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While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.
mell saysWhile I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.
5-Fluorouracil to the rescue!
Patrick says1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.
4. tan girls are sexy
Lol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience.
Shaman says
As much as I dislike the vaccine, it doesn’t work that way. I’m very concerned, however, about long-term issues with autoimmune disease. Everything from Crohns to lupus to MS and psoriasis and cancer are possible from immune system malfunction. Even sudden death from weirder immune responses, which have claimed almost 2000 lives so far from the vaccine.
Understand, but this is why I thought it was a possibility based on the below research:
"The FDA confirms that the 1st vaccine dose correlates with increased COVID-19 infections. "Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs 287 in the placebo group." This data comes from Pfizer itself. See p 42 of https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download
I've had the answer all along ...
I got off the phone with a stupid nurse who insists that supplements, like the Rin Pill (not being highly bioavailable) were not worth keeping in the clinic.
When I showed her that there was an injectable formulation, she changed the subject.
The commercially available formulation of the above is Corvitin, which is not available at the moment and is made in Russia.
Since the formulation is in the public domain, any cGMP facility within the US or NATO could manufacture it at the cost of time and materials. There are no royalties to be paid to anyone and thus, the govt could have bulk produced it, since we were in a 'State of Emergency' since Mar 2020.
This would then be available in mass, at every emergency room and walk-in clinic, from coast to coast. Anyone entering, would first be allergy tested and given an injection, along with a Vitamin D plus Zinc pill, and sent home to await for their Covid test with a 5 day supply of supplements.
In addition, grocery stores would have special hours for ppl 65 and above and anyone working at a nursing home would need to wear a hazmat suit. And that's all. The nation would have been at herd immunity by Dec 2020.
Instead, what did we get? ... Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates, a bunch of criminal hacks!
What will happen is that ppl will feel better and come back for another injection within a few days to recover faster.
Only ppl with pre-existing pulmonary dysfunction or chronic conditions like anemia may end up on respirators. Most everyone else will do fine on an outpatient basis.
mell saysLol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience.
Yup, I've used it too. That's what's going to keep me from becoming a crusty old man!
maybe it will wake up the people (survivors) to what the psychopaths are really up to.
Booger says
Is there proof that they do not vaccinate their children? Or if they do so at a substantially lower rate then the rest of the country?
They will use modern tech like surgery to save the lives of their members. They just try to live without being dependent on modern technology.
Looks like most of them would reject this "vaccine" though:
Black people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
Black people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
Patrick saysBlack people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
Yet they re-elected Maxine Waters.
HeadSet saysPatrick saysBlack people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
Yet they re-elected Maxine Waters.
Too many still on the dole, there has been a shift towards leaving the plantation but the majority still votes leftoid.
Bitcoin saysI survived it too, has almost been a week!! any minute I dont drop dead is worth celebrating. And not even dementia yet!!!
I didn't take it and won't die from covid anyway. So there's that. It's statistically impossible. And that's IF you trust the manipulated data regarding cases and deaths and your typical flu disappearing. If you're under 50, there's basically zero reason to take this. You'll die from a plethora of other causes before covid.
Sad state of affairs when people think you NEED a vaccine for the flu. It will become endemic and you WILL get Covid-19 at some point regardless of vaccination. I'd rather just let my body do its thing. No interest in manipulating my body for the common cold and give big pharma money. Everyone is entitled to do what they want, but at some point logic is a thing.
WookieMan saysBitcoin saysI survived it too, has almost been a week!! any minute I dont drop dead is worth celebrating. And not even dementia yet!!!
I didn't take it and won't die from covid anyway. So there's that. It's statistically impossible. And that's IF you trust the manipulated data regarding cases and deaths and your typical flu disappearing. If you're under 50, there's basically zero reason to take this. You'll die from a plethora of other causes before covid.
Sad state of affairs when people think you NEED a vaccine for the flu. It will become endemic and you WILL get Covid-19 at some point regardless of vaccination. I'd rather just let my body do its thing. No interest in manipulating my body for the common cold and give big pharma money. Everyone is entitled to do what they want, but at some po...
Yeah and worse they are applying for permission to vaccinate kids now, child-abuse for amassing even more money. No kid or teenager needs a Covid shot unless wrought with co-morbidities.
Funny, I went down to Melbourne, FL last week. On the way down, a big electronic sign said ALL GA residents 30 and over were welcome to get a shot. On the way back, it say 16. FUCKING 16 YEARS old.
Everyone can get a shot now, there is no scarcity. People don't want it. 50% of healthcare workers and 40-50% of active duty military have declined this bullshit.
it was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.