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2024 Sep 30, 9:20pm   819 views  44 comments

by OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Ceffer   2024 Sep 30, 10:27pm  

Black Hat or White Hat? This didn't materialize out of thin air this close to the election.
2   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 1, 12:03am  

Ceffer says

Black Hat or White Hat? This didn't materialize out of thin air this close to the election.

Both sides did it. The ports think Biden will cave on invoking Taft-Hartley or whatever while the unions are prepared to slow shit down otherwise anyway, as that guy in the video sez.

It's totally lose-lose for Harris & Democrats.

If Biden intervenes, Trump will blast them as pro-Chyna, anti-American worker so that college elites can still get their spoiled brat goodies. If Biden doesn't and the ports shut down, Trump will have even more ammo to throw at Harris because the spillover job losses.

While the media has conspired to keep this off the air as much as possible.
3   zzyzzx   2024 Oct 1, 5:28am  

Making imports more expensive is a good thing, as we need more manufacturing jobs in the US.
4   RC2006   2024 Oct 1, 5:44am  

The fight against automation is absurd, just pushes our ports further behind.
6   clambo   2024 Oct 1, 6:27am  

Ports make a fortune.
7   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 1, 8:19am  

RC2006 says

The fight against automation is absurd, just pushes our ports further behind.

Other countries have automated their ports. Unions fight it because scabs can't easily do their jobs in a strike but probably could if it were more automated.
9   GNL   2024 Oct 1, 8:58am  

RC2006 says

The fight against automation is absurd, just pushes our ports further behind.

Yep, and why should these assholes be protected from tech? Everyone else has been dealing with tech advancements for decades. This should be handled the same way Reagon handled the airport strike back in the day. Fire all of these fucks and put in scabs. If I understand correctly, most of these guys make well into the 6 figures with bennies you'd die for. Longshoremen don't work hard any more than a truck driver works.
10   GNL   2024 Oct 1, 9:32am  

zzyzzx says

Making imports more expensive is a good thing, as we need more manufacturing jobs in the US.

You'd have to change regs and increase competition. Lots of entrenched players in America and too many regs/red tape.
11   socal2   2024 Oct 1, 9:36am  

GNL says

Yep, and why should these assholes be protected from tech? Everyone else has been dealing with tech advancements for decades.

Agreed - these are guys are total asshole thugs.
12   socal2   2024 Oct 1, 9:50am  

Yeah - total scumbag.

"Harold Daggett, the ILA boss who pledged to "cripple" the United States, owns a 76-foot yacht, a Bentley, and gets paid over $900,000.

He was acquitted on RICO charges after the main witness against him, mobster Lawrence Ricci, was found decomposing in a car trunk in New Jersey."

13   WookieMan   2024 Oct 1, 9:52am  

GNL says

Longshoremen don't work hard any more than a truck driver works.

Truck driver works harder. It's more like an airport baggage handler. Truck driver is putting in max hours or he doesn't get hired if they're independent contractors. Of course within limits of the hours they can drive in 24 hours.

I know we have one on the board here, longshoreman, but can't remember the user name. Out in CA. The comparison to baggage handlers for flight is they load and move, then pause for the next plane and walk around. They get more breaks than anyone by default.

If there's not a container ship in port that YOU are unloading, what are you doing? It's not a constant flow. No different than the post office. Light mail day and you done in 6hrs instead of 10. But get paid 10. That's how it works from my understanding. They get to strike at least. USPS can't.

I not a fan of unions. I can live with prevailing wage laws though. Certain jobs should be higher than minimum wage. Unions are a racket. Wife's company had to drop 6 figures to make the unions go away even though they were paying the laborers the same amount as a union member. They were just trying to get union members jobs. It's legit mafia style. Legit threats. It's not Hollywood movie bullshit. It's real.

Unions made sense at one time, but those times should be done.
14   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 1, 6:01pm  

socal2 says

Yeah - total scumbag.

"Harold Daggett, the ILA boss who pledged to "cripple" the United States, owns a 76-foot yacht, a Bentley, and gets paid over $900,000.

He was acquitted on RICO charges after the main witness against him, mobster Lawrence Ricci, was found decomposing in a car trunk in New Jersey."


Sure he is.

It's his job to be. It's a fucking union.

Get used to it. More strikes are coming to America.

17   socal2   2024 Oct 2, 1:40pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Sure he is.

It's his job to be. It's a fucking union.

Get used to it. More strikes are coming to America.

And we wonder why unions drove so much industry and manufacturing out of this country with assholes like this holding the rest of the country hostage with crazy demands.

I get there is a balance of supporting a healthy domestic labor rate and workforce and not offshoring everything not tied down.

But thuggish mooks like this fucker does not make that argument easier.

Elon Musk had a funny post yesterday citing that this crook had more yahts than Elon - the richest man in the world!
18   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 2, 4:29pm  

socal2 says

And we wonder why unions drove so much industry and manufacturing out of this country with assholes like this holding the rest of the country hostage with crazy demands.

First of all, these aren't "crazy demands". They have the ports by the balls and are squeezing it for what they can. That's the union's job, actually.

The rest of the country is at fault for offshoring our manufacturing. This would never have had much impact pre-1971.

socal2 says

But thuggish mooks like this fucker does not make that argument easier.

He doesn't have to. You and all the other sudden 'labor experts' remind me of bitches having a fit over not being able to have an abortion in another state that they don't live in. It's ridiculous.

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

This guy is doing his job. Doesn't matter if he has fifty yachts. Want to blame someone? How about Biden not enacting Taft-Hartley?
Seems Joe isn't doing his job. But go ahead and blame the asshole for taking advantage of the situation by throwing non sequitors about yachts.

So bitch about the union job Asshole Guy IS DOING but don't say a word about the POTUS who isn't doing his job. Brilliant!

When all this is over, union will get everything that they want AND BLOWJOBS DURING THEIR BREAK HOUR. The public will forget about this just like the forgot about the UPS strike a few years back (you bitch about that?) as they forgot about the BART strike that forced me to take a two hour bus into SF and back for a week. You bitch about that?

No. And it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Because you aren't a party to the bargaining table.

I have me issues with uinions. Mostly public sector ones (should be outlawed). But striking ones who do so very strategically like the UAW has done and now these guys, I have to say, "good for them."
19   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 2, 11:42pm  

US made products don't get stuck on cargo ships and the longshoreman and the Chinese shippers have no power over them.

Another massive inefficiency of very expensive "Free" Trade.
21   socal2   2024 Oct 3, 10:56am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

He doesn't have to. You and all the other sudden 'labor experts' remind me of bitches having a fit over not being able to have an abortion in another state that they don't live in. It's ridiculous.

Dude - I have dealt with Public Sector Unions and their bullshit for 30+ years in my line of work in heavy water industry. I am a licensed Contractor in California and have seen their bullshit prevailing wage laws make it nearly impossible to build anything in California that doesn't cost 3X the standard price - resulting in high taxes and shitty infrastructure.

City's can barely afford to pay their high priced union labor, so taxpayers have to pay higher taxes to get reduced and shittier services. This causes a doom loop where people flee California and the tax base shrinks. Even when cities go bankrupt (thanks to egregious union salaries and pensions) everyone but the union members suffer as California basically enshrines the corrupt Public Sector Unions pay in our State Constitution.

This mob fucker (who inherited the job from his Dad) not only wants 70% labor increase for his mobbed up friends, he wants to keep US ports in a primitive status in perpetuity with no technological improvements.

Fuck him and fuck all the retards who think this guy is on our side because some Teamster members like Trump.
22   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 3, 11:32am  

socal2 says

Dude - I have dealt with Public Sector Unions and their bullshit for 30+ years


DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

I have me issues with uinions. Mostly public sector ones (should be outlawed).
26   Tenpoundbass   2024 Oct 4, 8:33am  

My friend called me the other day from two stores to report that all of the toilet paper was out, due to the panic buying.
I told him, that people are always trying to cover their ass.
27   WookieMan   2024 Oct 4, 9:05am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

socal2 says

Dude - I have dealt with Public Sector Unions and their bullshit for 30+ years


DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

I have me issues with uinions. Mostly public sector ones (should be outlawed).

Private sector unions are worse. They will literally attack your business #mafia. So I have to agree with Socal. BUT I do hate public sector unions as well since it's the opposite of what we should be doing with our tax dollars... negotiating against ourselves. Teachers, cops, fire fighters, etc.

Private sector is where it gets sketchy though. My wife deals with it and I'm dealing with it on a project. Public is pretty straight forward. Private, not so much. Lots of lavish bull shit padding for the higher ups. And they do go after you. They went after my wife's company. $200k later and 4 part time union employees later they go away. That is reality. It's not just Hollywood. Hire people for do nothing jobs.

It really should be illegal overall. Unions will destroy your private business if you don't play their game. Not a debate or argument. Hence the term pay to play.
30   WookieMan   2024 Oct 5, 5:48pm  

Booger says

What's the deal with TP when this shit and other things happen? We buy 100 rolls easily when it's on sale. Do people actually wait until they have to wipe with their hand? If I see only 20 rolls in the hall closet it's going on the grocery/shopping list.

3 boys and I'm a 3 shitter per day. If someone uses the last roll in the bathroom and doesn't replace the stock IN the bathroom, they get chewed out. There should always be 2-4 rolls in a bathroom at all times and a stockpile in a closet or somewhere else.

Happened once. No TP. I'm walking around with a shitty ass crack to the hall closet to grab a roll. Not a happy camper to say the least. Kids and wife know what will piss me off. Did't smack anyone but I went ballistic. Walking around with your pants down and shit in your butt crack is not my idea of a good time.
31   Ceffer   2024 Oct 5, 6:38pm  

The toilet paper thing is an index of persecuted immigrants in your area, since they seem to demonstrate their panic at any suggestion of government or economic instability by buying toilet paper.

32   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Oct 5, 6:48pm  

WookieMan says

Walking around with your pants down and shit in your butt crack is not my idea of a good time.

What about doing that AND run into a preggo in the hall?
33   RWSGFY   2024 Oct 5, 9:33pm  

All TP is produced domestically. As in "no ships involved".

🤡 world.
34   Tenpoundbass   2024 Oct 6, 6:37am  

What if the port strike was about clearing the ports of witnesses and whistleblowers, when the printed ballots from China comes in, with the preselected choices for straight Democrat ticket?
35   Tenpoundbass   2024 Oct 6, 6:38am  

Or worse the weapons for Biden's imported warrior invaders?
36   Ceffer   2024 Oct 6, 10:16am  

I gather the US Corp finally died for real Oct.1, that is, the foreign entity claiming to be our government in Washington DC. Ports need to be returned away from the misrepresentation that they were British and NATO protectorate ports. It's one of those convoluted issues of history and occupation that need to be resolved as we return to the Republic.
37   HeadSet   2024 Oct 6, 12:36pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Or worse the weapons for Biden's imported warrior invaders?

Those weapons are already here and cached.
38   Eric Holder   2024 Oct 7, 12:52pm  

Tenpoundbass says

What if the port strike was about clearing the ports of witnesses and whistleblowers, when the printed ballots from China comes in, with the preselected choices for straight Democrat ticket?

Too complicated. Anything the admin wants can be brought in through military bases.
39   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Oct 7, 1:32pm  

Tenpoundbass says

What if the port strike was about clearing the ports of witnesses and whistleblowers, when the printed ballots from China comes in, with the preselected choices for straight Democrat ticket?

it was just opportune time to negotiate 10% yearly increases. ask when they can’t say no because elections are coming up and having problems would lose elections. smart move really.

scary part is they know inflation is nuts, hence 10% yearlies.
40   RWSGFY   2024 Oct 7, 1:46pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Tenpoundbass says

What if the port strike was about clearing the ports of witnesses and whistleblowers, when the printed ballots from China comes in, with the preselected choices for straight Democrat ticket?

it was just opportune time to negotiate 10% yearly increases. ask when they can’t say no because elections are coming up and having problems would lose elections. smart move really.

scary part is they know inflation is nuts, hence 10% yearlies.

It's also to compensate for the past inflation.

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