Then They Came For Christians

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2020 Jun 24, 2:00pm   1,356 views  35 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


When I started Gab, the free speech social network, back in August of 2016 I did so for a variety of reasons. I was living and working in Silicon Valley at the time and as a Christian Trump supporter being in one of the most radically far-left cities in the world left me feeling like the minority that I was while living there.

I saw how others treated me, blacklisting me for supporting a political candidate they didn’t like, and looking at me as the “other” for proclaiming my faith in Jesus Christ. My fear was that one day soon the nihilist, atheist, transhumanist tyrants and freaks in Silicon Valley would come for Christians. That day is now here.

Woke leftists are calling for statues of Jesus to be torn down.
Christians are being fired for posting Bible verses on social media.
Christians are being kicked out of places they rent for “liking” Charlie Kirk tweets.
They are being arrested for preaching the Gospel in the streets.
Pinterest is censoring Bible verses and Christian terms.
Christians in China who join Zoom calls for worship are later arrested by the CCP.

Better get your copy of the Bible now. It’s about a year away from being revoked from libraries under the accusations of homophobia & anti-Semitism.
— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) June 24, 2020

Are you paying attention yet, Christian?

They are coming for us. Just as communists always do.

You don’t need to be a Christian to be concerned about what is happening though. Big Tech tyranny must be stopped at all costs. The only way for that to happen is for us to exit their data silos and digital panopticons.

Thankfully God moved me to build what would become a digital Noah’s arc of sorts, although I didn’t realize that at the time back in 2016. From the moment Gab launched it was attacked by every press publication on the planet. Gab was run by an outspoken Christian and Trump supporter, so it had to smeared and destroyed at all costs.

Let’s review the past week of internet censorship and Big Tech tyranny:
-The Federalist and Zerohedge were censored by Google
-TMZ removed their comment section to censor “hate speech”
-Gavin Mcinnes was banned from YouTube
-VDARE is losing their domain registrar
–Gab was blacklisted by Visa
-E Michael Jones had his books censored by Amazon
-Katie Hopkins was banned by Twitter
-@CarpeDonktum was banned by Twitter
-Trump’s tweet was censored by Twitter

Censorship and tech tyranny are accelerating so fast it’s difficult even for me to keep up. What I know is that Gab is growing. Gab is resilient. Gab has the battle scars to prove that we stand for free speech at all costs. Even when that means being banned by both app stores, hosting providers, dozens of third-party services, and even Visa.

As a Christian one of my most motivating factors for building Gab is to protect and preserve the ability to share the Gospel and openly talk about Jesus Christ online. I fear that one day very soon Gab will be the last place where this can happen.

Gab is not a Christian website, but it is run by a Christian who isn’t afraid to speak the Truth boldly. Gab also has plenty of atheists, pagans, and agnostics as well who simply want to speak freely away from Silicon Valley’s watchful eye and iron fist. We welcome everyone.

The time for Christians, and those who cherish liberty, to speak up and DO SOMETHING is now.

I'm not a believer myself, but I'm sympathetic to Christianity because Jesus didn't rob, rape, or murder anyone, unlike, say, Mohammed. Christianity has a far better claim to be a religion of peace than Islam, which is loved by the left as a way to destroy America.

We need to defend Christianity to save our own lives from the leftist mob which is trying to destroy everything that brought us down to the present day.

If we do not speak up and defend Christians now, there will be no one left to defend us when its our own turn.

Comments 1 - 35 of 35        Search these comments

1   Shaman   2020 Jun 24, 2:54pm  

I joined the Gab. Might be useful, and have to support this kind of thought.
2   SoTex   2020 Jun 24, 6:29pm  

So I canceled my last 2 VISA cards today after I learned what they did to gab. I've already cancelled some other cards and paypal for similar reasons.

Called my bank to complain that they gave me a VISA debit card. Told them I want a mastercard and why. Also told them there is a good chance I'll find a replacement bank soon who will give me a mastercard for debit.

I don't really use debit but I'm not down to one credit card. Also, unfortunately I think costco only accepts VISA.

Fuck em.
3   SoTex   2020 Jun 24, 6:29pm  

It may be soon that I'll have to start using bit-corn.
5   SoTex   2020 Jun 24, 6:33pm  

I don't use gab or twitter. It's the principle.
6   Rin   2020 Jun 24, 7:02pm  

Patrick says
Jesus didn't rob, rape, or murder anyone, unlike, say, Mohammed. Christianity has a far better claim to be a religion of peace than Islam

Let's get a few things straightened out here, the story of Jesus is known because of Paul.

If Paul were a robber, rapist, or murderer (outside of self-defense) then I'd say that he's a hypocrite and was using Jesus's name to show a faux soft side to an otherwise, harsh system of religion.

Abu Bakr, Mohammed's father-in-law, was the First Caliphate of Babylon: a conqueror, a murderer, and an absolute dictator/cleric.

Without his armies, there would be no Islam outside of the borders of today's Saudi Arabia. Today, no one would have heard of Mohammed if it weren't for the Caliphate system.
7   richwicks   2020 Jun 24, 7:41pm  

Patrick says
When I started Gab, the free speech social network, back in August of 2016 I did so for a variety of reasons. I was living and working in Silicon Valley at the time and as a Christian Trump supporter being in one of the most radically far-left cities in the world left me feeling like the minority that I was while living there.

Be wary of people that wear their religion on the shirt...

I have noticed that the most "pious", "religious", and "faithful" people are just utter scum and use the religion as a cover for their moral bankruptcy.
8   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 24, 9:11pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says
When I started Gab, the free speech social network, back in August of 2016 I did so for a variety of reasons. I was living and working in Silicon Valley at the time and as a Christian Trump supporter being in one of the most radically far-left cities in the world left me feeling like the minority that I was while living there.

Be wary of people that wear their religion on the shirt...

I have noticed that the most "pious", "religious", and "faithful" people are just utter scum and use the religion as a cover for their moral bankruptcy.

That hasn't been my experience. Most religious people I know are just nice people who see things through the eye of good and bad as defined by the bible. (Christianity or Islam). I've even known Jews who are very good people, who showed up to church and tried to live a good life. Of course I've seen those who are jew/christian/muslim in name only, and will do whatever shit they want.

So just sharing for whatever it's worth. But without god, there is no good. And I've learned that lesson over years man. I was a liberal atheist when I was younger. I just realize that if you don't diety good, it gets replaced really fast by what we have in California. California is anti god, and you know what it means... now they worship gay shit, hating white people, transgenderism, frivilous behavior. Instead of celebrating what is in the bible... which is being productive and good.

I'm telling you, I'll be leaving CA for these very reasons, this place is utterly finished morally. If it wasn't for religious hispanics and old generation of Americans who still go to church (churches are empty), this place would die on it's own of aids and destruction.
9   komputodo   2020 Jun 24, 10:06pm  

just_dregalicious says
I don't really use debit but I'm not down to one credit card. Also, unfortunately I think costco only accepts VISA.

Now where are you going to get your 80 roll pk of toilet paper?
10   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 5:42am  

richwicks says
I have noticed that the most "pious", "religious", and "faithful" people are just utter scum and use the religion as a cover for their moral bankruptcy.

I wouldn't say most, but it is extremely common. More than people would like to think or know. Religion is a cover for a lot of bad people like you say.

"Oh Bill the plumber is an honest man because he goes to church every Sunday and donates all sorts of money..." Well, Bill has been using the church for business networking and then making up fake repairs and uncharging the fuck out of you because you don't know plumbing, but you think he's an honest guy. You see it all the time if you look. Sometimes you have to look really hard, but more common than most think and the followers are blind to it because they "believe" or whatever. That's just a minor example. Think of the mega churches and the $$$$ flowing around that crowd.

That said I'd generally tend to trust a religious person over others knowing what I know and keep my guard up. Overall most people are decent humans. Religious or not. At least the people I know.
11   Apo   2020 Jun 25, 6:49am  

Christian's are capable of killing themselves , don't need outside force.

Ww1, ww2, constant battles between france,germany,England, fights between Catholics n protestantant show that they are capable of killing each other fluently.I

When they are not killing each other they were busy enslaving n killing others (American Indians, africans, southamericans, asians) n stealing stuff.
12   Patrick   2020 Jun 25, 8:15am  

Every culture had slaves at some point. All of them. Try to come up with one that didn't. Remember that most African slaves were sold to Europeans by other Africans.

And most Indians died from disease, not any kind of "genocide". And Indians slaughtered each other plenty and in truly horrible ways.

Europeans are no worse than any other culture, they are just more successful than most, and the losers reset that. In fact, Europeans were among the first to recognize slavery as wrong and end it themselves.

Saudi Arabia didn't end slavery until 1964, and people say it still continues there anyway.

Europe has a very noble culture overall, which we should all be proud of and grateful to live under, even if not European personally.
13   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 25, 8:17am  

Christians have always defended every group. That bullshit about then when they came for me, there was nobody left, was a bunch of bullshit.
There's nobody that will stop one group from coming after Christians. And as I've said countless times, Christians are the only religion that will call out bad people in their religion doing bad things. Every other group, will conflate you calling out one bad actor, with condemning the whole race, religion or sect. It's the only way they can create the illusion of intolerance. They are Jive Ass Mother Fucking Dog Face Pony Soldier Fags.

Every Liberal that will admit they are voting for Democrats, are useless dirt bags, intentionally trying to destroy the country. No exception, and especially your Uncle Joe,that donates to queer charities for bragging rights.
14   Dholliday126   2020 Jun 25, 8:52am  

They have been removing christianity from public grounds for a while now. Almost all statues of Jesus reside on private property, so those wont be coming down. If they threaten churches, churches will just become more militant.

The ultimate goal is to make the state god. So yes they will try, but I think it will fail. It's another catch 22 for theft, aka trans rights demolishing women's rights, it may drive more christian black and hispanics to the conservative side.
15   richwicks   2020 Jun 25, 7:09pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
That hasn't been my experience. Most religious people I know are just nice people who see things through the eye of good and bad as defined by the bible.

I'm not talking about merely religious people.

I'm talking about people that are outspokenly religious.

People who announce, at every possible opportunity, they are Christian or whatever. When people do this, I am guarded. In almost every case the person is using religion as a cover.

The people that run Gab have sabotaged Dissenter but this nitwit goes on about how religious he is. I don't have much faith in the people running Gab. Dissenter is basically dead, it was created - in my opinion - to destroy the idea of a general commenting system that runs on top of ALL websites. It's a good idea - but it cannot be monetized, they hobbled it severely by breaking the interface to it, and they don't promote it one fucking bit. I don't trust the "Christian" creator of Gab.

The reason he claims to be religious is to gain trust, I don't think he's trustworthy.
17   Automan Empire   2020 Jun 26, 8:46am  

WookieMan says
Religion is a cover for a lot of bad people like you say.

"Oh Bill the plumber is an honest man because he goes to church every Sunday and donates all sorts of money..." Well, Bill has been using the church for business networking and then making up fake repairs and uncharging the fuck out of you because you don't know plumbing, but you think he's an honest guy. You see it all the time if you look.

Strongly agrees with my own life experience. People like FortWayne unwittingly lend support and credibility to these opportunistic scum.

I am thinking of a used car lot in town that clanged their religion like a bell in front of them. On their sign, the phone number used a Jesus fish as the hyphen. On the office was a big banner with a bible quote, and for a while they had a small changeable message board with bible quotes. Like many used car dealers, they bought turds cheaply at auction and put most effort into cosmetic repairs and polishing. Once I bought a needy old car from them that they took as a trade. After 2 months and several calls they still hadn't sent the title. Strict laws govern the timing of this for car dealers. So I went in person, was ushered into a quiet back office festooned with crosses and religious knicknacks. The suited fop piously chided me for my impatience and reassured me the title would be sent soon. A few days later it showed up in the mail; accompanied by a glossy 5 color litho'd bible tract on TRUST. The title had obviously been sitting in their office the whole time, it wasn't a duplicate that had just arrived in the mail as they claimed.

Another guy, 50s executive at a regional hospital chain, another conspicuous bible thumper. He hit something on the freeway which caused some undercar damage. He proceeded to try to claim that other issues with the car were also caused by the accident, including a bent wheel that was clearly older damage and too far away from the recent damage to be from the same object. He kind of laid into the adjuster, getting a bit dickishly insistent and petulant. Well the insurer paid out for the damage for the incident, denied the remainder of his claims, then in a there-is-a-God-after-all move, raised his annual premium by more than the amount he tried to falsely pile on to his claim.
18   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 26, 9:47am  

Tenpoundbass says
Christians have always defended every group.

Yeah funny how that works out right? Christians help, and all Christians get at the end is utter hatred from the left that is screaming "pull down Jesus".

The left, specifically the gay groups (who just want to be irresponsible and fucked up) hate religion. Because being a pedophile is not compatible with Christianity. So they've been spending years blaming Christianity, media controlled by their leftist sympathizers constantly blaming Christians for problems. Removed Christianity from schools. And Christianity for those reasons isn't popular in some states, propaganda here in CA won. It defeated good, good lost here, the evil won.

It's sad, but many companies out here go all out to celebrate "gay pride" for a whole fucking month just because gay groups told them to, as if fucking dudes in the ass is an achievement of some kind. But will not celebrate birth of a baby, will not celebrate family, will not celebrate god, will not celebrate Amerca.
19   WookieMan   2020 Jun 26, 9:50am  

Automan Empire says
Strongly agrees with my own life experience

My uncle is this. That's why I think this way. He's super religious, but it's all a con job. He has a $7M home in Scottsdale off the backs of other people.

I respect religious people, but you have to be guarded when dealing with them in a business environment. My uncle was a contractor for big subdivision builders. He'd bid his portion of work (high 6 to 7 figure work) and then tack on 10-30% for "whatever" he wanted as fun money. Had the ability to lien the property and prevent developers from getting lien releases so they could get more money from the bank to finish the project. Basically is was pay me or your fucked knowing most developers are leveraged and don't have a ton of cash on hand and need that lien release to get more funds for the next phase.

My guesstimate of net worth is $50-70M knowing what he owns and how he dealt. Religion was always the cover when he'd upcharge. He does it with us when we visit. My Dad had cancer and it was always "I pray for you every day." WTF? No you don't. It's why Catholics have confession. They lie. Just makes them feel better about their lying because they at least told someone. Makes the lie/con okay.
20   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 26, 9:52am  

WookieMan says
Religion was always the cover when he'd upcharge.

I actually really hate people like that. Like I said, I've known people like that too. Because they don't even try to live a good life, they just live a life of being an asshole. Most Christians I know, don't do that. They are human, still make mistakes, but they don't live a life of being an asshole to others. That dude might as well just be an anti Christ.
21   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 26, 9:56am  

I think you guys are overestimating the bad people, but of course bad people exist everywhere.

I will say that the pastor of the church I attend was formerly the ceo of a fairly large company. He has said that some of his worst employees were Christians.

If there weren’t bad people exploiting God for their own benefit, we wouldn’t have a so g like this

22   WookieMan   2020 Jun 26, 10:05am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I think you guys are overestimating the bad people, but of course bad people exist everywhere.

I'm actually not sure what my estimate would be. I think your teacher, grocery store cashier, average W-2 employee are in religion for what it is about.

Business owners are where you need to tread lightly. That could be 10% or 50% of a church. So it's kind of a moving target. I have no problem with religion overall. It does help people through charity and helping people hitting hard times. So it's an overall good. It's just upsetting when you see it used as cover for someone doing something shady.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 26, 10:14am  

My company used to do some work for religious sounding companies. Names like "Grace Financial" or "Providence Auto Loans". Big on having Fishes & Crucifixes.

Talked to the owner, walked him through some stuff, to make convo I said, "So, you're a Christian company?"

"Oh no, we only called it that because our target is working poor people who value faith, and associate it with trust. I never go to church"
24   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 26, 10:21am  

NoCoupForYou says
Big on having Fishes & Crucifixes.

Legitimate Christians don’t need to rely on “religious goods” as evidence of their faith.

But the point of the OP is that Christians are becoming a disrespected, and in many cases persecuted group. The very same faith that inspired and influenced the birth of this nation is about to become classified as divisive and outlawed.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 26, 10:58am  

thomasdong1776 says
he idea that Christians are persecuted in this country is ludicrous.

That's what they used to say about White People.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 26, 7:12pm  

Good News! Judge invalidates NYC/NYS double standards on religious services, calls Cuomo and DeBlasio regs violations of Constitution.

28   ignoreme   2020 Jun 26, 7:45pm  

WookieMan says
Just makes them feel better about their lying because they at least told someone. Makes the lie/con okay.

The confession wouldn’t be valid if you weren’t sorry for what you did. You can’t just screw people over then confess with the intention of doing it again and expect forgiveness.

For me the real value of confession isn’t the sin forgiveness anyways, it’s the reflection you do beforehand. How often do you take time to sit and think about how you’re behaving and how you could do better? Most people never. It’s a course correction so you can be happier.
29   EBGuy   2020 Jun 26, 8:05pm  

These folks got put out of business.

30   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 27, 10:43am  

EBGuy says
These folks got put out of business.

31   Patrick   2020 Jun 27, 11:11am  

At least the church they belong to has the guts to stand up and refuse BLM demands for public grovelling:

Demands for tearful public apologies were routinely used by the Chinese Communist Party and other totalitarian groups to make it look like no one could escape, and that all people would be forced to bend to the will of the extremists.
32   zzyzzx   2020 Aug 6, 9:29am  

Movie Kindergarden Cop now censored.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Aug 6, 12:19pm  

Wear the US Flag and sue.

Remember under Nadine when the ACLU would sue to allow kids to wear Jesus shirts?
35   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Aug 6, 12:42pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Wear the US Flag and sue.

Remember under Nadine when the ACLU would sue to allow kids to wear Jesus shirts?

Ah the ACLU, the organization formerly supporting civil liberties. Those were the good old days!

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