La Ola Roja

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2022 Nov 5, 10:52am   3,166 views  38 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Is it coming or not? Please predict and also approximate extent.

My predictions:

R win Senate 52-53 seats
R win House, 235-240 seats

And with respect to title: S. Texas which is 85%+ Hispanic turns bright red, R's win 3 out of 4 rural/small/medium town House seats.


If this comes to pass, D's can kiss their gender-neutral neuropathic asses goodbye.

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1   Ceffer   2022 Nov 5, 11:02am  

Biden Actor just directly threatened the American people. All bets are off as to what will happen the next couple of days.

2   Patrick   2022 Nov 5, 11:07am  

I think la ola roja is coming, but may be limited by more cheating by the left.

The dems have pissed off so many people that we will have conservative dedication to politics for decades now.

The first order of business should be to eliminate mail in voting and voting machines.
3   Ceffer   2022 Nov 5, 11:13am  

The NESARA/GESARA stuff has been utilized as an ongoing dangling carrot fraud to sell metals to scared but hopeful rabbits. Our buddy Benjamin Fulford claims this and the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi gold Dinar etc. etc. are a con by the Bush Nazi banks.

There is some kind of 'digital reset' going on preparing for asset backed currencies, but these aren't it.
4   clambo   2022 Nov 5, 1:07pm  

I just listened to Hershel Walker on youtube and he was hilarious.
I hope for a red wave that drowns a bunch of assholes like Fetterman and his loser ilk.
A pox on all liberals and democrats.
5   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Nov 5, 2:43pm  

I didn’t check today but RCP had Georgia, NH, NV, and AZ all as Rep pickups along with holding PA and WI.

I don’t think we’ll get Washington but it’s closer than people think.

I’m going Republican 54 in the Senate, 240+ in the house, SCOTUS goes on a tear and evicerates affirmative action plus handles several election lawsuits for the good. And as many as 30+ governorships. Some big heads are gonna roll. No one gets through the current political and economic conditions without some blood on the streets

I think it’s going to be a very good day for America.
6   Shaman   2022 Nov 5, 3:32pm  

I predict 54 GOP seats, and 250 GOP house seats.
45 GOP governors.

It’s going to be a spanking for the ages. People are PISSED and they’ve been waiting for this moment to make it fully known.

The polls are always tilted several points towards Democrats, but with the Nazi Joe rhetoric and weaponizing the Justice system against MAGA, they’re odd quite a bit more than that this time. Conservatives won’t talk to pollsters, or at least the very angry ones won’t. A lot of people will be switching Dem to GOP for this election too.
It’s going to be absolutely epic.
7   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 5, 3:36pm  

All Major Dem National Orgs pulled out entirely from Florida last week:


Florida is no longer a swing state, it may not be a lean red. It may be a new Dark Red State.
8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Nov 5, 4:10pm  

Gotta love it. And the house maps are just nuts. Very happy to see Young Kim, who got redistricted in OC by also pulling in part of LA County, see her race moved from leans red to likely red and now Katie Porter, a massive flatulence filled windbag, see her race go from leans dem to tied…in a district that went to Biden by a 55-44 edge. Mike Garcia, also district changed, just went from tied to leans red.
9   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Nov 5, 4:14pm  

Would LOVE to see Whitmer go down! Queen of the lockdowns gets the boot…to a MAGA Republican no less!
10   HeadSet   2022 Nov 5, 5:34pm  

My prediction. PA, NH, AZ and NV will have massive after-hours vote dumps. It will take days to count, but Dems will eek out a win in each one. Senate stays Dem.
11   SoTex   2022 Nov 5, 6:00pm  

I have faith in La Ola Roja but being back in SA for 35 days (traveled since) I'm surprised by the number of maskers here. And I've seen large Beto signs. On the back of trucks, WTF!?
12   Bd6r   2022 Nov 5, 6:16pm  

just_passing_through says

I have faith in La Ola Roja but being back in SA for 35 days (traveled since) I'm surprised by the number of maskers here. And I've seen large Beto signs. On the back of trucks, WTF!?

I have seen a few bETO signs in countryside and small towns. Locals say these are transplants from CA who have not learned zir lesson and a few local idiots, mostly middle aged womyn
13   Bd6r   2022 Nov 5, 6:21pm  

HeadSet says

My prediction. PA, NH, AZ and NV will have massive after-hours vote dumps. It will take days to count, but Dems will eek out a win in each one. Senate stays Dem.

I am so disappointed with my Grandpa. He is voting Democrat next week. When he was alive, he was a staunch Republican.
14   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Nov 5, 6:28pm  

Bd6r says

just_passing_through says

I have faith in La Ola Roja but being back in SA for 35 days (traveled since) I'm surprised by the number of maskers here. And I've seen large Beto signs. On the back of trucks, WTF!?

I have seen a few bETO signs in countryside and small towns. Locals say these are transplants from CA who have not learned zir lesson and a few local idiots, mostly middle aged womyn

15   Bd6r   2022 Nov 5, 6:34pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says


Our f-ing realtor who became rich selling land to Californians
17   Patrick   2022 Nov 5, 7:18pm  


Joe Rogan Explains Red Wave Prediction: Voters ‘Sick’ of ‘Woke Ideology’ Being ‘Crammed’ Down Their Throats

Podcaster Joe Rogan has defended his prediction of a red wave for the midterms by arguing that it’s inevitable because voters are “sick” of “woke ideology getting crammed down everybody’s f*ing throats.”

During Friday’s “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the host responded to leftists criticizing his prediction that Republicans are going to win big in next week’s elections.

As Slay News reported, Rogan said earlier this week that he thinks the midterms are going to be “like the elevator doors opening up in ‘The Shining.’”

I'm hesitant to predict anything about the election as long as the massive and obvious fraud in the 2020 election, well documented in "2000 Mules", remains unprosecuted.

Until there are hangings for that massive and obvious fraud, Democrats will do it again and again and again...
18   Misc   2022 Nov 5, 10:29pm  

Even if the Republicans get 54 in the Senate, it means diddly.

Sure, they can impeach members of the Biden government every fucking week for cause, but it takes 60 senate votes to send them packing.

Biden simply vetoes any meaningful legislation and continues to use unconstitutional executive actions. By the time the challenges wind their way through the courts, he will have simply teed up another couple.
19   HeadSet   2022 Nov 6, 7:26am  

Bd6r says

Our f-ing realtor who became rich selling land to Californians

Speaking of land, I noticed that waterfront lots and lots in waterfront communities on Virginia's large lakes has plummeted. Plummeted, as in Lake Gaston and Bugg's Island Lake bare lots falling to a third of what they were selling for a year ago. The waterfront that has houses or cottages already in place are still selling for a premium, though. It is as if the developers and speculators expect the price of building on an empty lot to become unaffordable and are thus selling off their investments while they can.
20   Bd6r   2022 Nov 6, 7:33am  

HeadSet says

waterfront lots and lots in waterfront communities on Virginia's large lakes has plummeted. Plummeted, as in Lake Gaston and Bugg's Island Lake bare lots falling to a third of what they were selling for a year ago. The waterfront that has houses or cottages already in place are still selling for a premium, though. It is as if the developers and speculators expect the price of building on an empty lot to become unaffordable and are thus selling off their investments while they can.

Around here they still expect to sell off land next to oil pump at 20k/acre, but somehow sales are not brisk to say the least. Probably need another half year for reality to set in.
21   SoTex   2022 Nov 6, 7:38am  

Misc says

Even if the Republicans get 54 in the Senate, it means diddly.

Gotta start somewhere! I think it'll take america-first wins in multiple election cycles to truly turn things around in this country.
22   SoTex   2022 Nov 6, 7:41am  

Bd6r says

next to oil pump at 20k/acre

You probably know more about this than anyone: There is a lot of scare-talk about running out of diesel in 25 days (which isn't true, that's just the supply which I understand is seriously down).

Do you think we'll eventually start repairing (or wow - building!) refineries here at some point in the future without all out cannibal anarchy breaking out first? I understand capital doesn't want to invest due to the time it takes to get a return on investment when the politicians are aiming to put them out of business.

Also is it true that the light-sweet we dig out here is only good for regular gas and it's the thick dark from Russia that is used for diesel - which is what runs the economy?

(sorry; off topic but I didn't want to start another thread on this)
23   HeadSet   2022 Nov 6, 11:15am  

just_passing_through says

Also is it true that the light-sweet we dig out here is only good for regular gas and it's the thick dark from Russia that is used for diesel - which is what runs the economy?

Maybe Biden can state how this is the first step to moving to biodiesel, a process he can take credit for as a way to be independent of Russia petroleum.
24   Bd6r   2022 Nov 8, 8:08am  

just_passing_through says

Do you think we'll eventually start repairing (or wow - building!) refineries here at some point in the future without all out cannibal anarchy breaking out first? I understand capital doesn't want to invest due to the time it takes to get a return on investment when the politicians are aiming to put them out of business.

I am not sure...this is economy/politics question.

just_passing_through says

Also is it true that the light-sweet we dig out here is only good for regular gas and it's the thick dark from Russia that is used for diesel - which is what runs the economy?

probably not, light sweet is the best as it has little sulfur in it and a lot of it can be directly fractioned into gas and diesel. Heavy oil has higher mol wt alkanes and aromatics, so more of it needs to be cracked to get usable products. Cracking process can be tuned to get out what we want tho
25   Bd6r   2022 Nov 8, 8:10am  

HeadSet says

Maybe Biden can state how this is the first step to moving to biodiesel

and starve half of the world
just build damned nuke plants which will not happen as it is rational
26   Bd6r   2022 Nov 9, 8:01am  

I was wrong in my predictions, as the best case scenario for R's in Senate is 51, and in House 230 or so. In S. TX only 2 out of 4 mostly Hispanic districts went R (15 and 23). Somehow TX establishment D's won both 34 and 28. Annoying RINO Crenshaw also sailed through both primaries and election.

Something smells just a little wrong as polls were off by a lot.
27   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Nov 9, 1:38pm  

Bd6r says

I was wrong in my predictions, as the best case scenario for R's in Senate is 51, and in House 230 or so. In S. TX only 2 out of 4 mostly Hispanic districts went R (15 and 23). Somehow TX establishment D's won both 34 and 28. Annoying RINO Crenshaw also sailed through both primaries and election.

Something smells just a little wrong as polls were off by a lot.

Tralfagar and Rasmussen really pushed the polls averages and were dead wrong outside of Florida and perhaps Nevada. The rest of the polls got it mostly correct. The conservative polls baked in a R turnout that never happened.
28   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 9, 2:48pm  

Alaska is 71%, up from like 69% this morning. But, don't forget Alaska's Ranked Voting, so you know the Dems and Greens and the 3rd Spoiler Republican 2nd votes are probably for Murkowski, not "A MAGA who hates democracy". So don't be surprised if Murkowski wins.

Arizona only at 73%, up a whole 5-6% from 3AM this morning while it is early afternoon there.
29   mell   2022 Nov 9, 2:51pm  

AmericanKulak says

Alaska is 71%, up from like 69% this morning. But, don't forget Alaska's Ranked Voting, so you know the Dems and Greens and the 3rd Spoiler Republican 2nd votes are probably for Murkowski, not "A MAGA who hates democracy". So don't be surprised if Murkowski wins.

Arizona only at 73%, up a whole 5-6% from 3AM this morning while it is early afternoon there.

Where do you get AZ numbers? I see 66.89%
30   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 9, 4:40pm  

Real Clear Politics.


It's STILL at 73% reporting, now as of almost 8PM EST/5PM PST the day after.
31   mell   2022 Nov 9, 4:48pm  

Thanks one thing that is a bit worrisome is that they apparently just "found" more ballots in NV (blue county, I think Clark). Keep watching
34   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:38am  

Ceffer says

Biden Actor just directly threatened the American people. All bets are off as to what will happen the next couple of days.


I was hopeful once. I would be happy if you're correct, but I don't think you are.
35   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:40am  

Ceffer says

Our buddy Benjamin Fulford

He's a fraud. I've pointed this out before, by going back to his claims from over 10 years ago. If you want to know what is true, investigate history. There are people who are often wrong, but they don't lie, they make errors. Who doesn't?

Fulford lies. He's dishonest. He's nothing more than another form of Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity. He has no obligation to the truth. I believe he's just another intelligence asset. People who aren't intelligence assets, they struggle and fight. It's ironic that in this world being honest is severely punished, the exact opposite I was told as a child.
36   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:42am  

Patrick says

I'm hesitant to predict anything about the election as long as the massive and obvious fraud in the 2020 election

^^^ THIS

I'm am frustrated that people think elections mean anything.

Our nation DESPISES the people who are "elected", but somehow, they still keep getting elected. People have too much trust.
37   richwicks   2024 Apr 14, 12:47am  

HeadSet says

Speaking of land, I noticed that waterfront lots and lots in waterfront communities on Virginia's large lakes has plummeted. Plummeted, as in Lake Gaston and Bugg's Island Lake bare lots falling to a third of what they were selling for a year ago

I grew up in a town with a glacial lake and my grandparents had a cottage (not a home!) on it. They are wonderful in summer, but winter is vicious. The lake freezes over, you have high winds, and you are isolated with giant snow drifts. It seems ideal in the summer, it's a nightmare in winter.

It's like everybody wants to own an island, well try living on one. It's only reachable by boat, you are frequently cut off from energy supplies, your water is lake water and if you're in the ocean it's contaminated by salt, and you are completely alone. Most people think they want to get away from people, until they do it. I'm saying this, and it must be obvious I'm a prickly non people person. Still I have to be around them.
38   WookieMan   2024 Apr 14, 5:49am  

richwicks says

It's like everybody wants to own an island, well try living on one. It's only reachable by boat, you are frequently cut off from energy supplies, your water is lake water and if you're in the ocean it's contaminated by salt, and you are completely alone. Most people think they want to get away from people, until they do it. I'm saying this, and it must be obvious I'm a prickly non people person. Still I have to be around them.

This is exactly why I live in a small town. I don't "have" to be around people, but they're there when I want. Had a garage hang out last night. Kids had fun. I think I'm done with basketball as I can barely walk as dunking is over with age. Got pizza. A good bit of beer and have good friends that drove my wife's car home because she was MC Hammered. I took her in the cart.

Lived in Chicago. That type of shit didn't happen there. The people were generally awful. My friend neighbor literally drove her car and walked back home. That doesn't happen in Chicago. Or any city. I can't stand cities.

Sorry, reflecting on the night. It was fun. Just some good people. We all have our flaws, but when you find good people, enjoy it.

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