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Placenames ending in "-by" are Norse place suffixes for "Farm".
I wonder if place names ending in that "bee" sound are a derivative of that, such as Denbeigh or Lockerbie.
Dark and lonely on a summer's night.
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.
Watchdog barking. Do he bite?
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.
Slip in his window. Break his neck.
Then his house I start to wreck.
Got no reason. What the heck?
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.
C-I-L my land lord!
I apologize for posting this.
gabbar says
I apologize for posting this.
Which one was you?
South Carolina town apologizes for using white models in Juneteenth ad
Ah, Juneteenth. That's the day we celebrate when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed.
Sentenced to death by a Judge (((Irving Kaufman))) thanks to prosecution by Assnt. Federal DA (((Irving Saypol))) with support from (((Roy Cohn))), Trump Mentor and Joe McCarthy's Top Bloodhound.
Their kids spent decades trying to prove their innocence only to find out they weren't innocent. Their current position is that their parents traitorous activities didn't really result in much.
richwicks says
Their kids spent decades trying to prove their innocence only to find out they weren't innocent. Their current position is that their parents traitorous activities didn't really result in much.
The biggest douchebucket of them all is the brother, I forgot of which Rosenberg. Sold their asses out while he was knee deep in all of it, unashamed over it.
If you want to change people's minds, change their minds. Instead they blackmail people, they threaten people, they deceive people, they lie to people. Look at how many people in the FIB entrapped naive people on January 6th? And they keep dressing up as "white supremacists" because they can't find any real ones. Such lowlifes.
The biggest douchebucket of them all is the brother, I forgot of which Rosenberg. Sold their asses out while he was knee deep in all of it, unashamed over it.
Non-compliant people are the enemies and they treat them as such. Is this unusual (just a rhetorical question)?
What do they want people to comply to, and for what reason?
The regular CBC "experts" bribed hundreds of thousands of dollars . This testimony shows CBC planted a fake sign at the convoy and knowingly lied throughout the past 3.5 years at the cost of all good Canadian's. The exposure of the CBC has finally come. Find out how CTV and other mainstream news channels also signed on to be part of a new fake news group with an actual name, so they would all tout the same lies at the same time in unison.
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What would you say? You don't have to actually believe what you say, it just has to be provoctive.
"Barefoot and pregnant is the way I like 'em."
"Good lord you are FAT!"
"I have a lawnmower. His name is Jose."
"Speak English"