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It is 2022 and the Russians are no longer Commies - right?
WTF is Putin paranoid about in 2022?
He gives 2 shits about human life as he is sending thousands of Russians into the Ukrainian wood chipper and cowardly using artillery on civilian centers because the Russian military is too weak to secure the cities
So spare me the shit Russian claims about "Nazis" killing thousands in Donbass and Crimea justifying Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
The US is not perfect, but compared to the mountains of dead people the Totalitarians and Communists in Russia and China have piled up since WWII - it is not even close. Not the same sport, league or planet. We are talking 10,000 to 1 in body counts and death and destruction. The US didn't lock our people behind walls for 50+ years and send millions to Gulags.
Even Iraq and Afghanistan - the vast majority of the deaths were Muslims killing Muslims settling religious, sectarian and tribal scores. The US toppled the regimes in a few days using a scalpel.
The US didn't shell and lay siege to massive cities like the Russians are doing now in Ukraine either.
The US is not perfect, but compared to the mountains of dead people the Totalitarians and Communists in Russia and China have piled up since WWII - it is not even close.
I think it is close, and US may well be worse than Russia or China.
Not clear what happened there. Ukraine has a big motive to prevaricate.
I think it is close, and US may well be worse than Russia or China.
How many violent conflicts has the US started since WWII?
Again, see that tremendous reduction in death from all wars since America became a superpower and became World Cop. Sure America has "meddled" far outside it's borders, but the net ledger is positive. Not only in massive reduction of death from all wars, but also the tremendous reduction in extreme poverty world wide.
Not clear what happened there. Ukraine has a big motive to prevaricate.
The war ends as soon as Ukraine agrees not to join NATO, quits bombing Donbass, and gives up Crimea.It doesn't bother you that your points been debunked time after time. It almost like playing wack-a-mole: smack it on the nose, it disappears, and then reappears in a different hole.
richwicks saysThe war ends as soon as Ukraine agrees not to join NATO, quits bombing Donbass, and gives up Crimea.It doesn't bother you that your points been debunked time after time. It almost like playing wack-a-mole: smack it on the nose, it disappears, and then reappears in a different hole.
richwicks saysThe war ends as soon as Ukraine agrees not to join NATO, quits bombing Donbass, and gives up Crimea.It doesn't bother you that your points been debunked time after time. already reacted. Regretfully, they haven't even internally synchronized their narrative. "Russia 1" and Solovyov (state-approved TV persona) gave conflicting messages: one said that it was Ukraine that bombed it, the other said that it was Russia but it was occupied by militant UkroNazis.
Not clear what happened there. Ukraine has a big motive to prevaricate.
Oh? Post a link to one of my points being debunked please. I don't remember this happening.I debunked NATO argument multiple times here. Are you saying that you've never seen it? Now you have.
I believe you to be a dishonest, dishonorable person but everybody should draw their own conclusions and not just adopt them from other people.
That's not what he's saying. What he's saying:
1. NATO. NATO had >8 year to enroll Ukraine. It didn't happen. I call BS
2. Bombing Donbass. It was Russia that started hybrid war in Donbass. He runs his mouth on and on about Ukraine bombing Donbass and not a peep about Donbass bombing Ukraine. When he talks about Ukraine bombing Donbass, he applies none of the critical filters regarding video (or other) materials that he applies to the other side.
3. Gives up Crimea. It already did. At least "for all practical purposes". Ukraine had no leverage to get Crimea back,
1. NATO. NATO had >8 year to enroll Ukraine. It didn't happen. I call BS
Then have Ukraine agree not to join NATOWhy? NATO already demonstrated that it's not interested. Answer: because it's a BS demand.
Stop the conflict in Donbass, and take away Russia's complaint about it.
Then put it into writing in a treaty and strip Russia of yet another complain and reason for this stupid conflict.Russia annexed Crimea. Ukraine had no practical ways to get it back. Yet Putin starts war because Ukraine doesn't sign a treaty. Riight.
richwicks saysOh? Post a link to one of my points being debunked please. I don't remember this happening.I debunked NATO argument multiple times here.
Well post links. You only have 262 posts.Oh fuck. You don't even read what's been written directly to you. Here: Search for "obviously"
richwicks saysWell post links. You only have 262 posts.Oh fuck. You don't even read what's been written directly to you. Here: Search for "obviously"
And this post debonks "the NATO argument" how?It. Asserts. That. NATO. Is. Not. Interested. This shouldn't even be contested. With Russia already having NATO countries at it's borders, it's an obvious pretext. Sign it just to reconfirm that it's a pretext? After Budapest Memorandum, any agreement signed with Russia may as well be signed on toilet paper. Because that will be it's final use.
richwicks saysAnd this post debonks "the NATO argument" how?It. Asserts. That. NATO. Is. Not. Interested. This shouldn't even be contested.
And so, you just employed that wack-a-mole technique.
1. NATO. NATO had >8 year to enroll Ukraine. It didn't happen. I call BS
2. Bombing Donbass. It was Russia that started hybrid war in Donbass. He runs his mouth on and on about Ukraine bombing Donbass and not a peep about Donbass bombing Ukraine. When he talks about Ukraine bombing Donbass, he applies none of the critical filters regarding video (or other) materials that he applies to the other side
3. Gives up Crimea. It already did. At least "for all practical purposes". Ukraine had no leverage to get Crimea back, and knew it. Ironically, Putin turned that script around. Now I can see a scenario in which Ukraine may get Crimea back.
Because strategically, Russia is finished. Regardless of the outcome of this war.
Intro: most real-life situations have a large number of variables and moving parts. It's not always clear how they fit multi-dimentional world into a coherent picture based on incomplete and ambiguous data. Slight mis-interpretation of data points - a little bit to the right here, a little bit upwards there, skip this data point because it doesn't fit, stretch another one because it supports - and you get one pictures. Change the direction in which you move the points - and you get a different picture, which may also be consistent, yet be in conflict with the first one. That's what this technique does, it paints the picture by slight manipulation of data points. Lying by omission is quite popular with this approach
What poppycock.You didn't even read it, did you? Read it. Compare timelines. Not just one point, the entire timeline.
> AmericanKulak
It's simple:
- Do you deny that Russia started hybrid war in Donbass?
- Do you consider Russia to be a trustworthy partner who would abide by a signed treaty?
- Are you aware of the proclaimed goals of the Russian invasion?
- Do you deny that Russia started hybrid war in Donbass?Yes or no?
Yes, Russia has abided by many treaties in the past.LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! You can't make this up.
Yes, Russia has abided by many treaties in the past. SALT and the anti-ABM treaty. You'll recall that trying to dance around those treaties with SDI and "Anti-Iranian" Missile Shields was done by the USA.
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! You can't make this up.
Which Treaties has Russia broken?Russia. Broke. Budapest Memorandum. I hope you are not going to say "it's a Memorandum, which makes it ok"
Budapest Memorandum
richwicks saysWhat poppycock.You didn't even read it, did you? Read it. Compare timelines. Not just one point, the entire timeline.
I explained why your "CIA coup" assertion is dishonest.
At George of the 2020 Color Revolution elites played on us. The martyr of the movement… fuck this government
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