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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,040,529 views  40,464 comments

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5532   richwicks   2020 Mar 30, 10:36am  

NoCoupForYou says
The Palestinians have rejected any and every actual land deal ever offered.

FFS - show me one of the deals. I want to see precisely what was offered. An official document. Let's see ONE example of what was offered. Surely you can find one, since so many deals were offered. Show me one.

I'm so fucking tired of propaganda and the morons that repeat it.
5533   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 30, 12:25pm  

richwicks says
FFS - show me one of the deals. I want to see precisely what was offered. An official document. Let's see ONE example of what was offered. Surely you can find one, since so many deals were offered. Show me one.


Here you go. After getting 75% of Palestine in the 1920s called "Jordan", the 1947 would have given the Levantine Arabs (Palestinians weren't invented by the KGB in 1964 yet and called themselves Arabs) half of the remaining 25%. So the Jews would end up with one-eighth of Mandatory Palestine that was supposed to be the Jewish State according to the League of Nations and British Parliament.


Arabs who left their homes after attacking Israeli convoys were not allowed to return, which is normal behavior in most conflicts. Again, the Allies expelled millions of Germans outside Germany and Austria Proper, from Czechoslovakia, NW'ern Poland, France, Holland. Including those who lived there long before WW2 or Hitler, for hundreds of years. They were given 24 hours to pack up their shit by the US/UK Army, less by the Red Army probably.

100k's of Serbs were expelled by Croatian Militias and Bosniak Muslim Terrorists from the Krajina and Bosnia, and not allowed to return, and the EU/UN/ECHR was just fine and dandy with it.

Finally, Palestinians are the only people in the world not subject to the rules of refugees for everybody else (Rohingya, Hutu, Tutsi, etc.). They inherit Refugee status despite owning homes and businesses and citizenships in and of multiple countries (ie homes and citizenship of both Jordan and USA like Linda Sarsour who was born in the USA, and whose children were born in the USA, and whose parents used welfare schemes and refugee handouts to buy properties in Brooklyn. Her kids are even considered Refugees under UNWRA).

Once a Hutu or Somali is settled somewhere, and has even temporary residency, they are no longer considered Refugees. Palestinians are refugees forever.

No Serbian living in Allentown, expelled personally from the Krajina himself and spending 6 months on 1500 calories in a Croatian Concentration Camp for the crime of being a military age male of 15, who now owns a US house and a garage servicing trucks, and US Green Card, is collecting UN Money for being a refugee. Nor will his kids or wife be counted as refugee - or his grandkids. Only Palestinians inherit that privilege, even if they own three pizzerias in Damascus and an apartment complex, along with a flat in Goteburg, possessing Jordanian, Syrian citizenship and Swedish residency.

If you were a Palestinian Authority or Hamas Leader, why would you want the Refugee Scam ended, or sign a peace deal? Never ending cash to distribute!
5534   richwicks   2020 Mar 30, 1:25pm  

NoCoupForYou says
FFS - show me one of the deals. I want to see precisely what was offered. An official document. Let's see ONE example of what was offered. Surely you can find one, since so many deals were offered. Show me one.


I don't give a crap what our propaganda media says. Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? Stop that "humanitarian crisis" that Qaddafi was about to cause by killing him and leaving Libya in civil war with slavery markets? Find out how "Russia hacked out election" yet? They are pure propaganda, and you're an idiot if you don't recognize it at this point.

Give me a government document. Try to find one. Good luck. I've looked for YEARS.

You have no idea what the Palestinians were offered, and neither do I. Why do you think that is? Why do you think Israel NEVER publishes their offer, or makes it open and available for inspection? Why do you think that is? Maybe the Internet isn't big enough?

I do know, that Israel has a nuclear arsenal, that they have the military might to unilaterally declare their borders and that they won't.

Israel will expel or murder the Palestinians in time, they will expel their Arab population that currently lives in Israel or at minimum make them 2nd class citizens, and that they will expand until they collapse. That's been their direction for SEVENTY YEARS, and it's not going to stop any time soon. This is a nation that was caught sterilizing black Ethiopian Jews without their consent or knowledge with depo provara. They are the most violently racist group in the "western" world - they're not going to change.
5535   socal2   2020 Mar 30, 1:51pm  

richwicks says
Israel will expel or murder the Palestinians in time, they will expel their Arab population that currently lives in Israel or at minimum make them 2nd class citizens, and that they will expand until they collapse.

The Muslim world has pretty much ethnically cleansed every last Jew, Christian, Hindu, Animist..........from the Middle East over the last 50 years.

And you are all bent that the Jews in Israel are hanging onto a tiny scrap of land to avoid the plight of ME Christians and Yazidis?
5536   richwicks   2020 Mar 30, 3:10pm  

socal2 says
The Muslim world has pretty much ethnically cleansed every last Jew, Christian, Hindu, Animist..........from the Middle East over the last 50 years

Gee, I wonder if it has any connection to what happened with a UN resolution in 1947?


socal2 says
And you are all bent that the Jews in Israel are hanging onto a tiny scrap of land to avoid the plight of ME Christians and Yazidis?

I'm hell bent on staying out of other people's self created problems. A bunch of Zionists created this problem, let them deal with it.

If you feel differently, sign up for the IDF.

I'm just sick and tired of people's constant whining that a nuclear power with an airforce, and a military, that regularly bombs ghettos is somehow the poor poor victim of those people in the ghettos. Oh poor Israel! Gee whiz, they only get 4 billion dollars a year in aid from the US, Please won't somebody please help them? After all the Palestinians have stones, and they have some crappy rockets that land almost exclusively in fields.

Yep, the Israelis are the victims.

Like I said, it doesn't matter. Israel will continue on their current course, Hasbera will continue to operate, MEMRI will continue to produce propaganda, and this will march on and on and on until like every nation, it eventually collapses and you can pretend that Israel is filled with humanitarians that just want to help the poor Palestinians, but they can't because of some rockets, with no warheads, powered literally by urea. Whatever.
5537   socal2   2020 Mar 30, 3:30pm  

richwicks says
Gee, I wonder if it has any connection to what happened with a UN resolution in 1947?

Really? Muslims from Iran to Algeria ethnically cleansed Christians, Jews and Hindus from the entire Middle East because some Arabs living in Palestine refused to live peacefully with Jews........many of who fled from the Holocaust and persecution from Arab countries?

You somehow thinks this makes this massive ethnic cleansing done by the Muslim world to all non-Muslims acceptable or even understandable?

richwicks says
I'm just sick and tired of people's constant whining that a nuclear power with an airforce, and a military,

I am just sick and tired of people constantly blaming Israel and the Jews for the monumental fuck ups, racism, corruption and barbarity of the Muslim/Arab world.

Sunnis aren't killing Shias by the thousands (and vice versa) because some Jews life in Israel.
5538   richwicks   2020 Mar 30, 3:57pm  

socal2 says
Really? Muslims from Iran to Algeria ethnically cleansed Christians, Jews and Hindus from the entire Middle East because some Arabs living in Palestine refused to live peacefully with Jews........

You mean FRENCH Algeria? I think a French colony revolted, just as Vietnam once did.

socal2 says
many of who fled from the Holocaust and persecution from Arab countries?

You somehow thinks this makes this massive ethnic cleansing done by the Muslim world to all non-Muslims acceptable or even understandable?

Don't strawman me.

socal2 says
I am just sick and tired of people constantly blaming Israel and the Jews for the monumental fuck ups, racism, corruption and barbarity of the Muslim/Arab world.

Am I doing that? No - so why are you bringing this up? Because you're intentionally engaging in a logical fallacy of constructing a stawman.

socal2 says
Sunnis aren't killing Shias by the thousands (and vice versa) because some Jews life in Israel.

Who is talking about them?

I'm just pointing out, that Israel will eventually take over the West Bank, and probably Gaza, they will remove their non Jewish population by some method, and this has always been the plan. There will never be a two state solution and oh golly, some people resist it still - pointlessly.

That's all I'm talking about.

If Israel had ANY intention of creating a two state solution, Israel is clearly powerful enough to do it today. The only possible reason they won't do this, is that they are going to take over all the land. There might be some reservations set aside, and that's about it. When Israel offers some "generous deal", nobody is given access to the actual deal, and all you know about them is what some propagandist in the Western press writes about them. The reason this happens, is that it probably isn't a generous deal and Israel has no intention of having a deal made.

Come up with an alternative explanation.
5539   richwicks   2020 Mar 30, 5:07pm  

socal2 says

I see somebody is flagging my posts... Gee, who would that be?

That's one thing that pisses me off about this site, people abuse the system, Patrick ignores it. Fuck it. If I'm not allowed to have a conversation, this is not a place that it claims to be "Freedom to Offend"


You might want to consider why you use such underhanded techniques to "win" in a disagreement.
5540   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 30, 6:20pm  

richwicks says
You mean FRENCH Algeria? I think a French colony revolted, just as Vietnam once did.

You mean an infamous Pirate Den had given the French too much shit over many centuries, so the French took it over and barely gave the barbarians a veneer of civilization.

The Algerians still owe France trillions for a millenia of rape, looting, burning, raids, and slavery. Corsica, Sardinia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, etc. are all owed big money by North Africans.

Then, after demanding the French leave France to have home rule, a huge number moved to France to create Algerian Welfare Colonies on the outskirts of major French Cities.
5541   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 30, 6:35pm  

richwicks says
Give me a government document. Try to find one. Good luck. I've looked for YEARS.

How could there be an Israeli or Palestinian Government document from 1947 when there was neither? There was only a loose Arab League of several Arab Countries speaking on behalf of the Levantine Arabs (not yet Palestinians) and the Jews.

There was a UN plan that was approved in the assembly, rejected by all Arabs, but accepted by the provisional Israeli government.

Most of the half of the remaining quarter was the Negev, completely useless wasteland with no agra or mineral resources. Cannot even support humans even on a subsidence scale. Again, 75% of Palestine was already given to the Arab State of Jordan by the UK in the 1920s.

Oh, and here is the full plan. It took me 30 seconds using Duck Duck Go to find it, I'm sorry you spent years looking for it.

Now show me one formal Palestinian Peace Proposal presented since Oslo.

Until the 1960s, there were no Palestinians, only Arabs. In fact, any use of the term "Palestinians" referred to Jews

5543   Patrick   2020 Mar 30, 8:07pm  


A Silicon Valley billionaire who helped rehab the image of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein is now pouring major cash into the super PAC supporting Joe Biden's candidacy.

The Unite the Country PAC, which launched in late October as Biden was posting low fundraising totals, hauled in $4.2 million in February, its newest records show. Its largest donation was $1 million from LinkedIn founder and Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman, who previously apologized for "helping to repair" Epstein's reputation and for funding a pro-Democrat disinformation campaign in Alabama.

The pro-Biden PAC has provided an outside cash boost to Biden's bid for the nomination. Biden initially chastised the PAC's formation, leading the group to shut down. Biden's communications director said at the time the candidate "does not welcome assistance from super PACs." The former vice president later reversed course after fundraising troubles, and the PAC began operations again. Unite the Country has since poured millions into Iowa and Super Tuesday states. It is currently running advertisements repeating two debunked claims about President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Hoffman—the PAC's largest donor with $1.5 million in contributions—acknowledged he had several interactions with Epstein. The billionaire tech mogul said he put Epstein in contact with others for fundraising purposes after the child molester had been charged with sex crimes. In August 2015, Hoffman invited Epstein and Joi Ito, the former director of MIT's Media Lab, to dinner in California.

Wait, this isn't very funny. It's just business as usual, with the mega-rich Democratic elite defending child molesters and undermining democracy with money to try to keep globalization going.
5544   Patrick   2020 Mar 30, 8:08pm  

This one actually is kinda funny, though totally expected:

5546   Onvacation   2020 Mar 31, 7:05am  

marcus says
Just a reminder. The left can't meme.

For how long are you going to prove it?
5547   HeadSet   2020 Mar 31, 7:33am  

marcus says

How about H1N1? That would be a more fair comparison with Covid-19. Bringing up Ebola is like saying no one dies from Beri-Beri under Trump's watch.
5548   WookieMan   2020 Mar 31, 1:08pm  

marcus says

Don't know one right leaning person that supports the stimulus. I'm going to pay for it so I hate it. What was the alternative though? Explain what you would have done....
5549   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 31, 3:09pm  

marcus says
Just a reminder. The left can't meme.

Still true yes.
5550   socal2   2020 Mar 31, 3:15pm  

WookieMan says
Don't know one right leaning person that supports the stimulus. I'm going to pay for it so I hate it. What was the alternative though? Explain what you would have done....

I don't know any normal person (left or right) who thinks the government giving the people back about 20% of what they just took from us in taxes to combat a national emergency is "Socialism".
5552   mostly_reader   2020 Mar 31, 4:27pm  

richwicks says
Oh BS. If Israel was at all interested in a two state solution, Israel would have declared their borders 40 years ago, and whatever was left over would have been "Palestine".

Israel intends to take over the entire West Bank, and probably Gaza as well. They will either exterminate the people living there or expel them.

It's always very convenient that "Palestinians" send over rockets at opportune times, to justify Israel's incursions into what remains of Palestinian territory. Considering the history of false flags, I would expect people to be more suspicious. The only thing that lobbing some rocket into Israel from Palestinian territory is justification of Israel to build a new settlement, I have to wonder why Palestinians bother. I can see how it advantages Israel though.

Here's a simple challenge: name one case when Israel would start fighting unprovoked and/or not already under attack.

The only way you can dodge this challenge is by drifting off to the land of batshit crazy. Such as by claiming that respective attacks on Israel were in fact false flags.

Here's a bit of humor to lighten everyone's day. Well, may be not, because it's "you can't make this up" type of a thing. Those who already associate UN with clown world will likely find it humorous.
This is about Iron Dome, super advanced and expensive Israeli technology which protects civilians from these "false flag" rocket attacks. Well, I came across this precious piece from 2014 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/1/un-condemns-israel-us-not-sharing-iron-dome-hamas/
"U.N. condemns Israel, U.S. for not sharing Iron Dome with Hamas.

The United Nations slammed Israel for possibly committing war crimes in its fight against Hamas — and then backed that accusation by suggesting the Jewish nation ought to be sharing its Iron Dome defensive technology with the very terror group it’s fighting."
5555   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 31, 11:54pm  

marcus says

The real reason the Left/Demmedia hates the Trump Pressers:

Trumps ratings are now the highest of his Presidency.
5556   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 31, 11:59pm  

Noooo! His approval ratings on China Virus handling through the roof!

What's funny is that Lefties the Pressers to be shut down because it lets him talk without being Filtered through Demmedia.

The other funny thing is that the Demmedia "Journalist" (Narrative Drivers) are insisting the Press coverage be stopped, but the bosses realize it's such a viewer draw they can't justify it.
5557   RC2006   2020 Apr 1, 8:04am  

NoCoupForYou says
Noooo! His approval ratings on China Virus handling through the roof!

What's funny is that Lefties the Pressers to be shut down because it lets him talk without being Filtered through Demmedia.

The other funny thing is that the Demmedia "Journalist" (Narrative Drivers) are insisting the Press coverage be stopped, but the bosses realize it's such a viewer draw they can't justify it.

Even when he does fuck up at this point liberal media have went so out of there way making shit up that republicans and more importantly independents are being pushed further towards him. I don't even bother arguing or giving my opinion hardcore dem friends and family it doesn't matter they never leave their bubble and for sure can't handle other opinions. I just let them think I'm a dem just like they think everyone else is in their false reality.
5558   Onvacation   2020 Apr 1, 8:16am  

marcus says

File under "the left can't meme"

People who died from viruses under Obama vs. Trump.
5559   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 1, 11:23am  

marcus says

Everything about this meme is everything that's wrong with Liberals. Proof once more...
5560   socal2   2020 Apr 1, 11:36am  

Tenpoundbass says
Everything about this meme is everything that's wrong with Liberals. Proof once more...

Right - since when is "Patriotism" about pride in the individual or who you are?
5562   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 1, 11:46am  

socal2 says
Tenpoundbass says
Everything about this meme is everything that's wrong with Liberals. Proof once more...

Right - since when is "Patriotism" about pride in the individual or who you are?

No look at the top panel, it's the perfect diversity with the Feminist White cunt in the middle of it all. Missing is a White Male, unless he's gay.
Now look at the bottom panel, who's the excursionist here?

And also the reality is, that bottom panel the empowered Muslim woman, the Blacklives matter guy and the Gay guy with with Gimbly hairdo, would be the one's shutting the Steve Bannon dude down and ripping his flag from his hand. Everyone knows how crass Liberals are, all they do is lie their ass off.
5563   socal2   2020 Apr 1, 12:06pm  

marcus says
Try pride in who We ARE !


Not that we agree on who we are. And that is the point of the meme.

There is no "we" or "country" with the Democrat party.

The Democrats are just a Balkanized coalition of individual grievance groups looking looking for handouts and people to blame.
5564   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 1, 12:40pm  

marcus says

Well that ones pretty close to true.

Not funny tho.
5566   Onvacation   2020 Apr 1, 12:52pm  

marcus says
we should open things up

Agreed! Before people find out that their kids learn better from Khan Academy than from the indoctrination centers called "public school".
5569   Onvacation   2020 Apr 1, 2:51pm  

marcus says

Did you expect Trump to say, "The Wuhan virus that the Chinese communist party tried to hide from the world is all my fault."
5571   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 2, 1:10am  

marcus says

I'm down with schoolteachers and EduAdmins getting $2000/month in lieu of their normal salary.

Also, a 10-second google search shows that the UK (England isn't a country, Britain is a Country) is paying UP TO 80% to a maximum of 2500 Pounds (for the most critical workers only). IF - and only IF - Companies keep them on the Payroll. So the government isn't paying everybody 80% of salary, they're compensating companies UP TO 80% (at the very best and not all employees) to keep them on. It's up to businesses to make up the difference.


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