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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   411,883 views  5,746 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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384   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 11:23am  

Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.
385   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 9, 2:53pm  

I would suggest that the living Wookie is talking about isn't real living at all. If you're on a million pills, going to the doctor every week, hospital every month, that's not living, and I agree, no desire to get there. Good thing I exercise, eat healthy, and don't isolate myself.

I have no idea how old I'll live to be because with most people suffering horrible quality-of-life, and dying from completely preventable conditions, it's hard to say. But I know I'll enjoy ever minute, and will likely die the normal way, in my sleep.
387   Blue   2021 Apr 9, 3:46pm  

CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.
389   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 4:25pm  

Blue says
CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.

@Blue Could you post a link to that Marketwatch article?
390   Ceffer   2021 Apr 9, 4:38pm  

Gettin' close to home?
391   mell   2021 Apr 9, 4:57pm  

Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin D production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. And chronic vit d deficiency may kill you sooner. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hours they are outside on average. The UVB/C rays are meant to hurt you and make your skin red so you get out as soon as you start feeling it. With sunscreen you can stay much much longer in the sun without any hurt bit you will let through plenty of uva rays which can cause DNA damage as much if not more than uvb if consumed excessively (which is why tanning beds can be dangerous) although current research says uvb causes more cancer esp. dangerous melanoma (while uva causes more aging). Of course if you're at high altitude, near the equator or its summer season you won't get around wearing some occasionally. As with everything pros and cons and talk to you doc lol
392   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 9, 5:03pm  

mell says
Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. As always pros and cons. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hours they are outside on average. The UVB rays are meant to hurt you and make your skin...
Totally agree, mell. We are a vitamin-deficient society because we're always indoors and slathering on sunscreen. If you're going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time, put it on and use zinc oxide version. Otherwise, let the sun hit your skin. If I go outside for a 40 minutes walk, I will put some sunscreen just on my face to prevent aging, but no where else.
393   mell   2021 Apr 9, 5:05pm  

porkchopexpress says
mell says
Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. As always pros and cons. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hour...

Agreed and it's really not that much of a hassle to get your skin checked once a year at the doc.
394   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 5:44pm  

I was always sun-phobic, and even had a basal cell skin cancer a few years ago, but now I make a point of standing shirtless in the sun for a couple of minutes each afternoon because:

1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.

After getting a skin cancer and having it cut off (very much like my father) I read about it, and basal cell cancers are not particularly dangerous. It's melanoma that's dangerous, and that seems to be mostly unrelated to sun exposure.
395   EBGuy   2021 Apr 9, 8:38pm  

Darkhorse Podcast, as always, has an interesting take on sun exposure.
396   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 8:53pm  

Patrick says
1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.

4. tan girls are sexy
397   mell   2021 Apr 9, 9:25pm  

A good tan on a beautiful female body is def a great sight.
398   Blue   2021 Apr 9, 10:12pm  

Patrick says
Blue says
CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.

@Blue Could you post a link to that Marketwatch article?

Can not find it now! it was something similar to the following,
399   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 9, 11:02pm  

mell says
While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.

5-Fluorouracil to the rescue!
400   mell   2021 Apr 10, 8:27am  

just_passing_through says
mell says
While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.

5-Fluorouracil to the rescue!

Lol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience. Definitely a win for science. I go to the skin doc every 1-2 years and only had a 1 or 2 small keratose or sun damaged patches on my face so far and some inconveniently placed moles, usually I laser or cryo stuff like that away in the earliest stages. I have a slight natural olive tan complex which helps too a bit. But I used to be quite vit d deficient during a lesser healthy period of my life and vit D fixed that so I am convinced the benefits of some unblocked sun exposure each day if possible by very far outweigh the risks.
401   WookieMan   2021 Apr 10, 9:25am  

Bitcoin says
Patrick says
1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.

4. tan girls are sexy

You got one right!
402   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 10:07am  

Thanks @Blue
404   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 10, 11:11am  

DMX died Yesterday.
405   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 10, 11:19am  

mell says
Lol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience.

Yup, I've used it too. That's what's going to keep me from becoming a crusty old man!
406   Rin   2021 Apr 10, 11:25am  

joshuatrio says
Shaman says

As much as I dislike the vaccine, it doesn’t work that way. I’m very concerned, however, about long-term issues with autoimmune disease. Everything from Crohns to lupus to MS and psoriasis and cancer are possible from immune system malfunction. Even sudden death from weirder immune responses, which have claimed almost 2000 lives so far from the vaccine.

Understand, but this is why I thought it was a possibility based on the below research:

"The FDA confirms that the 1st vaccine dose correlates with increased COVID-19 infections. "Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs 287 in the placebo group." This data comes from Pfizer itself. See p 42 of https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download


I've had the answer all along ...


I got off the phone with a stupid nurse who insists that supplements, like the Rin Pill (not being highly bioavailable) were not worth keeping in the clinic.


When I showed her that there was an injectable formulation, she changed the subject.


The commercially available formulation of the above is Corvitin, which is not available at the moment and is made in Russia.

Since the formulation is in the public domain, any cGMP facility within the US or NATO could manufacture it at the cost of time and materials. There are no royalties to be paid to anyone and thus, the govt could have bulk produced it, since we were in a 'State of Emergency' since Mar 2020.

This would then be available in mass, at every emergency room and walk-in clinic, from coast to coast. Anyone entering, would first be allergy tested and given an injection, along with a Vitamin D plus Zinc pill, and sent home to await for their Covid test with a 5 day supply of supplements.

In addition, grocery stores would have special hours for ppl 65 and above and anyone working at a nursing home would need to wear a hazmat suit. And that's all. The nation would have been at herd immunity by Dec 2020.

Instead, what did we get? ... Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates, a bunch of criminal hacks!


What will happen is that ppl will feel better and come back for another injection within a few days to recover faster.

Only ppl with pre-existing pulmonary dysfunction or chronic conditions like anemia may end up on respirators. Most everyone else will do fine on an outpatient basis.
407   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 10, 1:10pm  

Had a date night with the wife last night. Delicious ribeye. When I called to make a reservation the lady said something about 50% capacity. We had a nice table with TV to watch the historic Padres game. That place was packed. 50% capacity my ass. Life's starting to feel normal again in SoCal.
408   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 1:14pm  

just_passing_through says
mell says
Lol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience.

Yup, I've used it too. That's what's going to keep me from becoming a crusty old man!

To be clear, the above comments are about 5-Fluorouracil and not about the "vaccine".

I have a tube of 5-Fluorouracil I got when I had a small skin cancer. I think it does work well.
409   Ceffer   2021 Apr 10, 2:36pm  

I'm almost thinking around my mourning that maybe the morbidity and deaths from the vaccine are a mixed blessing: maybe it will wake up the people (survivors) to what the psychopaths are really up to.
411   Booger   2021 Apr 10, 3:45pm  

Ceffer says
maybe it will wake up the people (survivors) to what the psychopaths are really up to.

The media will be covering this up as well.
412   Booger   2021 Apr 10, 3:47pm  

If the first one didn't kill you, you need the second and then the third, etc.
413   Misc   2021 Apr 10, 4:13pm  

Seems like the conspiracy theories are colliding.

The least vaccinated members of society in the US are Blacks. They don't trust the stuff.

The most vaccinated in the world are the White Jewish in Israel.
415   GNL   2021 Apr 11, 8:13am  

Booger says

Is there proof that they do not vaccinate their children? Or if they do so at a substantially lower rate then the rest of the country?
416   mell   2021 Apr 11, 8:19am  

WineHorror1 says
Booger says

Is there proof that they do not vaccinate their children? Or if they do so at a substantially lower rate then the rest of the country?

I think anything modern tech is against their beliefs so I would assume close to zero.
417   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 9:23am  

They will use modern tech like surgery to save the lives of their members. They just try to live without being dependent on modern technology.

Looks like most of them would reject this "vaccine" though:

418   GNL   2021 Apr 11, 9:50am  

Patrick says
They will use modern tech like surgery to save the lives of their members. They just try to live without being dependent on modern technology.

Looks like most of them would reject this "vaccine" though:


What about polio etc?
419   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 11, 10:01am  

I'm in Vegas at the Venetian with the family right now and it's packed. TONS of Black people which makes me wonder if they've already had Covid or just don't have a fear of it.
420   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 11:17am  

Black people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.

They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
421   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 11, 11:46am  

Patrick says
Black people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.

That's because they know the establishment has exempted them from the same scrutiny that they give White people that might vote Pro America polices.
They have been used to gaslight the race war the Left so desperately craves. The quickest way to a Civil division and unrest is through double standards of enforcing rules and laws.
422   HeadSet   2021 Apr 11, 12:09pm  

Patrick says
Black people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.

They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.

Yet they re-elected Maxine Waters.
423   Ceffer   2021 Apr 11, 12:17pm  

Talking to a couple of people in the hood about surviving the jab, they are full on board with the psychosomatic effect that they now have 'nothing to worry about'. One lady said, "Look, isn't it wonderful we can talk without masks now?" I guess she never got the memo that the vaccines don't prevent you from getting whatever Covid is out there, or the TPTB will NEVER release the tyrannical mask conformity mandate, or that the 'gateway jabs' are just the beginning of 'perpetual jabs' to put whatever they want into your system.

Inflict the fear and terror, then offer a Globalist biologic experiment as antidote to the fear. The coming year will be 'interesting'. For an insane and unfounded fear, they will take an insane and unfounded vaccine.

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