Doom and gloomers

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2009 Dec 1, 12:17am   5,831 views  22 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

After reading so many of the posts on here claiming the world is going to end, the US is about to go the way of the Roman Empire, etc., I couldn't help but wonder why this site attracts so many "doom and gloomers"?   Any ideas?

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1   Done!   2009 Dec 1, 12:28am  

If you believe half the shit that is on... http://money.cnn.com/ then Patrick.net probably isn't your kind of reality.

2   Leigh   2009 Dec 1, 8:08am  

I'm not a doom and gloomer, I just think a lot of folks are in line for a big ol' wake up call thanks to this housing bubble/credit bubble. Many have been living beyond their means, many are upside down in their mortgages, their 401k's are anemic, and their credit cards are reaching their limits, college ed costs are increasing on average 6% a year putting it out of reach for many, and heck, look at our unemployment...how many jobless recoveries can we take? Foreclosures continue to be abnormally high and bankruptcies are increasing. We are in for a correction, a major correction.

Wow, that does sound like doom and gloom but as a renter, an RN, owner of a a hefty 401K and nice downpayment in waiting I'm sitting pretty until, of course, I think about bailing everyone else out:O(

3   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 8:22am  

my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism.
Every shop on main street is signed in Spanish thanks to liberalism.
The street corner's have gang thugs and graffitti, where I once walked and played with friends, thanks to liberalsim.
It is not safe to say certian words in public for fear of one's life, and those taking your life will not be held accoutnable, thanks to liberalism.
Babies get murdered every day -- on the taxpayer dime, thanks to liberalism.
Prisons are full of people that should be dead, but are allowed to live, thanks to liberalism.
My vote on Prop 187 was erased, thanks to liberalism.
My votes on Prop 22 and 8 were attacked by liberalism.
My tax dollars support the avid breeding of non-Americans that are filling our schools, hospitals, and jails ... thanks to liberalism.
My "doom and gloom" is only here thanks to liberalism.

If you are not upset, then you just aint paying attention, or you agree with socialism. I am neither. Liberalism is a cancer that has eroded the soul of America.

When this site started I found it by following a link to "bitter renters". THis was before the market had even started to peek ... people like me found like-minded folks that knew "something is(was) wrong" and that it would all collapse. And every day some Troll Rewhore would come on here and call us Doom and Gloom and Jealous ... almost every day ... ask Patrick. Well, we were right. I feel we are still right. I feel there is some very bad things going on politically, socially, and globally, and we are going to be very uncomfortable should Barry and Co continue down the path of open socialism thru race-intemidation.

Doom & Gloom

4   Leigh   2009 Dec 1, 8:33am  

That's funny Bap33, I am a regualr over at the Portland Housing Blog and had been a regular over at a realtor's site (Charles Turner) Portlandrealestateblog.com. It was quite interesting in late 2006 through 2008, Portland peaked in August 2007. We bubble believers were slammed right and left. Still remember some of the comments. Some of my favorites were "Portland is unique, everyone wants to move here, Portland has strong fundamentals, blah, blah, blah. One person who I lost patience with numerous times, the 'strong fundatmentals' person, admitted to taking out a $630K ARM 7/1 via BofA, no money down, no PMI in the summer of 2008. Just wish I could have gotten more info, ie income, collateral, etc. Wonder what they are thinking now?

5   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 10:03am  

Nomograph says

Bap33 says

my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism . . .

If you live in a ghetto, pick up and move. You have nobody to blame but yourself, and your life won’t improve until you embrace the concept of personal responsibility. Only YOU can change your life.

Nomo ... I am not to blame for what has happened, I am only "to blame" for not allowing the social and cultural decay push me out, as it has most other common folks in this area.

Personal responsibility removal is EXACTLY what has caused most of America's pain, and that is from leftist actions IE Liberalism. Personal responsibilty is not lacking when one points out that out-side actions have effected their life. The proof of the failed actions of liberalism are all around us.

Where you are right: I choose to stay here.
Where you are wrong: I should move and give up the struggle.
Where you are wrong: Outside forces can and do change the lives of everyone. Good and bad.
Where you are wrong: Liberalism is to blame, not me. I vote conservative.
Where I am wrong: I actually ponder possible solutions to the social and econ issues of the valley .... I pray to God for solutions to what might save more lives should things go bad .... and I'm most wrong for thinking you may care what I think. lol

6   Â¥   2009 Dec 1, 10:20am  

>my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism.

liberalism means people have a right to live the lives they want to live.

>Every shop on main street is signed in Spanish thanks to liberalism.

That's what Freedom looks like.

>The street corner’s have gang thugs and graffitti, where I once walked and played with friends, thanks to liberalsim.

Thanks to lack of economic opportunity and shitty schools, which is more due to the fact that 10% of the country owns 2/3s the wealth.

>It is not safe to say certian words in public for fear of one’s life, and those taking your life will not be held accoutnable, thanks to liberalism.

yeah, I guess not being able to call people niggers and spics sucks.

>Babies get murdered every day — on the taxpayer dime, thanks to liberalism.

Even libertarians are divided over the abortion question. I see both sides of the argument, and think Roe v Wade is the best compromise we -- as a society -- are going to get on this. I don't seen any difference between a first-month abortion and birth control.

Look on the bright side, more abortion means less minorities to hate.

>Prisons are full of people that should be dead, but are allowed to live, thanks to liberalism.

So what. Executing people doesn't solve anything. If anything, it's a worse punishment than a swift death penalty.

>My vote on Prop 187 was erased, thanks to liberalism.

I think people who employ illegal aliens should lose their business licenses. You with me on that?

>My votes on Prop 22 and 8 were attacked by liberalism.

Rightly so. And not just liberals, but all people who see nothing wrong with gay people living together.

>My tax dollars support the avid breeding of non-Americans that are filling our schools, hospitals, and jails … thanks to liberalism.

Where I am -- Sunnyvale -- they're also doing all the shit jobs.

>My “doom and gloom” is only here thanks to liberalism.

That or a hateful, bigoted, judgmental arch-conservative mindset that I simply can't understand.

7   4X   2009 Dec 1, 12:50pm  

Nomograph says

Bap33 says

my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism . . .

If you live in a ghetto, pick up and move. You have nobody to blame but yourself, and your life won’t improve until you embrace the concept of personal responsibility. Only YOU can change your life.

Right, what happened to all the conservative principles of work hard and prosper. If you think living next to people of a different color limits your lifestyle then seek opportunities in another part of the country where the skin color matches your taste. We live in a global economy and with the economy not keeping up with population growth you should be prepared to see more neighborhoods deteriorate in terms of Stepford lifestyle. I hear the Pacific-Northwest has not been conquered by minorities yet.

You vote conservative, but still take the 8K tax credit, FHA loans and watch Sesame Street....I knew I would have to bring that one back up.

Claiming conservatism is no longer an argument you can stand on.

8   4X   2009 Dec 1, 1:12pm  

my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism.

No, that is called living next door to another country. States up North receive just as much influence from Canadian culture as we do Mexican culture. Its just that you hate Mexicans.

Every shop on main street is signed in Spanish thanks to liberalism.

Agreed, we should not cater to anything but English. We need to gently pursuade immigrants to adopt our local cultures and not the other way around.

The street corner’s have gang thugs and graffitti, where I once walked and played with friends, thanks to liberalsim.

That is called poverty. Lower economic neighborhoods see this kind of cultural influence whereby uneducated children go fatherless, motherless and collude together to commit crime.

It is not safe to say certian words in public for fear of one’s life, and those taking your life will not be held accoutnable, thanks to liberalism.

Would you prefer to call people spooks, wetbacks and jew boys?

Babies get murdered every day — on the taxpayer dime, thanks to liberalism.

Agreed, however, the conservative church wont accept full responsibility for raising these children. We need a nationalized system that will be willing to accept the 500,000 or so babies that would be abandoned. Moot point for me.

Prisons are full of people that should be dead, but are allowed to live, thanks to liberalism.

Conservative churches dont agree, the church is against murder of any kind. You are against abortion yet tout the death penalty. This indicates nothing more than partisanship on your behalf

My vote on Prop 187 was erased, thanks to liberalism.

Agreed. We should not pay for services for people who come here illegally regardless of their origin. Paying for services encourages illegal immigration when we need for people to follow the rules when entering our country.

My votes on Prop 22 and 8 were attacked by liberalism.

The gay people of America were going to engage in homosexual behavior with or without these propositions. I am neither for nor against gay marriage as it does not affect me financially.

My tax dollars support the avid breeding of non-Americans that are filling our schools, hospitals, and jails … thanks to liberalism.

Agreed, we simply need to deport anyone that we find here illegally so that we do not dispense tax dollars on services to non-citizens.

My “doom and gloom” is only here thanks to liberalism.

No, your doom and gloom is here because conservatives have become known for hate filled anti-immigration, anti-minority rants against any social programs that benefit these people. Around 1964 a group of hate filled Democrats split with the party to call themselves Republican, also around this time a group of hate filled Democrats left the party to associate themselves with the Christian Right. Not coincidentally the Civial Rights act of 1964 passed during this year...these Democrats chose to leave because the color of the people skin or the gender of the people they were helping was not what they considered to be a part of the elite white society.

Ok, this is where you call me a "race baitor" for my fact filled responses.

9   4X   2009 Dec 1, 1:23pm  

archconservative (plural archconservatives)

(US) A person who is extremely politically conservative; a superconservative; a radical rightwinger

10   4X   2009 Dec 1, 1:40pm  

here are some quotes from your leader Rush Limbaugh...with so many hate filled comments you should be able to understand why minorities wont vote conservative. The conservative brand has been tarnished by many like yourselves who spew hate against people who are not like them (white men).

1. Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?

2. Right. So you go into Darfur and you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there. You put sanctions on them. You stand behind Nelson Mandela — who was bankrolled by communists for a time, had the support of certain communist leaders. You go to Ethiopia. You do the same thing.

3. Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.

4. The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.

5. They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?

6. [To an African American female caller]: Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.

7. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn’t deserve.

8 Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president.

9. We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.

10. Obama’s entire economic program is reparations

11. I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.

12. You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.

11   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 2:40pm  

lol, libs are so funny.

they support death for anyone using a racial slur, death to babies, and confuse killing a murderer with murdering an innocent ... lmao.

Nomo, I do not include you in the above statement. Please, lets continue our pleasent discussion. On your point about Winton being largly hispanic, I am afraid someone gave you bad info. Unless you concider Portagees and Minonites(sp) hispanic. lol. The best I could figure is the mexican (from mexico) population exploded after Prop 187 was stuffed back on the voters. Before that, in Merced County, the mexican populatiion was flat from the 50's. Before the war there was as many Japanees and Armenians as there were mexicans (from mexico).

On your point about voting, I simply shared the fact that I vote my views. As I am sure you do.

4X says

Conservative churches dont agree, the church is against murder of any kind. You are against abortion yet tout the death penalty. This indicates nothing more than partisanship on your behalf

4X, that post proves you to be an even bigger idiot than I thought before. You actually equate death penalty for guilty murders, to murdering innocents. You're absurd. And you are a liberal.

12   nope   2009 Dec 1, 2:45pm  

This website has an inherently negative spin ("don't buy real estate"), so it attracts bears, naturally.

What do you expect though? It's a recession. You should look up some old headlines from the 1970s, or better yet the 1930s.

Hell, in the 30s we actually DID have to worry about communists and fascists taking over the government. Fortunately we didn't have the internet back then so the doom and gloomers weren't able to do much more than stand on soap boxes and rant.

My take is that Patrick was completely write about the crash, as were many other intelligent people.

However, as we move into 2010 I think the situation is becoming much more nuanced and there is no blanket answer for what's going to happen.

I honestly believe that we're going to go through a moderate (5-10%) inflationary period which will look like "recovery" on paper, but will really just be a flat line of economic activity. This will last for the next 5-10 years. Things won't be any worse than they are today, but they won't be all that much better either. 10% unemployment will eventually be considered full employment again, and house prices will return to their historical growth (which, again, will seem "good" because inflation will be so high)

After that is anyone's guess. Making predictions more than 5 to 10 years out is just mental masturbation.

13   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 2:50pm  

Kevin says

After that is anyone’s guess. Making predictions more than 5 to 10 years out is just mental masturbation.

That should be added to the PatNet dictionary. lol

14   Bap33   2009 Dec 1, 2:52pm  

4X says

If you think living next to people of a different color limits your lifestyle then seek opportunities in another part of the country where the skin color matches your taste.

race-baiter. yawn.

only racist libs see skin color. silly rabbit.

15   elliemae   2009 Dec 1, 11:09pm  

Bap33 says

Nomograph says

Bap33 says

my home town is now Tiajuna thanks to liberalism . . .

If you live in a ghetto, pick up and move. You have nobody to blame but yourself, and your life won’t improve until you embrace the concept of personal responsibility. Only YOU can change your life.

Nomo … I am not to blame for what has happened, I am only “to blame” for not allowing the social and cultural decay push me out, as it has most other common folks in this area.
Personal responsibility removal is EXACTLY what has caused most of America’s pain, and that is from leftist actions IE Liberalism. Personal responsibilty is not lacking when one points out that out-side actions have effected their life. The proof of the failed actions of liberalism are all around us.
Where you are right: I choose to stay here.
Where you are wrong: I should move and give up the struggle.
Where you are wrong: Outside forces can and do change the lives of everyone. Good and bad.
Where you are wrong: Liberalism is to blame, not me. I vote conservative.
Where I am wrong: I actually ponder possible solutions to the social and econ issues of the valley …. I pray to God for solutions to what might save more lives should things go bad …. and I’m most wrong for thinking you may care what I think. lol

Bap, I realize that you hate liberals - and that's too bad, because your concrete definition of a liberal is really odd. I guess it's good to have someone to blame for your problems. You seem to have a strong belief in God - but doesn't just about every religion encourage tolerance and loving they brother? Even if that brother is different from you?

Just because you assign a definition to "liberal," it doesn't make it so. You can't define me in one word (altho people have tried). There's enough gloom & doom with the economy without all the tin foil hat conspiracy theories posted here.

16   bob2356   2009 Dec 2, 12:26am  

Bap33 says

they support death for anyone using a racial slur, death to babies, and confuse killing a murderer with murdering an innocent … lmao.

Killing is killing. Did you somehow miss the Thou Shalt not Kill part in your church? I believe it is you who doesn't understand the concept. It was Hammurabi not Jesus who said an eye for an eye. Explain death for anyone using a racial slur. I didn't realize it was a capital crime where you live.

17   Bap33   2009 Dec 2, 12:27am  

Many of the proiblems we all enjoy are due to liberalism, hence liberalism is (mostly) to blame. The choices I now am faced with are due to the effects of liberalism, hence liberalism is (mostly) to blame. For example, if I start a fire in my house and my house burns down, I will be forced to move. If someone else starts a fire on purpose, I still have to move but the blame is on them. You are suggesting the problem is mine, even when the problem is a direct result of someone elses actions. I fully agree that my REACTION to liberalism's effects are my choice, but the fact remains that my reason for even looking at choices is due to liberalism. Your other points are fine.

It can't allways be about you (or me). I respect you and love the fact we live in a country where you can freely express your views .... and once upon a time, conservatives could express their views too. I do not hate any persons .... but, yes, I see liberalism as a cancer that needs to be cut from the American soul. I don't know that "hate" is a strong enough word for my feelings about liberalism/leftist/communist/socialist views. My love for freedom demands that I oppose liberalism.
I did not intend for this thread to focus on me, but for some odd reason, when I post my response to a thread I am forced to defend my personal thoughts and beliefs -- just because they are not popular with the liberal crowd (where is all that tollerance? lol). Maybe that causes some doom and gloom?

Happy McSmilin

18   Bap33   2009 Dec 2, 12:37am  

bob2356 says

Bap33 says

they support death for anyone using a racial slur, death to babies, and confuse killing a murderer with murdering an innocent … lmao.

Killing is killing. Did you somehow miss the Thou Shalt not Kill part in your church? I believe it is you who doesn’t understand the concept. It was Hammurabi not Jesus who said an eye for an eye. Explain death for anyone using a racial slur. I didn’t realize it was a capital crime where you live.

#1) if you see no difference between murder and killing, you are a complete idiot.
#2) The commandment very clearly is "thu shalt not commit murder". If your translation says otherwise, you have a poor translation. Murder is done with malice, killing is done to protect good. Read a book.
#3) Who said Jesus said an eye for an eye? It was not me.
Troy says

>It is not safe to say certian words in public for fear of one’s life, and those taking your life will not be held accoutnable, thanks to liberalism.
yeah, I guess not being able to call people niggers and spics sucks.

bob2356 says

Explain death for anyone using a racial slur. I didn’t realize it was a capital crime where you live.

You really lack in reading abilities huh? You both prove my point. The liberal mental disorder now has decreed that words are worthy of being called a "crime", and should death result from retailiation -- the user of the words should be found deserving? Silly libs.

See ya bob, thanks for playing.

19   4X   2009 Dec 2, 8:06am  

Bap33 says

lol, libs are so funny.
they support death for anyone using a racial slur, death to babies, and confuse killing a murderer with murdering an innocent … lmao.
Nomo, I do not include you in the above statement. Please, lets continue our pleasent discussion. On your point about Winton being largly hispanic, I am afraid someone gave you bad info. Unless you concider Portagees and Minonites(sp) hispanic. lol. The best I could figure is the mexican (from mexico) population exploded after Prop 187 was stuffed back on the voters. Before that, in Merced County, the mexican populatiion was flat from the 50’s. Before the war there was as many Japanees and Armenians as there were mexicans (from mexico).
On your point about voting, I simply shared the fact that I vote my views. As I am sure you do.
4X says

Conservative churches dont agree, the church is against murder of any kind. You are against abortion yet tout the death penalty. This indicates nothing more than partisanship on your behalf

4X, that post proves you to be an even bigger idiot than I thought before. You actually equate death penalty for guilty murders, to murdering innocents. You’re absurd. And you are a liberal.

So I take it in your eyes Jesus would be pro-death penalty?

20   4X   2009 Dec 2, 8:16am  


Many so-called conservatives like BAP33 use HATE as their weapon of choice. His lower economic conditions have left him bitter, vengeful and unable to distinguish between his reality and what the rest of the world is moving toward. Now, because I believe in the literal version of the bible in regards to the death penalty I am labeled an idiot.

I am not sure you noticed, but when I respond with the facts he likes to come back with hate filled venomous name calling that leads to nowhere. I made my points in response to his rants...he was unable to complete a full sentence in response.

21   Bap33   2009 Dec 2, 10:23am  

lol, just kiddin. I aint responding to 4X through you. That would be childish. lol. Have a good night Ellie.

Bitter in Bakersfield

22   4X   2009 Dec 2, 11:10am  

Bap33 says

lol, just kiddin. I aint responding to 4X through you. That would be childish. lol. Have a good night Ellie.
Bitter in Bakersfield

You fear responding to me with any factual statements. Hope that 8K tax credit works out for your conservative beliefs.

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