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2021 May 9, 10:24pm   80,174 views  627 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Back in January I wrote an article about four randomized controlled trials of ivermectin as a treatment for covid-19 that had at that time released their results to the public. Each of those four trials had promising results, but each was also too small individually to show any meaningful impact on the hard outcomes we really care about, like death. When I meta-analyzed them together however, the results suddenly appeared very impressive. Here’s what that meta-analysis looked like:

It showed a massive 78% reduction in mortality in patients treated with covid-19. Mortality is the hardest of hard end points, which means it’s the hardest for researchers to manipulate and therefore the least open to bias. Either someone’s dead, or they’re alive. End of story.

You would have thought that this strong overall signal of benefit in the midst of a pandemic would have mobilized the powers that be to arrange multiple large randomized trials to confirm these results as quickly as possible, and that the major medical journals would be falling over each other to be the first to publish these studies.

That hasn’t happened.

Rather the opposite, in fact. South Africa has even gone so far as to ban doctors from using ivermectin on covid-19 patients. And as far as I can tell, most of the discussion about ivermectin in mainstream media (and in the medical press) has centred not around its relative merits, but more around how its proponents are clearly deluded tin foil hat wearing crazies who are using social media to manipulate the masses.

In spite of this, trial results have continued to appear. That means we should now be able to conclude with even greater certainty whether or not ivermectin is effective against covid-19. Since there are so many of these trials popping up now, I’ve decided to limit the discussion here only to the ones I’ve been able to find that had at least 150 participants, and that compared ivermectin to placebo (although I’ll add even the smaller trials I’ve found in to the updated meta-analysis at the end).

As before, it appears that rich western countries have very little interest in studying ivermectin as a treatment for covid. The three new trials that had at least 150 participants and compared ivermectin with placebo were conducted in Colombia, Iran, and Argentina. We’ll go through each in turn. ...

What we see is a 62% reduction in the relative risk of dying among covid patients treated with ivermectin. That would mean that ivermectin prevents roughly three out of five covid deaths. The reduction is statistically significant (p-value 0,004). In other words, the weight of evidence supporting ivermectin continues to pile up. It is now far stronger than the evidence that led to widespred use of remdesivir earlier in the pandemic, and the effect is much larger and more important (remdesivir was only ever shown to marginally decrease length of hospital stay, it was never shown to have any effect on risk of dying).

I understand why pharmaceutical companies don’t like ivermectin. It’s a cheap generic drug. Even Merck, the company that invented ivermectin, is doing it’s best to destroy the drug’s reputation at the moment. This can only be explained by the fact that Merck is currently developing two expensive new covid drugs, and doesn’t want an off-patent drug, which it can no longer make any profit from, competing with them.

The only reason I can think to understand why the broader medical establishment, however, is still so anti-ivermectin is that these studies have all been done outside the rich west. Apparently doctors and scientists outside North America and Western Europe can’t be trusted, unless they’re saying things that are in line with our pre-conceived notions.

And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.

Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.

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391   Patrick   2021 Dec 16, 10:16am  


University of Oxford PRINCIPLE Trial Puts Ivermectin Study Arm on Hold—Purported Supply Issues

TrialSite Staff
December 15, 2021

Yeah right, one of the most common drugs on the planet is in short supply? Tell me another one.
393   Patrick   2021 Dec 18, 8:48pm  


Apparently, any study that shows that ivermectin works must be wrong.

Can anyone who works at Twitter explain how they know instantly that newly published scientific studies are wrong? It would be useful to know what mistake the authors made.

394   SoTex   2021 Dec 23, 9:46am  

Trip report:

I started to get sick Monday and so loaded up on the Rin buffet. I was going downhill pretty fast Monday morning. Well, Tuesday morning and I was still going downhill. Not sure what I had but tired, lymph nodes in neck swollen up quite a bit, headache, sinuses inflammed / congested, started to get a cough.

Might have been a cold and it's been almost exactly 2 years since I had the coof.

So Tuesday morning I took a dose of my ivermectin stash. By Tuesday evening I was feeling much much better and by Wednesday evening it was as if nothing had happened almost. Now Thursday morning and I'm 95% improved. Right now I just have a stuffy nose.

I did get some visual effects though. Wonder if I had eye worms lol. Not much, just a sensitivity to light and a bit or aura sometimes and right when closing my eyes to go to sleep (both nights so far) I'd see pulsating geometric shapes. Just sort of black and white for a few minutes which would disappear.
395   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Dec 23, 10:01am  

just_passing_through says
I did get some visual effects though
Ivermectin Plus, with Techroline.
396   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 23, 10:13am  

just_passing_through says
I started to get sick Monday and so loaded up on the Rin buffet.
Thanks for sharing. I have family on Quercetin and Zinc who are suffering through sickness and it's making a very positive difference. No Ivermectin but they're also relatively young and healthy. My impression is that Ivermectin should be used if over 50/60 years old and/or with comorbidities, whereas Q and Z and other supplements are enough for the younger and healthy.
397   SoTex   2021 Dec 23, 10:23am  

I'm still in my 40s and I'm sure I would have survived with no treatment at all.
398   Rin   2021 Dec 23, 10:37am  

just_passing_through says
I'm still in my 40s and I'm sure I would have survived with no treatment at all.

Still, being able to get through an illness w/o a high level of inflammation is tantamount to hindering autoimmune and other chronic issues down the road. So definitely, the Quercetin Phytosome, Allisure Allicin, Turmeric w/ bioperine, R-Lipoic Acid, Zinc, etc, is a good to have while limiting the Ivermectins to those special circumstances when one needs a boost in the arm.

And yeah, just as in nursing case below, cycle on and off w/ Ivermectin as a prophylaxis ...

399   Patrick   2021 Dec 23, 6:06pm  


A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
400   Patrick   2021 Dec 23, 8:44pm  


This review article aims to discuss the probable mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 by summarizing the available literature over the years. A schematic of the key cellular and biomolecular interactions between ivermectin, host cell, and SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 pathogenesis and prevention of complications has been proposed.
401   richwicks   2021 Dec 23, 8:49pm  

original link

I know a lot of people hate Jimmy Dore here, but he's not a bad person, he's just naive.
404   Shaman   2021 Dec 24, 5:48pm  

So check out “compounding pharmacies” which actually make their own medicine on site. They often have medication that’s hard to get due to supply reasons or political ones.
I found one very close to me in Westminster, CA which sells Ivermectin without a prescription. Of course it costs a lot! $540 for 90 tablets! But it’s a source at least. And many of these will sell and ship the medicine.

Just an idea.
405   mell   2021 Dec 24, 7:51pm  

Shaman says
So check out “compounding pharmacies” which actually make their own medicine on site. They often have medication that’s hard to get due to supply reasons or political ones.
I found one very close to me in Westminster, CA which sells Ivermectin without a prescription. Of course it costs a lot! $540 for 90 tablets! But it’s a source at least. And many of these will sell and ship the medicine.

Just an idea.

That's good in case brandon's feds seize it at the border. We got quote cheaper stash from India admit went through, worked like a charm. When I got sick first and tested positive I gave 12mg per day prophylactically to my wife and she developed a very mild case with low grade fever. tiredness and a mild cough which was over within 5-7 days. That stuff works.
406   GNL   2021 Dec 24, 8:52pm  

mell says
We got quote cheaper stash from India admit went through, worked like a charm. When I got sick first and tested positive I gave 12mg per day prophylactically to my wife and she developed a very mild case with low grade fever. tiredness and a mild cough which was over within 5-7 days. That stuff works.

I haven't received my second order yet and it's looking doubtful.

Btw, what are you and your wife's ages?
407   Eman   2021 Dec 24, 9:09pm  

WineHorror1 says
mell says
We got quote cheaper stash from India admit went through, worked like a charm. When I got sick first and tested positive I gave 12mg per day prophylactically to my wife and she developed a very mild case with low grade fever. tiredness and a mild cough which was over within 5-7 days. That stuff works.

I haven't received my second order yet and it's looking doubtful.

Btw, what are you and your wife's ages?

@WineHorror1, I ordered 60 pills from this Canadian website just to have it. I rushed the order and paid an additional $30 for shipping. They claim it takes 5-9 days to ship. Let’s see.

408   mell   2021 Dec 24, 10:22pm  

WineHorror1 says
mell says
We got quote cheaper stash from India admit went through, worked like a charm. When I got sick first and tested positive I gave 12mg per day prophylactically to my wife and she developed a very mild case with low grade fever. tiredness and a mild cough which was over within 5-7 days. That stuff works.

I haven't received my second order yet and it's looking doubtful.

Btw, what are you and your wife's ages?

Mid/late 40s and late 30s. The meds took 3-4 weeks to deliver iirc
409   Patrick   2021 Dec 26, 4:57pm  


“Ivermectin is readily available globally, has been in wide use for many other infectious conditions, so it’s a well-known medicine with a good safety profile, and because of the early promising results in some studies it is already being widely used to treat COVID-19 in several countries,” Butler said in a news release.

Several doctors questioned the sudden pause on the PRINCIPLE trial as a result of the ivermectin supply.

Dr. Tess Lawrie, director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy, said the supply issue cited was “plainly ridiculous.” The WHO is one of Lawrie’s company’s clientele.

“To cite supply issues is plainly ridiculous,” Lawrie told The Epoch Times via email. “We are talking about a most abundant off-patent medicine that is produced in many countries around the world. There are many European manufacturers too, including Huvepharma in Bulgaria.”
410   Robert Sproul   2021 Dec 26, 10:07pm  

Shaman says
So check out “compounding pharmacies”

The FDA has been targeting compounding pharmacies with threatening letters this month for supplying 'mectin.
I think they are focused on a few compounders that are mail ordering like Seven Cells:
Good God I hope there is a reckoning some day.
411   GNL   2021 Dec 27, 4:24pm  

I just received my order of 100 12mg pills today. I'm pretty sure it's wasted $$ though since I believe this whole charade is over now.
412   stereotomy   2021 Dec 27, 4:38pm  

WineHorror1 says
I just received my order of 100 12mg pills today. I'm pretty sure it's wasted $$ though since I believe this whole charade is over now.

Let's look at glass half full - we now have many other sources that we were not previously aware of. These medications are also highly effective against any type of infection, be it viral, bacterial, or parasitical. They're worth having in any "war chest."
413   Onvacation   2021 Dec 27, 7:18pm  

WineHorror1 says
I just received my order of 100 12mg pills today. I'm pretty sure it's wasted $$ though since I believe this whole charade is over now.

If you ever get scabies, your ready.
414   Patrick   2021 Dec 28, 8:10pm  


Japan has said a loud and clear no to big pharma companies’ vaccination campaigns, with a small yet remarkable move. Japan is going to dump repeated vaccination doses for a better and more durable cure- Ivermectin. It is an orally administered, anti-parasitic drug, which has emerged as a viable treatment option for COVID-19 infections.

Ivermectin was discarded unceremoniously till now, but Japan has demonstrated that the drug can be used as a more effective cure and a permanent substitute for the Coronavirus vaccines produced by big pharmaceutical companies.

How Ivermectin got undermined:

Ivermectin had shown good results and seemed to be on track for tackling the Pandemic. Big pharmaceutical companies observing the success rate of the drug, decided to impose a ban on it, as it would have directly impacted their vaccination domination campaign.

However, information security expert Ehden Biber had recently alleged, “If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID-19, the contract cannot be voided”.

A lot was at stake for Big Pharma amidst the ongoing Pandemic, as a permanent cure for COVID-19 vaccines could have ended the need for multiple booster vaccine shots.

Japan has been traditionally averse to vaccines:

Japan is traditionally one of the more hesitant countries when it comes to trusting vaccine companies. Tokyo even waited for two months before offering Pfizer/BioNTech to the public. ...

The Pandemic in Japan was going out of control, yet the Japanese government was smart enough to look beyond vaccines in its COVID-19 containment efforts.

In September, Japan deployed Ivermectin and legalising the use of the anti-parasitic drug has helped people recover from COVID-19 with more durable and long-lasting immunity. Caseloads have come down rapidly without the need for booster vaccination doses. In Tokyo, there were around 6,000 cases in the middle of August, but the number has now dropped down to below one hundred.

Japan is now overcoming the Coronavirus, with the number of COVID tests dropping from 25% in the fag end of August to just 1% mid-October.

Ivermectin use is thus helping Japan permanently beat the COVID-19 Pandemic. If and when vaccine efficacy wanes, Japan will have a choice- using an anti-parasitic medicine as a permanent cure to ensure speedy recovery of infected patients with durable immunity. Japan has thus crushed Big Pharma with a small move- deploying the use of Ivermectin.
416   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 3:27pm  

My mother and father in law have covid. Father inlaw is in the hospital 7 days now. My wife, her family and family Dr. (This Dr. has been my father in laws Dr. for 40 years) won't give either of them ivermectin. I have over 100 12mg pills. SMFH.
417   Patrick   2021 Dec 31, 5:36pm  

@WineHorror1 If your in laws are conscious and lucid, you could give them the pills to take if they wish to. It is their human right to choose their own treatment in spite of Fauci's murderous mafia working to kill people for Pfizer profits.

Ivermectin is an extremely safe drug. The normal dose is 150 micrograms (mcg) per kilogram (kg), so 12mg would be the dose for a 176 lb person if I did this right:

kg / 0.15mg * 12 mg = 12 / 0.15 = 80 kg = 176 lb person
418   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 7:25pm  

Patrick says
It is their human right to choose their own treatment in spite of Fauci's murderous mafia working to kill people for Pfizer profits.

You're right. I just don't understand it. His Dr. has told the hospital to give him HCQ but they won't. OK, so I've suggested sending a care package to him with smuggled HCQ but no one will. SMH again.
419   Patrick   2021 Dec 31, 9:08pm  

I think ivermectin is much more effective than HCQ.
420   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 9:29pm  

Patrick says
I think ivermectin is much more effective than HCQ.

I suggested smuggling ivermectin and his Dr. said he shouldn't take it and instead needs HCQ. His Dr. is like us here on patrick.net. My father in law even did a video interview with a Dr. Wax in NJ who is all about the I-mask protocol. I'm pretty sure they're both going to make it but it will be a long recovery.
422   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 1:19pm  


Then I asked him about whether he’s having any trouble having his prescriptions filled. He said recently he had some problems, but retained a lawyer (with the same last name) who drafted a nice letter to the pharmacy who then wisely decided to cooperate.

If you are having trouble getting your prescriptions for ivermectin filled, Brian’s letter to CVS may be useful to your doctor.

423   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 5:34pm  


Just five short weeks later, on June 14, 2021, new cases had dropped a staggering 97.1 percent, and the Uttar Pradesh program was hailed as a resounding success. According to ZeeNews of India, "The strategy of trace, test & treat yields results."

"The Yogi-led state has also been registering a steep decline in the number of Active COVID Cases as the figure has dropped from a high of 310,783 in April to 8,986 now, a remarkable reduction by 97.10 percent."

By July 2, 2021, three weeks later, cases were down a full 99 percent.

On August 6, 2021, India’s Ivermectin media blackout ended with MSN reporting. Western media, including MSN, finally acknowledged what was contained in those Uttar Pradesh medicine kits. Among the medicines were Doxycycline and Ivermectin.
426   mell   2022 Jan 9, 6:04pm  

Early Ivermectin cut it to 5 days for my wife vs 2-3 weeks for myself (still missed only 1-2 work days though as it was bearable during the day, just got tired early). It works.
427   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:15pm  


US Department of Defense Found Ivermectin "works throughout all phases of illness" in April 2020
Hydroxychlorquine and Interferon also determined to be "curatives" for Covid ...

Well, Project Veritas has also proven the US government has known Ivermectin to be the perfect therapeutic for Covid since at least April 2020. But the US government denied that truth in order to force Americans to take expensive patent-protected vaccines and therapies.

The key quote from the DARPA report:

Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).

Case closed.

You were lied to. You were denied proper, safe curatives for Covid. You suffered for the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. If you lost a loved one, the US government killed them.

And it was all about money.

If this shatters your trust in the US government, I have done my job.
428   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 12, 5:31am  

i can only caution that we ensure that the Project Veritas documents are legitimate. Recall the takedown of Dan Rather.
429   Shaman   2022 Jan 12, 7:55am  

I took two large doses of horse paste. It gave a weird effect of the lights being a gold color or something but otherwise was tolerated well. I went from being very sick to turning the corner in a couple days of that. I can’t say for sure that the IV helped, but I think it probably did. I’m nearly back to normal now, and it’s been 7 days since I got sick.

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