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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,235,687 views  44,092 comments

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3117   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 26, 6:39pm  


3118   richwicks   2019 Oct 26, 8:12pm  

marcus says

I find it funny the left has been maneuvered into restarting the Cold War. The only reason the US attacked Syria was to give the Golan Heights to Israel so Genie Energy could mine its old resources.

What is even more amusing is that the left now trusts the intelligence agencies, the same assholes that did MKUltra, Operation PBSuccess, Operation Ajax, and Cointel-Pro. I used to respect the left, until they became stupid.
3119   richwicks   2019 Oct 26, 9:26pm  

marcus says

Hmm, so Obama and George W. Bush were dictators, and I just thought they were absolutely awful presidents.
3121   Onvacation   2019 Oct 27, 1:12am  

marcus says

Guilty! until proven innocent, as soon as they investigate and find the crime.
3124   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 27, 7:36am  

TRUMP: “We secured documents and materials relative to the founding and operations of ISIS”

3125   Onvacation   2019 Oct 27, 8:07am  

marcus says

And then Obama killed the seals who killed Osama.
3134   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 10:33am  

marcus says
richwicks says
The only reason the US attacked Syria was to give the Golan Heights to Israel so Genie Energy could mine its old resources.

Oh, please tell us more. When exactly was the attack you refer to?

This will be entirely pointless to do, but what the fuck, I've done it hundreds of times.

Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights:


Notice the date of that article. You can find plenty of articles.

The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack Syria


This is who is on the strategic board of directors of Genie Energy:


"Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson (former Governor of New Mexico, ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary), Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana. "

The entire Syria war was a fucking lie to steal oil. Assad was never attacking his own people, ISIS was created by the United States (I mean, clue in, how the fuck did get all US weaponry, who funded them?), and Americans are gullible and willing to believe any fucking bullshit that their mafia government will shit down their throats. I'm tired of you gullible fuckers allowing this to continue to exist and it's not like it's not widely reported on either:


You stupid, lazy mother fuckers can't put 2 and 2 together, so we're stuck with a mafioso fucking government - because of people like you. You've learned something today, but you won't pass it on, will you? Nope, just don't say anything about the THUGS that are called your "gubermint".
3136   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 27, 10:58am  

richwicks says
The entire Syria war was a fucking lie to steal oil. Assad was never attacking his own people, ISIS was created by the United States (I mean, clue in, how the fuck did get all US weaponry, who funded them?), and Americans are gullible and willing to believe any fucking bullshit that their mafia government will shit down their throats. I'm tired of you gullible fuckers allowing this to continue to exist and it's not like it's not widely reported on either:

Gee, is it possible ISIS got a shitload of stuff when they sent the crappy Iraqi Army running? They abandoned their posts before ISIS attacked them.

Sunni Arabs are a majority in Syria, but a coalition of Shia, Alawites, and Christians that make up a dominant minority coalition that exercises actual power as a Ba'athist Regime of Socialists.

Memories are long in the Middle East, and ISIS was supported by many Sunni because of this.


Socialist Hereditary Dictator Assad LOVES the Sunni refugees and hopes they don't come back. He depends on an old alliance from the Soviet Days and Iran/Hezbollah to stay in power against the majority Sunni.

As for the Golan, it was taken after two decades of raids and artillery shelling by Syria of the Galilee region after the Just Six Day War against the United Arab Republic (confederation) of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, which had unilaterally demanded the removal of UN Peacekeepers and, clear and undeniable act of war, Blockaded the Straits of Tiran. It will never be returned.
3137   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 11:14am  

NoCoupForYou says
Gee, is it possible ISIS got a shitload of stuff when they sent the crappy Iraqi Army running? They abandoned their posts before ISIS attacked them.

No. it's NOT possible.

Why don't you stupid mother fuckers who believe this ridiculous bullshit go raid a police station to steal their guns? Or any military base. See how far you get. Oh, and do it multiple times, while the US restocks it over and over again...

How fucking gullible are you to repeat this horseshit? I bet you're gullible enough to believe this:


What would ISIS be doing in the Philippines? What? They hopped a plane and flew from Iraq to the PHILIPPINES? Well, Duterte was cracking down on the US intelligence agencies running drugs through this country what a coincidence..

You believe the most ridiculous lies and I'm just tired of people doing that. I'm sick and tired of people being this gullible. The United States used terrorists CONSTANTLY in the Middle East. The United States is, by far, the largest supporter of terrorism in the world. ISIS was created by the US. Stop thinking military men are so freaking stupid, that they would abandon their weapons and give it to a bunch of unorganized terrorists. ISIS was INTENTIONALLY created by the United States, and was INTENTIONALLY armed by the United States. Your government is run by TRAITORS. Your gullibility lets them get away with it.

NoCoupForYou says
As for the Golan, it was taken after two decades of raids and artillery shelling by Syria of the Galilee region after the Just Six Day War against the United Arab Republic (confederation) of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, which had unilaterally demanded the removal of UN Peacekeepers and, clear and undeniable act of war, Blockaded the Straits of Tiran. It will never be returned.

Israel is the last European colony. It was created by a bunch of Jewish supremacists, and will be run by them until it collapses. I don't care about it anymore, no point in talking about it.
3139   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 27, 2:03pm  

marcus says

Yes, that was when, in 1967 ?

It must be cool having the psychic powers that richwicks has to see cause and effect between a deal Isreal made with a US company for an oil lease, to an airstrike that the US did months later in Syria. You know, becasue both happened the same year and stuff.

"IT's so obvious ! How are you mother fuckers so stupid ?"

Is it possible for someone to be both gullible and a know it all ? Yes, indeed. Just read this forum if you have any doubts.

By the way, I have no doubts that both US and Russian energy interests as well as Iran's geopolitical interests are all related to what's been happening in Syria. But I think it's absurd to boil the whole thing down to one oil lease. Wtf ?

I have no clue what you're trying to say here. I'm refuting the idea that Israeli occupation of the Golan, which happened a half century ago when no oil was suspected there has something to do with Oil. The Sinai has Oil but Israel gave the entire thing back for a real Peace Treaty signed by Sadat. The Islamists Obama courted in the Arab Spring then assassinated Sadat for signing a Peace Treaty with Israel.
3140   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 27, 2:03pm  

richwicks says
The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack Syria
Prove it. Or is "Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights" (the part that Israel already occupied at the time) your proof? An example of 2 and 2 that we stupid mother fuckers (per you) can't put together?
3141   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 27, 2:37pm  

mostly_reader says
The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack Syria

That was another red line that was crossed. All Obama did was launch ineffectual attacks prefaced by abundant warnings. We let ISIS know we were bombing their convoys 24 hours in advance...

This is because Turkey, Qatar, the Obama Admin, etc. were in cahoots. Obama was actively distancing itself from Israel and Saudi Arabia under advice of Brennan and the rest of his pro-Iran advisors like Rhodes and that Admiral who was on Face the Leftists earlier today, while embracing Islamists everywhere. Including alleged "Freedom Fighters" composed of exile funded Islamist mercenaries.

Obama not only half-assed it, but discounted ISIS, calling it the "JV Team" - just before they conquered much of Syria and Iraq.
3142   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 2:48pm  

marcus says
It must be cool having the psychic powers that richwicks has to see cause and effect between a deal Isreal made with a US company for an oil lease, to an airstrike that the US did months later in Syria. You know, becasue both happened the same year and stuff.

FFS - who is on the "strategic board of directors" of Genie Energy? Do you know who the people are? Jesus, i have to spoon feed you apparently and I already did that.

It drives me crazy how brainwashed Americans are.

This is typical stupid American: "Duh, Assad is a dictator who used chemical weapons against his own people! Duh, we need to stop the mean man!! DUH". Well, he's an ophthalmologist by training, got stuck with the job because his brother died in a car accident, and he was elected. Wesley Clarke told the entire nation the plan:


You think Assad is so stupid, that he would use the ONE weapon that Obama warned him if he used, would result in a full on US invasion - which turned out just to be bombing? Why would he do this? You think he's that stupid? You think he doesn't realize he has a military and airforce under him?

We're there to steal oil, and it's a bonus that Syria has Russia's ONLY military base in all of the Middle East. Also, Russia is competing against the United States to bring natural gas to Europe - which is why the US overthrew Ukraine (in part) - that had the Nordstream II going through it. Also, Erdogan faced coup when he apologized to Putin for the murder of a Russian pilot, and the Turkish stream pipeline was brought back on - a US coup, this is why Turkey has become "fuck you" to the United States.

The United States government doesn't give a FUCK about human rights. Look at Libya.

Doesn't take a genius to know what is going on. It's easy to know. The US government is a mafia, and it's easy to see it. Want to know why Trump is so feared, and why they have spent 2 1/2 years trying to remove him over the flimsiest of lies? Because they're all criminals and they aren't merely criminals that should go to jail, they should be hung.

By the way, I have no doubts that both US and Russian energy interests as well as Iran's geopolitical interests are all related to what's been happening in Syria. But I think it's absurd to boil the whole thing down to one oil lease. Wtf ?

It isn't just that the Israel is an expansionist state, Russia is trying to bring natural gas into Europe, the petro-dollar is dead and what you are seeing is your own government loot anything it can.
3143   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 27, 2:49pm  

NoCoupForYou says
That was another red line that was crossed. All Obama did was launch ineffectual attacks prefaced by abundant warnings. We let ISIS know we were bombing their convoys 24 hours in advance...
Yeah, I remember that. It's quite outstanding how much support and political capital Obama had when he started and how poorly he applied it. He could've had majority follow his most drastic decision.
3144   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 3:06pm  

mostly_reader says
richwicks says
The supposed Ghouta chemical attacks happened in August. This was a false flag to give the Obama administration an excuse to attack Syria
Prove it. Or is "Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil of the Golan Heights" (the part that Israel already occupied at the time) your proof? An example of 2 and 2 that we stupid mother fuckers (per you) can't put together?

You're not a moron I'm certain, but you're gullible. Obama announced BEFORE the Ghouta chemical attacks, that if chemical weapons would be used, it's a direct invitation to war with the United States.

So, how the Ghouta chemical attacks help Assad? Tell me, what was his motivation to use them?

Let's say he's just bloodthirsty and wants to kill people - why not use his military and airforce? Why chemical weapons, to kill civilians? Why? How does this help him in any imaginable way?

And you're like, how can you be so cynical? This is what passes for proof to an American today:


If the US had actual proof, you think this would be presented to the public? They don't even care if you believe them or not. What I find absolutely bizarre, is you believe them. They lie to you constantly. Where's that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? Oh, conveniently it was moved to Syria...

Do you remember years ago when Trump was running and he asked "what the hell is wrong with working with Russia to bomb the hell out of ISIS"? Remember that. Trump, and whoever is backing him, knows as well as I do what is really going on. At the end of this we're going to have to have a peace and reconciliation panel.

Do you know why Trump calls it fake news? It's because it is, all of it.
3145   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 27, 3:19pm  


You do understand that Genie Energy and their operations in Golans weren't affected by the war, right?

Your "proof" went on and on about all the big shots at the top of Genie Energy. I'm here to tell you that nobody cares because it's not proof. Unless you already live in this alternative universe where you are smart, everyone else is gullible, government is a mob because it is, and that annoying medical personnel is the only thing that stands between you and world domination.
3146   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 3:30pm  

mostly_reader says

Your "proof" went on and on about all the big shots at the top of the corporation. I'm here to tell you that nobody cares because it's not proof.

I'm asking you, why would Assad use chemical weapons? And you have no answer because he wouldn't. Even to you this is obvious.

Your government has a history of lying. Weapons of mass destruction was one, another was "Qaddafi is about to cause a humanitarian crisis" - remember that one? Well it's in civil war now, and has slavery markets - don't we "have to stop the humanitarian crisis"? Ukraine didn't have a revolution they had a coup started by the United States. All of Ukraine knows this. Remember when Russia supposedly invaded Georgia?

Engh, even when the tell you what they are going to do years in advance. It's remarkable.


I think it's pointless. People are too ignorant. That really is the problem. You substitute trust to cover up for ignorance. Edward Bernays knew people would do this. He even talked about it in his book Propaganda.

Ever seen the psychology experiment where everybody on the elevator faces the back of the elevator to see if an unsuspecting passenger will conform? You'd conform, and I wouldn't. You know your government lies, you know there are direct interests of previous government officials in seizing the Golan Heights, you know Assad would have nothing to gain by using chemical weapons against civilians - but you don't have enough courage in your own intelligence to make use of it.
3147   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 27, 3:46pm  

richwicks says
mostly_reader says

Your "proof" went on and on about all the big shots at the top of the corporation. I'm here to tell you that nobody cares because it's not proof.

I'm asking you, why would Assad use chemical weapons?
I'm mostly_reader, not a mind_reader, so spare me this "why did he do this" thing. I'm asking you, yet again, why would you invest in paragraphs and paragraphs on Genie Energy and their leadership, and Golan Heights - one place in Syria that wasn't affected by the war. This has all signs of red herring (BOO! they have evil government at the top!) It also puts everything else that you post into a context.
3148   richwicks   2019 Oct 27, 4:06pm  

mostly_reader says
I'm mostly_reader, not a mind_reader, so spare me this "why did he do this" thing.

Assad had no motivation to use chemical weapons but you continue to believe the official story from a government that you know lied you into a war in Iraq. This is apparently reasonable thinking and logic to you.

There's nothing I can learn from you and it's pointless to continue talking with you because of that.
3149   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 27, 4:15pm  

> richwicks
I refuse to have "why do you think he did this" conversation because I'm not a mind reader.

You, on the other hand, refuse to explain your own posts when challenged. This is noted.
3150   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 27, 4:24pm  

richwicks says
It isn't just that the Israel is an expansionist state,

Completely wrong. Explain how the Sinai ended up back in Egyptian hands, an area larger than pre 1967 Israel by itself, in return for a peace treaty.

Sadat was assassinated over it because those who opposed the "Expansionist State" want to destroy it from the face of the Earth.
3151   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 27, 4:28pm  

richwicks says
Remember when Russia supposedly invaded Georgia?

Uh, Russia pretty much invaded Georgia. In response to Georgia's offensive again separatists, but they did indeed invade. Not even the Russians deny this.

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