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I'm afraid that a lot of naive leftists are going to die directly due to their inability to recognize corruption.
One can see the bias in Wikipedia by going on the "talk" pages for each subject and reading about the fierce attempts of editors to add these facts and the stone wall refusals by the "senior" editors who have an agenda. And that agenda is not loyalty to your health.
The easy way to read the “talk” page on any Wikipedia subject is to click the top left “talk” button. Anyone can then review the editors’ discussions.
There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India. When I discussed the dire straits that India found itself in early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day, and how that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, I am often asked, "But why is there no mention of that in the news?"
Yes, exactly. Ask yourself why India’s success against the Delta variant with Ivermectin is such a closely guarded secret by the NIH and CDC. Second, ask yourself why no major media outlets reported this fact, but instead, tried to confuse you with false information...
Patrick saysI'm afraid that a lot of naive leftists are going to die directly due to their inability to recognize corruption.
I've got a long way to go to believe the overall death rate will be noticeably higher this winter.
Anti-inflammatory activity of ivermectin in late-stage COVID-19 may reflect activation of systemic glycine receptors
One study on treatment of “long haulers” out of the National University of San Marcos in Peru, which the authors write deserves further study. Administering ivermectin to patients who still had symptoms four to twelve weeks after their first onset, Peruvian doctors reported “in 87.9 percent of the patients, resolution of all symptoms was observed after 2 doses with an additional 7 percent reporting complete resolution after additional doses.”
One study on treatment of “long haulers” out of the National University of San Marcos in Peru, which the authors write deserves further study. Administering ivermectin to patients who still had symptoms four to twelve weeks after their first onset, Peruvian doctors reported “in 87.9 percent of the patients, resolution of all symptoms was observed after 2 doses with an additional 7 percent reporting complete resolution after additional doses.”
I’m thinking that for someone who is being forced to take the jab, going with the Johnson shot (viral vector) might be the best way, combined with the Rin supplement load and a healthy dose of Ivermectin. If the virus can’t propagate, it can’t deliver the death payload. Risky tho.
I doubt the Novavax will get an EUA. It can’t, not with the Pfizer jab getting FDA approval. That means it will be years before it’s available. I’m sure that this was done on purpose.
Biochemist Martenson: You Have Nothing to Lose With Ivermectin
SEP 29, 2021
Biochemist Chris Martenson argues that using Ivermectin off-label for COVID19 is both safe and effective.
His rationale is simple:
Safe. This proven drug has been used hundreds of millions of times worldwide for decades; It is safe and well-tolerated.
Effective. Prominent metanalyses have determined a strong signal, including randomized controlled trials and numerous observational studies by physicians like us.
Those who disparage Ivermectin as mere “horse dewormer” probably aren’t doctors. Physicians worldwide have been using the Nobel-prize-winning drug successfully in treating COVID-19.
Martenson compares the inexpensive off-patent Ivermectin to on-patent and EUA-approved Remdisivir, which comes with “25% severe side-effects.” So as Martenson concludes, the “safety profiles aren’t even remotely comparable.”
Such prompts one to ask why the FDA has approved Remdisivir for emergency use and not Ivermectin.
Even if it turns out, whether in further study or considered against new variants, that Ivermectin is less effective or ineffective, Martinsen essentially concludes that given how inexpensive the drug is:
What have you got to lose?
COVID19 physicians continue to emphasize early treatment, which might well include Ivermectin.
The current phase 3 is not for EUA if I understand correctly. They will apply for full approval by EOY. Similar to what Pfister did and is doing. They won't need years since Pfister didn't. Still they may try to delay it to sell more mrna poison but I think they will get full approval in 2022, the data so far is overwhelmingly better than Pfister and Moderna, and so is the safety profile. Also the who may fully approve it even before.
Pfizer Launches Final Study For COVID Drug That's Suspiciously Similar To 'Horse Paste'
TUESDAY, SEP 28, 2021 - 06:58 AM
Another piece US anti-Ivermectin puzzle may have emerged. On Monday, Pfizer announced that it's launching an accelerated Phase 2/3 trial for a COVID prophylactic pill designed to ward off COVID in those may have come in contact with the disease.
Coincidentally (or not), Pfizer's drug shares at least one mechanism of action as Ivermectin - an anti-parasitic used in humans for decades, which functions as a protease inhibitor against Covid-19, which researchers speculate "could be the biophysical basis behind its antiviral efficiency."
Lo and behold, Pfizer's new drug - which some have jokingly dubbed "Pfizermectin," is described by the pharmaceutical giant as a "potent protease inhibitor."
Makes me wonder if ivermectin would work against other viruses, like common flu.
Eric Holder saysMakes me wonder if ivermectin would work against other viruses, like common flu.
It has such a benign side effect profile that I will try it for sure, should I get the flu or any other respiratory virus.
If it worked against the flu, we should see a much lower case load of flu illness in African countries that use it as a preventative for malaria and river blindness. Should be easy to check.
Robert Sproul saysEric Holder saysMakes me wonder if ivermectin would work against other viruses, like common flu.
It has such a benign side effect profile that I will try it for sure, should I get the flu or any other respiratory virus.
If it worked against the flu, we should see a much lower case load of flu illness in African countries that use it as a preventative for malaria and river blindness. Should be easy to check.
For those interested I was able to successfully procure Ivermectin from AlldayChemist
I did not put down a prescribing doctors name.
I paid via e-payment from my bank.
Start to finish (pills arrived via USPS) was about 6 weeks.
stfu saysFor those interested I was able to successfully procure Ivermectin from AlldayChemist
I did not put down a prescribing doctors name.
I paid via e-payment from my bank.
Start to finish (pills arrived via USPS) was about 6 weeks.
I did the same thing. I'm pretty sure it only took 3 weeks for me.
Supporting editors of the AAPS volume include cardiologist Peter McCullough who recommends the following early treatment protocol:
Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg for six days
And/or Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg first day then 200 mg daily
Azithromycin 500 on day one then 250 for nine days
Cyproheptadine 4 mg po bid x 14 days
Pepcid 20-40 bid x 14 days
Singulair 10-20 po QD x 14 days
Fenofibrate 160 po QD x 14 days
Dutastreride 0.5 mg po QD x 14 days
Prednisone 60 mg po QD x 5 days followed by 40 mg po QD for five days
Load 40 forty thousand of vitamin D3 for four days followed by 20k for ten days
Baby aspirin if no allergies for one month
Melatonin 20 mg po QD x 14 days.
These guidelines are designed for early treatment, which is the first of three stages for a COVID infection.
For those interested I was able to successfully procure Ivermectin from AlldayChemist
For those interested I was able to successfully procure Ivermectin from AlldayChemist
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And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.
Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.