate laws loosen OR be prepared to take your profits and close shop once interstate sales become the norm.

Lots of supplemental businesses to make money in Cannabis/Hemp if you have a trusted brand to build on.

In hemp it seems to be the seed/clone providers, as well as the processing facilities are killing it. Processing facilities want to keep 40% of your product. I'd bet many farmers have zero plan for drying/curing.

A HUGE opportunity in hemp is to patent your seed strain. Pretty sure can't do that in cannabis. In hemp if you develop a heat resistant autoflower that also produces .1% THC and 12% CBD, you could OWN that strain and seeds for $1/per .
39   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 2:31pm  

"The information to be
collected shall be designed to identify the following:
(1) the number and percentage of licenses provided to
Social Equity Applicants and to businesses owned by
minorities, women, veterans, and people with disabilities;
(2) the total number and percentage of employees in the
cannabis industry who meet the criteria in (3)(i) or
(3)(ii) in the definition of Social Equity Applicant or who
are minorities, women, veterans, or people with
(3) the total number and percentage of contractors and
subcontractors in the cannabis industry that meet the
definition of a Social Equity Applicant or who are owned by
minorities, women, veterans, or people with disabilities,
if known to the cannabis business establishment; and
(4) recommendations on reducing or eliminating any
identified barriers to entry, including access to capital,"

RafiMaas says
Where does it say non-white? Or anything about race?
they mention race/gender/etc alongside social equity all over the bill. They also define the social equity stuff as impacted "area" and "family": codewords for race. They also mention one of the purposes of the social equity program is to research hiring for [everyone but white cis'ies].

I suppose you could be correct and MAYBE they help out an unfortunate white guy. No Chicago lawyer or business man thinks that will happen though, at least none I've spoken to.
40   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 3:32pm  

RafiMaas says
22 Impacted Area;

Come on man, I know this state and I'm pretty CBOE does too. What is an impacted area? Why is televised, local news affiliates reporting on it? It's undeniably race based.

Or these links:

https://www.npr.org/2019/06/26/736117895/illinois-governor-signs-law-legalizing-recreational-use-of-marijuana (fourth graph)

https://nypost.com/2019/06/25/illinois-becomes-11th-state-to-allow-recreational-marijuana/ (second graph)

https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/marijuana-illinois-legalization-bill-852088/ (third graph)

Then this:



By default of the definitions and IL demographics, it's 100% race/minority based. You think the politicians and lawyers are dip shitted enough to put "we're going to give the black and brown people free loans and discounted license fees." Hell nah. Although it wouldn't surprise me in IL.
41   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 3:35pm  

WookieMan says
You think the politicians and lawyers are dip shitted enough to put "we're going to give the black and brown people free loans and discounted license fees." Hell nah. Although it wouldn't surprise me in IL.

My main point is still why give this shit away for free. Hell Blago wanted to sell Obama's senate seat. Why the fuck are we giving away IL weed licenses at a discount and with no interest? Not a chance in hell this goes through if whites are 14% of the population in IL.
42   Misc   2019 Jun 26, 6:11pm  

Who is going to enforce Weed Licenses in Illinois. I mean I think it is still against federal law to distribute. So if a cop were to try and enforce Illinois law, couldn't the person he is arresting just turn around and make a citizens arrest against the cop for conspiracy to distribute? I mean if a dispensary is robbed the cops will certainly protect it so in effect they are acting as enforcers for a drug cartel. It's nothing I'd want to try because cops would generally resist and probably kill you out of hand. Am I wrong or is this just another case in this country of it isn't what you do it's who you are.
43   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 26, 7:24pm  

WookieMan says
Why the fuck are we giving away IL weed licenses at a discount and with no interest?

politicians like Blago want to choose winners, and have a tendency to become insanely rich in the process.

How ya gonna shakedown a free market?
44   WookieMan   2019 Jun 26, 10:49pm  

CBOEtrader says
politicians like Blago want to choose winners, and have a tendency to become insanely rich in the process.

I think he is actually still quite wealthy regardless of his jail time. Don't want to dox myself too much, but worked in Ravenswood Manor by his place for a number of years, as recently as 3 years ago. She's kept the house. She's done well while daddy/hubby was away with regard to real estate prices there. Though she refi'd in 2017 for roughly $550k. House is worth $1.1M all day and might be higher. They'll be fine... not that anyone cared.
45   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 27, 9:01am  

It's not SJW, just want to point it out.

The people running the program have friends, those friends want an easier way in and to exclude everyone else, hence such a strange set of requirements. And you can bet the guy who will be choosing to whom to give out licenses will make sure friends and family come first. This is just like LA firefighters union.

Ironic that people think government employees are servants, when nothing is further from the truth.
46   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 27, 9:55am  

FortWayneIndiana says
And you can bet the guy who will be choosing to whom to give out licenses will make sure friends and family come first. This is just like LA firefighters union.

Yeah it's unfortunate. The SJW thing (or any other moral smokescreen) is always a cover for corruption . Chicago is amongst the worst offenders

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