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Thanks for the input. It is a house that has been in thier family for years. The LL bought it from the mother in law for 179K back in 98. I mean, the house has got to be worth high 3’s now. They have thier primary residence and a thriving business, well it used to be thriving anyway. Not sure how it is doing now. I am thinking they must have took out loans against the rental property and are just going to let it go? Either way, I dont mind paying the rent. I just would like to put off moving for as long as possible. If I can last close to a year, maybe I can be in position to buy something.Seriously, this is one of the hassles of renting that I like the least. I have been renting for some years now, and at least 2 of those years, with this final year being the most crucial, the rental has been teetering on foreclosure. The creditor's letters that arrive for the property owner, the photos of my Hummer in the drive~way on foreclosure sites and the fact that it would cost me at @ 15k to have a company move me out lock stock and barrel is not something I want to deal with ever again. If the owner were to be foreclosed while I am the tenant, would then force me to move into something temporary and it is not the sort of problem I need. Who does? I considered withholding rent payments and putting them into an escrow account so that I could pay the bank~~but my attorney informed me that I could be sued by the errant landlord and it could affect my credit rating. I have platinum credit and I don't want to screw it up for the sake of a rental. I have kept my fingers crossed and I am due to move into my newly renovated home in @ a month or so. Enough time to deal with the bank if they come and foreclose on the errant owner. Good luck to you on your rental. Hopefully you will be able to stay there and save up your money to take advantage of the bargains in real~estate.
I voted for you, and stand by my choice. That you were born in Mombassa doesn't matter much to me, 'cause I'm a useless POS liberal who is unable to pull my head out of my ass long enough to examine the "evidence" that you've presented. I'm going to buy some of your art, tho: (look at the pictures, they're pretty cool).
There's also a really cool artist, Scott A. Blackwell, with a site called mombo company. I have one of his cajun pieces.
Now Come on Wanker, after Bush and that whole damn spectacle of over extending their use of power, how can you say that about Obama? It’s crap like that that I can’t genuinely hate the guy, for not being accused of listening to fear mongering crap like that. I don’t think Obama is sinister, I just think he overly optimistic and half assed in his execution of creating a plan. I think is taking on progressive tasks but there is nothing Progressive about him. I think he actually expects some Democrat in Washington to actually have the experience and Vision to actually make his vague ideas into fruition. But unfortunately, he is just sucking wind on that account. Washington is as idea bankrupt as he is. There is not a great visionary in the lot. I don’t think it’s a sinister conspiracy, it’s just a bunch of default idiots, because our political system is depleted of truly “Great†people. And has been for the last 12 years of more. At least since Bill Clinton’s blow job killed the internet.I despise 'W' only a little more than I loathe Hussein. Because I hate one does not imply support for another.
WillyWanker saysThe manque poster calls me a 'puppet'. Shouldn't you be screaming 'racism' just about now?The shit~eating Hussein lovers are set to tear this country apart. First and foremost the Magic One doesn’t even know how to sell the program he’s pushing because HE doesn’t even understand it. And the ass~wipe 0bamatrons have now been sent out by the White House to fight and beat back any opposition. The politics of Somalia have been brought to America by Obama and his thugz. Hussein is in power and Democrats control congress. It is in the country’s interest that they PERSUADE the opposition instead of starting riots. Just like Hussein’s blunder with the race~baiting harvard prof (who was calling everyone ‘racis’) this blunder will only point out to Americans that BHO is nothing more than a Chicago street thug.Dance puppet, dance. Big insurance loves you.
Everything is relative. US has “free markets†relative to other nations. You cannot have absolute free market. Establishing free markets is not easy. You need right kind of judicial system and political system. Even though we crib, there is no country on the planet as good as US in that regard. We are not perfect but better than other countries. been there and seen it in other countries first hand.Our struggle is to make US better and not get enslaved to bad ideas (socialism) like other countries. Free markets are the “primary†reason for our success. We cannot have free markets without other freedoms. Our contitution was written for making us free and equal.Socializing health care is step back in free markets.We never gave free markets a chance in health care sad. You can have the best resources ( south america, parts of africa..etc) but without a framework to establish free markets you can never shine like US. BTW, Free markets also mean that the participants in the free market are also free !Story Once upon a time in a forest there was a huge uproar. It seems a new authority had come up and it started enforcing rules that meat eating animals can only eat certain number of other animals that mostly survived on grass. Lions and Tigers opposed the system completely. So far they have been enjoying fine deers and cows in unlimited number and suddenly this new rule had meant they will have to be contended with eating for survival. Without the rules so far, lions and tigers were having feast every weekends and obesity had become a major issue in the forest, not to mention the fact that population of animals surviving on the grass was coming down everyday. Lions, Tigers and Leopards clamored for free markets. It was the best system they said that ever existed. On the other hand deers, oxen and other grass eating animals hated free market, because free market meant that they were nothing but fodder for animals higher in the food chain. End of Story Moral of the stroy is that free market is like Jungle rule. What makes us humans and different from savages and animals is our capacity to reason and be compassionate to our fellow human beings. Socialism per se is not bad. Capitalism is not bad either. When "isms" are taken to extreme things become ugly. If you are such a huge proponent of free markets how do you explain 72 bank failures and the current mess that we are in now. How come free markets in financial world failed us completely. And who paid the price ? Not Vikrams Pandits, Henry Paulsons and Chuck princes of the world, but people on the main street. Were ordinary people in America responsible for the mess we got ourselves into. Now you would say well this happened because we did not have regulations. In a free market, regulations always come after the fact. Do you think this mess won't happen again. This is probably what they said during last bank failure era of 1907 too. Free market participants will always find ways to use others as fodder like in our forest story. Now I am not totally against free markets, but everything should be done in moderation. There are situations where free market is good and there are situations where socialism is good. Hey we just saw the fine example of socialist ideas used in saving wall street bankers. I bet likes of Sarah Palin did not find that evil at all.
How sad …that lot of people don’t understand free markets. free market does not just mean free “marketâ€. it also means (atleast by my definition) that market participants are free and EQUAL. there are no lions and dears in free market.everybody has equal oppurtunity and treated equal under law. BTW, health care in US in NOT free market.Don’t look at flawed systems in US and blame free markets. Just for the record, “Without the rules so far, lions and tigers were having feast every weekends and obesity had become a major issue †This is theoritically impossible and never happens. ask any ecologist. the more the deers the more the lions and the lions compete for food. Only when somebody interferes with the eco system , like killing lions that excessive grazing turns the land barren and forrest become deserts.Dude, You are so wrong on this. Health care cannot afford to have complete free market only. In your free market a begger hit by a car will have nowhere to go. You need to have money in a free market to go to a doctor. I am saying no problem in that. But we need a basic system where we can provide basic "free" (tax paid) health care to anyone who needs it. Be it the begger on the road. After all you don't want a begger on the road to die from excessive bleeding in your so called most successful society. If we can provide this basic common denominator, having free markets where henry paulson and steve jobs can get kidney transplant is fine.
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