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2022 Aug 21, 9:05am   8,371 views  83 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Poll Questions:
Are you vaxxed?
Why or why not?

Someone on this forum said that probably 80% of the people on this forum are vaxxed. Someone else said probably only 2 of us.

Just curious.

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1   Onvacation   2022 Aug 21, 9:08am  

Not vaxxed. Now naturally immune from infection.

When the vaxx came out I was skeptical of the way it was supposed to work. I was waiting for evidence that it was safe and effective.

I'm in the control group.
2   Onvacation   2022 Aug 21, 9:11am  

Hey @patrick I see the lock on my post. Probably because I set the tips to -1 so I could pay people one penny for their response. Now that I think about it I should set it to negative two cents.

Hope I didn't mess up your system.
3   ElYorsh   2022 Aug 21, 9:13am  

Un-vaxxed. The "experts" explanations never made sense. I wanted to wait it out and see what happened. Now I WILL NEVER TAKE THE COVID VAXX, NEVER
4   Shaman   2022 Aug 21, 9:27am  

Pureblood here as well.
For life.
Had Covid once, maaaybe a second time (month ago) where I got extremely mild symptoms and didn’t even miss work. My immunity has to be really strong by now.
5   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 9:28am  

Onvacation says

Hey @patrick I see the lock on my post. Probably because I set the tips to -1 so I could pay people one penny for their response. Now that I think about it I should set it to negative two cents.

Hope I didn't mess up your system.

Ah, you want to pay users for each comment? That's something I had not considered.

I guess it's not clear that there are two distinct things a reader can do: pay for post (a fixed amount that the author sets when writing the post) or tip a user (an arbitrary amount that the tipper chooses).

In any case, you can edit your post and set the cost to 0 to remove the lock.
6   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 9:32am  

I'm not vaxxed btw, and neither is my wife.

I wouldn't have gotten it in any case, since I don't even trust flu shots, much less genetic experiments.

My wife was going to get the vaxx, but then her co-worker Danielle died from it.
7   anniecoyote   2022 Aug 21, 9:33am  

Pure blood also. Maybe had a mild COVID in Jan 2022. Very few vaccines over life. Maybe oral polio in early 1960s. In that era we all got measles, mumps, chicken pox and German measles
8   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Aug 21, 9:44am  

not vaxed

had mild covid
9   Onvacation   2022 Aug 21, 9:57am  

Patrick says

Ah, you want to pay users for each comment? That's something I had not considered.

I edited it to zero.

Users paid to collect data from them or to pitch them a sale is a possible source of income. Of course it would add another level of complexity; for instance, you would have to stop people from gaming the system just to get the payment.

And it's really hard if not impossible to stop people from gaming systems.
10   Hircus   2022 Aug 21, 10:14am  


I didn't want to be a guinea pig for a rushed new tech with a frightening large scale propaganda campaign silencing objective discussion about it.
11   Ceffer   2022 Aug 21, 10:18am  

No vax. I knew this was all a fraud because I have the training to identify it from early 2020. It wasn't that hard, but I realized that 99 percent of the population couldn't and even health professionals would be in denial to keep their bread buttered. So, I have been watching the malignant crisis theater and fake pandemic unwind since then, and it is still going.

Remember, a detailed program to use contagion or fake contagion was laid out by the Nazis, a complete tableau for political manipulation and tyranny, but never used. because they didn't need it. It's basically what the Globalists and banksters are doing with Covid now, they had their program ready since then.

Various movements and PTB have been using contagion in various ways over the centuries, but it is an intransigent genie to keep in the bottle or use, because the Frankenstein can also consume its creators. Right now, they are desperately trying to develop DNA specific plagues so they can kill specifically while being carriers without hazard to themselves. This was the topic of the recent James Bond film "No Time To Die", where Bond is healthy but becomes an infected vector of a lethal DNA specific virus that almost instantly kill those with the susceptible DNA.

What we see now is that manufactured plagues have been in the pipelines like clockwork over the last 60 years of paperclip Mengele continuity of reasearch since WWII. Most of them have been feeble attempts, others dress rehearsals like AIDS/HIV, bird flu, swine flu etc. etc.

Covid is less a disease than a fiat use of international government force and fake news/propaganda. I think the nations logged on because most governments are debtors, and a plague would be a good way to selectively murder their creditors i.e. vested pensioners, the old, etc. etc. because they all have pension funds and public money pools that are operating in ever increasing deficits.
12   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 21, 10:20am  

Pureblood also. And my kids.
13   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 10:25am  

Not vaccinated.

Never saw a need for it with a mortality rate of 0.2% and when the propaganda changed to "the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated" nothing could change my mind.

Who is going admit to being tricked at this point? Or coerced into taking the vaccine? I think part of the psy-op is that the reasons provided to the public are so stupid and so nonsensical is that it tends to lend people never to admit to taking the vaccine. I'll bet a kidney a year from now people will be saying "I never fell for it!" but you'll find in their social media that they were double vaxxed and double boosted.
14   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 21, 10:36am  

Not vaxed. The early NYC public health department data clearly indicated minimal mortality risk in healthy people. And just common sense about the possible dangers of an experimental gene therapy technology. Or just any new experimental drug. The nonstop MSM hysteria, building on the Orange Man bad hysteria, was enough of a hint. The absolute lies being stated by Walensky who knew better, evil Gepetto psychopath, and the teleprompter lies that the senile guy stumbled through, was a clear indication that something sinister was afoot.

Listening to Geert vanden Bossche early on definitely helped.
15   Misc   2022 Aug 21, 10:39am  

I'm vaxxed.

At present I am unable to give my arguments for being so. If I did so, Patrick would ban me again.
16   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 10:41am  

Misc says

I'm vaxxed.

At present I am unable to give my arguments for being so. If I did so, Patrick would ban me again.

Hey, @Patrick, are you going to ban @Misc for giving reasons for why he took the sars-cov2-19 vaccinations?
17   stereotomy   2022 Aug 21, 10:55am  

Purebloods - my entire family. Similar to @Ceffer, I smelled a rat early on. Further research just confirmed what I suspected. Like @richwicks I am saddened and disgusted by what the lockdown theater has revealed about my fellow humans.

I probably got the coof already - always "tested" negative. I have no fear now about any virus thanks to @rin and the cocktail, plus IVERMECTIN IS THE SHIT!. It knocks it down every time within 3 days. Take the zinc and an ionophore (quercitin phytosome or HCQX).

So far no one I know personally has died from the clot shot. A few people who were boosted are still getting the coof.

The fertility figures coming out are frightening.
18   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 11:05am  

stereotomy says

The fertility figures coming out are frightening.

I consider them still anecdotal. If they really have destroyed reproductive ability, we will see it across the board in 5 years when substantially a large portion of the population that was willing to be vaccinated were since their newly born children will be entering kindergarten.

If it has substantially effected birth rates, I think there's going to be a seismic shift in the relationship of people, big pharma, and the government.
19   Ceffer   2022 Aug 21, 11:13am  

Various sources have said the vax have 25 percent or so placebo. That means that the Pharmas do, indeed, want to study their lab rats. There are also the numbered lots, where some lots also carry cancer accelerators and other toxins/particles in addition to gene altering contents. Placebos also create a merry crowd of promoters who claim they had 'no problem' with the vaxes. How many merry promoters, including doctors and health professionals, have we seen drop dead. Quite a few.

Part of the emphasis on boosters is to mop up those unexposed. The more boosters, the more will die of direct effects or 'walk away poison' effects of heart attacks and accelerated natural pathologies. It's probably possible to get the placebos through a few boosters, but the probability of escaping the bioagents with a pleacebo drop with each exposure.
20   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 11:20am  

Ceffer says

Various sources have said the vax have 25 percent or so placebo. That means that the Pharmas do, indeed, want to study their lab rats. There are also the numbered lots, where some lots also carry cancer accelerators and other toxins/particles in addition to gene altering contents. Placebos also create a merry crowd of promoters who claim they had 'no problem' with the vaxes. How many merry promoters, including doctors and health professionals, have we seen drop dead. Quite a few.

Part of the emphasis on boosters is to mop up those unexposed. The more boosters, the more will die of direct effects or 'walk away poison' effects of heart attacks and accelerated natural pathologies. It's probably possible to get the placebos through a few boosters, but the probability of escaping the bioagents with a pleacebo drop with each exposure.

If this is true, we'll know in time, and nobody will ever willingly take an injection ever again. Let's say 5% of the population drops dead. If that happens, we'll see it in society.
22   Tenpoundbass   2022 Aug 21, 11:30am  

I would sooner have Al Sharpton's hand-me-down Purple Track Suit surgically attached to my body, than get the Jab.
23   Ceffer   2022 Aug 21, 11:39am  

All I know is I have had five immediate neighbors die post vax in Santa Cruz, including my next door neighbor, all unattributed to vax because they were over the age of 60. Also, many reports of people getting really sick, but recovering somewhat, also unattributed.

The unattributed parts are the ones that stand out because it means that no statistics take them into account. The post-vax maiming is absolutely huge and remains buried in the 'walk away poison' mystique.

Even if the obvious effect of death does not occur, because populations are frustratingly resilient as groups (the Globalists stomp and scream 'Curses, foiled again'), there are all of those more subtle and lingering pathologies like mini strokes, accelerated cancers, premature senility, autoimmune conditions, vascular problems and clots, heart attacks, severe neurologic disorders etc. etc.
24   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 21, 7:23pm  

Vaxxed and boosted. Let the name calling begin.

For my personal situation, the initial shots (Moderna) were the lesser of the two evils. Made the best decision I could at the time with the limited information that was available.

The booster shot not as much, that was just to appease my family and enable me to travel with fewer hassles.

At the end of the day I try to trust in God. If my numbers called so be it. Every man dies, but not every man truly lives
-William Wallace
25   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 7:44pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

At the end of the day I try to trust in God. If my numbers called so be it. Every man dies, but not every man truly lives
-William Wallace

ὁ δὲ ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ
The unexamined life is not worth living

You said:

GreaterNYCDude says

Vaxxed and boosted. Let the name calling begin.

You endanger us all by your meek pathetic slave compliance. People who stand up protect your rights, and your family's rights, and your children's rights, and your grandchildren's rights. You don't - would have interfered with a vacation.

I don't think I need to beat that into you, you know.

You know what your God is? Government. Government is your god. That's what you worship and obey. Don't give me this nonsense you believe in a higher power than that.

Government isn't god, it's a criminal syndicate. That's who you obey.
26   Misc   2022 Aug 21, 7:46pm  

Counter arguments cannot be made on this forum.
27   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 7:49pm  

Misc says

Counter arguments cannot be made on this forum.


Want a conversation? If you do, I'll share my email with you (with Patrick's help), and we'll duke it out.

I still think it would be good to have semi-private forums here, where two people can talk privately. Patrick has said this has led to death threats (insanity!) but perhaps if they aren't really private - that only two people can talk, but all communication can be seen publicly would be possible. Maybe I'll suggest that to him?
28   Misc   2022 Aug 21, 8:05pm  

I like suggestion 2 better.

Better yet would be allowing opposing viewpoints on the vaxx to aired publicly. This has led to extreme consternation on the part of some participants because it contradicts their worldview and changing one's worldview is a daunting prospect.

However, the stipulation against airing pro-vaxx information was put in place about a year ago when some members were all agog that ADE was going to wipe out large numbers of those vaccinated. Since about 5 billion people were vaccinated, they were supposing that hundreds of millions if not a few billion would die from the vaxx.

Since that has not occurred within the estimated timeframe, perhaps Patrick would reconsider his ban.
29   richwicks   2022 Aug 21, 8:11pm  

Misc says

I like suggestion 2 better.

Better yet would be allowing opposing viewpoints on the vaxx to aired publicly. This has led to extreme consternation on the part of some participants because it contradicts their worldview and changing one's worldview is a daunting prospect.

However, the stipulation against airing pro-vaxx information was put in place about a year ago when some members were all agog that ADE was going to wipe out large numbers of those vaccinated. Since about 5 billion people were vaccinated, they were supposing that hundreds of millions if not a few billion would die from the vaxx.

Since that has not occurred within the estimated timeframe, perhaps Patrick would reconsider his ban.

OK @Patrick - how much of a pain in the ass would it be to make a thread that only two people could discuss between themselves? It would require a new interface on the main page, all discussion needs to be public, absolutely uncensored. Nobody in social media provides this, it's a new concept and idea. Basically email that is public.

I won't only take you on @Misc, I'll admit error if you demonstrate I'm incorrect.

We don't know what the long term effects of the vaccinations are, but there is now ample evidence they are neither effective, nor safe. I view the vaccinations as pointless, and currently, somewhat dangerous - but entirely useless. They provide no protection at all. Time will tell how dangerous they are. IF they are dangerous, we'll see it in the excess mortality rates but I hope that doesn't happen, because then I have a terrible job to do - all the survivors do. We would need to go 22nd century on their ass. We can be reasonably moral about wiping out gene lines, but that's what we must do. If there is a disease among humanity, we have to assume it's genetic, and to exterminate it, but we can do it without murder.
30   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 8:27pm  

I just don't want anyone recommending that quack injection on this site, since my wife worked with someone who clearly did die from it, and I know someone who definitely got myocarditis from it.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 21, 9:13pm  

No spike shot. We have studied preventative health for over 10 years, and during that time the one constant we've learned, there is no miracle cure. All real health takes time and commitment to achieve.

Health is not a fad for us. We do not pretend to know more during a crisis, real or faked, than we did prior to it.
32   clambo   2022 Aug 22, 4:39am  

I took the moderna shot 3 times.
I don't like to call it a vaccine, I'm not sure what I should call it.
I was 65 when the stuff rolled out.
I also get the flu shot every year.
My older brother caught Wuhan and he had a rough time which influenced my thoughts at the time.
I also got a shingles shot a few years ago, and a pneumonia shot.
I'm a walking petri dish or lab rat.
33   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 22, 5:28am  

Moderna two shot in March 2021z regret it now. No booster snd won’t take it again unless I suppose the work place requires it
34   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Aug 22, 5:38am  

richwicks says

Misc says

I like suggestion 2 better.

Better yet would be allowing opposing viewpoints on the vaxx to aired publicly. This has led to extreme consternation on the part of some participants because it contradicts their worldview and changing one's worldview is a daunting prospect.

However, the stipulation against airing pro-vaxx information was put in place about a year ago when some members were all agog that ADE was going to wipe out large numbers of those vaccinated. Since about 5 billion people were vaccinated, they were supposing that hundreds of millions if not a few billion would die from the vaxx.

Since that has not occurred within the estimated timeframe, perhaps Patrick would reconsider his ban.

OK @Patrick - how much of a pain in the ass would it be to make a thread that only two people could discuss between themselves? It would require a ...

It goes beyond that. The poster in questions, like nearly all mainstream Democrats that have posted on this site, will not engage in an honest discussion. Instead they will link a bounty of opinion pieces and claim them as fact. They will cite evidence that is easily countered by other evidence, but then ignore that other evidence. They will present a multitude of disingenuous arguments.

Look, a lot of the people here who are against the Covid vax have presented crap evidence as well. But fortunately there are stats demonstrating that Covid is statistically zero risk for those under 18, allowing us to call educators and Democrat politician hysterical. They literally don’t believe in science. We also have factual evidence showing that Covid is almost no threat to those 18-45 and only a miniscule threat to those 46-65. And even above that the risk is small.

If a Democrat will admit to what I just said, and logically deduce that vaccines should never be required by a workplace or government because, well duh….then a reasonable discussion can take place. Otherwise, the display of cognitive dissonance is on the part of the Democrat, not the rest of us.

BTW, misc won’t agree to what I just stated despite statistical fact proving what I stated. Or he/she will come in with a disingenuous argument like “oh, you consider 10,000 to be nothing, huh?’
35   WookieMan   2022 Aug 22, 6:12am  

NuttBoxer says

Health is not a fad for us. We do not pretend to know more during a crisis, real or faked, than we did prior to it.

It's marketing, so I agree with you. The dieting world is the worst with it. We all know what is good for us to eat.

The other thing is work environment. Working around chemicals, paint fumes or things like diesel engines likely won't be good for your lungs or other organs. Lots of cancer causing things.

Life expectancy generally only increased because of successful birth rates. Not vaccines or medicine, besides a few genetic defects like diabetes not brought on by food consumption. And yes people do die early through things naturally, but it's pretty weird once you hit 5 years old. Also generally less war over the last 80 years. Alcohol, drugs and accidents kills the most early.

Blacks have it the worst to be honest. Diabetes, kidney issues, and mostly self inflicted. Working in Chicago and going into the places where they get food is alarming. Same with some hispanic areas. The food available is gross/processed. Though Mexicans/Puerto Ricans tend to eat more veggies, which has a large population in Chicago.

I don't know the last time at our home I've eaten a packaged dinner you throw in a crock pot or skillet or something like that. Pizza is a vice and the occasional night out with the neighbors there might be some frozen taquito, motz sticks or totinos pizza rolls in the air fryer at 11pm or later. Usually we're high or drunk, but we all have kids and are responsible.

Otherwise it's fresh veggies and meat or when we eat out I'll split the meal with my wife. Still probably garbage, we try to make healthy choices when going to restaurants. I also cannot eat a lot in one sitting. I struggle eating a burger on my own as gay as that sounds. Might have something to do with my gall bladder being removed or the fact American restaurants make everything massive. And the sides. I don't need fries. I'll take cottage cheese or something mostly less salty.
36   Karloff   2022 Aug 22, 7:29am  

I haven't taken this injection. Neither has my wife or our kids.

I suspected some skullduggery when they first shut everything down for two weeks. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and figured that after two weeks, it would be obvious if this thing was as dangerous as they said. After that time, I didn't know anybody who knew anybody who has even contracted it, never mind died from it. They continued the tyranny and at that point I was convinced they were up to something.

I watched as the lies started to mount, established scientific knowledge was thrown out the window with no valid justification, any talk of early treatment was silenced and respected, reasonable doctors were censored and threatened.

When they announced a "vaccine", it quickly became clear that it was their sole focus. Nothing else mattered or was even allowed. I thought to myself that we'll see how this goes, but I knew that vaccine development took 5-10 years. When they had it out in, what? 6-8 months? I immediately said "no f'ing way", especially since by this point it was clear who the at-risk groups were, and my family was not among them.

The option to take it was always available and I could change my mind if down the road it seemed the risk/reward ratio changed for us and favored the shot, but it only got worse.

Will never willingly take it at this point, and am now skeptical of anything they push out as they have destroyed all trust. Measles vaccine was pretty safe and effective (as far as I can tell), but is it still? Have they changed ingredients? Will it be replaced with an mRNA version that gets rushed out as well? Will doctors tell you? Will they even know?

To hell with this whole system. It's beyond repair at this point.
37   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 8:11am  

Karloff says

When they announced a "vaccine", it quickly became clear that it was their sole focus. Nothing else mattered or was even allowed. I thought to myself that we'll see how this goes, but I knew that vaccine development took 5-10 years. When they had it out in, what? 6-8 months? I immediately said "no f'ing way", especially since by this point it was clear who the at-risk groups were, and my family was not among them.

Here's something you may not be aware of, they have been working on DNA and mRNA vaccines for 2 decades without success, but then suddenly, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson all found success at the same time..

Then there was the constant pressure to get the injection, along with all the lies to convince the public, and STUPID lies.

If these turn out to kill or sterlize people, it was a eugenics program to get rid of dumb people which is a surprise, I'd think they'd be going after people like me.
38   PeopleUnited   2022 Aug 22, 8:23am  

WookieMan says

Life expectancy generally only increased because of successful birth rates.

Antibiotics and better sanitation (clean/running water) is responsible for the majority of life expectancy increases since the founding of this republic.
39   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 22, 9:02am  

@Richwicks it was a personal (and difficult) decision to get the first two doses. I never agreed with the mandates, pressure and coercion tactics. Given my age, health (or lack thereof) and family factors it was the better option for my specific situation at that time.

I respect many opted not to get this thing. To each their own. The more we learned the less urgent the need for an untested therapeutic became. Particularly for a virus that was not nearly as deadly as first believed. But as with everything else, the powers that be never waste an opportunity to utilize a crisis, real or manufactured, for their own ends. We agree on that I suspect.

Also, who are you to question my faith? (I'm not surprised. You love a good argument.) But I've been a Catholic all my life. Proud of it. Not gonna apologize for it. Jesus is my Lord and savior. If you want to debate religion we'll need a different thread. I'm no commie. Government is not my God.

@patrick I don't begrudge you for being against the shot given what you've experinced. No vaccine is 100% safe (and for the record this mRNA shot dosen't meet the traditional definition of a vaccine) and this gene therapeutic or whatever you want to call it isn't even that effective.

Where we diverge is I take a to each their own approach. But I also respect that you are trying to argue, with facts, that this thing is not a benign jab, despite what the MSM has shoved in our faces for a year plus. But getting Covid also has consequences for some (the old, the frail) more than others. For that subset, an attempt to forestall or lessen the impact of infection was worth the risk. Without getting into specifics, that's where I found myself.

What bothers me is that the long term risk is unknowable. mRNA technology has not been around long enough and until 2021 it has been used mostly in those who were already terminally ill, such as cancer patients. "Science" wasn't allowed to do what it normally does; analyze data, question assumptions, and attempt to reach a broad concensus.

The sad reality is this is one large, global human trial. If in 10 or 20 years all of us who rolled up our sleves drop dead... well then you'll know that you were right.. and I won't be here to argue the point.

To be clear, I don't see this as some evil plot to depopulate the world. I think that pharma industry saw an opportunity to make money and took it. Hospitals saw a way to make money and took it. MSM saw a way to make money and took it. As always the little guy got the short end.

Fear is a powerful motivator and the government overplayed their hand respecting what this virus was and was not, particularly on the early days of the outbreak. All sides, Democrat and Republicans are to blame on this one. One of the few speaking common sense was Dr. Rand Paul. Faucci flipped flopped on key issues (masks, efficacy) AND amitted to misleading the public (see 60 minutes interview he gave), thereby killing whatever credibility he may have had.

What bothers me is how many people complied without question. Heck people were fighting to get appointments before the EAU was even issued.

I questioned the hell out of this before I took my decision. I still don't like that pharma is off the hook on side effects or that the trial data is buried. If there ever is a real emergency, a true plague like outbreak, clearly the government can't mange it. Heck they are too big and beurcratic to manage much of anything. But I digress.
40   Karloff   2022 Aug 22, 11:23am  

richwicks says

they have been working on DNA and mRNA vaccines for 2 decades without success

I did find this out when researching all of this in Summer 2020. I also had already known that no effective vaccine was ever developed for a coronavirus before and that was in part due to it's fast mutation, which indicated that these shots would never offer sterilizing immunity either, and that also with the animal reservoir, it would be impossible to get the herd immunity they kept repeating over and over.

The lies became apparent pretty early on, and it all went downhill from there.

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