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Just riot. Seems to be the "in" thing over the last year.
Sorry @HunterTits I had to edit that because they are already looking for excuses to shut this site down.
they are already looking for excuses to shut this site down.
Who is trying to shut your site down
joshuatrio saysWho is trying to shut your site down
I think just liberals in general.
They got me booted from the Amazon referral program, which is fine actually.
Got threatened with a bogus DMCA notice for linking to a business site. I won that one. Links are always legal.
Got threatened for copyright infringement in spite of Section 230. But the law specifically protects sites as long as I take timely action to removing infringing content.
There are frequent technical attacks on the site, but so far none have broken in or brought it down.
Now I'll have time to make it more distributed and resistant to censorship.
must be one bored individual somewhere... like a former user or something.
Not copyright, just don't want the site to be classified as promoting violence.
I do think a second American Revolution may be coming, but hopefully it can be done with minimum violence.
Next time Repubs get power (if there is one) they should pack the court with 25 more judges.
I say fuck them.