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Don't forget the fuckers been radiated over and over from Hiroshima to Fukushima.
That has to have some impact...
as an aside, what's with all the 'shima's?
Japan has no diversity at all, yet ground zero for isolationists and the inevitable mass suicide that accompanies
Loneliness and social isolation are both the inevitable results of diversity.
I thought it was feminism.
Our current culture makes it easier than ever to avoid real meaningful social contact. Even phone calls have fallen out of popularity to the texting phenomenon. With our smart phones and social apps carried around wherever we go, we are more connected than ever across all sorts of distances, borders, and boundaries. And yet, face to face contact is fading as well. As people spend more time with their electronic social life, they spend much less with their in-person social life. Since every type of activity reinforces ones ability to perform that same activity, neglect of activity produces the inverse result. Social skills fade, leading to increased uncomfortable feelings about true social contact. People become more introverted as a result, exacerbating the condition.
In short: social ability is a skill. Use it or lose it.
You're going to be hearing much more on this. Obesity is a gigantic fucking problem,
Yea but Japan tho
Kinda blows your whole shit to fuck all, huh?
Japan is an excellent example of an extremely successful society with nearly zero diversity.
They take care of each other pretty damn well, because they are all Japanese and feel a kinship and understanding from that common history and culture.
Countries with a single strong majority culture
Or a common culture among many different nationalities as ours used to be.
Yes, the "melting pot" was all about taking foreigners and making them into Americans. That was very effective at reducing the harm of diversity on social cohesion.
But now the melting pot is out of favor, and the unity of the country suffers because of that.
Japan is an excellent example of an extremely successful society with nearly zero diversity.
They take care of each other pretty damn well, because they are all Japanese and feel a kinship and understanding from that common history and culture.
Then why do they have such prolific suicide rates?
Suicide is the leading cause of death for young people!
If it's so great, why do so many opt to check out of it on their own?
Yea but Japan tho
What are you talking about? Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.
Suicide in Japan is cultural. Interestingly, high life expectancy Nordic Countries also have very, very high suicide rates. Maybe it's the Communal Social Policies?
Nordic Economic Systems cause Suicide!!!
Any society which places much emphasis on the social contract will have both low crime and high suicide rates. Social pressure to conform and behave correctly also cuts into individuality rendering such people social pariahs. Humans are social creatures. We need each other to thrive. So pariah status leads swiftly to depression and depression often leads to suicide.
Any society which places much emphasis on the social contract will have both low crime and high suicide rates. Social pressure to conform and behave correctly also cuts into individuality rendering such people social pariahs. Humans are social creatures. We need each other to thrive. So pariah status leads swiftly to depression and depression often leads to suicide.
I'd be very curious to find out social contact rates in cities vs rural areas. I'd bet that despite the physical isolation of rural ares, that the actual isolation is more prevalent in urban areas.
Our current culture makes it easier than ever to avoid real meaningful social contact. Even phone calls have fallen out of popularity to the texting phenomenon. With our smart phones and social apps carried around wherever we go, we are more connected than ever across all sorts of distances, borders, and boundaries. And yet, face to face contact is fading as well.
Hey, didn't they say that when the telephone was invented?
Loneliness and social isolation are both the inevitable results of diversity.
They should get a dog.
Then why do they have such prolific suicide rates?
Suicide is the leading cause of death for young people!
You obviously don't get it. Just because Japanese don't marry and or have families any more, commit suicide a lot, and are on the cutting edge of 30 year old virginity and sex with dolls and robots doesn't mean that their homogeneous demographics aren't an incredible blessing leading them to be far more healthy socially than the whacked out Americans always bragging about their so called "melting pot" and diversity.
Americans without any friends have increased 400% since 1990. The issue is especially prevalent among men. As society continues to atomize, it will only get worse.
Loneliness is arguably the number one risk factor for premature mortality. An analysis of 300,000 people in 148 studies found that loneliness is associated with a 50% increase in mortality from any cause, making it comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and much more dangerous than obesity.
Countries with a single strong majority culture take care of their own people, exactly because they are their own people.
And the managers don't want a united and strong citizenry because this would be disadvantageous to them. Divide and rule is easier in a diverse society, its easier to manipulate elections. At the end, it all ties down with money and power.
Americans without any friends have increased 400% since 1990. The issue is especially prevalent among men. As society continues to atomize, it will only get worse.
Goes all the way back to the 19th Century with the Managerial Class wanting huge numbers of mostly Irish immigrants over the majority will.
The proddies were right that the Irish would open lots of bars and Catholic churches.