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Trump is a hail mary pass. Electing him is nothing more than a desperate attempt to avoid a real fucking revolution in this country.
richwicks saysTrump is a hail mary pass. Electing him is nothing more than a desperate attempt to avoid a real fucking revolution in this country.
Trump's Presidency in a nutshell:
The only important lyrics are:
It's like a shock to the System
It feels good
Well Alright.
Looks like another prediction came true: The Dems are now the Establishment Party. Who would have thought the Dems of the 1980s or 90s would be anti-rustbelt, pro-bureaucracy, pro-Regulation of free Speech, pro-war, pro-illegal, etc.
NoCoupForYou saysLooks like another prediction came true: The Dems are now the Establishment Party. Who would have thought the Dems of the 1980s or 90s would be anti-rustbelt, pro-bureaucracy, pro-Regulation of free Speech, pro-war, pro-illegal, etc.
Again a rant, nothing to do with the OP.
richwicks saysDoesn't matter if it's got anything to do with the original poster.
Start a new thread on that and I will be happy to comment there . We are here to discuss some topic and not to rant. Otherwise , we are better off putting each other on ignore.
Shaman says
Is this seriously up for debate? Hundreds of cases abound where this was precisely the case. It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s the normal way that business is done!
Nobody said they were perfect. But "Inspector Generals" are not deep state and Vindaman was not deep state. Yet, whenever Trump does not like the way the bureaucracy behaves, it is given the title of Deep State.
Credentials matter though. Don't you trust doctors with your life, more than laypeople who don't have any expertise, or worse, whose opinion is largely ruled by what news channel they watch?
I think the racist right
ThreeBays saysCredentials matter though. Don't you trust doctors with your life, more than laypeople who don't have any expertise, or worse, whose opinion is largely ruled by what news channel they watch?
Nope. I actually don't trust doctors at all. You trust Realtors? They've been trained and credentialed. How about trained chefs? In theory their food should be perfect because they're trained and credentialed in the field.
You're debating with someone that has been misdiagnosed by 3 different doctors for a relatively severe ailment. My father had cancer and multiple doctors fucked up multiple times over a decade with him. We're talking top notch hospitals (supposedly) in the Chicagoland region. Even the best of the best gas station cashiers will fuck up a count on the drawer and miss money. People's blind faith in credentials is hysterical. But hey, keep drinking the Koolaid bec...
My father had cancer and multiple doctors fucked up multiple times over a decade with him.
You really are responsible for your own treatment, and that of your family. No doctor or even nurse really cares as much and they are not paying all that much attention.
Patrick not sure if it would be easy, but you should ban paywall sites from being linked here. Pain in the ass when you want to try and get into a constructive debate and the person uses data/info that I have zero interest in paying for.
What is the role of the inspector general?
A U.S. federal inspector general (IG) is the head of an independent, non-partisan organization established within each executive branch agency assigned to audit the agency's operation in order to discover and investigate cases of misconduct, waste, fraud and other abuse of government procedures occurring within the .
Reality saysAnyone believing in "Bureaucratic Oversight" while holding an office in the government bureaucracy is essentially violating his/her own oath to uphold the Constitution . . . and therefore should be removed from office immediately, if not tossed into jail for malfeasance!
So fucking what? Hey, let's prevent folks from developing immunity and crash the economy. Brilliant!
There's already a report that says those that are over TrumpVirus could have a relapse.
I posted it a few days ago. Ignore me & stay stupid.
There's a pretty clear path out of this -- drop the curve, re-open the economy, keep high-risk at home, test and contact trace like South Korea.
ThreeBays saysThere's a pretty clear path out of this -- drop the curve, re-open the economy, keep high-risk at home, test and contact trace like South Korea.
You don't have to answer, but are you Asian? Or are you old? You seem way too defensive on this subject.
The only curve dropping we need to do is make sure old/weak people don't go out. Re-"open" the economy tomorrow, not May 1st. We haven't been testing the healthy at all. No models or "scientists" have any idea how many people have had this. We're basing this all off of pure fiction. Pure bullshit.
We can trace active cases all day. Most are under the assumptions this came to the states in January. It's pure retardation to not understand that this has been around IN the US since November and December. The Chinese have actively been lying and they have simply given up on record keeping of their own virus. Hence wh...
Eeesh there’s a lot wrong with your post starting with the fact this wasn’t here in Nov and Dec. It was just a. Bad strain of flu.
Next, the $2400 is just a bonus. They’ll be eligible for UE even if they’ve only been working a. Short time. In CA UE is up to about $420 a week plus the feds $600.
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