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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106421   mell   2019 Nov 4, 8:26am  

CBOEtrader says
Bogotry from the left must be stopped, imho. Therefore for the first time in mylife, I will vote for an R in 2020.

Agreed. I'd go even further and call it self-preservation for the family. There's no reason for any Caucasian or Asian (man or woman), or any straight male or any Christian to vote Democrat.
106422   Shaman   2019 Nov 4, 8:30am  

jazz_music says
RafiMaas says
We can't talk about the moderation of the site. Lol
It's evident that some moderators are the type of person who shouldn't have the slightest authority.

This site is the least heavy handed of any forum I’ve seen. Some like The Hill are so militant that they will delete any post that makes a salient conservative point. This forum is wide open in contrast. Just don’t talk about other users specifically or be anti-forum.
I get censored here now and then as well when one of you get me riled enough to name names.
106423   Shaman   2019 Nov 4, 8:52am  

marcus says
will always know in my heart of hearts, that a douchebag of Trumps magnitude could never have been elected (or tolerated since being elected) if not for the subtle racism and also not so subtle ("we're being invaded" even though border security was massively increased in the Obama era), not even running against Hillary.

And I will go a step further saying that the kind of racism I see, some subtle, and much not so subtle, is on display very regularly on this forum.

This forum is free speech so yah we have racist memes being posted now and then. Patrick refuses to censor based on content so that’s where things are. Some like zzyyz may harbor deep animosity towards minorities especially blacks. I don’t have those same feelings toward blacks people, but then again I don’t live in Baltimore where I’d be exposed daily to the worst black people in America.
Hell, my worst enemies so far have been Croatians, those giant assholes of the near East, white as you can be, with bully personalities and extreme racists to boot.
I can’t even deal with those people.
I guess there are always going to be groups that fit a negative stereotype well enough to make generalizations fairly accurate. Doesn’t mean that doing so is right, but it IS HUMAN. Our brains are set to find and exploit patterns, in an attempt to deal with situations where we find ourselves faced with choices and incomplete information. Which are most of our choices. We have to draw on past experiences to inform our choices, since not much is known about most situations we face. Incomplete or little information is the normal situation for human decision process. You can’t know it all, and when it comes to people you can’t know even a significant fraction of the relevant information.

So we use stereotypes where they’ve seemed appropriate. These can range from behavioral (that kid seems autistic) to religious (that guy is Muslim, don’t offer him a sausage) to cultural (she’s Vietnamese, which explains why she’s chasing her kids around the playground with a bowl of rice and a spoon) to (sadly) ethnic.
106424   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 4, 8:54am  

To what end? Trump is still bitch slapping those pathetic snot whistle losers.
106425   WookieMan   2019 Nov 4, 9:57am  

marcus says
Your not being willing to comprehend them, is vastly different than them having no meaning.

I presume you know what fiscal years are, right? DHS (and BP) only has data on FY17 on their site (basically what you posted). Executive orders can only do so much in a little over 9 months, with a budget you didn't approve as POTUS. Then account for a POTUS that had to run through all sorts of bullshit to get people just approved to help run the government. You'd defend Obama (and so would I) if the same occurred to him, as hostile as congress was towards Trump.

Once the FY18 data comes out, then you can start throwing shade at him over immigration and illegals. Otherwise the condescending tone can hold off until there are ACTUAL stats to bash Trump on regarding this topic. I understand stats, but there are no 100% attributable stats to Trump that are available at this time. Taking months to even get a staff approved (where needed) really doesn't help and I think even you can acknowledge that. This isn't a defense, just seeing the reality of the situation with no pony in the race.
106426   zzyzzx   2019 Nov 4, 10:08am  

106427   Shaman   2019 Nov 4, 11:03am  

How does this affect me?
I can’t see how.
106428   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 11:06am  

Keep in mind the "Trump cult" is the only place to escape the "Woke cult".
Many are there just for that reason.
106429   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 11:39am  

Trump is not a cult leader just because he can end the world, correct?
A cult is a cult.
106430   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 11:43am  

This is what a cult is:
106431   Onvacation   2019 Nov 4, 11:47am  

jazz_music says
You got nothing

What you got?

Who do you have in mind to replace Trump that will keep America great?
106432   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 4, 11:47am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though.

Actually Trump has gotten far less done on border security than Obama.

You made the point that somehow Trumps boarder protection is racist, then post about how Obama deported more that Trump.

Are you arguing w yourself?

The question to you: show us racism. Is the wall, etc... racist?

You say it is, yet somehow Obama isnt racist for being better at the thing you are calling racist.

106433   Onvacation   2019 Nov 4, 11:47am  

jazz_music says
Onvacation says
TDS is caused by the constant big lies coming from the media.

The media.
106434   Ceffer   2019 Nov 4, 11:52am  

Jared was seen at the scene of the assassination licking blood off of his hands.

Isn't Khashoggi something you should name a Pomeranian?
106435   Onvacation   2019 Nov 4, 11:55am  

Tim Aurora says

So media is the source of big lies

Has been for years.
106436   Ceffer   2019 Nov 4, 11:56am  

jazz_music says

Does this mean you are in a cult?

Sorry, just using the 180 degree agitprop translator.
106437   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 12:19pm  

jazz_music says

Are there ANY of these so-called "woke" people here? No. Why not if that is really what the left side of the spectrum is made of?

Are there any progressives here? Yes, people who want to regulate capitalism for the benefit of the majority and put an end to the rendering of America to fewer and fewer families who prefer to remain anonymous and out of reach.

When you say "Trump is a cult", what does it mean? 40% of Americans are in cult, Jim Jones style?
That's silly.

A cult is just an extreme form of tribalism, and politics also always appeals to tribalism. It's all a question of degree.
And it's obvious both political sides do it.
Tribalism is defined by
- in group vs out group
- shared beliefs, values, narratives, dogmas.
- shared purpose
- leader / personality cult [optional and replaceable with appropriate priesthood].

My point is clear: whatever standard include Trump as a cult, also includes the woke left as a cult too.

And yes, many people will vote for Trump, not because they believe in the Trump thing, but just because they don't like how they are seen/treated by the left.
106438   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 12:29pm  

Who is calling an entire half of the country "nazi"?
That by itself is a bit extremist, is it not?
106439   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 1:12pm  

jazz_music says
I don't want those people to be confused by billions of dollars invested in reality inversion

They don't have to believe Trump. They just have to hear the scorn and dripping self-righteousness whenever someone pronounces "white male" in the MSM.
106440   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 4, 1:14pm  

jazz_music says
Half the country?

Which half?

The half that's right wing. The close to half that voted for Trump, and as such could be wearing these hats.

Yeah sure I'm just going by the title.
The title is hysteric.
106442   ignoreme   2019 Nov 4, 7:27pm  

I know that Marcus will never answer the question but I’ll pretend like he gave “the wall” as a racist policy that mainstream republicans support.

1. There’s nothing racist with supporting strong borders. You don’t have to take my word for it. Just look at the chart Marcus handily posted with the number of deportations under Obama and the great point he made that Obama actually deported more people them Trump. If support of strong borders is racist, then Obama (and his supporters) are actually more racist then Trump.

2. But maybe it’s not the policy, maybe it’s the means? Sure, round people up, that’s fine, lock them in cages, that’s cool, but a wall to keep them out in the first place? Racist! Let’s ignore that Obama built walls too, we already proved that he (and all people that voted for him using the logic of this thread) is racist. Again, Marcus helps us out, check out the many hilarious posts he made about how easy it is to climb over a wall with a ladder! How is an ineffective barrier racist? Wouldn’t the Democrats that want to spend money on high tech, more effective border control measures be more racist? Oh, yeah that would... shoot.

(Side note, I would love to see you Marcus climb over a 40ft wall. If you’re willing make some easy money I’m sure we could get a nice fund going here to pay you to do it and take a video)

3. Maybe Wall is just a dog whistle. Sure, it’s not racist in itself, but a lot of racists like it. So what? We can’t support a policy just because assholes also support the same? Fine. Stalin was for socialized medicine so I guess we can’t have that either.

And this just goes to your comment Marcus:

“ I will always know in my heart of hearts, that a douchebag of Trumps magnitude could never have been elected (or tolerated since being elected) if not for the subtle racism and also not so subtle”

You know in your heart?!?!? At least you are admitting you have no actual evidence, it’s just a feeling you have that Trump and his supporters are racist.

Here’s what it boils down to. When people call Trump supporters racist it’s just a code for saying they aren’t human. People do this because they like to live in little bubbles where they like to imagine that everyone else has the same values that they have.

Liberals especially like to do this and you see it with the whole “don’t be friends with, associate, date, talk to, etc Trump supporters” movement. It’s also why they support illegal immigration, I guess I would too if I didn’t actually know illegals.

You live in a bubble Marcus. You live in a different world with different concerns and values then most Trump supporters. That’s fine. But dehumanizing an entire group because you don’t understand them and don’t care too? That’s fucking racist.
106443   HeadSet   2019 Nov 4, 7:46pm  

Don't wanna hear about how the Vietnamese would kick their asses

Didn't China sack Hanoi soon after the Vietnam War? And this was when Vietnam had a 650,000 man battle hardened army.
106444   BayArea   2019 Nov 4, 8:12pm  

CBOEtrader says
marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though.

Actually Trump has gotten far less done on border security than Obama.

You made the point that somehow Trumps boarder protection is racist, then post about how Obama deported more that Trump.

Are you arguing w yourself?

The question to you: show us racism. Is the wall, etc... racist?

You say it is, yet somehow Obama isnt racist for being better at the thing you are calling racist.


Best thing Marco can do is to just let it go and avoid digging himself deeper by posting further, ouch
106445   steverbeaver   2019 Nov 4, 8:35pm  

Hey man, whatever's gotta be said to work up the courage to skin them smoke wagons. Certainly helps to dehumanize us first.
106446   Bd6r   2019 Nov 4, 8:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Who is calling an entire half of the country "nazi"?
That by itself is a bit extremist, is it not?

106447   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 5, 8:03am  

ignoreme says
Liberals especially like to do this and you see it with the whole “don’t be friends with, associate, date, talk to, etc Trump supporters” movement. It’s also why they support illegal immigration, I guess I would too if I didn’t actually know illegals.

You live in a bubble Marcus. You live in a different world with different concerns and values then most Trump supporters. That’s fine. But dehumanizing an entire group because you don’t understand them and don’t care too? That’s fucking racist

It’s worse. I’ve repeatedly made the point that Marcus doesn’t know any of these so called racists. When really pressed he will point to memes posted here which is preposterous as he clearly doesn’t understand trolling despite being a troll at times himself and actually has no clue whatsoever as to the actual race of anyone posting here.

Essentially he rallies against self created caricatures. Which is pretty looney if you ask me.
106448   mell   2019 Nov 5, 8:12am  

Agreed nobody on the left knows any actual Nazis or racists beyond the innate natural racism, when I point that out to my leftoid friends they squeal and sometimes I can get them riled up enough to turn on me. Usually they calm down and apologize quickly. I don't know what's up with the desire to see racists and nazis everywhere, reminds me of clustered hysteria.
106449   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 1:38pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Should be fun to watch...provided of course the Dems actually impeach Trump.
Two already flipped on a "symbolic" vote of no consequence for the Dems. They know the Senate won't vote to remove. It's hysterical, but the writing is on the wall that they're not even going to have the votes for actual impeachment in the house. You cannot take your name off that vote.

I don't know the procedures of this exactly, but if there's a chance it WON'T actually bring about an impeachment vote in the house, that's the way I see it going.
106450   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 5, 5:33pm  

jazz_music says
It’s the victimhood olympics.

The boss gets to cry the blues all day long , he wins.

So privilege wins the victimhood contest, the moral high ground.

Funny game really.

Just make plans to get that next gig in a couple years somewhere else unless you want to shive everyone to stay on.

106451   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 5, 5:36pm  

jazz_music says

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham lamented how wearing one of Trump’s red “Make America Great Again” hats was now “basically considered a hate crime.” (that’s about right)

A San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

The idea "Make America Great Again" upsets some people, and so it means its meant to hurt them, so it is a hate crime.
106452   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 5, 5:43pm  

People hurt by patriotism to one's own country. Don't deserve to wander free in that Country.
106453   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 5, 5:54pm  

BayArea says
CBOEtrader says
marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though.

Actually Trump has gotten far less done on border security than Obama.

You made the point that somehow Trumps boarder protection is racist, then post about how Obama deported more that Trump.

Are you arguing w yourself?

The question to you: show us racism. Is the wall, etc... racist?

You say it is, yet somehow Obama isnt racist for being better at the thing you are calling racist.


Best thing Marco can do is to just let it go and avoid digging himself deeper by posting further, ouch

I'm expecting him to explain that he meant something different than what I heard (hopefully).

It is odd how the left sees the right as a group of KKK members, whereas the right just sees themselves as freedom fighters.

It's an amazing gap of cognitive dissonance.

I'm VERY curious how a "liberal" can judge another as a 'racist' while still calling himself a liberal.

Liberals are supposed to focus inwards and not judge others. I guess that's an old mentality.
106454   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 5:59pm  

Stop responding people....
106455   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 6:03pm  

Tim Aurora says
Biden became the leading dem candidate

To become the nominee......

Tim Aurora says
First of all the prosecutor fired was not investigating Burisma

Evidence.....? You can't have Biden bragging about getting him fired and his dip shit son holding a board position with no skills in the industry (or anything). Sure there are things that look shady with the Trump family on a cursory glance. But this Biden thing looks like smoke and you can see the fire at the same time.
106456   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 5, 6:04pm  

jazz_music says
Anyway Trump clearly stands for reawakening of “White power” as a crusade for some mythic and lost greatness. He’s always conjuring some always vague presumed vision of meritocracy for his mob audience as red meat.

Lol. Really?
WookieMan says
Stop responding people....

106457   Shaman   2019 Nov 5, 6:33pm  

jazz_music says
White power” as a crusade for some mythic and lost greatness

What’s lost about it? White people still rule the civilized world that their ancestors built. Every other color of people seem to be clamoring to get in. Seems like white greatness continues unabated, regardless of detractors.
106458   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 5, 6:33pm  

I think the top of this chart gets it wrong, well so does the bottom. But the top has the next step after Progressive, as Militant. While calling the corresponding side Far right.
The Communist needs to go where the Militant is, and the Militant goes where it says Commie and Nazi. As Nazis are Left wing Socialists, that dressed nice, and had rigid city ordinances, and demanded everyone drives the same Green Car, and wear matching outfits. Nazi's are Liberal loons.

The next step after Far Right is Militant. Just like any extremist. Politics is more sophisticated than that these days. You have to be intellectually honest.
You can't hide your shit, your neighbors garden.

Heraclitusstudent says
106459   HeadSet   2019 Nov 5, 7:09pm  

As Nazis are Left wing Socialists,

Absolutely correct. Maybe 80 years in the future when late term abortion falls severely out of favor, the Dems will try to say that abortionists were "Right Wing," as well.
106460   Onvacation   2019 Nov 5, 7:12pm  

Tim Aurora says
First of all the prosecutor fired was not investigating Burisma

"Joe Biden was so proud of his role in the prosecutor’s removal from investigating the company paying his son $50,000 per month merely to serve on its board that he actually bragged about it in a 2018 speech at an event for the publication Foreign Affairs. In this speech, Biden boasts his threat to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loans from Ukraine if they did not agree to fire the prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company giving his son a cushy sinecure.

The prosecutor was fired, and the investigation was dropped six months later. While the investigation was just reopened last year, it has been a slow-moving process that has turned up little. At the time Biden pushed for the firing of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general, Shokin had plans to question Hunter Biden."
Tim Aurora says

Secondly, this was many years ago, why did Trump start the investigation after Biden became the leading dem candidate

Biden admitted to his corruption at a 2018 Foreign Affairs event. Trump has been busy. He'll get to all the swamp critters eventually.

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