These same people would oppose "If you don't buckle up your car wont start."
It would make them livid to suggest it, because the love the Nany State option, where your car just annoys the living piss out of you for 5 miles beeping and bonging as loud as it possibly can. BUt if your willing to subject yourself to the stupidity, then it will eventually stop, even if you aren't buckled up. There's no point in the seat belt nag other than some shitty Liberal thought it would be great idea. Not very inclusive for the hearing impaired though is it?
Like the 'forever' freeway projects that never seem to get done. They are laundering scams, and they never get completed because completion is not their purpose.
Well at least they are better than answers for citizenship questions in some fraud areas I saw on abc way back. Imagine the person got citizenship after saying Bill Clint for who was the first president of the United States question!