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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   168,991 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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112053   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 19, 4:25pm  

If you're a Trumper and you know it clap your hands. (CLAP CLAP)
If you're a Trumper and you know it clap your hands. (CLAP CLAP)
If you're a Trumper and you know it, then it's time you really show it,
If you're a Trumper and you know it, board the train!

If you're a Commie and you know it shout out REEEEEE!(REEEEEEEEEEEEE!)
If you're a Commie and you know it shout out REEEEEE!(REEEEEEEEEEEEE!)
If you're a dirty rotten Commie and had a Crackhead Mommy, if you're a Commie and you know shout out REEE!

People wearing Air Jordan's there's a Trump Train coming. picking up Black folks from Coast to Coast.
The Train is bringing economic opportunity, you don't need an Affirmative Action college degree just get on board.
112054   ignoreme   2020 Jun 19, 4:40pm  

This is the definition of alt right:

1. Pro life
2. Pro borders
3. Pro rule of law

Correct me if I’m wrong on any of this libs.
112055   Onvacation   2020 Jun 19, 4:50pm  

ignoreme says
This is the definition of alt right:

1. Pro life
2. Pro borders
3. Pro rule of law

Correct me if I’m wrong on any of this libs.

4.Pro capitalism
5. Anti progressiveness, as in wealth is created by work not redistribution, only two genders, judge on character not skin color, etc.
6. Firm belief that natural rights are not "given" by government, but government power is given by the people.
7. Believe in the scientific method.
112056   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 19, 4:58pm  

If Liberals understood, that the Right has been fed up with the White Liberals and Agitators, and not the people they hide behind while they lob assault at humanity and the society, and now the Black people are catching on, and they've lost the Jews that work for a living. They would soon realize if there's ever a Civil war, they'll be the Grey Coats. Ye Haw Dr. Cletus.!
112057   Onvacation   2020 Jun 19, 5:01pm  

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Nothing about skin color there. It's a shame we had to have our bloody civil war to correct the compromises of the founders. One of the reasons we don't have more states (Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc.) is because of the injustice of our constitution initially counting slaves as less than human.

A lot of white northerners and southerners were killed to abolish the "peculiar institution". It was another century before the democrats stopped being segregationist and openly racist. They're much more subtle now.
112058   Patrick   2020 Jun 19, 5:16pm  

TrumpingTits says
What I want to know is how that mountain lion got into the City. Pacifica I would understand. But the City? I mean, did it cross the Golden Gate or something?

They are here on the peninsula. They can walk up through long stretches of forested area to Pacifica or so. But then it's kind of a mystery how it covered like 10 miles of residential urban area.

112059   Ceffer   2020 Jun 19, 5:46pm  

Just follow the path of homeless bones and wave a baggie of smack at the lion and watch it purr.
112060   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 19, 6:15pm  

I truly believe what’s happening is that the Left has no viable platform that makes any practical sense, whereas the Right absolutely does have a strong, simple platform of Individual freedom, accountability, justice and America First.

So, all the Left has is ad hominem and lunacy such as a hyper focus on racism, anti-Trump, transgenderism, etc. These aren’t foundational issues at all...just ridiculous side shows that embody a portion of the human race that is weak and entitled and whiny as hell. This is what happens when you spoil a child and never tell them they’re wrong.
112061   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 19, 6:58pm  

ignoreme says
I think at a certain level Tim and all the other libs on this site are questioning themselves now. Almost 4 years of Trump and none of their predictions have come true. Yet now they get to watch their side stir up race wars and enact draconian lockdowns all to win an election for a rapist. The cognitive dissonance must give them migraines.

They don’t think, they just do as told by their masters... Soros, Steiner, etc...
112062   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 19, 7:55pm  

Tim Aurora says
Find a new strawman. Trump is a cult leader

Fortwaynemobile says
They don’t think, they just do as told by their masters... Soros, Steiner, etc...

No you go find one. Left has done enough damage to America. I’m ready to use guns to take our streets back.
112063   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 19, 8:09pm  

The Neolibs are funding the SJWs to get them to do the Open Borders and Racial Division for them, so Companies can rule supreme in a weak Gov & Borderless environment. They believe funding the Diversity and Ethno-special interest and Wokey Dokey Groups will keep people distracted and Multinats in Power.

The SJWs think they are using the Neolibs for funding while bringing in the Socialist Woketopia. Once they achieve enough mass, they intend to turn the Multinationals into their Bureaucratic Socialist Utopia.

The Muslims are using both to maintain access and eventual Hijrah of the West (conquest by Demographics)
112064   Shaman   2020 Jun 19, 8:14pm  

porkchopexpress says
So, all the Left has is ad hominem and lunacy such as a hyper focus on racism, anti-Trump, transgenderism, etc. These aren’t foundational issues at all...just ridiculous side shows that embody a portion of the human race that is weak and entitled and whiny as hell.

Weak and whiny describes so many people these days. They may just be a majority.
112065   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 19, 8:16pm  

While DeBlasio was welding shut the gates of Public Parks, he allowed thousands to gather in Public Squares to assert that Trans People of Color were being terribly abused by AmeriKKKa!

Leftists are literally at the tail end of what they claimed was a slippery slope fallacy.
112066   Patrick   2020 Jun 19, 8:17pm  

Tim Aurora says
What did Bushes do> Or for that matter Trump

The aqueduct?

OK, you have to know Life of Brian for that one.

But seriously, how about, say, the lowest black unemployment rate ever and an overall dramatically improved economy from the moment he was elected?

And the lack of new wars?

Just for starters. By all objective measures, Trump has been an excellent president. But was the question asked with an objective answer in mind?
112067   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 19, 8:27pm  

Patrick says
Tim Aurora says
What did Bushes do> Or for that matter Trump

The aqueduct?

OK, you have to know Life of Brian for that one.

But seriously, how about, say, the lowest black unemployment rate ever and an overall dramatically improved economy from the moment he was elected?

And the lack of new wars?

Just for starters. By all objective measures, Trump has been an excellent president. But was the question asked with an objective answer in mind?

Clearly it was not.

When asked why I support President Trump I can give clearly defined and specific answers:

-reduction in income tax
-kept us out of war
-historic booming economy and corresponding unemployment rates
- Supreme Court picks
-federal judicial picks
-has united Republicans
-federal criminal sentencing reform
-undoing parts of obamacare

For starters, and off the top of my head. That’s an awful lot to like IMO. And a pretty damn good list considering the left thinks any Trump supporter is a redneck moron.

Ask a Obama or Clinton supporter what they like about those guys and you get 2-3 specifics if you are lucky. Post that request here and maybe you get a copy and paste from some braindead leftist propaganda site like Daily Kos or some other straight bullshit.
112068   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 19, 8:28pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
you get 2-3 specifics if you are lucky

I'd say some glittering unverifiable generality like "Wasn't Divisive" or "Unified the Country" or "Gave us hope"
112069   Misc   2020 Jun 20, 12:31am  

His book doesn't sound nearly as damaging as that of Omarosa's.
112070   joshuatrio   2020 Jun 20, 6:44am  

Disagree. I think normal will resume quickly after the election and the media runs out of ammo.

We've already seen a return to near normal in just a few weeks in the southeast.

People's attention span is too short now. Impeachment/Russia/collusion were just a few months ago but play out like they happened over a century ago.
112071   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 6:51am  

"The worse, the better" -- Lenin
112072   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 6:54am  

Speaking of which, please prioritize your mental health at this point in history. Like, really, truly prioritize it.

And the first step - stop gobbling up Commie propaganda.
112073   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 7:44am  

Number of protesters killed by police in Hong Kong still sits at zero. More protesters have already been killed by police in these new US protests than in over a year of Hong Kong demonstrations.

How many cops and innocents have been killed by US Rioters? Over a dozen already.

Bernie Bro Girl left that out.

Big market of Returning to Normal:

No matter how much they bitch:

112074   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 8:16am  

The Chinese authorities dismantling HK's Government, protected by Treaty, okay.

American Leftists burning down blocks of cities, protected by US MSM, Trump better not stop them or he's like the Commies, Okay?
112075   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 8:20am  

We're going forward.

We must repair the flux capacitator and re-enable the Timeline that warped us onto the Crazy Drag Queen Storyhour reality.

Next stop is ending welfare for unwed mothers, drug addicts, and drunks. We only help the deserving poor.
112076   Onvacation   2020 Jun 20, 8:29am  

Me, a naive idiot

Go on...
It’s a real problem how US police brutalize and kill people who don’t obey them.

So why don't you just obey them?DILLIGAF says

Funny how the people who bleat “all lives matter” clearly believe cop lives matter much much more than other lives.

Most sane people think police lives are more important than the thugs trying to kill them. Don't you?
Most of the bootlickers defending acts of police brutality right now are really just defending the brutal way they were parented or the brutal way they parent their kids. Disobey and you deserve to be assaulted.

Close . The truth is all the thugs that resist the police should have been spanked by they daddies when they were still young.
What is it about the government’s goon squad executing people on site for not being submissive enough that doesn’t scream tyranny to you?

Thugs should not resist arrest.
media corruption, of DNC corruption, of government corruption

Now there is the problem.

Number of protesters killed by police in Hong Kong still sits at zero. More protesters have already been killed by police in these new US protests than in over a year of Hong Kong demonstrations.

Really? I suppose you believe Tiananmen ended peacefully?

When you bring up the Chinese Communist Party as an example of good policing you have lost all credibility.
112077   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 8:32am  

Any chance of fitting in putting at end to our regime change operations and endless mind numbing wars ?

Which new countries did Trump bomb? Obama bombed over half a dozen, and enabled regime changes in both Egypt, Libya, and probably Syria.

Fortunately Sisi runs Egypt now, if we let it up to the Obama Regime & Google, it would still be in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.
112078   RC2006   2020 Jun 20, 8:34am  

There seems to be a fixation around these parts with labeling people 'Commies". Any chance of something a bit more creative ?

Why if the shoe fits


I'm sure they could get it to pass now.
112079   Onvacation   2020 Jun 20, 8:37am  

Any chance of fitting in putting at end to our regime change operations and endless mind numbing wars ?

Reelect Trump. No new wars!

Biden would call Putin a "dog face pony soldier" and start WW3.
112080   clambo   2020 Jun 20, 8:41am  

Is the author calling redemption of shares a “drawdown”?

I am well versed in investing for retirement but this article is probably an ad for some service or something you pay for.

The actual killer of retirement investment returns is taxes, sorry to give bad news here.
112081   Onvacation   2020 Jun 20, 8:42am  

Trump Derangement Sufferers really think US cops are more brutal than the Chinese.
112082   Onvacation   2020 Jun 20, 9:05am  


Are you equating Hong Kong's PEACEFUL demonstrations with American rioters and looters?
112083   Onvacation   2020 Jun 20, 9:07am  

There seems to be a fixation around these parts with labeling people 'Commies". Any chance of something a bit more creative ?

CCP goons?
112084   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 9:36am  

Onvacation says
Biden would call Putin a "dog face pony soldier" and start WW3.

I doubt it. More like another "reset" one or two years into his presidency.
112085   mell   2020 Jun 20, 9:40am  

Onvacation says
Most sane people think police lives are more important than the thugs trying to kill them. Don't you?

112086   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 9:41am  

finehoe says
Tenpoundbass says
Well if you love John Bolton so much then why don't you marry him?

Since nobody in this thread has expressed love for Bolton, who is this even directed at?

Our lefty friends want to deepthroat him now. It's painfully obvious.
112087   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 9:47am  

Onvacation says
Most sane people think police lives are more important than the thugs trying to kill them. Don't you?

Absolutely: one more dead thug is one less thug to run into on the streets. They all make their choice between going to jail and going to hell when they decide to fight cops.
112088   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 9:51am  

Bolton claimed he and others of the Wisest Smart Crew demanded a regime change/intervention in Venezuela, and Trump didn't want to get involved.

Which was "irresponsible", of course.
112089   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 20, 9:52am  

There will no doubt be another World War however I do not see it being started by the U.S., Russia or China. We will get dragged if we are not careful but as for starting it - no.

It might be started on the Line of Control between India and China.
112090   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 20, 10:01am  

NoCoupForYou says
There will no doubt be another World War however I do not see it being started by the U.S., Russia or China. We will get dragged if we are not careful but as for starting it - no.

It might be started on the Line of Control between India and China.

Doubt it will turn into a World War though. There is no reason for any outside country to join in.
112091   joshuatrio   2020 Jun 20, 10:01am  

joshuatrio says
We've already seen a return to near normal

Personally I was hoping for something better rather than stepping backwards.

Like what?
112092   Patrick   2020 Jun 20, 10:28am  

NoCoupForYou says

Didn't know about Shadilay:

Originally an Italo-disco song, Shadilay is a song made by the Italian artist P.E.P.E in the 80's.

It was found on a 7' record with a frog holding a magic wand, with the words 'ASS. ART. PEPE.' on the bottom. This record is an example of the wonders of Meme Magic.

Followers of the ancient god Kek, say this term to praise the dark lord.
"Shadilay brothers!"

"Praise Kek!"

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