More proof Obama is serious about fighting Mexican smuggling on our border

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2010 Sep 2, 1:00am   10,286 views  66 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

An Arizona Sheriff asked the Obama Administration for 3,000 National Guard Troops in order to patrol an extremely dangerous smuggling area located just 30 miles south of Phoenix. President Obama responded by sending 15 signs that warn AMERICAN CITIZENS that they are approaching a dangerous area that is known for "active drug and human smuggling." The signs also warn American motorists to take a route north of this area for their own safety. This is going on INSIDE the USA! Another news report states that Obama has now sent a whopping 30 (a slight 2,970 short of original request) National Guard Troops to help secure the area. Thank you President Obama for doing all you can to protect American citizens. By the way Mr. President, how’s that lawsuit against the state of Arizona coming along?



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1   mthom   2010 Sep 2, 1:11am  

Yes, Obama is wrong for not doing more.
But what did these presidents do?
-W. Bush
-H. W. Bush

Oh, that's right, they did nothing too. 3 of which are Repubs, and one of which is the NeoCon hero. All politicians are a joke.

2   Bap33   2010 Sep 2, 1:38am  

Congress is majority D, and their the ones that make laws and fund stuff .. like, for example, deploy of armed border patrols. Right?

In my opinion, The invasions took off when the activist/liberal judge blocked Cal's Prop 187 after the legal immigrant voters of Cal passed it by a super majority. Just check the dates of the Prop being blocked and then the invasion explosion. The indication (when checking dates and population and birth rates and school size and full prisons and gangs and such in welfare states) is the word got back to the mother land that America's liberal hand-out programs in some states would be accessable to breeding invaders. The proof is in the pudding. Montana and Idaho just don't hand out cash to breeding invaders, and they did not get invaded (as badly). All liberal states that have great welfare handouts did get invaded. I'm just suggesting there may be a connection.

3   mthom   2010 Sep 2, 2:26am  

Bap33 says

Congress is majority D, and their the ones that make laws and fund stuff .. like, for example, deploy of armed border patrols. Right?
In my opinion, The invasions took off when the activist/liberal judge blocked Cal’s Prop 187 after the legal immigrant voters of Cal passed it by a super majority. Just check the dates of the Prop being blocked and then the invasion explosion. The indication (when checking dates and population and birth rates and school size and full prisons and gangs and such in welfare states) is the word got back to the mother land that America’s liberal hand-out programs in some states would be accessable to breeding invaders. The proof is in the pudding. Montana and Idaho just don’t hand out cash to breeding invaders, and they did not get invaded (as badly). All liberal states that have great welfare handouts did get invaded. I’m just suggesting there may be a connection.

Repubs were in charge of Congress from 2000 to 2006 with a Repub pres. How many laws were passed or significant efforts made to curtail illegal immigration?

A possible better connection is the proximity to the border. Texas and AZ are very conservative and have significant issues with illegals. Illegal immigration is not a one-party or liberal/conservative problem. Both sides have failed repeatedly.

4   Bap33   2010 Sep 2, 3:04am  

You are more than likely correct. I tend to forget that my view is not D vs R, it is liberal/progressive/left vs conservative/right. THere are way way way too many left sided R's, and that would account for the point you make, in my opinion.

We do agree though, all politicos stink.

5   Bap33   2010 Sep 2, 7:05am  

I think the libs and cons should just sit down and hammer out an agreement.

Libs get open borders and any lingo they want and all drugs legal and no more war in the sand land.

Cons get quick and unstoppable death penalty (public hanging), Welfare ends, All licensed adults can carry a loaded weapon.

... it's a start.

Libs want abortion, Cons want mandatory sterilization for anyone having an abortion that does not involve rape or insist (a police charge must be filed). Comprimise can get things done people!!

7   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 3, 1:21am  

The Feds move to crack down on Sheriff Arpaio .... just more evidence of Obama's plan to "secure the border."


8   elliemae   2010 Sep 3, 9:17am  

I take a few days off and you're still at it, rayray. Obama isn't responsible for the problems at the border, he inherited problems that have been going on for years.


Now we have pirates...


Your blaming everything on Obama is short-sighted and tedious.

9   PeopleUnited   2010 Sep 3, 9:27am  

Obama responded by sending 15 signs that warn AMERICAN CITIZENS that they are approaching a dangerous area that is known for “active drug and human smuggling.”

Change we can believe in!

Can we get some more change in 2012? = Ron Paul please!

10   elliemae   2010 Sep 3, 11:47am  

August 19th the site "raw story" reported that president obama allocated 600 million dollars and sent 1500 national guardsmen to the us/mexico border.


Bap33 says

I think the libs and cons should just sit down and hammer out an agreement.

It might be easier to hammer out an agreement if we all thought as a block. But we don't. We are individuals who think and act like individuals. :)

11   Bap33   2010 Sep 3, 12:17pm  

marcus says

We have an economic system that is totally based on an economy that is GROWING. How are we supposed to grow the economy if the population isn’t sufficiently growing. In the long run, our Mexican neighbors, give us a big advantage over Europe with respect to population growth.

I disagree.

elliemae says
true, but selfesh choices may be part of our troubles, maybe?

We are individuals who think and act like individuals.

12   Bap33   2010 Sep 3, 12:17pm  

not sure how I got that messed up

13   elliemae   2010 Sep 3, 12:36pm  

perhaps selfish choices are part of our collective troubles - but the label placed on me because I believe in many things considered liberal only would be appropriate if I didn't also believe in many things considered to be conservative.

we're all selfish to some degree, political outlook doesn't matter.

14   Bap33   2010 Sep 3, 12:45pm  


I guess that may be why God gave us a guide book ... he figured each person would only want their own particular desires met?

Sure is a tuff one.

15   marcus   2010 Sep 3, 3:00pm  

Bap33 says

I disagree.

What you don't think population growth is necessary for our economic model ? (maybe even more than ever, since we don't export enough ?)

16   mikey   2010 Sep 4, 2:48am  

In 2012, well-heeled Obama is a shoe in because he's got soul and he shines. It may sound corny but he's instep with the times and he's willing to go toe to toe with the arch conservatives; he nails those ankle biters, and that's performing quite a feat, especially since he won't play footsie.

17   mikey   2010 Sep 4, 3:45am  

Achille, I really really don't mean to horn in, since this is a real kick, but I have no gout that you are correct because you're willing to think outside the bunion and I support that tendon-cy. Make no bones about it, this is a joint effort but we must take it in stride. And we must try to spur the drama, to boot.

18   Bap33   2010 Sep 4, 5:50am  

Nomograph says

With Obama’s victories in heath care reform, finance reform, infrastructure rebuilding, and fulfilling his Iraq pullout promise, his reelection in 2012 is pretty much a sure thing.

lol .. dude ... shall we wager?

19   Bap33   2010 Sep 4, 5:51am  

oh, that was a foot note

20   mikey   2010 Sep 4, 7:04am  

Ah, a footnote from a fungi.

21   elliemae   2010 Sep 4, 10:21am  

You're flip-flopping on the subject, guys.

22   mikey   2010 Sep 5, 1:53am  

But what has Obama done lately?

23   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 5, 2:10am  

Nomo Kool-Aid Drinker ..... check.

24   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 5, 2:23am  

Nomograph says

You should try rooting FOR America i.e. Obama

Nomo Official Obama brain dead cheer leader .... check.

25   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 5, 2:26am  

mikey says

But what has Obama done lately?

He brought all the combat toops home from Iraq (but then sent more in under another name).

He said employment figures are UP but failed to mention they were DOWN (minus 54,000 for the month of August).

He played golf for the 48th. time since becoming President.

He's off on another vacation.

He ate shrimp on the Gulf.

Please don't ask silly questions like "what's he done lately."

26   marcus   2010 Sep 5, 2:42am  

New people to PAtrick.net, here's a newsflash:

RayAmerica did not vote for Obama, and was VERY against the him EVEN before he was elected! Surprised? He was buying every socialist, Bill Ayers loving anti Obama piece of propaganda he could get his hand on then. So how surprising are his comments now?

I do think Nomo is on to something about the lack of patriotism and downright anti-Americanism that is evidenced in Ray's comments. If Ray were a good american, he would be rooting for the economy to be getting better not worse.

27   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 5, 2:54am  

marcus says

If Ray were a good american, he would be rooting for the economy to be getting better not worse.

Nomo, as the Official Obama Cheer Leader can lead all of the brain dead in ra, ra, ra "rooting for the economy." One great cheer suggestion: "give me an U ... give me a P .... what do you got? UP! .... EMPLOYMENT is UP!" YEAAAAA ! Unfortunately, (I'm so sorry Marcus, I have to burst your bubble) it isn't true. But, pay no atttention to me. You just keep "rooting" and drinking gallons of Kool-Aid. As for me, I'll keep being a realist and leave the "rooting" to the living dead head crowd.

28   elliemae   2010 Sep 5, 3:57am  

RayAmerica says

As for me, I’ll keep being a realist and leave the “rooting” to the living dead head crowd.

I sincerely doubt Nomo ever attended a Dead concert.

29   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 5, 10:24am  

marcus says

If Ray were a good american

Pretty amazing that when you debate with the radical left, they resort to childish stereotypes instead of discussing the issues. I guess I must be a "bad American" because I don't subscribe to the progressive/socialist web sites Marcus so enthusiastically recommends. LOL!!

30   marcus   2010 Sep 5, 10:32am  

RayAmerica says

they resort to childish stereotypes

IT was an attempt at humor (following Nomo's lead). Parodying the radical right wing, such as Fox news the way that anyone who didn't agree with Bush about Iraq was being unpatriotic and unamerican.

Now you know how it feels. ALthough maybe it would be patriotic to give Obama more of a chance than you do.

31   marcus   2010 Sep 5, 3:35pm  

RayAmerica says

guess I must be a “bad American” because I don’t subscribe to the progressive/socialist web sites Marcus so enthusiastically recommends

I told you that was an attempt at humor. But I must say that the progressive site I mentioned in another thread is quite good. Much of the focus of that entire site is understanding the right wing.

Check out this page about Conspiracism:

Sound familiar, like the reasoning we often hear from Ray, Abe and others ?

The conspiracist blames societal or individual problems on what turns out to be a demonized scapegoat. Conspiracism is a narrative form of scapegoating that portrays an enemy as part of a vast insidious plot against the common good. Conspiracism assigns tiny cabals of evildoers a superhuman power to control events, frames social conflict as part of a transcendent struggle between Good and Evil, and makes leaps of logic, such as guilt by association, in analyzing evidence.

Conspiracists often employ common fallacies of logic in analyzing factual evidence to assert connections, causality, and intent that are frequently unlikely or nonexistent. As a distinct narrative form of scapegoating, conspiracism uses demonization to justify constructing the scapegoats as wholly evil while reconstructing the scapegoater as a hero.

32   Bap33   2010 Sep 5, 4:37pm  

is it fair to say that the entire "on-line" community is about 80:20, Lib:Con? To me it seems that way.
If not, would it be fair to say the "most" active participants on PatNet are "mostly" Lib and Cons are the minority?

I just wondered if "left" folks noticed the tilt too. Not tossing bricks.

33   nope   2010 Sep 5, 5:55pm  

Bap33 says

is it fair to say that the entire “on-line” community is about 80:20, Lib:Con? To me it seems that way.

If not, would it be fair to say the “most” active participants on PatNet are “mostly” Lib and Cons are the minority?
I just wondered if “left” folks noticed the tilt too. Not tossing bricks.

Demographically speaking the internet in general is more liberal than the real world.

This is because poor, uneducated, and old people use the internet less or not at all. Particularly older people.

Eventually it'll just be a reflection of the real world, but that'll take a generation.

34   Armando148   2010 Sep 6, 1:29am  

Immigrants add tremendous wealth to the U.S economy.

They are probably the last group out there creating real wealth.
Picking fruit, food, working in the chicken and beef plants, converting
something of little value into something of more value which we all need.

Immigrants also buy homes, purchase products, etc. Some of you think
our economy can survive by boomers purchasing health care and not producing
any real value to the overall economy?

Legal or illegal most of these people work their hearts out for very low pay and
are generally happy about it. If we legalized a majority of these immigrants and
brought them into the formal economy we would probably see an increase in wealth.
They are the solution not the problem.

35   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 6, 2:26am  

Nomograph says

You are speaking in 100% emotional terms, as usual. Try using actual facts rather than emotional descriptors.

OK ... FACT = left is bad, radical left is radically bad. I felt no emotions whatsover as I typed that.

36   RayAmerica   2010 Sep 6, 2:29am  

Nomograph says

Obama’s tough, no-nonsense border enforcement policy is like a breath of fresh air.

Evidence the government is putting something in the air that effects the brain cells of the radical left. Obviously, right thinking conservatives have a natural immunity to this bad air.

37   marcus   2010 Sep 6, 2:53am  

Armando148 says

Immigrants add tremendous wealth to the U.S economy.

They are probably the last group out there creating real wealth.
Picking fruit, food, working in the chicken and beef plants, converting
something of little value into something of more value which we all need.

I agree.

But the only problem is the first generation ones speak english with an accent. And they speak Spanish to eachother. And they look slightly different. These things scare me. I can't tell whether I'm afraid they are inferior to me or superior to me, I just know that I feel fear. I highly prefer to be around people that are just like me.

38   Bap33   2010 Sep 6, 2:53am  

Kevin says

Demographically speaking the internet in general is more liberal than the real world.
This is because poor, uneducated, and old people use the internet less or not at all. Particularly older people.

is it fair to say that this statement says that liberals are richer, more educated, and younger than conservos?

39   marcus   2010 Sep 6, 3:00am  

marcus says

I highly prefer to be around people that are just like me.

Interestingly, second and later generation Mexican Americans are just like me so I think maybe I can get over my fears.

40   Bap33   2010 Sep 6, 7:33am  

lol .. dude, I was cereal. I would like to complete the journey.

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