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richwicks says
BY FAR the stupidest thing I've ever heard come out of a president's mouth, and I pay attention to what Joe Biden says.
Worse than Biden's "Pandemic of the unvaccinated"?
“Now President Biden plans to send them to Ukraine. Stop the ceaseless escalation! It is time for peace,” RFK Jr. added.
JFK's Grandson likes Biden thinks RFKJ is "an embarrassment".
You might not know it these lazy, hazy, muggy days of midsummer, but things are getting pretty wildly out-of-hand in our republic. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blew up the Democratic Party yesterday in the House Subcommittee on Weaponization of Government hearing, acting like a normal human while being set upon by a flock of harpies desperately screeching “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as if that means anything anymore. He branded them as worse than the McCarthyites of the 1950s, rebuked their insane scurrilities supporting censorship, and left them in a state of exhausted disgrace.
It happens that he is running for the nomination of that very party knocking itself out to destroy him. To win that prize he would have to put a thousand top Democrats through some grueling act of repentance and contrition — and then you’ve got to ask yourself: who would even want to win the support of such vile creatures as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jerrold Nadler, and Adam Schiff, let alone be associated with them in the same club?
I suggest that with the recent RFK Jr congressional testimony concerning censorship which turned into a case study in how the censorship and smear Kabuki theater is played out in the Nations Imperial Capital (Washington DC) we have had an important event in the timeline of how the Democratic party went from a defender of free speech to Barack Obama defending federal government censorship in a pivotal April 2022 speech at Stanford University (“Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm”), to the present full throated efforts to suppress conservative voices and points of view.
The pendulum swings, and as usual, political overreach appears to be reaching its apogee.
If nothing else, I suggest that RFKjr deserves to be heard, and not just have his voice drowned out by political opponents who do not want others to hear his words. For those who are so concerned about equity and fairness, please keep in mind that Mr. Kennedy has a vocal impediment that requires and effort with every word.
As Bobby notes, “Once you start censoring, you're on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism.”
So, without further ado, I hope you find the following video and transcript useful and informative.
The transcript of the above video:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
In discussing COVID public health measures, you made light of the genocide against Jewish people by saying, and I quote, "Even Hitler's Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did."
Robert F. Kennedy:
What we're seeing today is what I call turnkey totalitarianism. They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control we've never seen before. It's been the ambition of every totalitarian state from the beginning of mankind to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought, and to obliterate descent. None of them have been able to do it. They didn't have the technological capacity. Even in Hitler, Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland, you can hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. I visited, in 1962, East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. So it was possible. Many died doing it, but it was possible. Today the mechanisms are being put in place and will make it so none of us can run and none of us going to hide.
Cenk Uygur:
Now, it's interesting because Snowden at one point said in his original interview with the Guardian that look, the NSA has set up turnkey totalitarianism, that if they want to, they can just flip the switch and they've got all of our info. And fascinating enough, the guy who confirms that is the former head of the NSA, Michael Hayden, goes on TV this weekend. Let's show you video C15 here and see how he's confirmed it.
Michael Hayden:
This is no one's proposal. All right? But you've got this metadata here. It's now queried under very, very narrow circumstances. If the nation suffers an attack, there are other things you could do with that metadata. There are other tools. So in that kind of an emergency, perhaps you would go to the court and say, "In addition to these very limited queries, we're now allowed to do, we actually want to launch some complex algorithms again."
Yuval Noah Harari:
We now seeing mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries, which previously rejected them. And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin. Now it's going under the skin. Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet. Above all, they want to know what is happening under our skin. What's our body temperature, what's our blood pressure? What is our medical condition? This is of course, necessary to deal with the epidemic. But if this remains in the long run, there is a danger of establishing new unprecedented totalitarian regimes because if you constantly gather biometric information on people, what's happening inside their body, that can create a much more dangerous dictatorship than anything we've seen before in history.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
You floated a baseless conspiracy theory that the coronavirus was bio-engineered to target Caucasians and black people, but to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people. Mr. Kennedy, your bizarre unproven claim echoes that same historic slander of labeling Jews and Chinese people as a race and that Jews, and in this case, Chinese people, somehow manage to avoid a deadly illness that targets other groups for death. You do see that? Yes or no?
Robert F. Kennedy:
You're misstating.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
No, no, no, no.
Robert F. Kennedy:
You are.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
I quoted what you said earlier and it is directly what you said, so just-
Robert F. Kennedy:
I was describing an NIH funded study.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
No, no, no. You didn't cite any-
Robert F. Kennedy:
I was describing an NIH funded study by Cleveland Clinic scientists.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
Reclaiming my time. You did not reference... reclaiming my time.
Robert F. Kennedy:
Published in USC Medical, which is-
Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
The time is mine. I'm reclaiming it. Please ask the witness to stop talking.
Robert F. Kennedy:
You asked me a question.
COVID 19 attacked certain races disproportionately. The races that are most immune to COVID-19 are because of the structure of the genetic structure of genetic differentials among different races of the receptors of the ACE2 receptor. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.
Speaker 6:
No doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has affected African-Americans vary differently than other races.
Speaker 7:
Doctors have noticed a worrying trend. Many of the patients are people color, specifically African-Americans.
Speaker 8:
Represent 41% of COVID-19 deaths. The next closest race, Caucasian.
Robert F. Kennedy:
We don't know whether it's deliberately targeted that or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial and ethnic differential and impact to that. We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons, and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. That's where all those labs in the Ukraine are about. They're collecting Russian DNA, they're collecting Chinese DNA so that we can target people by race.
Speaker 9:
There are now weapons under development and developed to that are designed to target specific people. That's what this is, where you can actually take someone's DNA take their medical profile and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person. So we have to have an open and public discussion, and this is going to have to be a political discussion about what does the protection of healthcare information, DNA information and your data look like. Because that data is actually going to be procured and collected by our adversaries for the development of these systems.
Ms. Garcia:
But yet, we give a platform to one of the biggest spreaders of anti-vaccine propaganda in the country. He has claimed that vaccines have caused widespread death. They have not. He has claimed that vaccines are unsafe for pregnant people. They are not.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo:
It is a fact that that really around the nation, stillbirths have increased in the last two years or so, and that's something that should be investigated rather than swept under the rug or assumed to be unrelated to any new products.
Bill Posey:
The public concerns are still there. Mercury is in fact, a neurotoxin. Babies, unborn and newborn, are at a critical stage of neuro development. The one change is what flu vaccine became a recommended shot. Manufacturers were automatically protected from all liability and accountability via lawsuits. Now they have no incentive to remove mercury. I read over the flu vaccine package insert for flu vaccine, and each one says it has not been tested for safety in pregnant women.
Ms. Garcia:
He has claimed that vaccines cause autism. They do not.
Katie Couric:
Hey everyone, welcome to Eye To Eye. Is there a link between childhood vaccines and autism? The CDC says no, but a new court case is raising some doubts about that.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta:
We are here with Dr. Jon Poling. First of all, he's a neurologist. He's also the father of Hannah Poling, as you just mentioned. Her case of autism diagnosis was conceded by the federal government as having been contributed to by vaccines. That was a pretty startling thing I think for a lot of people to hear. We talked to a lot of experts about this. They say, "Look, vaccines in no way cause autism." You're a neurologist. You're also the father of Hannah. What do you say?
Dr. Jon Poling:
Well, I think you bring up a really important point is that the government, actually, the Department of Health and Human Services conceded that my daughter's medical problems, which are autism, encephalopathy, seizures, were brought on by vaccination.
Bernadine Healy, MD:
This is the time when we do have the opportunity to understand whether or not there are susceptible children, perhaps genetically, perhaps they have a metabolic issue, mitochondrial disorder, immunological issue, that makes them more susceptible to vaccines plural, or to one particular vaccine or to a component of vaccine like Mercury.
The fact that there is concern that you don't want to know that susceptible group is a real disappointment to me. If you know that susceptible group, you can save those children. The reason why they didn't want to look for those susceptibility groups was because they're afraid that if they found them, however big or small they were, that that would scare the public away.
Speaker 17:
It sounds like you don't think the hypothesis of a link between vaccines and autism is completely irrational.
Bernadine Healy, MD:
So when I first heard about it, I thought, well, that doesn't make sense to me. The more you delve into it, if you look at the basic science, if you look at the research that's been done in animals, if you also look at some of these individual cases, and if you look at the evidence that there is no link, what I come away with is the question has not been answered.
Dr. Paul Offit:
You can never really say MMR doesn't cause autism. But frankly, when you get in front of the media, you better get used to saying it because otherwise, people hear a door being left open when a door shouldn't be left open.
Robert F. Kennedy:
A government that can censor its critics as licensed for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism. There's never been a time in the history when we look back and the guys who were censoring people were the good guys. All of us grew up reading Arthur Koestler, Robert Heinlein, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and they were all saying the same thing. Once you start censoring, you're on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism.
Reflections on the hearing of House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
Watching Robert Kennedy, Jr. try to save the Democrats from themselves is wild. He’s trying to speak to that “still small voice” inside their hearts that remembers liberalism. But the wolf that Dems have been feeding for the last few years is fascism.
It’s like watching a werewolf movie & RFK Jr. is the priest trying to perform an exorcism to save the townsfolk from these bloodthirsty beasts. We’re all cheering for him but the werewolves ain’t happy about it.
“Disinformation” is just speaking truth to power
In 1943, when Hans and Sophie Scholl handed out flyers at their university in Munich explaining that the war on the eastern front was not going well, they were stating a fact that everyone knew to be true. The Nazis considered this disinformation and executed them.
Over the last 2 years, when Robert Kennedy, Jr. explained that Covid shots were poorly tested, do not stop transmission, and come with horrendous side effects he was stating a fact that everyone knew to be true. The Biden administration considered this disinformation and ordered social media to deplatform him.
It’s not complicated. The people speaking difficult truths are the good guys. The officials fuming about “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” are the bad guys. Censorship is the last refuge of scoundrels. We shouldn’t have to explain this to anyone, but here we are.
RFK Jr. Absolutely Schools Warmonger Sean Hannity on the Ukraine War
Farce Upon Farce: The Aftermath of My Secret Service Request
... Now I hope we can return to the actual issue here. After using government resources to censor me, and using government resources to attack me in the White House press room, the Biden administration made the unprecedented decision to deny a political opponent Secret Service protection during a campaign. Even worse, this is part of a larger pattern of politicizing and weaponizing government agencies to serve the faction in power. The DOJ, the IRS, and the FBI have all been turned into tools to harass political opponents. The denial of Secret Service protection is just the latest example. The public’s response to that has been clear, and the public’s concern and care will remain my enduring takeaway.
How to Restore America’s Middle Class
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Causes of middle-class decline
What has happened? It’s not that workers have become less productive. It’s not that technological levels have declined. Here are some of the reasons for the decline of the middle class, and what, therefore, we can do about it.
Up into the 1970s, worker pay increased about as fast as worker productivity. Since 1979, worker productivity has increased 3.7 times faster than worker pay. As a result, millions of workers have dropped out of the middle class.
One simple reason for the stagnation in worker pay is the decline in union membership from over 30% of the workforce in 1950 to barely 10% today. We learned in the 19th century that capitalism cannot work if workers cannot bargain collectively with employers.
Free trade agreements have put American workers in competition with low-wage workers elsewhere in the world. “Free trade” sounds like a good idea, but it means that employers move production to places where environmental regulations are lax and where worker protections are non-existent. Companies in the US have to either offshore or extract concessions from their workers. Up through the 1970s, union bargaining was all about pay increases. When deindustrialization gathered momentum in the 1980s, it became about saving jobs and holding on.
Military spending is at record levels. The official military budget is around $800 billion, but estimates of total national security spending range from $1.2 to $1.5 trillion. Military spending directs productive labor toward “goods and services” that don’t actually benefit anyone. That makes the things people actually need and want comparatively more expensive.
Healthcare costs are out of control, accounting now for more than one-sixth of GDP. That’s compared to one-twentieth in 1960. Per capita, U.S. healthcare spending is more than double that of Japan, France, the UK, Canada, and most other countries.
Corporations have taken over our government, bending laws and regulations to benefit themselves at the expense of the majority of workers.
Tax loopholes allow the super-wealthy to avoid paying the level of taxes necessary to ameliorate wealth inequality.
Solutions for restoring the middle class
The middle class won’t recover overnight, but here are some of the things I’ll do as President to improve the lives of the middle segment of society.
Renegotiate free trade agreements and impose compensatory tariffs on imports from low-wage countries.
Rein in military spending. A family of four’s share of current defense spending is at least $10,000 a year. Imagine if that money was devoted to free childcare or child tax credits.
Cut healthcare costs with Medicare-for-all, restrict pharmaceutical companies’ profiteering, and redirect a portion of medical research toward inexpensive natural, holistic, and alternative therapies.
Implement some form of student debt relief. Allow student debt to be dischargeable in bankruptcy. Cut interest rates on student loans to zero.
Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour – about the level it was in 1968 – which will raise the floor on all wages and return a share of productivity growth back to workers.
Close loopholes and tighten enforcement against illegal corporate union-busting activity. The NLRB and Department of Justice must take vigorous action to enforce the letter and the spirit of the law.
RFK Jr. Denounces Russiagate as Political Propaganda Against Trump
“We have had a problem from at least the 1960s of the FBI being weaponized against political dissent,” Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Roger Simon in an exclusive interview.
“We saw the FBI legitimizing Russiagate, the propaganda against Trump. And I’m not a fan of Trump’s, but I don’t think that the FBI should be deployed against any presidential candidate, whether I agree with that candidate or not.”
Kennedy also commented on Hunter’s laptop.
“You had [51] CIA agents or high-level officials signing a public letter that said that the Hunter Biden laptop was a fake, was Russian disinformation when they either didn’t know or they knew it was a lie. And that’s something that we should not tolerate.”
Liberals Blast Hollywood Actor Woody Harrelson for Supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The so-called “inclusive” Democratic Party is slamming Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson simply because he’s not supporting President Joe Biden in 2024. Oh, how inclusive they are — only when you agree with them.
On X, formerly known as Twitter, liberals unleashed a tsunami of attacks directed at Harrelson for supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The famed Hollywood actor posted a photo of himself wearing a “Kennedy 2024” hat alongside RFK’s wife, Cheryl Hines, who posted the photo on her Instagram. Annoyed liberals began denouncing Harrelson upon seeing the photo.
I don't care. Kennedy is so much better than any other Democrat out there that I'd be very happy if he go in.
He speaks openly about breaking up the CIA and about the harm of the toxxine. Not even Trump does that.
Credit card debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. (News to me.)
sobered up on some Conservative issues.
But the dude is still a Leftist and virtually all of the declared Republicans currently running (even Pence!) would be better for this country IMO.
If they lock up Trump
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Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!