Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,518 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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1765   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 1, 8:23am  

CBOEtrader says
Do we need to call 911 for you?

Mating call.
1767   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 1, 8:07pm  

jazz_music says
Die die die


Toma Todo!!
1768   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 1, 8:10pm  

jazz_music says
you all?

Ya'll is more efficient. Just sayin.
1769   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 2, 3:28am  

1770   Booger   2020 Jul 2, 4:10am  

TrumpingTits says
Booger says
Those t-shirts are actually pretty cheap:

Amazon pulled it, it seems.

I'm sure I'll be able to find it on the Atlantic City boardwalk.
1774   richwicks   2020 Jul 3, 9:17pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
zzyzzx says

We Americans are being fucked hard right now, really being played by people funding and organizing this shit.

Nobody will do this, but I'm going to inform you anyhow.

Read page 10 of this document: https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf

In particular, the 2nd bullet point. That was written in 2019 at the UN.
1775   Patrick   2020 Jul 3, 10:09pm  

Tenpoundbass says


Dude, this is fantastic!

Quoting just so more people might see it.

I especially love the point that since the mask can be made out of anything, that proves this is just social engineering.
1776   Patrick   2020 Jul 3, 10:12pm  

richwicks says
In particular, the 2nd bullet point. That was written in 2019 at the UN.

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

So... the virus was deliberately released?
1777   richwicks   2020 Jul 4, 7:57am  

Patrick says
richwicks says
In particular, the 2nd bullet point. That was written in 2019 at the UN.

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

So... the virus was deliberately released?

I have gotten to the point that I no longer draw conclusions anymore, I just collect information.

I consider it a possibility that the virus was deliberately released and that it's possible we are simply going through a test. It is not uncommon practice to release what are considered "harmless" pathogens to track those spreads. This has been done by our government numerous times to model germ warfare especially in the 1960's.

I do not know anybody that is personally sick. In fact, in this year, nobody I know has even caught the flu. Generally I know at least one person that gets the flu.

I suspect we are actually going through a monetary reset of some sort but it will take months to find out.
1778   theoakman   2020 Jul 4, 8:35am  

Given the stats, the survival rate for someone healthy under 50 is probably closer to 99.99%
1779   Patrick   2020 Jul 5, 2:13pm  

Interesting that bats don't get sick from these viruses:


Their immune system is adapted to them.
1781   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jul 6, 12:32pm  

Hi just FYI I know personally first hand severa people who got Covid 19. There’s been about 300 cases for my employer and one death though I have inside info that the death is due to Covid related condistions, not Covid itself.
1782   Shaman   2020 Jul 6, 1:37pm  

Booger says

Well, he heads the NAIAD wing of the NIH, anyway. That’s the relevant wing though, having to do with infectious disease and allergic reactions.

And he did authorize payments of 2.6 million to the Wuhan lab in China from funds he oversaw. Fauci is dirty.
1783   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 6, 6:09pm  

jazz_music says
Shaman says
Fauci is dirty.
Because of specially what?

His CCP ties, duh.
1785   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 7, 8:24pm  

Death rate just jumped up today: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ <- scroll down to the daily deaths bar chart.

Has been dropping like a rock but shot back up to reach the level we were at a month ago. Either to be expected due to all of the increases in infections we've been seeing OR perhaps a delay in reporting due to the holiday.

I think the holiday is having the larger impact.
1786   mell   2020 Jul 7, 10:22pm  

It probably is related to the increase in cases but is far less than what we had when we had half of new cases. I'm expecting swings like this but overall it will continue trending down on the 4-week moving average.
1787   WookieMan   2020 Jul 8, 5:26am  

just_adhom_preaching says
I think the holiday is having the larger impact.

The pattern in the graph would most certainly suggest that. If it was the normal 2 day dip and then the usual spike, I'd have a little concern. It was down for 3 days so that's 3 days worth of less reporting and then pumped into the fourth day all at once. It should taper down the rest of the week, until the weekend slow down in reporting.

News this week has now been pumping super hard that young people are dying much more now. I do personally know a 2nd person now that has had it for about 8 days. Said it was rough for 2-3 days, but no different than an average flu and he's glad he got it. 37 years old. His roomate also got it and had no symptoms at all. He's in Nashville though.... Stay away from large cities is my plan. The 2 people I know got it in Chicago and Nashville. Although I do fly in about 2 weeks, so that could be tricky.
1788   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 8, 11:23am  

On Monday it was reported Balls a Naro got Rona, this is his breakfast picture this morning, after two days of HCQ

1789   Booger   2020 Jul 8, 2:54pm  

Not one single government employee at any level has missed a single paycheck or pension payment.

Not one single welfare benefit has gone unpaid.

1792   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 9, 8:01pm  

Corona made me fat!

- I was just thinking I've yet to hear that however I expect I will.

I've actually lost about 10lbs. My scale went all wonky a week ago after a battery leaked and I need to fix it before that reverses.
1793   RC2006   2020 Jul 13, 8:38am  

People are so fucking brainwashed. Two ladies at work one black and one Mexican that live in Long Beach were telling me they're kid have to go back to school because of Trump. I usually just say nothing but it just came out of my mouth, I told them this is CA what does Trump have to do with anything in this state its all run by democrats if you don't like the way things are here take it up with them. Just blows me away how uninformed and how much the media has brainwashed most people here.They are both scared their kids will catch it and die, its disgusting the way the media is being used as a tool of fear.
1794   mell   2020 Jul 13, 9:21am  

RC2006 says
People are so fucking brainwashed. Two ladies at work one black and one Mexican that live in Long Beach were telling me they're kid have to go back to school because of Trump. I usually just say nothing but it just came out of my mouth, I told them this is CA what does Trump have to do with anything in this state its all run by democrats if you don't like the way things are here take it up with them. Just blows me away how uninformed and how much the media has brainwashed most people here.They are both scared their kids will catch it and die, its disgusting the way the media is being used as a tool of fear.

Unbelievable. Their kids will be imbeciles since they can never go to school because respiratory! virus!
1796   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 14, 11:30am  

mell says

Unbelievable. Their kids will be imbeciles since they can never go to school because respiratory! virus!

Their kids will be imbeciles regardless. Because genetics.
1797   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 14, 1:16pm  

It's settled, Covid testing is Gay

1798   mell   2020 Jul 14, 1:18pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Chong-Li! lol
1799   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 14, 1:43pm  

We keep hearing about "second wave" and such. How come there is no evidence of any significant "second waves" literally anywhere (if measured in excessive deaths, of corse, the only measure that matters):

1800   socal2   2020 Jul 14, 2:14pm  

We did as we were told and flattened the curve. Now the Karen's are freaking out that infections are rising in some states as designed.

It is clear as mud that New York, New Jersey and Connecticut fucked up and never flattened anything. So it is beyond Chutzpah for Cuomo and Scientifically illiterate (or dishonest) Democrats and Media gaslighting us to praise Cuomo while they shit on Florida and Texas.

1801   Booger   2020 Jul 16, 4:06am  

I ride a bike everywhere and all the cars on the road make me feel unsafe. Everyone stop driving, stop being cry babies about it, just do it and show everyone you care.
1802   Booger   2020 Jul 16, 4:06am  

Please sign my change.org petition to make wearing diapers mandatory. Your right to choose your undergarments doesn't surpass my right to save my grandma from your ass. Please understand that diapers are masks for your ass. You wear your diaper to protect me, I wear my diaper to protect you. This is not a joke, covid can spread through feces, so we have to be sure our airborne poo particles are not killing any grandmas through brownian motion. We could avoid contaminated seats and benches and thus any viral spread if everyone wore extra absorbent diapers, as well as toxic miasmas from flatulence.
1803   Booger   2020 Jul 16, 4:49pm  

I wish the Chinese virus was as deadly as they say because I really hate fat people.

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