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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103593   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 3, 12:56am  

jazz_music says


103594   joshuatrio   2019 Jul 3, 2:40am  

That is so staged.
103595   WookieMan   2019 Jul 3, 4:57am  

joshuatrio says
That is so staged.

I'd agree mostly that it does look that way. I've not researched the process of getting across at all really, so this could be stupid, but maybe it's a strategy to fit in quicker if you get to a populated area in the states? If you're looking like shit there's a higher probability a random may call the cops on you or you're more easily spotted and asked for documents/ID?

I also question why they're wearing clothing that would be more appropriate for October in IL. I get desert climates get cool at night, but not really during the summer months. You'd be fine with a thin lonhsleeve (sun protection) and shorts. This is probably some old stock photo.
103596   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 3, 6:32am  

jazz_music says

We're going to FUCK you again in 2020.
103597   Bd6r   2019 Jul 3, 7:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
They need a Putin balloon skull fucking Trump and a permit to fly fifty copies of it all over Washington DC for years.

May be this but with Trump and Kimfuck sucking on each other would be even better (sorry for the eye-bleaching image, Patnetters):
103598   Bd6r   2019 Jul 3, 7:29am  

Overall tho I agree with sentiment that extensive parades is third world stuff (other than honor guard which is a tradition).
103599   WookieMan   2019 Jul 3, 7:37am  

d6rB says
Overall tho I agree with sentiment that extensive parades is third world stuff (other than honor guard which is a tradition).

I agree too. But at the end of the day who is getting hurt by a parade? Seems like an extremely silly thing to get upset over. Then to spend money on a balloon as if it's going to make a difference? No one cares. It's not going to convert anyone. Just a waste of resources and time.

Instead of the left throwing a temper tantrum, bring forth a viable candidate and don't sabotage it. Get over Trump. Nothing is changing on that front. We're almost 3 years past his election. Get over it already.
103600   Bd6r   2019 Jul 3, 7:39am  

Ciudad Juarez is opposite from El Paso, and I think the city part and a few miles on each side it has been walled off during Clinton's time.
103601   Bd6r   2019 Jul 3, 7:40am  

WookieMan says
ring forth a viable candidate and don't sabotage it. Get over Trump.

Ain't gonna happen - you are being too logical here
103602   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 3, 8:45am  

We already have military flyovers for many events so I’m not sure why this event is such a big deal.

It’s not like it’s uncommon to see massive military convoys anywhere within 100 miles or so of a military base.

The vociferous propaganda outcry seems targeted at ignorant city dwellers for whom a military presence is rare or non existent.
103604   rdm   2019 Jul 3, 9:14am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
We already have military flyovers for many events so I’m not sure why this event is such a big deal

This is true and I dont think the flyover is an issue. But tanks in the streets of DC is an image that most Americans don't want. And don't want to pay for. You might say its harmless other than the financial cost just another sop to the Trump's narcissism and bone spur, limp dicked militarism. And it is but it changes the dynamic of the celebration of the 4th from freedom and independence to repression, control and destruction. Totally out of place in my opinion.
103605   Ceffer   2019 Jul 3, 11:04am  

What candidates are the cartels backing? Curious minds want to know.
103606   Ceffer   2019 Jul 3, 11:10am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Navy vet buddy had only one thing to say about the SEALS - they had the best libraries.

You only had to run ten miles and dive 200 feet to get to it.
103607   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 3, 11:26am  

So gay pride parades are ok because they are celebrating anal fucking and getting aids.

But parades to celebrate our nation are bad?

WTF lefties, get off my lawn you fucking idiots!
103608   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 3, 11:27am  

Dumb Leftist/Democrats spend money when they should not & instead boycott all Rep/Con businesses.

Come on, left only goes to businesses that virtue signal to them, which wouldn't be conservative.
103609   WookieMan   2019 Jul 3, 11:43am  

rdm says
And it is but it changes the dynamic of the celebration of the 4th from freedom and independence to repression, control and destruction.

How? I'd argue most American's don't give a flying fuck and by statistics something like 40-50% of them don't pay a dime towards the military (or anything). So who really gives a shit what "most" American's think. They aren't footing the bill for dick.

The media is the one blowing this out of proportion. Plain and simple. I've agreed it's 3rd world level stuff, but it doesn't mean shit. The average person just doesn't care and 99.999999% of the country won't even be there. The fact this is a story in the first place is what should scare people. Not some tanks in the street.
103610   HeadSet   2019 Jul 3, 11:57am  

From Aug 2016:

Democrat Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump in some of the most diverse battleground states – including by double digits in two of them – according to four brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.

103611   WookieMan   2019 Jul 3, 12:40pm  

jazz_music says
I get suckered too, just not as much as you.

Please just answer this. I don't need a rant.

WookieMan says
pick 3 policies that TRUMP has enacted that have influenced YOUR personal life in any way. NOT emotionally either.
103612   WookieMan   2019 Jul 3, 12:45pm  

Republicans raised my taxes. I've written the check.

Trump or Republicans? You must live in a high SALT state. Maybe blame the local dems for that? Very few people received a tax increase.

My slime Republican county raised my property taxes. I've written the check.

Nothing to do with Trump, but okay. Your focus should be here honestly. You local government will fuck you over much more than the federal government can.

God Damn slime,scum,trash Republicans raised my taxes.

I'm not sure where you live. Government likes their money. This has nothing to do with party. You seem hung up on it though. Do something about it. Run for something.
103613   HeadSet   2019 Jul 3, 12:56pm  

So you now support the Trump tariffs? Bring manufacturing back to places with real environmental laws.
103614   HeadSet   2019 Jul 3, 1:02pm  

The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel.

Horse shit.
103615   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 3, 1:14pm  

OccasionalCortex says
...during the Dem debates Bernie repeated the "We have twelve years before we are all gonna die!" line.

To which the moderator should have replied, "So...why bother with doing Medicare For All or anything else for that matter?"

But the moderator was a Democrat stooge.

Let's face it if we all going to die in 12 years, panic would be universal, not just on stage in one convention lol. No one would give a fuck about getting a pension.

I wonder if leftists actually use logic, or they just believe everything that is told to them by people on stage.

that's too funny!
103616   Booger   2019 Jul 3, 6:21pm  

103617   socal2   2019 Jul 3, 7:46pm  

Tesla is doomed!

*Tesla stock surges after setting new delivery and production records*

103618   komputodo   2019 Jul 3, 10:54pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
It's the only thing left that can excite the base!

Hillary behind bars would be far more exciting.
103619   komputodo   2019 Jul 3, 11:00pm  

socal2 says
*Tesla stock surges after setting new delivery and production records*

tesla stock surges when the algos saw that headline...it doesn't matter if it's true or not.
103620   rdm   2019 Jul 3, 11:04pm  

WookieMan says
The fact this is a story in the first place is what should scare people

So a President that usurps the 4th of July celebration on the Mall in DC for clearly political purposes, sprinkles tanks and other military equipment around like monuments to his greatness and gives VIP tickets to Republicans only, shouldn't be a press story? If a Dem had done the same thing there would be a screaming of Posse Comitatus and immediate impeachment hearings. And by the way the stable genius wants it to be a story, that is until no one shows up. I hear they are giving away tickets and begging people to show up, that's what some people say. Seems its bad stage management. Many people are saying he and his evangelical followers are praying for rain.
103621   Ceffer   2019 Jul 3, 11:06pm  

rdm says
he and his evangelical followers are praying for rain.

This is where the LibbyFucks come in handy. They pee on your head and tell you it's raining.
103622   rdm   2019 Jul 3, 11:08pm  

komputodo says
Hillary behind bars would be far more exciting

Hillary behind bars with captured negroes would be better.
103623   rdm   2019 Jul 3, 11:10pm  

Ceffer says
They pee on your head and tell you it's raining.

And Trump asks for more... or so I hear from somewhere.
103624   Ceffer   2019 Jul 3, 11:19pm  

How come there are no reparations for slave owners who had their slaves stolen?
103625   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 3, 11:29pm  

Trump is such a dictator, that the Resistance to his Tyranny...

... Call him Great Orange Douche or Drumpf-Hitler everytime he tweets on every major social media platform
Nightly by shitty comedy writers on all the late night alleged funnyman shows
Mock his daughter, sons, wife; even his youngest child in the nastiest terms possible.
Develop crude imagery of him and put makeup on to look like a black eye, alleging they were attacked by his supporters.
Demand he take all the guns away and forbid them from ever having any
103626   WookieMan   2019 Jul 4, 4:17am  

rdm says
So a President that usurps the 4th of July celebration on the Mall in DC for clearly political purposes, sprinkles tanks and other military equipment around like monuments to his greatness and gives VIP tickets to Republicans only, shouldn't be a press story? If a Dem had done the same thing there would be a screaming of Posse Comitatus and immediate impeachment hearings.

Is this sarcasm? Name one president in the history of this country that NEVER used the office of president for political reasons? They all do and you know it. For some reason THIS time and THIS president it's a problem. The name is mentioned so much here so I'm not going to search for it, but there were threads here about Obama using the office for reelection and political gain. Those threads were no different than this one.

I find the faux outrage over something like this hysterical. I've agreed that it's 3rd world level chest thumping stuff, but who cares? In two weeks the left will move onto the next hysterical "problem" and blow that out of proportion. Then the next time a Democrat is elected the right will act the same. And the cycle will repeat itself until everyone dies. It's like gravity, you can't make it go away.
103627   Shaman   2019 Jul 4, 6:58am  

rdm says
I hear they are giving away tickets and begging people to show up, that's what some people say.

Are you talking about the Clinton tour? Or was that Biden rallies?
Trump’s got em lined up out the door!
103628   GNL   2019 Jul 4, 7:34am  

Hircus says
WineHorror1 says
Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.

Who do you think would save it?

Has Ford, GM or Chrysler been allowed to fail? Tesla is right in line with the new electric car requirement al a big daddy government. CAFE standards are going up to 50 soon.
103629   socal2   2019 Jul 4, 8:37am  

komputodo says
socal2 says
*Tesla stock surges after setting new delivery and production records*

tesla stock surges when the algos saw that headline...it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

Sure - but based on Tesla massively increasing sales YOY and there still aren't any major auto-makers who have anything close to what Tesla has built in terms of product or infrastructure (charging networks, battery factories, institutional knowledge). I think Tesla is going to continue to be miles and miles ahead of the competitors for quite a while yet.

The vaunted Tesla killer Audi E-Tron already has a recall. The Porsche and Jaguar EV's are barely selling.

Here is Tesla 3 sales compared to other mid-sized luxury cars through May. I'd wager that over 90% of current Tesla drivers will never go back to conventional ICE cars after owning an EV with all of its benefits.

103630   Booger   2019 Jul 4, 9:34am  

I'd rather have a Chevy Volt.
103631   socal2   2019 Jul 4, 9:39am  

Booger says
I'd rather have a Chevy Volt.

The 2011 Volt's are still kicking with their original battery packs with very few failures thanks to the robust battery heating/cooling systems. Can't say the same thing for the Nissan Leafs.

I have a Chevy Bolt and prefer it to the Volt because it is quicker and more fun to drive around. That said, I would take a Tesla in a heartbeat if price wasn't an issue.
103632   clambo   2019 Jul 4, 12:19pm  

Tesla is toast.

If GM sells the Bolt and loses money on each one, how the fuck is Tesla going to make a dime selling Model 3 when the taxpayer subsidy ends eventually?

Incidentally, I see Bolts all over the place lately; I bet GM wishes people would stop buying them and buy a Surburban instead.

I would actually consider a Bolt if my car ever died; I probably don't drive more than 200 miles per week so the range would not inconvenience me.

Tesla is not going to disappear probably, someone will probably buy the company someday if they have anything clever patented.

Musk is a kook and a liar. He should not be CEO of any company.

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