Why the Left can't meme

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2020 May 3, 7:18pm   8,482 views  97 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Not a bad explanation, but I think it boils down to:

Humorless Prigs have a hard time being funny, and virtue signaling requires a long drawn out explanation of who is oppressed and who isn't that precludes humor

The only pithy leftist "memes" are basically unfunny insults, like OrangeManBad Ugly, or Conservatives are dumb.

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17   marcus   2020 May 4, 6:41pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Did President Trump incorrectly delay action on the corona virus?

I was responding to a post and hread about how the left can't meme. Not sure what conversation you're in.
18   marcus   2020 May 4, 6:43pm  

Patrick says
No creativity, no willingness to push boundaries and make people a bit uncomfortable.

Jazz is right the truth should make you uncomfortable, and the idea that Trump doesn't represent the oligarchs is indeed the most bizarre aspect of your supposed view.

23   Shaman   2020 May 4, 6:52pm  

marcus says

You don’t even know why that is stupid.
“We” is a collectivist term. It implies conformity and shared destiny in whatever the group decides.
“Me” implies self-determination and individualism. If the “we”s are trying to subjugate the “me”s then we have a problem.
And they are and we do.
24   Shaman   2020 May 4, 6:53pm  

marcus says

This is just Leftards putting their sick fantasies in a comic that makes a jab at Trump trying to make peace with the dictator of NKo.
I guess they’d rather have war.
25   Shaman   2020 May 4, 6:55pm  

marcus says

And this is just wrong on every level. No, the government doesn’t like the KKK. And no, neither does Trump. And no, the MAGA movement has nothing to do with Hate. If we hate something it is how poorly the Democrats and the Clerisy have run the country.
26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 4, 6:58pm  

marcus says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Did President Trump incorrectly delay action on the corona virus?

I was responding to a post and hread about how the left can't meme. Not sure what conversation you're in.

27   Onvacation   2020 May 4, 7:06pm  

marcus says

Where are the flags? If this "meme" were accurate one side would proudly be flying the US flag while the other side would have Palestinian, Mexican, and a couple hammer and sickle flags flying.
29   richwicks   2020 May 4, 7:42pm  

Patrick says

Esteemed patrick.net user jazz, left wing memes are for the most part just sadly parroted talking points written up by our owners. No creativity, no willingness to push boundaries and make people a bit uncomfortable.

The left, could CERTAINLY meme. You just don't remember it.

It's not left or right, it's whose lying and who isn't. I am fully aware that Obama was lying. So was Bush. This isn't a left and right issue. Obama was a clone of Bush with a great tan after a diction class. He wasn't at all different.

The people who unreasonably hate Trump and are complaining that Clinton, that warmonger, isn't president - they are wrong. Those people can't meme, because they are lying. That's the only reason they can't.

The only reason you laugh at the memes of the current right is because you have a dark sense of humor. It's absolutely monstrous what the left is currently doing. They tried to do a coup - but it is not the left, it's the establishment. If Jeb Bush was prezdident, there would have been no coup attempt, because Jeb Bush is completely controlled. He was a puppet. Just as Mitt Romney was, just like everybody else that was running on the Republican ticket in 2016.
30   richwicks   2020 May 4, 8:08pm  

Onvacation says
marcus says

Where are the flags? If this "meme" were accurate one side would proudly be flying the US flag while the other side would have Palestinian, Mexican, and a couple hammer and sickle flags flying.

You should side with the Palestinians or at least have some sympathy for them.

Israel is a nuclear power with a military and an airforce that kills more people in a single airstrike than Gaza and the West Bank does in a decade. The Palestinians have rocks, maybe the occasional bomb, and a pathetic "rocket" that is literally powered by urea. They lost their property and are continuing to lose it.

When is the last time the West bank attempted to fight back against Israel in any way? A decade and 1/2, yet Israel continues to expand settlements in the West Bank. The Palestinians are being driven out, and those that can't be driven out will be placed on reservations or simply exterminated. It's clear Israel plans to take over the entire West Bank and probably Gaza as well. This can be the only possible reason why Israel won't draw their borders. If Israel wants a two state solution, they have the military power to do it. They want a one state solution, controlled by a solid Jewish majority. The Palestinians just happened to be there - they are in their way.

If a section of the United States was declared to be the new Israel, and they began to drive out the people of the area, would you fault the people driven out for resisting? This isn't a conflict over religion, it's a conflict over land. The Palestinians aren't being unreasonable, but it's clear they are going to lose. Any of them who are like me, would have given up decades ago. The Palestinians will lose. I'm not a fanatic. I know when I'm fighting a lost cause, what remains - doesn't realize it.

And just to be super clear, we are told Israeli settlements (which are EXCLUSIVELY Jewish) are there for protection. Look at where they are located:


They aren't buffer zones, they are in all over the West Bank and will expand in time to take it all up. Israel's government lies when they say they want a 2 state solution. They've been lying for 70 years.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 4, 8:47pm  

richwicks says

Israel is a nuclear power with a military and an airforce that kills more people in a single airstrike than Gaza and the West Bank does in a decade. The Palestinians have rocks, maybe the occasional bomb, and a pathetic "rocket" that is literally powered by urea. They lost their property and are continuing to lose it.

You're forgetting the bus bombings, random stabbings, pizzeria detonations, hijackings, etc. of the past 50 years.

The reward for Israel withdrawing from Gaza unilaterally and making it, for the first time in 2000 years, 100% Jew Free, was constant rocket attacks.

Fakestinians didn't lose property. The vast majority were landless peasants sharecropping for Turkish landlords, and most of the rest came to Israel to work for the large number of works Jews built in the early 20th Century. ALL Travelers to 19th Century Israel reported an almost totally depopulated wasteland, including no less than Mark Twain.

Palestinian before 1960 referred to Jews only. "Palestinians" called themselves Arabs. The real Arabs, the Bedouin, support Israel, in fact the 3rd Colonel was a Bedouin, the true Desert, Camel Riding Arabs that Town Arabs hate.

Palestinians were given 3/4 of the Mandate of Palestine - it's called Jordan. The other 1/4 the Jews offered to split in half again, meaning the Jews would only get 1/8th of Palestine, but the Arabs rejected and invaded from every side.

Losing wars has consequences, as does rejecting every single Peace deal in history.

If Spaniards were firing urea-rockets into France, day after day after day, nobody would blame France for dropping a bomb every few weeks on a launch site.

And finally, strength discrepancy != justice. If 1 Knife wielding Thug is shot 5 times by 20 cops, it doesn't mean the cops are bad because they have 9mm Pistols.

I have plenty of pictures of all the Pizzerias, malls, cell phones, leather jackets, and abundant dates, candies, and knafeh on sale in Gaza, the alleged Open Air Prison, if you want. It even had a water park, until Palestinian Islamic Jihad bombed it because they didn't like mixed sex bathing.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 4, 8:53pm  

richwicks says
And just to be super clear, we are told Israeli settlements (which are EXCLUSIVELY Jewish) are there for protection. Look at where they are located:

All settlements in Gaza were disbanded and the occupants unilaterally removed - by Israel.

The settlements in the West Bank are areas where Jews have proven Title, areas where the Arab Legion expelled Jews from in 1948. It is a reconquest of stolen territory.

it is, after all, Jew-rusalem, not Arabsalem, in the province of Jew-dea, not Arab-dea. Arab Supremacists continue to occupy Phoenicia, Kurdistan, Egypt (Copts), and the Maghreb (Berbers). God bless the Druze if Arabs ever conquer Israel, that Mountain People depend on Israel so they aren't exterminated. The Bah'hai religion also, which is banned in almost all Arab Countries, including Iraq.

Palestine is a Roman Neologism, imposed on Israel after a revolt, just like Dacia was renamed "Roman-ia" after a revolt from that province by the Roman Empire.

Arabs are imperialist colonizers from the Hedjaz, like everywhere else North of Jeddah.

Fakestinians are also the only people in the world not treated like all other refugees, they have their own unique Refugee Agency and are not subject to the same rules as other refugees.

For example, a Hutu refugee living in Kenya and obtaining Kenyan residency is no longer considered a refugee. An Arab who was kicked out of Israel after waging guerilla warfare from his village is a refugee, as is his children and grandchildren, even if they are Citizens of Jordan and the UK and own property in both countries.

For example, both Rashida Taliban and Linda Cockroach are refugees, as is the latter's children, though they have never set foot in Fakestine, and indeed her parents weren't even born in there, but in Jordan.

The vile Carter let all the Cockroaches in. They all got cash from the UN and Jordan, while getting US Taxpayer student aid and welfare both, they took over the married student housing and used the cash grants from the UN to buy houses while living free on campus on US taxpayer money while getting UN cash on top of US Welfare. That is why so many "Impoverished" Palestinians that came in the late 70s own 3-4 properties.

No Karen Tribesman born in Thailand, to somebody born in India, is considered still a refugee from Burma, even when they have Thai and US citizenship, owning property in both Bangkok and LA - but Palestinians are never-ending refugees.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 4, 9:00pm  

Finally, the Oppressed Palestinians are some of the most obese people in the world.

In fact, the average Palestinian woman is 30% more likely to be fat than an American woman.

Stunning, when you consider the average Palestinian is under 30 years old.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 4, 9:07pm  

KGB Code Name Aref, an Egyptian Socialist born in Cairo, was selected to form the PLO, KGB Code Name "Big Farm" in 1964.

This Egyptian native-to-Cairo's name? Yassir Arafat.

The PLO recognized Egypt's total control of Gaza and Jordan's control of the West Bank & Jerusalem in their founding documents. That is, the Palestinians claiming that West Bank is theirs, they did not recognize in 1964 - they want all of Israel, to make sure Islam is not humiliated by having to return land to Jews.

Jordan only dropped their claim to the West Bank as being part and parcel of Jordan in 1982. From annexation in 1947, through it's loss in 1967, right up to the early 80s, Jordan did NOT consider the West Bank to belong to a "Palestinian Nation". Because Jordan IS the Palestinian Arab Nation.

The PFLP was "Little Farm".

TL;DR: After abandoning the Cuba BS, then the Venezuela BS, the Left's last outpost of fake oppression is Fakestine.
35   mostly_reader   2020 May 4, 9:24pm  

> richwicks

There are exactly two things that matter most about this conflict:

1) If Arab states lay down their arms, there is no conflict
2) If Israel lays down her arms, there is no Israel

It's as simple as that.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 8:22am  

mostly_reader says

It's as simple as that.


Another question: How do you occupy the territory of a country that never Existed?
41   HeadSet   2020 May 5, 10:05am  

marcus says

You know as well as anyone that right wing protests leave the protest areas undamaged and clean, while the left wing protesters cause damage and leave lots of litter. When you don't have facts, invent a race issue.
42   richwicks   2020 May 5, 10:36am  

NoCoupForYou says
Israel is a nuclear power with a military and an airforce that kills more people in a single airstrike than Gaza and the West Bank does in a decade. The Palestinians have rocks, maybe the occasional bomb, and a pathetic "rocket" that is literally powered by urea. They lost their property and are continuing to lose it.

You're forgetting the bus bombings, random stabbings, pizzeria detonations, hijackings, etc. of the past 50 years.

Yeah, because Israel pulls this shit:


And has for 70 years.

They're total assholes, and will never stop being total assholes.


NoCoupForYou says
it is, after all, Jew-rusalem, not Arabsalem, in the province of Jew-dea, not Arab-dea. Arab Supremacists continue to occupy Phoenicia, Kurdistan, Egypt (Copts), and the Maghreb (Berbers). God bless the Druze if Arabs ever conquer Israel, that Mountain People depend on Israel so they aren't exterminated. The Bah'hai religion also, which is banned in almost all Arab Countries, including Iraq.

The Fucking ROMANS kicked them out in 70 AD. An EXTINCT EMPIRE did this, and most of the people of Israel aren't Middle Eastern at all. They're white.

My family fled the Nazi invasion of Poland, we're not going back knocking on a door and kicking out who lives there now.

They're just a bunch of bigots. All Zionism is the KKK for Jewish people. That's it. Here's what Zionism is according to the Jewish virtual library. I'm replacing the word "Jew" with the word "white" in the first few paragraphs, also lands, and Zionism with KKK. Read it.


The term “KKK” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

Its general definition means the national movement for the return of the White people to their homeland and the resumption of White sovereignty in the Land of South Africa.

Since the establishment of the State of South Africa in 1948, KKK has come to include the movement for the development of the State of South Africa and the protection of the White nation in South Africa through support for the South Africa Defense Forces.

From inception, KKK advocated tangible as well as spiritual aims. Whites of all persuasions - left, right, religious and secular - formed the Zionist movement and worked together toward its goals.

Disagreements in philosophy led to rifts in the Zionist movement over the years, and a number of separate forms emerged. Notably: Political KKK; Religious KKK; Socialist KKK and Territorial KKK.

It's obviously a racist movement because it's based on RACE. You're just too cowardly and beaten down to point it out. I'm not.

NoCoupForYou says

As reliable as it our "news" has always been.


Nothing has changed. You want to know what happened really in 1948, after a Jewish MINORITY demanded segregation and got it through the UN that broke it's own rule of self determination by denying a vote on the situation and unilaterally splitting the country because the Jewish MINORITY that moved into the area over the last 50 years demanded it? Go ahead and listen to this guy.


You know who he is?

Israel has GIYUS, it has Hasbera, its got the US media (which you know loves truth more than propaganda, right?), and it pays students to produce propaganda for it. And you think I've been brainwashed by the penniless Palestinians? They pay me in rocks, right?

It's useless to discuss this when it's so fucking obvious what is going on. They're just Jewish bigots, it's as simple as that, that's all the are. You're defending a bunch of Jewish supremacists.
43   richwicks   2020 May 5, 11:02am  

mostly_reader says
> richwicks

There are exactly two things that matter most about this conflict:

1) If Arab states lay down their arms, there is no conflict
2) If Israel lays down her arms, there is no Israel

It's as simple as that.

Oh what utter crap.

When is the last time the West Bank attacked Israel? 25 years ago maybe?

Then why do Israeli settlements in the West Bank continue to expand then?

Because Israel is going to exterminate them, slowly, but they will.

And do you know how many times I've seen what you just wrote, repeated, to me, verbatim? You're repeating propaganda to me, not a thought. If you want to talk about this issue, think, don't just repeat propaganda. It's not a land without a people for a people without a land. The entire nation was built on lies and propaganda.
44   socal2   2020 May 5, 11:12am  

richwicks says
you're defending a bunch of Jewish supremacists.

Virtually every country in the Middle East is ruled by ethnic supremacists. Sad fact of life in that backward and violent part of the world.

Radical Islam of the Sunni and Shia variety have ethnically cleansed virtually every last Jew, Christian, Baha'i, Yazidi and Hindu from the Region since WWII.

Nearly half a million Jews were kicked out of Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Yemen, Morocco after the UN Partition. Where were these Jewish Arabs supposed to go? Brooklyn half a world away?

Yet you only vent your spleen about the one tiny country full of Jews (many who are refugees from other Arab countries and the Holocaust) who proudly refuse to be driven into the sea unlike all of the other religious minorities abused by the Muslim world?
45   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 11:46am  

richwicks says
When is the last time the West Bank attacked Israel? 25 years ago maybe?

Who does Israel occupy the West Bank from?

There was never an Arab Palestinian state in all of history, so they are not occupied from Palestine. The only independent entity ever to control the "West Bank" - itself a Jordanian name for what is Judea and Samaria, based on being west of the Dan River - was Israel. Every other time it's been a province of Romans, Byzantines, Caliphates, British, and Turks. Never an independent Arab Muslim state, never once, no no.

Jordan annexed it in 1947 but doesn't want the West Bank back, and Egypt doesn't want Gaza back.

75% of Palestine was given to the Arabs in the 1920s by the British, unilaterally. Then the Jews offered half of the remaining 25%, which was rejected and followed hours later with a massive attack by 12 Arab Armies and recent Arab immigrants conducting Guerilla warfare.
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 11:50am  

richwicks says
As reliable as it our "news" has always been.

The term "Palestinian" never referred to Arabs until about 1960 when the KGB began using it to delegitimize the Arab State. The Arabs called themselves, "Arabs".

Before 1960, Palestinian was another way of saying "Israeli Jew" - even French Encyclopedias called Israeli Jews "Palestinians" and use the term Arabs for well, "Arabs".

When Israeli Jewish reconquistas played a soccer friendly with Australia, they were called "Palestinians".

Finally, there is no "P" sound in Levantine Arabic, only a "B" sound. So they're the "Baal - estinians"
47   richwicks   2020 May 5, 11:58am  

socal2 says
u're defending a bunch of Jewish supremacists.

Virtually every country in the Middle East is ruled by ethnic supremacists. Sad fact of life in that backward and violent part of the world.

Yeah. Why should the United States be involved with it, provoking it, aiding it? I don't really care that Zionists are Jewish supremacists, I care my nation bends over backwards to support them. That's where I care.

socal2 says
Radical Islam of the Sunni and Shia variety have ethnically cleansed virtually every last Jew, Christian, Baha'i, Yazidi and Hindu from the Region since WWII.

The reason there's radical religion in the region now is that in 1953 the United States overthrew the democracy of Iran, and installed a brutal, repressive dictatorship and the only people stupid and crazy enough to stand up against it were religious nuts who were successful in 1979. As a result of that success of overthrowing a foreign power, it was realized only religious radicals were stupid enough and sacrificial enough to be able to overthrow foreign powers. This was used to the United States' advantage when the Taleban (then called the Mujahideen) was used to throw out the USSR in Afghanistan. That's what the movie Rambo III was about.

NoCoupForYou says
There was never a Palestinian state, so they are not occupied from Palestine.

A "state" is just a concept, lines on a map. There's no state called the Catskills, or the Apalacians - doesn't mean you can just displace the people there, does it? This is another, tiresome talking point of propaganda. The area was known as Palestine for millennia, even though it was just a part of the Ottoman Empire.

NoCoupForYou says
Jordan annexed it in 1947 but doesn't want the West Bank back, and Egypt doesn't want Gaza back.

Israel wants it back, and they will go to war for it. Egypt knows this, Jordan knows this.

NoCoupForYou says
75% of Palestine was given to the Arabs in the 1920s by the British,

Why were the British diving up land that didn't belong to them? They did it to keep the Middle East in conflict having fought the Ottoman Empire in WWI.

NoCoupForYou says
Then the Jews offered half of the remaining 25%, which was rejected and followed hours later with a massive attack by 12 Arab Armies and recent Arab immigrants conducting Guerilla warfare.

They weren't recent Arab immigrants. Here's the census of the British Mandate of Palestine in 1922:


And 1931:


Go through the numbers for each ethnic group. It's easy to see who the invaders were. Tell me, how much did the Muslim population increase compared to the Jewish one in 9 years?

The indigenous people feared that the incoming invaders were going to create a state ruled by them, and would push them out. That is the root of the conflict, and they were absolutely right, weren't they?
48   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 12:01pm  

richwicks says
It's useless to discuss this when it's so fucking obvious what is going on. They're just Jewish bigots, it's as simple as that, that's all the are. You're defending a bunch of Jewish supremacists.

23 Arab Countries, almost all of which came about through Arab Imperialist Colonialism. You're opposed to 25% of the Mandate of Palestine, 50% of which is barren Negev Desert with no resources or agra possibilities, going to the Jews, though the Arabs have 75% of the rest AND 98% of the entire Middle East.

You're opposed to one tiny country, about the size of NJ and half of which is useless rock desert, for the Jews.
49   richwicks   2020 May 5, 12:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The term "Palestinian" never referred to Arabs until about 1960


Get to burning the books so the history is correct.
50   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 12:05pm  

richwicks says
Yeah. Why should the United States be involved with it, provoking it, aiding it? I don't really care that Zionists are Jewish supremacists, I care my nation bends over backwards to support them. That's where I care.

Because the USSR gave the Arabs 1000s of MiGs, Arty Pieces, SA-2s, etc. in the Cold War to destroy it, twice and a whole bunch of raids before and after.

Because the League of Nations and UN never agreed to create an Arab State, since the Arabs already got 75% of Palestine Mandate to make Jordan.

richwicks says
Why were the British diving up land that didn't belong to them? They did it to keep the Middle East in conflict having fought the Ottoman Empire in WWI.

It belonged to them. It was given to the British by the Ottoman Empire, a bunch of Imperialist Turks controlling it beforehand for centuries. Never a Palestinian State, it wasn't even a province of the Ottoman Empire, but a subdivision of the Province of Syria.

The League of Nations agrees to the British control of the Mandate and allowed them to create countries out of it, like when they gave 3/4 of it, without any voting of the inhabitants, to Arabs. It's called Jordan.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 12:08pm  

richwicks says

Get to burning the books so the history is correct.

First, I said show me the usage of Palestinian referring to Arab Muslims as a separate and independent ethnicity. A map shows nothing.

I have a map of Ohio, and a map of Appalachia.

There never was a Country called the Ohio Butternut Republic, nor was there ever a country called Appalachia.

Nobody has ever referred to the "Appalachian People" as an independent nationality separate from the rest of the USA.

Just like nobody has ever referred to Ipswitchians as an independent nationality separate from England, at least not since before the Dark Ages.

There are also maps of Ostland, Germanic Poland and Germanic Baltics and Germanic Ukraine, but they were never recognized or even properly organized.

Please show me:

* A list of Palestinian Sovereign Rules (not Ottoman Beys, British Governors, Roman Dux, or Kaliphate Sheiks) - maybe Kalifa Laila the Haughty III, ruling from Ramallah?
* Her coins (not minted by the British with "Eretz Yisrael" - Land of Israel - on them in Hebrew)
* Postage Stamps from this Palestinian Nation prior to 1947
* What wars the Palestinian State was involved with and how it fell to the Turks/Byzantines/Arabs before 1947.
52   richwicks   2020 May 5, 12:14pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Because the USSR gave the Arabs 1000s of MiGs, Arty Pieces, SA-2s, etc. in the Cold War to destroy it, twice and a whole bunch of raids before and after.

The USSR died on December 26, 1991.

NoCoupForYou says
Because the League of Nations and UN never agreed to create an Arab State, since the Arabs already got 75% of Palestine Mandate to make Jordan.

Who gives a fucking fuck about the League of Nations of the UN? What right did they have to be involved?

When Count Bernadotte went to the new land of Israel in 1948 in an attempt to resolve the conflict, he was murdered by Lehi, who at the time was run by a triumvirate - one of which was Yitzhak Shamir. Once a terrorist always a terrorist - isn't that what is said?

Count Bernadotte made his name by running the Red Cross during WWII and removing thousands of Jewish concentration camp victims from their camps.
53   richwicks   2020 May 5, 12:17pm  

NoCoupForYou says
richwicks says

Get to burning the books so the history is correct.

Nice maps. I have a map of Ohio, and a map of Appalachia.

Those maps predate 1947. It was clearly a region, not that even matters. The point is people lived there.

NoCoupForYou says
* A list of Palestinian Sovereign Rules (not Beys or Viceroys or Governors) - maybe Kalifa Laila the Haughty III, ruling from Ramallah?

They weren't independent. That doesn't mean it was an unoccupied territory.

NoCoupForYou says
* Her coins (not minted by the British with "Eretz Yisrael" - Land of Israel - on them in Hebrew)

Indiana doesn't mint coins. Does that mean Hoosiers don't exist?

NoCoupForYou says
* Postage Stamps from this Palestinian Nation prior to 1947

Well you've convinced me, if they didn't have a post office, nobody could have possibly lived there.
54   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 12:20pm  

richwicks says
The USSR died on December 26, 1991.

And yet NATO still exists, and the US provides military aid to Poland, shares intel with UK, etc.

The North Koreans haven't started a war with South Korea in 70 years, but we're still there and still supporting the ROK.

Just like the Soviets armed North Korea to the teeth and gave their blessing for an invasion, so did the USSR with Egypt, Syria, etc.

Why the double standard, why not the level of vitriol about other US Allies?

We DIDNT support Israel prior to the 6-Day War. The Israelis had French, Czech, and black market equipment for the first 20 years.
55   richwicks   2020 May 5, 12:28pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The USSR died on December 26, 1991.

And yet NATO still exists

Yes, it shouldn't exist.
56   socal2   2020 May 5, 12:31pm  

NoCoupForYou says
You're opposed to one tiny country, about the size of NJ and half of which is useless rock desert, for the Jews.

The vehemence of his denunciations of Israel while he defends Iran really says it all. The Shah was a brutal dictatorship? Compared to what?

We have pumped billions into the Muslim/Arab world teaching them how to produce oil and billions more fighting their wars and protecting their borders.

But Richwicks is only bent that we also support the last religious minority in the Region to not be overrun by murderous Islamic terrorists.

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