by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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No one is buying stocks, homes, etc. Even silver has fell by about 40%.
The CDC says the incubation period is at most 14 days for the Covid-19, or coranavirus.
The CDC states it is transmitted by someone breathing in or swallowing a "respiratory droplet" that is infected with the virus.
Give it another 8 weeks until there is a major downturn in new cases of Covid-19 infection.
If not, then it could be a bioweapon circumstance and a Chinese Communist gift to the Biden campaign.
If prices crater, more people can afford it. Doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
Eat a realtor.
Fortwaynemobile saysIf prices crater, more people can afford it. Doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
Eat a realtor.
Isn't that as bad as eating a bat?
It's already trending down rapidly in Europe and Asia, in a few days to weeks max. the US will peak but the market will go green sooner.
If prices crater, more people can afford it. Doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
Eat a realtor.
es, but benefits the society bigly
Nothing has started yet.
Fortwaynemobile sayses, but benefits the society bigly
As far as not paying the 5% to 6% fee to the real estate agent, there are "For Sale by Owner" (FSBO), selling on RedFin, or using Ideal Agent.
It’s the insidious kickback laden industry designed to fuck buyer and seller over from every angle.
The ultimate problem is campaign finance. Congressmen are easily paid off because they need the campaign cash. One fix would be publicly funded Congressional campaigns. Everyone who get a certain amount of signatures gets funding to run.
Financial crime should be taught in history classes as well.
We need a portion of a required class in high school to be personal finance, with a one week section on how to buy and sell a house without a realtor. The basic mechanics and legalities of the process, and then have a complete accurate description of what little services the realtor or agent provides in the process. Emphasis on all of the forms you sign that remove them from all liability.
We need a portion of a required class in high school to be personal finance
I can see a semester in high school on life finance
How to buy a house and evaluate loans
How to rent a house and compare lease contracts
How to buy a car
Savings vehicles and ROI
Stocks and Dividends
After all, almost everyone will participate in the above during their life.
And it will not get fixed because the NAR is the 2nd largest briber of Congress.
Disagree. That is like blaming dope abuse on the dope dealer. Common folk just will not buy a house without a realtor:
1. Too complex. Even folks with simple taxes hire an accountant to do them. They certainly are not going to buy a house on their own.
2. Buyers think a realtor handles a closing, even many bloggers here think that. A realtor's only purpose is to find a buyer.
3. The average Joe thinks the realtor's service if free..
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