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richwicks saysThe only reason the US attacked Syria was to give the Golan Heights to Israel so Genie Energy could mine its old resources.
Oh, please tell us more. When exactly was the attack you refer to?
The entire Syria war was a fucking lie to steal oil. Assad was never attacking his own people, ISIS was created by the United States (I mean, clue in, how the fuck did get all US weaponry, who funded them?), and Americans are gullible and willing to believe any fucking bullshit that their mafia government will shit down their throats. I'm tired of you gullible fuckers allowing this to continue to exist and it's not like it's not widely reported on either:
Gee, is it possible ISIS got a shitload of stuff when they sent the crappy Iraqi Army running? They abandoned their posts before ISIS attacked them.
As for the Golan, it was taken after two decades of raids and artillery shelling by Syria of the Galilee region after the Just Six Day War against the United Arab Republic (confederation) of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, which had unilaterally demanded the removal of UN Peacekeepers and, clear and undeniable act of war, Blockaded the Straits of Tiran. It will never be returned.
Yes, that was when, in 1967 ?
It must be cool having the psychic powers that richwicks has to see cause and effect between a deal Isreal made with a US company for an oil lease, to an airstrike that the US did months later in Syria. You know, becasue both happened the same year and stuff.
"IT's so obvious ! How are you mother fuckers so stupid ?"
Is it possible for someone to be both gullible and a know it all ? Yes, indeed. Just read this forum if you have any doubts.
By the way, I have no doubts that both US and Russian energy interests as well as Iran's geopolitical interests are all related to what's been happening in Syria. But I think it's absurd to boil the whole thing down to one oil lease. Wtf ?
The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack SyriaProve it. Or is "Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights" (the part that Israel already occupied at the time) your proof? An example of 2 and 2 that we stupid mother fuckers (per you) can't put together?
The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack Syria
It must be cool having the psychic powers that richwicks has to see cause and effect between a deal Isreal made with a US company for an oil lease, to an airstrike that the US did months later in Syria. You know, becasue both happened the same year and stuff.
By the way, I have no doubts that both US and Russian energy interests as well as Iran's geopolitical interests are all related to what's been happening in Syria. But I think it's absurd to boil the whole thing down to one oil lease. Wtf ?
That was another red line that was crossed. All Obama did was launch ineffectual attacks prefaced by abundant warnings. We let ISIS know we were bombing their convoys 24 hours in advance...Yeah, I remember that. It's quite outstanding how much support and political capital Obama had when he started and how poorly he applied it. He could've had majority follow his most drastic decision.
richwicks saysThe supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack SyriaProve it. Or is "Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights" (the part that Israel already occupied at the time) your proof? An example of 2 and 2 that we stupid mother fuckers (per you) can't put together?
Your "proof" went on and on about all the big shots at the top of the corporation. I'm here to tell you that nobody cares because it's not proof.
mostly_reader saysI'm mostly_reader, not a mind_reader, so spare me this "why did he do this" thing. I'm asking you, yet again, why would you invest in paragraphs and paragraphs on Genie Energy and their leadership, and Golan Heights - one place in Syria that wasn't affected by the war. This has all signs of red herring (BOO! they have evil government at the top!) It also puts everything else that you post into a context.>richwick
Your "proof" went on and on about all the big shots at the top of the corporation. I'm here to tell you that nobody cares because it's not proof.
I'm asking you, why would Assad use chemical weapons?
I'm mostly_reader, not a mind_reader, so spare me this "why did he do this" thing.
It isn't just that the Israel is an expansionist state,
Remember when Russia supposedly invaded Georgia?
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