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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,233,808 views  44,059 comments

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7109   Patrick   2020 Aug 2, 4:02pm  

But no one will die if we use HCQ with zinc and azithromycin EARLY:

7110   mell   2020 Aug 2, 8:21pm  

Onvacation says
350,000,000 * 0.003 is still over a million dead, when everybody is infected, when everyone dies.

The estimated pre-immunity is around 25%-50%. so the maximum of infections is around 50% or less. Most real pandemics infected around 25%. That limits the abs. max super pandemic infection rate to 175000000 and deaths to 500k, with 25% infection rate to 250k. Given the stronger than anticipated 2nd wave we will likely top out around 200k deaths before it becomes more or less in line with the yearly flu with sporadic reoccurrences. And if given known effective antivirals such as HCQ early going forward we can probably reduce the deaths by 25%-75%.
7111   Onvacation   2020 Aug 2, 8:28pm  

mell says
The estimated pre-immunity is around 25%-50%. so the maximum of infections is around 50%

I recall reading about an old study where volunteers were directly exposed with a germ laden aerosol. Only half of the subjects developed any symptoms.

What the masks really do is prevent anyone from talking about Biden, the Clintons and Epstein.
7112   Onvacation   2020 Aug 2, 8:29pm  

May as well dupe post this here:
7113   mell   2020 Aug 2, 8:34pm  

Onvacation says
mell says
The estimated pre-immunity is around 25%-50%. so the maximum of infections is around 50%

I recall reading about an old study where volunteers were directly exposed with a germ laden aerosol. Only half of the subjects developed any symptoms.

What the masks really do is prevent anyone from talking about Biden, the Clintons and Epstein.

Absolutely but I don't want to go as far as labeling them useless. If you believe in the viral load equation and/or that it's only transmitted via droplets then they do help somewhat. Of course anything below N95 is mainly to prevent a symptomatic person from spreading it too much, not healthy people from catching it. Indoors I do think they are useful during peak infection waves, outdoors they're useless and really only mind/population control. I never wear one outside except for when it's a family trip and we're required by the transportation vessel such as a ferry.
7116   WookieMan   2020 Aug 3, 11:10am  

mell says
If you believe in the viral load equation and/or that it's only transmitted via droplets then they do help somewhat.

What if you are sick though, but asymptomatic. What if you breath into a mask for 2 hours, and then catch a whiff of pollen or mold and you sneeze? You have the mask on, so you're less prone to cover. And even then, did the viral load build up in the mask by wearing it? So then when you have that random cough or sneeze is it expelling exponentially more viral load into the air that had been trapped in your mask?

Cases have increased with the large push for masks in my line of thought. Yes things have opened up more, but with masks required in most cases. Are masks a suitcase for the virus and when you have the cough/sneeze event, are you just shooting that shit everywhere? Given the mask compliance indoors in every area I've been to, we shouldn't be seeing increasing cases at all if they were effective. Unless you're sneezing or coughing, the particles leaving your mouth and nose aren't traveling very far at all.

I'll wear one and do wear one, but I don't think there's legitimate evidence that masks do a damn thing. Maybe medical grade PPE as 4 of the 4 medical workers I know in contact with Covid patients still haven't gotten Covid. Yes it still seemingly is spreading like wildfire through the American public that is generally wearing some form of mask.
7117   Misc   2020 Aug 3, 11:16am  

I'll start believing in masks when bio-hazard receptacles are put in place for handling their disposal.
7118   WookieMan   2020 Aug 3, 11:58am  

Misc says
I'll start believing in masks when bio-hazard receptacles are put in place for handling their disposal.

Valid point. By default if they're stopping a biohazard from being released, they should be disposed of properly.
7119   Tenpoundbass   2020 Aug 3, 12:13pm  

Misc says
I'll start believing in masks when bio-hazard receptacles are put in place for handling their disposal.

Not even then, the reality doesn't match the hype, and Fauci and Birx has never been called out for getting everything wrong since this started.

I don't think there is a single person on Patnet, that would still have a job, if we performed like those two have and cost the company we worked for as much money(comparatively speaking) as they have cost the US economy.
We would be done for, and it would be the end of our careers, we would have zero credibility.

Does anyone think the original creator of the Obamacare website is still employed at that same capacity today?
7122   mell   2020 Aug 3, 10:12pm  

WookieMan says
mell says
If you believe in the viral load equation and/or that it's only transmitted via droplets then they do help somewhat.

What if you are sick though, but asymptomatic. What if you breath into a mask for 2 hours, and then catch a whiff of pollen or mold and you sneeze? You have the mask on, so you're less prone to cover. And even then, did the viral load build up in the mask by wearing it? So then when you have that random cough or sneeze is it expelling exponentially more viral load into the air that had been trapped in your mask?

Cases have increased with the large push for masks in my line of thought. Yes things have opened up more, but with masks required in most cases. Are masks a suitcase for the virus and when you have the cough/sneeze event, are you just shooting that shit everywhere? Given the mask compliance indoors in every area I've been to, we shouldn't be seeing inc...

Thats the big mystery about it. If it were droplets they would need to be transmitted by sneezes or coughs or very wet speech. You can easily guard yourself from that, mask or not, only a few unlucky ones will get into a situation where they are coughed or sneezed upon by a sick person. I believe the virus is airborne and those not getting infected have immunity from prior CV colds. And in that case masks below n95 don't really help much if at all. But N95 masks or higher will likely prevent you from getting it indoors if you also practice frequent handwashing and don't touch your face. Outdoors or indoors with really thorough ventilation / filtration most viruses don't transmit. That's why leaving all the doors open for small businesses helps a lot in reducing the spread.
7128   Tenpoundbass   2020 Aug 5, 2:15pm  

The latest installment

7129   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Aug 5, 3:16pm  

Booger says

Maybe add a nice 'cattle' guard.
7130   Onvacation   2020 Aug 5, 3:40pm  

just_adhom_preaching says
Booger says

Maybe add a nice 'cattle' guard.

And some of those "Ben Hur" spikes on the wheels.
7132   Patrick   2020 Aug 6, 12:11am  

Scott Adams

Hypothesis: If HCQ is effective in suppressing coronavirus infections, countries with the least exposure to CNN will have better outcomes.
7135   Tenpoundbass   2020 Aug 6, 9:23am  

zzyzzx says

What's worse is companies that aren't tech companies but a posing that culture.
The company I work for is one such company.
We even have a "Culture Committie" with mandatory "Ride the Slide at 5" announcements.
Of course I never go. It appears every brown noser that ever made the b-line to the slide after announcement no longer works here.
7137   Ceffer   2020 Aug 6, 12:50pm  

Gollee! Working at Facebook is just like being in Mom's basement in heaven.
7145   WookieMan   2020 Aug 9, 8:18am  

Patrick says

Lol. Then don't send a fucking truancy official to my house or call me because I take my kids on vacation during the school year.... cunts. No, we'd rather have you travel during summer or winter break when costs are 5x's normal. It's the one benefit of this virus. Schools, counties and government don't have a leg to stand on anymore with regards to attendance. Gotta take the positive from any negative situation. There usually is one unless you're dead.

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