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Order came in 2 weeks, well packaged, looks super legit. Apparently some packages have been getting intercepted by USPS, which shows them to be among the forces arrayed trying to KILL US. This package was marked "pharmaceuticals, personal use" and had no problem.
Calling Dr. Rin @Rin pleaseJust follow the FLCCC protocol at covidcriticalcare.com
When (if) I get my Ivermectin when and if and how much and how often should I take these little pills.
I understand any advise you give me is not from a licensed doctor, (who the fuck wants to listen to those murderous fucks), and will take full responsibility for any decisions I make.
I couldn't find the dosage at https://covid19criticalcare.com/https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf
But I've previously calculated that for my weight of about 190 lbs I should take about 20 milligrams, or maybe slightly less.
Patrick saysI should take about 20 milligrams.
Of horse paste?
Onvacation saysPatrick saysI should take about 20 milligrams.
Of horse paste?
No, of the actual Ivermectin contents of it. So you have to do some math to figure out how much horse paste to take, because it's 1.75% Ivermectin.
Guys, please don't take a drug as a prophylactic until you think, AT LEAST, you've been exposed?I agree with this. Focus on supplements as maintenance and take IVM when you start to feel symptoms or you know you've been closely exposed.
Is my math right?
richwicks saysIs my math right?
No, your math is wrong.
Remember that it's only 1.87% Ivermectin.
So the whole tube contains 6008 * 0.0187 = 112.3496 mg of Ivermectin.
If the normal dose is on the order of 16 mg, that's about 16 / 112 = 0.14, meaning 14% of the package.
It's for up to a 1250 lb horse, so I weigh about 190 / 1250 = 15% the weight of a horse. That is additional confirmation that I'm in the ballpark.
Some common ivermectin side effects in the treatment of infection in the intestine may include:
Loss of appetite
Loss of energy
Sleepiness or drowsiness
Stomach pain
Some common side effects of this drug in the treatment of infection in the intestine may include:
Other eye problems
Joint pain and swelling
Swollen and tender lymph nodes
Serious side effects may include:
Serious eye problems, symptoms:
Loss of vision
Pain in neck and sometimes in back
Trouble standing or walking
Shortness of breath
Extreme tiredness
Extreme drowsiness
Inability to control urination
Liver damage. Symptoms may include:
Dark urine
Pain on the right side of your stomach
Loss of appetite
Yellowing of the skin or maybe whites of your eyes
Symptoms of severe skin reactions include:
Peeling skin
Severe rash
Blistering skin
Low blood pressure( especially when you get up after long sitting or lying down). Symptoms:
Remember that it's only 1.87% Ivermectin.
So the whole tube contains 6008 * 0.0187 = 112.3496 mg of Ivermectin.
If the normal dose is on the order of 16 mg, that's about 16 / 112 = 0.14, meaning 14% of the package.
It's for up to a 1250 lb horse, so I weigh about 190 / 1250 = 15% the weight of a horse. That is additional confirmation that I'm in the ballpark.
FuckCCP89 posted
That's way longer than the list of jab side effects from Pfizer. WAY LONGER!
Patrick saysRemember that it's only 1.87% Ivermectin.
So the whole tube contains 6008 * 0.0187 = 112.3496 mg of Ivermectin.
If the normal dose is on the order of 16 mg, that's about 16 / 112 = 0.14, meaning 14% of the package.
It's for up to a 1250 lb horse, so I weigh about 190 / 1250 = 15% the weight of a horse. That is additional confirmation that I'm in the ballpark.
Patrick's math sounds about right.
Here's the thing, if you already supplement w/ Allisure Allicin (100+mg per day) & Quercetin Phytosome (250 mg per day), [ along with Vitamin C/D, Zinc, R-Lipoic Acid/N-Acetyl-Cysteine ], you can crank up that daily amount to 2000 mg of Allisure Allicin and 3000 mg of Quercetin Phytosome and you'll see many of those symptoms disappear rapidly.
Really, it's highly unlikely you'll ever need the Ivermectin if you approach this with the idea that you can carpe...
Body Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
richwicks saysBody Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
Hate to say it but if you're a regular person and not a super sized steroid monster who can bench press 500 lbs and squat 700 lbs, being at 350 lbs (and greater) is not healthy.
richwicks saysBody Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
Hate to say it but if you're a regular person and not a super sized steroid monster who can bench press 500 lbs and squat 700 lbs, being at 350 lbs (and greater) is not healthy.
From that Indian site selling Ivermectin:
FuckCCP89 saysFrom that Indian site selling Ivermectin:
All drugs have a long list of horrors that they are obligated to advertise.
But if you look up the actual safety of Ivermectin, it's up there with aspirin, I belive.
FuckCCP89 saysFrom that Indian site selling Ivermectin:
All drugs have a long list of horrors that they are obligated to advertise.
But if you look up the actual safety of Ivermectin, it's up there with aspirin, I belive.
Body Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
richwicks saysBody Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
Why did you stop at 350lbs? Asking for a friend...........
I didn't think it was likely anybody would be heavier.
richwicks saysI didn't think it was likely anybody would be heavier.
It was a joke. "Asking for a friend" is like a meme.
HeadSet saysrichwicks saysI didn't think it was likely anybody would be heavier.
It was a joke. "Asking for a friend" is like a meme.
Yeah, I expected - but I'm humorous when I'm having fun doing stupid technical crap.
richwicks saysBody Weight 350lbs, Paste Weight 1702mg - Dose 31.8mg
Why did you stop at 350lbs? Asking for a friend...........
Because horse dosage is right there on the package.
The thing about the listed side effects/complications is that those are what gets the drug manufacturer off the hook. If you take the med, and have one of the listed issues, any suit you may have is moot.
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And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.
Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.