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Both sides feel like it matters who is president.
Pay back time!— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) September 30, 2019
The article is bullshit. Everybody knows that greased dreadlocks over two weeks old can only be removed with a band saw.
RUSH: I got an email, “What do you mean, Brennan traveled to Ukraine with a fake passport? I didn’t hear that.” Well, folks, I’m sorry. Let me give you the details. John Brennan, Obama’s director-CIA, went to Ukraine under a fake passport so that nobody would know it was him. Fake name. Can you do that? Can you get a fake passport? No. John Brennan can, CIA director. I’m surprised he even needed a passport. But he went under a fake passport to get opposition research on Trump!
The Obama administration originally lied about Brennan’s visit, but they were forced later to admit the report was true after evidence of Brennan’s visit emerged. This is that guy, John Brennan, who over the weekend encouraged every deep stater to come forward and blow the whistle on Trump. (summarized) “There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute. If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of Trump, now is the time to report it!”
Is Brennan gonna pay all of you whistleblowers? Is he gonna pay for your protection? This is a former director of the CIA asking the deep state to rise en mass and start blowing the whistle on Trump with a bunch of made-up lies! This guy’s fingers are as dirty as anybody’s on the dossier, including McCain’s people. He traveled to Ukraine under a fake passport. The Obama regime denied it until the news was undeniable. Then they had to admit it.
Hey, here's how it is going to end.
Impossible to justify $50k/month for Hunter Biden serving on a Ukrainian energy board w zero expertise unless he promised to sell access.
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) September 25, 2019
Their son and daughter-in-law cut off friendship with a friend of ten years because he voted for Trump and belongs to the NRA. He said he knew they saw him at an event but completely ignored him, wouldn't speak to him. I can't understand something like that.
have taken Biden, Democrats' most credible candidate, out of contention
I have many friends who voted Trump.
Who also at the time of the call happened to be the front-runner in polls of who could beat tRump in 2020.
Lol, I got at least 1 Trump supporter friend. My mechanic a vetnam vet.
Will Nancy Pelosi be the United States first woman President?
Who also at the time of the call happened to be the front-runner in polls of who could beat tRump in 2020. What was the purpose of his investigation? To get dirt on Biden? Do you think it's all right for the pResident to use his office (withholding aid) to get dirt on a political rival?
but one or two doesn't mean many.
Lol, I got at least 1 Trump supporter friend and I'm in the bayarea.
Why would one lie about this, he probably doesn't talk politics too much with them.
No. That's not 'being fair'. That's left wing BS deflection. Typical.
Trump supporters don't talk politics regarding Trump. They will immediately be lynched. This is fact. One of the most inaccurate polling periods in the history of the world involved Trump getting elected. Almost NOBODY that supports Trump actively speaks about it.
Except that I think you're all fucked. But be honest, show me how Trump has been any different than Obama, fundamentally different. Defense spending? Troops in Middle East? Accountability for evil banks? Illegals?
Even if Trump didn't win the popular vote, the 2016 election was a mandate that we have a self involved lunatic con artist as our President.
Despite being stymied every step of the way by judges from Hawaii and California, Trump has already done more to change the asylum rules and enhance border enforcement than any president in my lifetime.
Trump is also way different than his predecessors when it comes to tariffs and trade.
Trump is also very different than his predecessors in not getting us more involved in new wars.
I have many friends who voted Trump. That said, they are lifelong Republicans. But some of them are souring on him after constant barrage of antics by this President.
WookieMan sayshow their life is worse with Trump in office outside of hurt feelings. STILL no answers.
The quality of of the air I breathe will be worse from tRump taking away Californias exemption from CAFE standards I'm sure I could come up with many more but point is you can no longer claim someone hasn't answered you.
Trump supporters don't talk politics regarding Trump. They will immediately be lynched. This is fact. One of the most inaccurate polling periods in the history of the world involved Trump getting elected. Almost NOBODY that supports Trump actively speaks about it.
The investigation of the investigators will turn out to be the biggest waste of money. They got nothing, if they did we would have heard about it.
Yes logic must exist, if Biden had done something wrong it shouldn't be a political rival doing the investigation. Otherwise looks like one is trying to get dirt.
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