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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104776   komputodo   2019 Sep 7, 10:31am  

Ceffer says
Throw her in solitary without fashion rags or heels for a month and watch her mind fall to pieces!

in other words, some of hillary's and her cohort's clothes.
104777   Ceffer   2019 Sep 7, 11:57am  

komputodo says
in other words, some of hillary's and her cohort's clothes.

Yeah, make Ivanka wear IHLlary jammies and mumu's in public for a while. She will have a nervous breakdown.
104778   Ceffer   2019 Sep 7, 12:37pm  

Charlie Manson was a socialist. 'nuff said.
104779   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 7, 12:37pm  

Learn my Pronouns!
Stop Misgendering Me - it's Violence against my person!
No opt-out of my "Scientific" 32 Gender claims, shitty parents! Heed my wokeness!
104780   marcus   2019 Sep 7, 3:40pm  

Tim Aurora says
Nothing Pisses Conservatives more

Than people trying to live their own lives and decide if

1. They want to be gay or straight
2. Or they want believe in Science
3. Or they want the right to make a decision if they do not want a baby after a rape or incest .Or maybe they do. But they do not want others to decide for them.
4. Living Responsibly by respecting the environment

This is far too accurate.

IF you wanted to make it equally accurate as the "Nothing pisses liberals off more," assertion on this forum, you would have said:

Nothing pisses Republicans off more than people with an IQ over 85.

(Note the distinction between Conservatives and Republicans (who parted ways long ago).
104781   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 7, 4:46pm  

Tim Aurora says
Than people trying to live their own lives and decide if

1. They want to be gay or straight
2. Or they want believe in Science
3. Or they want the right to make a decision if they do not want a baby after a rape or incest .Or maybe they do. But they do not want others to decide for them.
4. Living Responsibly by respecting the environment

1) No one cares about your choices. But people do care when left runs around forcing their shit sexuality to everyone, and now they peddling it to children in schools and other events. They are coming after children, and that's sick and perverted. They should be shot for child abuse.

2) Calling a man with mutilated penus a woman... so science...

3) Abortion debate isn't about rape/incest. It's about industry that declared war on women by pushing for abortions even when not needed. Because entire industry makes money, all incentive, by aborting more babies and selling their parts. It's about industry that murders for profit.

4) Global Warming isn't real, but selling shitty solar panels is.
104782   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 7, 5:38pm  

Democrats mistake Conservative Stoicism for General Acceptance. They'll be surprised when they force their Commie take over of our Government.
They will end up with a lesson of every clause in the Constitution the Forefathers wrote. Not the shit stain amended one, but the genuine article.

Liberals think it's just a blue print on how to run the government. But that's where they are wrong. It's instructions on how to beat tyranny. It's instructions for the Citizens to follow, not activist Judges to interpret and cut holes into.
104783   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Sep 8, 3:11pm  

marcus says
Tim Aurora says
Nothing Pisses Conservatives more

Than people trying to live their own lives and decide if

1. They want to be gay or straight
2. Or they want believe in Science
3. Or they want the right to make a decision if they do not want a baby after a rape or incest .Or maybe they do. But they do not want others to decide for them.
4. Living Responsibly by respecting the environment

This is far too accurate.

IF you wanted to make it equally accurate as the "Nothing pisses liberals off more," assertion on this forum, you would have said:

Nothing pisses Republicans off more than people with an IQ over 85.

(Note the distinction between Conservatives and Republicans (who parted ways long ago).

$100 says you don’t actually personally know any conservatives or Libertarians.

Actually I walk that back. You regularly read the postings here of about 30-40 people who fall in that spectrum, yet you continue to post the same nonsense.

Makes one wonder who really has the low IQ.
104784   marcus   2019 Sep 8, 3:30pm  

I don't want to say that you're a perfect example of what Iyou think was implied.

THe main thing you don't understand is:

I said
Marcus says
IF you wanted to make it equally accurate as the "Nothing pisses liberals off more

That's a reference to a post which may have been deleted (I think by FortWayne) saying that Nothing pisses liberals off more than normal people that want to have a normal life to raise a family, etc (or something very close to that).

Perhaps it wasn't Fortwayne, or he realized it was stupid and deleted it, since nearly half the people that fit his description, are liberal.

My point was that the OP's post was extremely true, and that if he wanted to make it comparatively correct or true, as the nothing pisses liberals off more post it would have to be something something far more outrageous and less correct, such as:

Nothing pisses Republicans off more than people with an IQ over 85

I did not say that it was true.
104785   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 8, 3:47pm  

marcus says
(Note the distinction between Conservatives and Republicans (who parted ways long ago).

Yes, Republicans like George Will conserved nothing and always rolled over except occasionally on tax cuts.

It's now the TRUMP party.

Sorry, Leftists, the day of having George Will softly remonstrate before your inevitably got your way is over. We use Alinsky tactics now.
104786   HeadSet   2019 Sep 9, 7:04am  

Don't deny it - people who deny deniers will deny this.
104787   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 9, 12:13pm  

"Today, the scientific evidence verges on irrefutable. If you’re younger than sixty, you have a good chance of witnessing the radical destabilization of life on earth—massive crop failures, apocalyptic fires, imploding economies, epic flooding, hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing regions made uninhabitable by extreme heat or permanent drought. If you’re under thirty, you’re all but guaranteed to witness it."

You do realize all those things have been going on since forever? None of it is new.
Do you not read any history at all? Like none of it?
104788   RC2006   2019 Sep 9, 4:41pm  

Need to build underground homeless camps in the deserts so they can stay cool in the day and far from civilization.
104789   Ceffer   2019 Sep 9, 4:58pm  

OccasionalCortex says

Newsom has not kept his campaign promises and the crisis is worsening.

What else would you expect? They have no need to keep any promises. They scarcely even NEED to make the usual promises as long as they keep the drug and welfare spigots open on full blast.

Here's an interesting video about the recall campaign against a couple of city council members in Santa Cruz. Look at the dazed and confused LibbyFuck attitude by the upper middle class HonkeyFucks in the video, like, "How can they betray us like this, we were so good to them!" When the social carnage lands on their front lawns like a bullet ridden corpse dropped from a drug courier airplane, they finally look up and see what they allowed to happen. The guy talks about having numerous property invasions in his home downtown, and they describe the PC elected city council member who they want to recall going ghetto on everybody's asses in City Hall.


Of course, anybody actually living in Cali knows that the homeless population as well as the illegal immigrant population are GROSSLY underestimated in the so called official statistics, just like they are now ignoring crime because it is convenient for the Great Socialist Paradise to do so.
104790   mell   2019 Sep 9, 5:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The answer is obvious: inject the homeless with Ebola and ship them to libby districts!

Vote this man into office!
104791   Booger   2019 Sep 9, 6:03pm  

104792   Bd6r   2019 Sep 9, 6:55pm  

Blame t-Rump, Texas but not party which rules gagaland called California
104793   Bd6r   2019 Sep 9, 6:56pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The answer is obvious: inject the homeless with Ebola and ship them to libby districts!

They already are in a libby district, you can save on shipping
104794   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 9, 7:28pm  

We are halfway into the solution here.

6rdB says
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The answer is obvious: inject the homeless with Ebola and ship them to libby districts!

They already are in a libby district, you can save on shipping
104795   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 9, 9:58pm  

Scary Moocher is just upset Trump fired his ass.
104796   komputodo   2019 Sep 9, 10:59pm  

Tim Aurora says
Today's Weather Report will be announced as soon as Trump tells us what he wants us to say the weather should be.
If that's not an impeachable offense, I don't know what is..
104797   Shaman   2019 Sep 10, 5:48am  

“Sharpie-Gate” is the stupidest excuse for the ongoing Trump hate-fest so far. I mean, it’s the weather. If the President wants to speculate(based on a previous briefing) about the potential path of an unpredictable hurricane, so the fuck what? I mean, why should this even be news? Let alone be trumped up into some sort of scandal?
Get a grip!
104798   HeadSet   2019 Sep 10, 6:41am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Trump says we should lay out on the lawn face up today because it's raining cunts!

If it really were raining cunts, it would be my luck that it would be during the "wrong time of the month."
104799   clambo   2019 Sep 10, 6:52am  

It's pretty funny that they gave Trump shit for relaying a GUESS about where a storm will hit land.

In my 5 years in Florida, they predicted a storm would hit 3 times at a location where it never did; 3 times my friends panicked and bought a bunch of water in bottles and some left the state.

The weather people never got on TV and said "We are making guesses based on some weather data and computer programs; we guessed wrong again, sorry folks."
104800   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 9:06am  

RC2006 says
Need to build underground homeless camps in the deserts so they can stay cool in the day and far from civilization.

California City seems like a perfect place for that.
104801   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 9:07am  

6rdB says
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The answer is obvious: inject the homeless with Ebola and ship them to libby districts!

They already are in a libby district, you can save on shipping

And they are already injected with all kinds of lovely infections.
104802   socal2   2019 Sep 10, 10:22am  

Tim Aurora says
1. It was stupid of him to be a weather forecaster, resulting in people in Alabama freaking out and making plans to move.

Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

Most normal people who are not obsessed with politics or inflicted with TDS will hear about this story and think: "For real, the Media and Democrats have been complaining 24/7 the last 2 weeks that Trump was overly conservative warning about a Hurricane?"

And if the Hurricane did hit Alabama (as earlier predicted) - you same Sally's would be screaming bloody murder that Trump didn't single handedly evacuate the State. Remember the same Progs blaming Bush for Katrina?
104803   socal2   2019 Sep 10, 10:51am  


I get it that Trump shouldn't give a shit about this petty stuff. But if the Media are going to run with it like it is Watergate, Trump will gleefully punch down and even threaten to fire some of the political appointees in the vast bureaucracy of the Federal Government.

Trump loves this stuff. The media are just throwing him in the briar patch where he thrives and the Media looks more and more ridiculous by the day getting tangled up in this shit.

The Democrats are blowing it. Having the lap-dog Media in their corner was their greatest advantage. But thanks to their 3+ year temper tantrum, the Media has record low credibility now across all parties.
104804   komputodo   2019 Sep 10, 11:09am  

socal2 says
Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

tim has always been known for his empathy towards Alabamians...it's one one his most admirable qualities.
104805   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 11:12am  

Tim Aurora says
. It would have been over if he had just apologised and let it rest.

If that were his personality Hillary would be president and there would be 2 or 3 new wars.
104806   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 11:14am  

Tim Aurora says
His entire administration is now working to prove that Trump was right when he was wrong. This includes threatening people who are trying to do their job.

Do you REALLY believe that?

TDS is tedious.
104807   komputodo   2019 Sep 10, 11:51am  

Onvacation says
Tim Aurora says
His entire administration is now working to prove that Trump was right when he was wrong. This includes threatening people who are trying to do their job.

Do you REALLY believe that?

TDS is tedious.
Onvacation says
TDS is tedious.

Isn't it though...TDS sufferers are like what used to be referred to as an old nagging battle-axe. They just can't will themselves to stop and move on. It's quite amusing to observe as long as you don't have to live or interact with one.
104808   WookieMan   2019 Sep 10, 1:30pm  

Tim Aurora says
Another one gone


And why are you upset over this? You want war? That's what Bolton wants(ed). Bad hire, good decision to fire. Or Trump could have just done what other politicians have in the past and just let 'em do what they want. I still don't understand the OP point and end goal.... You liked Bush? You liked getting entangled in senseless bull shit in other countries?

I'm fine with people hating Trump, it comes with the territory, but the hiring and firing of people should be applauded. You hire a dip shit, you fire them. Don't feel bad about it, move forward. You seem to insinuate that Trump should keep dead weight around like other administrations have in the past (hell, all of history). There's no logic to that point of view.
104809   WookieMan   2019 Sep 10, 1:46pm  

Tim Aurora says
komputodo says
socal2 says
Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

tim has always been known for his empathy towards Alabamians...it's one one his most admirable qualities.

You digress by FYI, my daughter is planning to go to college there.

What about Guam? There certainly are terrific universities there, right?
104810   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 2:14pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
problem occurred 99% of the way through the test.

That's when most problems occur.
104811   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 10, 2:51pm  

You know it was a good move because:

Mitt Romney ‘Very Unhappy’ with John Bolton’s Firing


OccasionalCortex says
Watch the media do a total 180 on Bolton and start treating him like a 'wise statesman' now. Just because they smell blood between him and Trump...never mind that the blood was all made up by their fellow cohorts in said media.

Fact Check: TRUE
104812   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 10, 2:55pm  

Tim Aurora says
Hillary resigned to run for President and in fact Obama supported her presidential run.

Where's Obama's endorsement of his Vice President?
104813   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 10, 4:40pm  

that's what safety tests are for.
104814   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 5:14pm  

104815   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 10, 7:32pm  

Good I'll be paid off before it kicks in.

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