School me on this one.

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2022 Apr 26, 8:30am   8,134 views  72 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Now that Russia clearly stated the intent to attack Moldova I need expert's input on why this would be justified:

- There are Nazis there!
- There are bioWEAPONS labs there.
- There are Nazi-operated bioWEAPONS labs there.
- Russia needs a buffer safety zone between their border and NATO.
- Moldova is hosting NATO weapons.
- It's necessary to protect Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Black Sea.
- US has overturned Moldova in 2014.
- US bombed Dresden in 1944.
- Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq.

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36   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:14pm  

Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?
37   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:18pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?
38   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 27, 12:21pm  

mell says

Kosovo is a somewhat special case because of the genocide which happened there, making it impossible for them to stay in the same contry as their killers.

BTW, neither Ukraine nor Moldova have recognized Kosovo independence, IIRC, so punishing Moldova for US recognition of Kosovo looks somewhat misplaced.
39   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:27pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?

I was asking a rhetorical question - it doesn't matter at all to the United States what Russia does to Maldova. It is ONLY being used to start up another Cold War which is all Ukraine is about. Stupid suckers are easy to control.
40   indc   2022 Apr 27, 12:31pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Eric Holder says
mell says
I don't know if Putin is invading Moldova,

One of his generals clearly declared the intent.

This is a problem for the United States in what way?

I don't know. How about the multiple choice in the OP? Gonna take a stab at it?

I dont want to take a stab at the stupid question from the OP. Duran guys says its UKraine which initiated the attack on tranista. And it started after US minister reached "kyiv". So he should be questioning why does US want to screw up whole world so that they can be sole superpower.
41   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:39pm  

Now that Russia clearly stated the intent to attack Moldova I need expert's input on why this would be justified:

Why does it have to be justified?
42   mell   2022 Apr 27, 12:50pm  

Eric Holder says
mell says

Kosovo is a somewhat special case because of the genocide which happened there, making it impossible for them to stay in the same contry as their killers.

BTW, neither Ukraine nor Moldova have recognized Kosovo independence, IIRC, so punishing Moldova for US recognition of Kosovo looks somewhat misplaced.

There is no proof that any genocide was going on, aside from expulsions and incarcerations, so you can call it terror or political persecution and imprisonment, which we do have every day in plenty of countries, including Western ones. The UN claimed that there had been a "systematic campaign of terror". So by that logic the US has to believe and do everything the UN says, right, because our opinion of the UN is mightily high - not. In fact the "rescue" bombings may have killed more people than the "ethnic cleansing", incl. many kosovo refugees. The displacement numbers were certainly huge, estimated around 1 million, but that wasn't before a kosovo independence army, fueled by weapons smuggling and other shady shit, decided that it's fuck Yugoslavia. There were no innocent parties in this conflict.
43   RedStar   2022 Apr 27, 12:57pm  

Eric Holder says
mell says

Kosovo is a somewhat special case because of the genocide which happened there, making it impossible for them to stay in the same contry as their killers.

BTW, neither Ukraine nor Moldova have recognized Kosovo independence, IIRC, so punishing Moldova for US recognition of Kosovo looks somewhat misplaced.

Any genocide in Kosovo didn't occur until after NATO bombing. The KLA was a CIA engineered army to further break up any remains of the former FRY.
44   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 27, 8:30pm  

socal2 says
Its the same type of Chomsky/Commie/Islamist bullshit that blamed the US for 9/11 and all the world's ills since WWII.

So you think the Twin Towers really collapsed from fire? That building 7 wasn't demo'd? That the surviving passport wasn't planted? That the owners insurance changes to cover himself financially before the collapse isn't odd? That the Pentagon being hit by a plane with zero video of it is legit? That the department that was hit being the same department that just that week had announced 18 trillion dollars were missing is just coincidence? That Epstein's painting of Bush is just artistic expression?

I mean if you believe in all that, I'm guessing you'll never blame our government for anything, ever.
45   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 27, 8:34pm  

socal2 says
What I don't get is the embarrassing and lavish praising and excuse making of Putin by many people on this board while they simultaneously ape Russian propaganda calling a Jew like Zalensky a Nazi and worse.

I've asked this before, and it turned out the person making this claim exaggerated what people here were saying. Maybe you can provide some better quotes to show this praise. Also, never seen anyone call Zalensky a Nazi. Corrupt fascist, US puppet, but not Nazi.
46   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 8:43pm  

socal2 says
while they simultaneously ape Russian propaganda

Today, every fucking lie of our government is called "Russian propaganda". Every single fucking lie of them.

The label has no meaning but you insist on using it.

Russia has no need or reason to disseminate "Russian propaganda" to the United States just as the United States had no need to disseminate US propaganda to the USSR 40 years ago. 40 years ago, all the US had to do in order to destabilize and attack the USSR was tell the truth about the USSR.

Well, shoe is on the other foot now.

Russia didn't have to make up 25 biological weapons labs out of thin air. They didn't have to make up Hunter Biden's laptop, they didn't have to make up Biden's corrupt dealings in Ukraine. They don't have to fabricate a fucking thing when the government, the intelligence agencies, the DOJ, the MILITARY are entirely corrupt, through and through.

But our government sure has to lie, and they lie a lot. "Russia hacked our election!" remember? Whose dumb, stupid, easily seen through propaganda is that? Russian?
47   mostly reader   2022 Apr 27, 11:23pm  

48   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 11:26pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
I don't care what Russia does...
This is when all who's been following you have a good laugh. You have your tongue so far up Putin's asshole that his butt hair is tingling your tonsils.

What does this even mean?

You constantly post nonsense because I don't believe the bullshit of our lying government and frequently point out how my government has lied. I don't see why this would infuriate you but it does. You're irrational. You embrace lies, and you're infuriated when other people don't.
49   mostly reader   2022 Apr 27, 11:36pm  

richwicks says
What does this even mean?
I'll wait until you achieve enlightenment. It may take time because your tongue looks stuck, but I'm in no rush.
richwicks says
...I don't believe the bullshit of our lying government.
Instead, you promote the bullshit of ANOTHER lying and murderous government. You don't just BELIEVE it (which is unnecessary for a troll). You PROMOTE it.
Putin's government lies on entirely different level. They just invent bullshit. Then propaganda trolls such as yourself spread it onto smaller channels such as this one.
50   Misc   2022 Apr 27, 11:37pm  

He is trying to point out that sometimes foreign governments are even more evil than ours.

He does not care one whit about what you think about our government, only what your beliefs should be towards the Russian government.
51   mostly reader   2022 Apr 27, 11:42pm  

Misc says
He is trying to point out that sometimes foreign governments are even more evil than ours.

He does not care one whit about what you think about our government, only what your beliefs should be towards the Russian government.

It would've been accurate a while ago, when I entertained a possibility that he's an honest (albeit misguided) agent. I no longer believe in that. There were multiple tells. Now I just smack him every once in a while.
52   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 11:43pm  

Misc says
He is trying to point out that sometimes foreign governments are even more evil than ours.

So what? I don't live under those governments. Their evil isn't my problem unless they attack my nation. North Korea is a far more evil country than the United States, should we go to fucking war over it? No. China is a more evil country than my country or Russia? Should we go to war with them?

Misc says
He does not care one whit about what you think about our government, only what your beliefs should be towards the Russian government.

Why should I care about Russia's government? I'm more concerned that the United States is sending a bunch of bribery money to Ukraine, calling it "aid", and then feeding it back to themselves to solidify power.

That's a problem for me and every American.

Russia didn't lie about Trump, but Alex Vindman did. He's US military officer, a liar, a Ukrainian, and a traitor to the United States. Ukraine was heavily involved with the "Russian Collusion" lie, but more than that, I want to avoid another FUCKING Cold War - it's just a way of pilfering money, and I really really want to avoid a 4th world war, because we're fucked if we go to that.

Idiots don't realize this. Stupid people don't have the where with all to fucking think about consequences. I'm 50, doesn't really matter that much if I die in a nuclear Armageddon, but it matters to a 10 year old.
53   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 11:45pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
What does this even mean?
I'll wait until you achieve enlightenment.

Haha - it's always a waste of time to try to expect you to employ reason or to talk.

mostly reader says
richwicks says
...I don't believe the bullshit of our lying government.
Instead, you promote the bullshit of ANOTHER lying and murderous government.

Like what "bullshit do I promote of another lying government"?

Quote me.

I'm tired of you lying all the time.
54   mostly reader   2022 Apr 27, 11:53pm  

richwicks says
Russia didn't lie about Trump, but Alex Vindman did. He's US military officer, a liar, a Ukrainian, and a traitor to the United States.
Oh, how cute to bring up Vindman who's US military officer, but hey, he's "Ukrainian". Guilty by association, propaganda 101.

Russia doing post-Bucha (*) damage control through scum such as yourself is less cute.

* - Bucha is notorious because it was the first one to hit headlines. Other cities that fell under Orcs had it about the same, some worse.
55   mostly reader   2022 Apr 27, 11:58pm  

56   richwicks   2022 Apr 28, 12:23am  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Quote me.
You are a liar and a propaganda troll.

Again, you claim I promote Russian propaganda:

mostly reader says
richwicks says
...I don't believe the bullshit of our lying government.
Instead, you promote the bullshit of ANOTHER lying and murderous government.

Demonstrate I've ever done this. I'm tired of you lying. I'm going to keep dragging you back to this question, and that's it. You are not worth engaging with because you have no regard for truth or honesty. I don't see anything respectable about that.
57   mostly reader   2022 Apr 28, 12:31am  

richwicks says
Demonstrate I've ever done this.
Just recently, you promoted Rashists lies (thoroughly debunked lies) that Bucha was caused by Ukrainians. Fuck you for that by the way. Will you deny it, or will you bid time by asking that I find exact quote?

This ^ was a copy/paste from my PRIOR response to you. "mostly writer" can't read?
58   richwicks   2022 Apr 28, 12:43am  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Demonstrate I've ever done this.
Just recently, you promoted Rashists lies (thoroughly debunked lies) that Bucha was caused by Ukrainians. Fuck you for that by the way. Will you deny it, or will you bid time by asking that I find exact quote?

Find the exact quote.

What "rashist lies"?

Bucha probably WAS done by the Ukrainians. I have videos of people form the area claiming that was done. Who knows if they are telling the truth? No strategic advantage for the Russians to do it but when every male from 18 to 60 is being conscripted to fight for Ukraine they have a reason - it's fight and risk death, or refuse and die certainly.

Again: Exact quote.

mostly reader says
This ^ was a copy/paste from my PRIOR response to you. "mostly writer" can't read

Provide link to my post. You're not much worth reading. I'm just going to point out when you lie, which is often when I bother to deal with it.
59   mostly reader   2022 Apr 28, 9:07am  

60   AD   2022 Apr 28, 9:16am  

Here are a few major factors motivating Putin and his Kremlin entourage.

Its a strategic land grab so they can stage the Russian military further west closer to NATO. It extends a buffer zone between NATO and the Russian border.

Economic gain in the long run by having confiscated valuable land like farm land, etc.

Appeal to Russian population about expanding Russian control and preserving the Russian culture

61   mostly reader   2022 Apr 28, 9:49am  

ad says
Here are a few major factors motivating Putin and his Kremlin entourage.
There's more. There's been this long ideological tension based on two mental models.

Model 1: Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities, Moscow is historically inferior, Ukrainians of today are the true historical heirs of that state, and their language is the closest thing that we have to the language of that Rus. Meanwhile, Moskovits are the surviving subs of the Golden Orda.

Model 2: Kyiv has been seized by second-rate humans who now call themselves Ukrainians.

The only people who care about using either model are in Russia. Neither one should have any practical implication. But folks over there are quite high on this kind of historical ideology. Model 2 was, and still remains, the propagated policy of the Rashist state. It's a good tone over there to make fun of Ukrainians, their language, and overall treat them as those funny inferior "little brothers" in folksy humor. That's why "Rashists" is a very fitting term, and that's why taking Kyiv would've been a very important ideological achievement for them.
62   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 28, 10:13am  

Seems to me the only real reason for going into Moldova is the restoration of the USSR on the 100th anniversary of its original creation (December 28th). Because whatever bogus reasons were given for attacking Ukraine ("Nazis", "NATO weapons", "bioWEAPONS labs", "drug addicts and clowns in the government", yada-yada-yada) are not applicable to Moldova in the slightest. Moldova is non-aligned neutral country (just like Ukraine was prior to Russian attack in 2014, btw), the anclave Russia carved out there in early 1990s has been stable since then and not a single shot fired in almost 30 years. And no recent unrest of any kind until the intent to move in has been declared and, conveniently, "terrorist attacks" have began.

Putin pretty much had Kazahstan in the bag by the end of January, planned to have Ukraine all mopped up by May 9th, so Moldova is the natural next stop and then onwards to the Baltic states ("Do you REALLY want to die for Narva? I didn't think so")... Why are they doing it seemingly out of order, being far from "mopping up" stage in Ukraine? My guess would be they need some kind of "victory" to be declared by May 9th parade, and Ukraine is not happening (not by May 9th at least), so Moldova is a low-hanging fruit they could try to gobble up in the shrinking time window. They already have ~2000 Russian troops there and Moldova basically has no viable army at all, so with some additional VDV guys delivered by plane right into the capital city airport they might have a chance to do it fast. (Basically same plan they tried in Hostomel but got their asses torn off and handed back to them).

US under Dem rule was supposed to be stunted into inaction by "There be Nazis! Nazis!", Germany - by its dependence on Russian gas (and its politicians being pretty much on Moscow's payroll), France ... well, France is France.
63   richwicks   2022 Apr 28, 7:21pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Again: Exact quote.
No need because you just did it again.

No, exact quote, and link to it.

After that, I will do some piecing together.

Without an exact quote, you're just engaging in libel. It doesn't change the outcome of this war. Notice all those soldiers underground in Mariopol are no longer mentioned? Why is that? Is it because they were killed, they surrendered, they are still biding their time ready to retake Mariopol?

It's because they've been sealed in and left to die of starvation. Our media will never mention them again.

mostly reader says
There's overwhelming amount of evidence - videos, satellite images (confirmed by BBC among others)

HAHAHA! Jesus!

Our governments lie.
Our media system is public relations for our government, it's propaganda.
64   mostly reader   2022 Apr 28, 10:55pm  

65   richwicks   2022 Apr 28, 10:58pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
No, exact quote, and link to it.
I feel that I'm talking to a retard

That's interesting. Quick scan had no links again.

Provide quotes of mine with links.
66   mostly reader   2022 Apr 28, 11:05pm  

richwicks says
Provide quotes of mine with links.


Your quote: "Considering it was Bucha, I tend to think it was the Western Ukrainians"

Then you repeated this rashist propaganda BS here (will you require link for that too?) This made the original quote unnecessary, yet you kept asking for it. Did you not remember what you yourself wrote? Are you demented?

Worth repeating: I think that you are scum and a propaganda troll with your tongue so far up Putin's asshole that it tickles your tonsils.
67   Patrick   2022 Apr 29, 12:06am  

richwicks says
mostly reader says
richwicks says
I don't care what Russia does...
This is when all who's been following you have a good laugh. You have your tongue so far up Putin's asshole that his butt hair is tingling your tonsils.

After about 10 of those very deliberately personal comments in direct violation of just about the only rule this site has, I'm banning mostly reader for a few days:

update users set user_suspended_until='2022-05-01 05:37:46' where user_name='mostly reader';
68   richwicks   2022 Apr 29, 12:12am  

Patrick says
richwicks says
mostly reader says
richwicks says
I don't care what Russia does...
This is when all who's been following you have a good laugh. You have your tongue so far up Putin's asshole that his butt hair is tingling your tonsils.

After about 10 of those very deliberately personal comments in direct violation of just about the only rule this site has, I'm banning mostly reader for a few days:

@Patrick - No, it's not necessary. You know I have a thick skin. You never have to worry about what is written about me.

69   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 29, 12:12am  

I don't give two shits that Yandex or the FSB knows I've gone down the Rin route of banging dolls and am working on customizing a Siberian Shamaness or Viking Princess to fulfill my Conan Fantasy. They couldn't give a fuck less.

I do give two shits that the NSA (via MI5/6) and Google have all my political posts and are very interested that I buy LifeStraws and shop online for .45 Long Colt.
70   Patrick   2022 Apr 29, 12:35am  

richwicks says
Patrick - No, it's not necessary. You know I have a thick skin. You never have to worry about what is written about me.

I noticed you were not bothered by it, but it bothers me.

Things collapse when personal insults are allowed.
71   Patrick   2022 Apr 29, 12:43am  

richwicks says

I like that rule. Heard it before, but never saw it explained clearly:

Declaring yourself to be operating by "Crocker's Rules" means that other people are allowed to optimize their messages for information, not for being nice to you. Crocker's Rules means that you have accepted full responsibility for the operation of your own mind - if you're offended, it's your fault. Anyone is allowed to call you a moron and claim to be doing you a favor. (Which, in point of fact, they would be. One of the big problems with this culture is that everyone's afraid to tell you you're wrong, or they think they have to dance around it.) Two people using Crocker's Rules should be able to communicate all relevant information in the minimum amount of time, without paraphrasing or social formatting. Obviously, don't declare yourself to be operating by Crocker's Rules unless you have that kind of mental discipline.

Note that Crocker's Rules does not mean you can insult people; it means that other people don't have to worry about whether they are insulting you. Crocker's Rules are a discipline, not a privilege. Furthermore, taking advantage of Crocker's Rules does not imply reciprocity. How could it? Crocker's Rules are something you do for yourself, to maximize information received - not something you grit your teeth over and do as a favor.

"Crocker's Rules" are named after Lee Daniel Crocker.
72   richwicks   2022 Apr 29, 1:01am  

Patrick says
I like that rule. Heard it before, but never saw it explained clearly:

I think we all end up adopting the rule anyhow once you get old enough and you're talking to somebody anonymous. It's a good rule in discussion. The only person that really can insult you is you. You have to believe that what is said may possibly be true.

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