Masks Control People, Not Viruses

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2021 Apr 20, 8:45am   129,927 views  1,006 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Published online 2020 Nov 22.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Baruch Vainshelboim⁎

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making. ...

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

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636   HeadSet   2022 Sep 30, 11:37am  

Anti-masking is like having sex with everyone in the room? Then wearing a mask is like having sex with everyone in the room - with a tattered condom.
637   mell   2022 Sep 30, 12:08pm  

Who are these fags twatting such bullshit? is this a real person? lol
638   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 11:55pm  

GNL says

This is why ALL RESISTANCE should have been based on ffreedom. I own my body and my business...nobody else. We're being setup.

True. I shouldn't even argue that the vaxx is ineffective and dangerous, which is obviously is.

The more important point is that I own my own body and have the God-given right to refuse injections and mask without penalty. Any penalty is a direct violation of human rights.
639   HeadSet   2022 Oct 2, 3:55pm  

Patrick says

True. I shouldn't even argue that the vaxx is ineffective and dangerous, which is obviously is.

The more important point is that I own my own body and have the God-given right to refuse injections and mask without penalty. Any penalty is a direct violation of human rights.

Unfortunately, there are actual dangerous contagions such as Ebola, and the infected will need to be isolated. Thus, the fact that the Covid vax is ineffective and dangerous is a needed argument to make.
640   Patrick   2022 Oct 4, 11:33pm  

HeadSet says

the infected will need to be isolated

I'm not talking about infected people. If you're Typoid Mary, you might need to be quaratined or banned from food service.

I'm saying that no one ever has the right to demand you get any injection of anything, or to wear a mask.
641   richwicks   2022 Oct 5, 1:18am  

Patrick says

They should be ashamed of themselves.

If there's anything I've learned well over the last 20 years, is politicians have no shame. Want proof?

original link

Listen carefully at 0:29 "Iraq too", and he nods his head.

Bush just admitted he did precisely what Putin is being accused of doing, and the crowd LAUGHS. Politicians have no fucking shame. They are scum on feet. It's not just politicians that are scum either, it's the people that fawn over them and respect them. This man just admitted he engaged in a wholly unjustified war, and the audience laughed at it. Our establishment is total garbage.
642   richwicks   2022 Oct 5, 1:28am  

HeadSet says

Unfortunately, there are actual dangerous contagions such as Ebola, and the infected will need to be isolated.

Of course! In a pandemic, the infected have ALWAYS been isolated.

For the first time in history, the NONinfected were isolated. This whole thing was a scam, a complete scam. You have to recognize it. This was a MINOR disease, maybe it was 10x worse than the flu in terms of mortality, you know where that ranks on the pandemic scale? A little above 0 on a scale of 1 to 100.

If this killed 1% of the population, 5 times more than it has been claimed to have killed, it's still nothing. This wasn't a pandemic, NOBODY alive has gone through a pandemic. Smallpox killed 3 out of 10 people who got it. 30% mortality rate. The mortality rate of this was 0.2% and it didn't even have life long consequences. People who survived smallpox often got out of it by being permanently infertile or permanently disfigured. That happened to George Washington, he never had kids. That was one kick ass disease and it's why a VERY dangerous vaccination was used to eliminate it. It was seriously dangerous.

I am starting to think that a pandemic will never happen again. We all got together, we all mixed, we all got sick, 100 years ago. We're the survivors of all the previous past diseases. I'm not even certain smallpox had to be eradicated with a vaccine, I'm not even positive it WAS eradicated by one.
644   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 2:39pm  


It has never been shown that wearing surgical face masks decreases postoperative wound infections. On the contrary, a 50% decrease has been reported after omitting face masks. The present study was designed to reveal any 30% or greater difference in general surgery wound infection rates by using face masks or not. During 115 weeks, a total of 3,088 patients were included in the study. Weeks were denoted as "masked" or "unmasked" according to a random list. After 1,537 operations performed with face masks, 73 (4.7%) wound infections were recorded and, after 1,551 operations performed without face masks, 55 (3.5%) infections occurred. This difference was not statistically significant (p greater than 0.05) and the bacterial species cultured from the wound infections did not differ in any way, which would have supported the fact tha the numerical difference was a statistically "missed" difference. These results indicated that the use of face masks might be reconsidered. Masks may be used to protect the operating team from drops of infected blood and from airborne infections, but have not been proven to protect the patient operated by a healthy operating team.
645   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 2:41pm  


10 hr ago
Sarah, I can remember that moron, David Hogg, saying that even if masks were no longer required, he would continue to wear one so that no one would think he was a Republican or Trump supporter. No doubt TONS of others feel the same. And I’m sure they’re all “vax’d” & boosted up the whazoo.

I’m all for it - all of you Karens & Kens rebreathe your CO2 & have snot, sweat & other secretions & bacteria plastered to your face & revel in your superiority in having wrecked your immune system.

Masks are their own punishment.
648   AD   2022 Oct 10, 6:03pm  


Chicoms are using lockdowns to condition their masses or slave citizens. Its about putting more control on them.

Also as it allows the Chicoms to keep people at home while the economy slows due to global recession.

Rather keep them at home for fake COVID reasons then to send them home because of a China economic slowdown.

The Chicoms don't want their masses to think the Chinese Communist economy is slowing and failing.

656   GNL   2022 Nov 2, 2:16pm  

Well, I'm going to make yet another T-shirt. This one is for Thanksgiving. The whole extended family will be there. Probably 40 people. 50/50 jabbed. Any suggestions?

On the front, I'm thinking putting the words..."Righteous Anger"
657   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 7:09pm  


BOOM! Alberta Premier Danielle Smith leading the way with commonsense and science: "The detrimental effects of masking on the mental health, development and education of children in classroom setting is well understood, and we must turn the page on what has been an extremely difficult time for children, along with their parents & teachers,” Smith wrote in a statement released Oct. 29. "No masks"
658   Patrick   2022 Nov 10, 10:51pm  

Taken from another thread.
660   Misc   2022 Nov 11, 10:21pm  

Patrick says

I double dog dare any State AG to charge anyone in the Biden administration with Child Abuse. ------ What, no takers ????

I thought we were a nation of laws, that nobody is above the law, etc.
663   GNL   2022 Nov 14, 7:46pm  

Patrick says

Haha, I think I just found my new Xmas shirt. I have about 10 anti Covid shirts now and wear them often.
668   GNL   2022 Nov 17, 8:18pm  

Patrick says

From https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/11/14/fourth-turning-winter-of-death/

Unbelievable what they did to children. I am so lucky that my children were already graduated and out of school and my grandkids are too young to start school. I'm afraid of how I might have handled all this masking shit.
669   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 17, 8:41pm  

GNL says

Patrick says

From https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/11/14/fourth-turning-winter-of-death/

Unbelievable what they did to children. I am so lucky that my children were already graduated and out of school and my grandkids are too young to start school. I'm afraid of how I might have handled all this masking shit.

its sad, they are breaking them and marketing gay to them constantly. a lot of kids gonna grow up fucked up.
670   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 9:29pm  

A more abstract kind of leftist mask:

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