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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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105201   rdm   2019 Sep 30, 10:19am  

CornPoptheOriginalGangster says
The only thing that is not verbatim is that the Ukrainian is translated and there's no certification that it's 110% accurate in terms of translation. The recorder might have missed a "The" or "Also" somewhere.

Really, pray tell how this is known? Afraid of what might be revealed?

I dont believe it is a conspiracy theory to want to see/hear the complete word for word transcript, to me this is simply due diligence. What was released might be quite accurate but how can one know? Take Trumps word for it?

CornPoptheOriginalGangster says
I don't, because there's nothing in it that's actionable or admissible in Court

First that cant be known and second it is irrelevant this is an impeachment inquiry, similar to an investigation which might lead to an indictment, in this case impeachment. The trial is in the Senate, if it gets that far. How can there be a thorough and fair investigation without a word for word transcript?
105203   Onvacation   2019 Sep 30, 10:44am  

Tim Aurora says
abused the power of his office to benefit himself to the detriment of the public good,

Sounds like a politician.
105204   Onvacation   2019 Sep 30, 10:47am  

marcus says
the fact that Biden was VP when his son got a sweet board of directors deal, is more than enough proof of a quid pro quo

Correct. What other business did Hunter Biden have on a Ukrainian board of directors?
105205   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 30, 11:09am  

TeaPot Dome scandal repeat. Except this time liberals defending the corruption. America sunk low in morality.
105206   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 30, 11:10am  

rdm says
Really, pray tell how this is known? Afraid of what might be revealed?

Biden on tape bragging of prosecutor removal or aid withheld, former pressured prosecutor sworn affadavit that he was removed due to Biden pressure. Totally unqualified cokehead son on board of company prosecutor was investigating, getting paid $50k per month.

Media reaction: dismissal as dormant

Third hand Allegations of quid pro quo clearly refuted by unclassified transcript

Demmedia reaction: another investigation, unsubstantiated claims transcript is flawed
105207   Rin   2019 Sep 30, 11:43am  

Mythbusters busted the Bull in the China Shop ...

105208   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 30, 11:44am  

The Stock Market doesn't give a shit anymore.

Alot of the desperation is that Biden isn't going to be the nominee, he looks increasingly weak (quite aside from his family's deep corruption), and Warren - whom wealthy donors abhor - will probably be the nominee.

Tim Aurora says
Biden was doing the bidding of his administration and major governments and IMF .

His son was on the board of Bursima, despite havine NO QUALIFICATIONS other than being the VP's brood. You'll also have to explain his upcoming China Scandal.

Tim Aurora says
Hunter was not getting investigated at any time ( only his company and that was a dormant case). Regardless, Trump cannot start investigating his rivals on whim. It has to go through proper procedures.

Shonkin's sworn affidavit says otherwise. A sworn affidavit trumps any WaPo reporters' "According to (unnamed) people familiar with the story".

The President has the power and the duty to investigate potential criminal charges against private citizens. Just not use oppo research laundered through an Issokoff "Article" to get FISA warrants on a rival's staff.
105209   marcus   2019 Sep 30, 11:49am  

CornPoptheOriginalGangster says
Shonkin's sworn affidavit says otherwis

Shokin ?

So the corrupt prosecutor that Biden got fired seems willing to, or even wants to get Biden in political trouble ?

That's the best you've got ?
105210   marcus   2019 Sep 30, 12:01pm  

Even if Trump didn't win the popular vote, the 2016 election was a mandate that we have a self involved lunatic con artist as our President.

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Exactly. And when he goes especially far off the deep end, it is the duty of the media to ignore it. Otherwise it's clearly their intention to make him look bad by reporting the things he says and does.

Never before has the media been so extreme in their willful portrayal of a President as being incompetent.
105211   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 12:10pm  

As long as he continues to strike fear and loathing in the Patnet deluded and deranged CommieFuck apparatchiks, he has my vote.
105212   marcus   2019 Sep 30, 12:12pm  

Yes, Trump only seems like he's the antiChrist. It's his way of trolling those smarty pants elitist educated folks.

IT's actually quite refreshing (™)
105213   WookieMan   2019 Sep 30, 12:16pm  

jazz_music says
It’s Trump, only Trump is trying to make this thing into a reality. Trump needs it.

So Trump needs the thing that brings about an impeachment inquiry? Okay.... Twilight Zone.
105214   Onvacation   2019 Sep 30, 12:24pm  

rdm says
he withheld aid to them

Wasn't that Biden?
105215   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 12:27pm  

No Hall Pass from Pooty-cakes! Need we remind you again and again of the Russian Mobster co-signed Deutsche Bank loans, Donald?
105216   CBOEtrader   2019 Sep 30, 12:28pm  

Tim Aurora says
It has to go through proper procedures.

How do you know it hasnt?

Crowdstrike as well as US politicians from both sides of aisle were playing games in Ukraine. Sounds like executive branch is looking at all of it, as they fucking should.
105217   CBOEtrader   2019 Sep 30, 12:30pm  

jazz_music says
Notice there’s not very much interest in any of the news on any scandal about either of the Bidens, that’s why.

Are you using MSM attention as a proxy for reality?

^^ definition of brainwashed.
105218   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 30, 12:44pm  

Only very stupid people believe Hunter Biden was paid $50k/month by a Ukrainian Nat Gas company because of his wastrel coke habits and not his last name.

That won't stop the WaPo and and Georgie Stephanopolous from trying to sell it, though.

A lot of this is the media trying to prove to themselves they can move the needle like they used to.
105219   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 30, 1:07pm  

I nominate her for this month's Jussie Award !
105220   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 30, 1:07pm  

Dude, how come you don't have HEYYOU on ignore since 2007 or so? Everybody else does.
105221   Shaman   2019 Sep 30, 1:10pm  

It’s fun to be outraged about stories that kids made up! It’s even more fun to wish death on kids in response to fake news!

There’s a reason why I have that idiot on ignore. It took him many years to earn it.
105222   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 30, 1:19pm  

She probably did get the idea of Jussie Smollet. If bullshitters get so much fame and attention, it's worth trying.
105223   Shaman   2019 Sep 30, 1:22pm  

OccasionalCortex says
@Quigley If I had him on ignore, then you'd never have seen this because I wouldn't have. :)

Yep, I did see this original story a few days ago. Seemed unbelievable that kids would be that cruel, in such an obviously racist way.
105224   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 1:25pm  

105225   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 1:26pm  

The article is bullshit. Everybody knows that greased dreadlocks over two weeks old can only be removed with a band saw.
105226   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Sep 30, 1:32pm  

To be fair, I'm sure there's been plenty of BS right posts on patnet, especially since our current Clown-n-Chief was anointed.

But who is Hey You really?
105227   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 30, 1:53pm  

marcus says

Shokin ?

So the corrupt prosecutor that Biden got fired seems willing to, or even wants to get Biden in political trouble ?

That's the best you've got ?

Sworn Affidavit AND Biden's Own Words

As for corrupt, you only have WaPo baseless assertions from "People familiar with the story" that Shonkin was corrupt.

Shonkin is all but broke; his replacement drove a Bentley though he made a fraction of the US Median Household income.

Whereas Trump Impeachment brigade has nothing but “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described” from a whistleblower, whose core accusation is completely refuted by the transcript. Now in desperation, the Schiffheads are claiming it's not a perfect transcript.

The latter is absolutely nothing to open an investigation on, and would be rejected in any court. You couldn't even get a warrant from such hearsay "evidence".

Biden Corruption Quid Pro Quo: Two unimpeached, official documentary sources - Biden's own Mouth and Shonkin's Sworn Affidavit
Trump Quid Pro Quo: Nothing, now that the Whistleblower's Addendum, itself admitted hearsay, is blown apart by the Transcript.

2 Biden - 0 Trump
105228   Bd6r   2019 Sep 30, 2:14pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
and lipstick!

as well as "dipstick"
105229   BigFrank   2019 Sep 30, 2:18pm  

Trump could shoot a baby on 5th avenue and not lose supporter from a single cultist!
105230   marcus   2019 Sep 30, 2:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

And his awkwardness, narcissism, incompetence and "lack of political correctness" are so refreshing (™)
105231   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 2:30pm  

BigFrank says
Trump could shoot a baby on 5th avenue and not lose supporter from a single cultist!

He already did that and his popularity polls spiked upward (again).
105232   NDrLoR   2019 Sep 30, 2:53pm  

Tim Aurora says
Trump has gone berserk
Well it seems to me like it's the democrats. I didn't even vote in the 2016 election, just assumed Hillary would win and that it wouldn't affect me one way or the other. Everyone said Trump didn't have a chance. I got up a couple of times on election night and turned the TV on expecting a victory for Hillary and was absolutely astounded to see Trump had won! I thought the spectacle of arenas full of grown people crying like they'd been denied their hearts' desire was the funniest thing I've ever seen and it still amazes me to this day. The same thing when it came to the Electoral College and the Kavanaugh hearing, people going berserk, clawing at the doors was the silliest thing I've ever seen. What I don't understand is, if you can buy the things you enjoy and have a comfortable life, what difference does it make who is president? I don't think I ever heard my parents, or the 12 couples who were their circle of friends, all born five years either side of 1900, mention politics in any context. They all seemed perfectly satisfied with everything and I don't understand the hysteria coming from people on the left, which are not many degrees today removed from communists.
105233   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 30, 3:22pm  

Clever ape not so clever. It’s all right, even great once make mistakes.
105234   RC2006   2019 Sep 30, 3:30pm  

Got tired of his posts 99% almost seem like a bot.
105235   WookieMan   2019 Sep 30, 3:37pm  

P N Dr Lo R says
What I don't understand is, if you can buy the things you enjoy and have a comfortable life, what difference does it make who is president?

Good luck with that question. Both sides feel like it matters who is president. Fact is 99% of people pay far more in SALT than what they pay towards federal taxes. Factor in sales tax states and it's even more.

People should be focused on the local city board or school board fucking them over. It will cost you a lot more than Trump's tweets.
105236   Y   2019 Sep 30, 3:38pm  

It was worth it for 36+ months of nonstop triggermania!!!

jazz_music says

A real estate crook no less. Can you believe it? A bunch of patrick.net followers buying into a real estate Crook??? OMFG!!
105237   Ceffer   2019 Sep 30, 3:42pm  

Trump is more fun than champagne poppers. How else can you cause peoples' temples to throb and cause blood vessels in their eyes to burst just by mentioning a name.
105238   Y   2019 Sep 30, 3:44pm  

why are you always late to the party???

jazz_music says
Ultimately we’re going to find out the whole gangster mentality is Trump’s way of doing everything
105239   NDrLoR   2019 Sep 30, 3:45pm  

WookieMan says
Both sides feel like it matters who is president
You are probably right. I have a couple of friends, husband and wife, parents of my orchestra leader friend, in their early to mid-60's, and ever since 11/9/16, you'd have thought they'd lost every member of their family in a mass shooting or natural catastrophe from the way they obsess about Trump, but they have a good life and I can't for the life of me think how it would have made any difference to them if Hillary had been elected. Their son and daughter-in-law cut off friendship with a friend of ten years because he voted for Trump and belongs to the NRA. He said he knew they saw him at an event but completely ignored him, wouldn't speak to him. I can't understand something like that.
105240   WookieMan   2019 Sep 30, 3:47pm  

BlueSardine says
It was worth it for 36+ months of nonstop triggermania!!!

jazz_music says

A real estate crook no less. Can you believe it? A bunch of patrick.net followers buying into a real estate Crook??? OMFG!!

lol. And there's also the fact that outside of some bankruptcies, he's not been found guilty of anything of note. He's been investigated by the FBI for 2 years. I'm sure the intelligence community did background on him while he was running and then won. It's probably the most scrutinized position on the planet, and an NYC real estate developer got through.

People are fucking nuts. Get over it. He's got it figured out that trolling is more effective than fundraising. He has 2020 in the bag unless they actually catch him committing an actual crime. The buttercups need to suck it up.

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