Moon Landings Were Fake

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2022 Feb 14, 4:36pm   4,072 views  47 comments

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27   RWSGFY   2022 Feb 16, 9:01am  

tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.
28   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 9:05am  

tanked says
No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can.

Forgot to mention. “Curiosity” Mars rover is also fake. Why should they do it for real when they have the technology to fake it and a public who is ready to believe? Anyway, search for the videos. There’s lots of material on this too.
29   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 9:08am  

FuckCCP89 says
tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.

That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.
30   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 16, 9:10am  

tanked says
FuckCCP89 says
tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.

That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Of course it's round. Disks ARE round.
31   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 10:25am  

tanked says
That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Yes. Earth is a globe. One other reason why people believe space flight is real: flat earther disinfo agents poison the well by combining flat earth theory with legitimate takedown of space flight hoaxes.

The truth is out there, but it’s tainted. To recap:

All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Anyone saying the trip to the moon was fake but other space exploits like the ISS and Mars rover is real, is either naive or a “limited hangout” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying trip to the moon and the “globe” earth are both fake is either naive or a “poison the well” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying any of this all has to be real because it would require too much intergovernmental cooperation, just look what’s been happening for the past two years.
32   Ceffer   2022 Feb 16, 10:30am  

Curiosity Mars Rover was impregnated by a Mars alien and gave birth to mini me Mars rovers. I know because I read it in the National Enquirer while waiting in line at the grocery store and slapping somebody's baby's hands off the candy bars.
33   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 16, 10:32am  

Where do the moon rocks come from? Where do meteorites come from? How do comm, weather, and spy satellites work?

Also, all the planets are spheres except for the Earth, which alone is a flat disk.
34   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 16, 10:36am  

Also have to explain that all the Russian drone and rover moon landings were fake.
35   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 11:06am  

Undoctored says
tanked says
That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Yes. Earth is a globe. One other reason why people believe space flight is real: flat earther disinfo agents poison the well by combining flat earth theory with legitimate takedown of space flight hoaxes.

The truth is out there, but it’s tainted. To recap:

All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Anyone saying the trip to the moon was fake but other space exploits like the ISS and Mars rover is real, is either naive or a “limited hangout” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying trip to the moon and the “globe” earth are both fake is either naive or a “poison the well” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying any of this all has to be real because it would require too much intergovernmental cooperat...

Nah, some things are real, some are fake. Just discuss what you conclude is real and what you conclude is fake. Some ISS shots are fake, that much I do know.

original link
36   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 11:48am  

AmericanKulak says
Where do the moon rocks come from? Where do meteorites come from? How do comm, weather, and spy satellites work?

Also, all the planets are spheres except for the Earth, which alone is a flat disk.

Flat earthers are wrong about shape of the earth but may be right on other things.

Moon rocks are just rocks. Can’t prove they were collected by astronauts or rovers. Maybe they are meteorites from outer space. Point is we didn’t send anything into outer space to go and get them.

Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

So-called satellite view — come on that’s just aerial view from an airplane. You’ve been in an airplane before, right? You’ve seen those little buildings and roads and parks and ponds and stuff when flying low. Once you’re up over the clouds you can’t see any of that. From outer space? Forget it!

And spy satellites? You mean the ones that can see you but you can’t see them? I’ll just leave it at that.
37   socal2   2022 Feb 16, 11:56am  

Undoctored says
All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Elon Musk and SpaceX are faking it too?

Elon is spending billions of his own money and working 100 hour work weeks down in Boca Chica Texas as part of this international scam?

38   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 2:17pm  

Who really knows what Elon Musk is wasting his money and time on? Yeah but I admit a lot of work goes into this simulation of space exploration. They readily admit to doing simulations. Then they pass the simulation off as reality and pocket the difference. Nice rocket, er, racket.
39   richwicks   2022 Feb 16, 8:15pm  

Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

No, satellites certainly aren't fake. Satellite communication sucks because you have to do it in geosynchronous orbit or have your dish follow the satellite (which CAN be done, that is how starlink works). It the bad old days, just 20 years ago, when you talked to somebody in Australia, you were going through a satellite link even over a computer or a phone. The delay was enormous - enough to notice.

I used to work on DSS satellite receivers. It's a lot more banal than you know.

The whole flat earth thing is new. It did not exist until 2010 on the Internet. It's a psy-op. Most people who claim to believe the earth is flat don't. They just claim it. It's like the Church of the Subgenius - a member of that "church" will NEVER break character and admit it's just a joke religion.

But have your fun.
40   tanked   2022 Feb 17, 6:24am  

richwicks says
Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

No, satellites certainly aren't fake. Satellite communication sucks because you have to do it in geosynchronous orbit or have your dish follow the satellite (which CAN be done, that is how starlink works). It the bad old days, just 20 years ago, when you talked to somebody in Australia, you were going through a satellite link even over a computer or a phone. The delay was enormous - enough to notice.

I used to work on DSS satellite receivers. It's a lot more banal than you know.

The whole flat earth thing is new. It did not exist until 2010 on the Internet. It's a psy-op. Most people who claim to believe the earth is flat don't....

So which one is it, a psy op or a running joke? Flying Spaghetti Monster also comes to mind.
41   tanked   2022 Feb 17, 6:37am  

tanked says
richwicks says
Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

No, satellites certainly aren't fake. Satellite communication sucks because you have to do it in geosynchronous orbit or have your dish follow the satellite (which CAN be done, that is how starlink works). It the bad old days, just 20 years ago, when you talked to somebody in Australia, you were going through a satellite link even over a computer or a phone. The delay was enormous - enough to notice.

I used to work on DSS satellite receivers. It's a lot more banal than you know.

The whole flat earth thing is new. It did not exist until 2010 on th...

I suppose that is the psy op - some will advocate it as a joke and end up actually convincing some. Never considered what was going on with it before, thanks. The psy op is to say that all conspiracy theories (another CIA invented term to slander deep researchers) are equivalent to saying the earth is flat.
42   Undoctored   2022 Feb 17, 8:07pm  

I believe:

1. The earth that we all live on is a spinning globe.
2. All evidence of space travel by humans including to and from the ISS is either inconclusive or demonstrably fake.
3. Yes there are things orbiting the earth, satellites if you will, but they are all natural objects including what is taken for the ISS. Calling a dish or radio receiver a “satellite” receiver doesn’t mean it’s receiving messages from outer space.
43   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 17, 9:00pm  

Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

Now you're just trolling. This would be trivial for any HAM operator to figure out.

Are the HAM operators in on it?
44   Undoctored   2022 Feb 17, 10:42pm  

I’m not trolling. This is what I believe. Then again I don’t know enough about ham radio to know whether a radio operator on the ground would be able to distinguish a satellite from a high altitude radio balloon.


In any case I’m happy to drop the subject of satellites and concentrate on human space travel or just the moon landing for the purposes of this topic. My point was mostly that you can have very far reaching skepticism about space technology without going “flat earth.”
45   richwicks   2022 Feb 18, 4:52am  

Undoctored says
I’m not trolling. This is what I believe. Then again I don’t know enough about ham radio to know whether a radio operator on the ground would be able to distinguish a satellite from a high altitude radio balloon.


In any case I’m happy to drop the subject of satellites and concentrate on human space travel or just the moon landing for the purposes of this topic. My point was mostly that you can have very far reaching skepticism about space technology without going “flat earth.”

I don't know why people are skeptical of satellites. They are hardly difficult to understand. They are just in orbit. Orbit is when the centripetal force == gravitational pull. In low earth orbit, this is about 15,000 miles an hour. In geosynchronous orbit it's about 7,000 mph.

I can reasonably believe that the entire mission to the moon was faked, PROVIDED my understanding of nation states is COMPLETELY wrong. It would be something like all wars are fake, all governments co-operate, and we already live under a one world government without our knowledge. That's a LOT to swallow, but it's conceivable.

However there's no reason to fake satellites, or the ISS. If it's just an excuse to steal money from the public, I can think of a few million ways to do it more easily. The Fed can, for example, just print money and not tell the public - which is exactly what they do anyhow. They can just have a shitty health care system in which they steal 1/2 the money because the books aren't open anyhow. They could just start bullshit wars which aren't meant to win, and cut a deal with the "defense" contractors for 1/2.

If we could use balloons instead of satellites, that would be awesome. Far cheaper to launch. Would be trivial to do phone and internet coverage - keeping them stationary though, THAT would be a problem.

One thing I've learned over the last 2 years is engineers can be duped, OUTSIDE OF THEIR FIELD. I know so many people that believe in the pandemic nonsense, but for satellites? We have fun calculating all this crap. If you have a decent high power telescope, you can see the ISS - well for a brief period of time as it passes from the light to the dark side of the Earth - it quickly goes into shadow.

GPS is based on Doppler shift of satellites. You could do it (very crudely) with Sputnik. Talking about Sputnik, that would have had to been a conspiracy between our nation and the USSR - same as with the moon landing. It's just obtaining orbit is pretty easy with massive power. It's not even really rocket science, although it's literally rocket science. The big problem with rocket science is "how do we keep this bomb from exploding, and just having it burn for 10 minutes instead?"

Satellites are real, ISS is real (and a complete waste of money), Mir was real, Skylab was real, but MAYBE the moon missions were entirely faked. I'd say that possibility is less than 1 in 10,000.
46   richwicks   2022 Feb 18, 4:54am  

tanked says
So which one is it, a psy op or a running joke? Flying Spaghetti Monster also comes to mind.

I don't bother to worry which it might be, could be a 3rd or 4th alternative, it could be a combination.

I just know it's false. I don't care where it's coming from.
47   tanked   2022 Feb 18, 6:14am  

richwicks says
tanked says
So which one is it, a psy op or a running joke? Flying Spaghetti Monster also comes to mind.

I don't bother to worry which it might be, could be a 3rd or 4th alternative, it could be a combination.

I just know it's false. I don't care where it's coming from.

Not just false but laughably false. Even in Columbus' time they knew the earth was round, AND the correct size. They just didn't know the Americas were there. Columbus believed the earth was only 8000 miles around and that's why he could make it to India without starving to death/dying of thirst.

Even in Ancient Egypt they knew the earth was round and the correct size based on the length of a shadow at high noon.

As soon as humans got seafaring they knew. Ships departing disappear from the horizon before they should, because of the curve of the earth.

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