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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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6625   tatupu70   2011 May 3, 4:28am  

shrekgrinch says

As for statements signed by Hawaiian officials — all Democratic operatives since Hawaii is a one-party state — it made perfect sense for non-Democrats to not exactly take their word for it.

Wrong again. At least verify your facts before you spout them.

6626   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 4:41am  

shrekgrinch says

Bush caused 9/11! Bush is responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with this country! Bush is hiding Bin Laden in some cell to bring out during an October Surprise! Cheney had Halliburton get a contract laying roads in Iraq that uses the bones of Iraqi children as filler in the concrete to save money!

Or how about my personal favorite of the WHACKIEST kind of shit that ever came out of the mouth of a Democrat, ladies and gentlemen I present to you….Peggy Joseph!

What the hell? i've never even heard of most of this.

Republicans the the other hand, what was it? Like 40% don't think Obama was born in the United States?

You can't comare 40% to a couple lunatic fringe individuals, and expect to be taken seriously.

6627   Done!   2011 May 3, 4:57am  

The More Obama adheres the Bush doctrine, the more you guys Love him.
Who you calling Republican?

6628   Patrick   2011 May 3, 5:34am  

I bet the price is about in line with rent now. Any idea what that house would rent for?

6629   bob2356   2011 May 3, 5:38am  

shrekgrinch says

Hell, Hawaii is more of a one-party Dem state even more than New Jersey is

I lived in NJ when it had a republican gov and statehouse. Where you even aware that NJ currently has a Repub gov. How could that be in a one party dem state? Do you ever look at any kind of facts or simply live in your own alternate reality?

6630   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 5:47am  

shrekgrinch says

And what did you think of Peggy Joseph? That’s totally real

Who cares? I don't. She's just a lone nut. And somehow you think my being unaware of her "proves that you live in some alternate world that is not related to reality"


Like I said, you can't compare that to 40% of Republicans believing Obama wasn't born in the United States to this.

Show me that 40% of Democrats believe Obama is going to pay for their gas, and then you've got something. But right now all you're doing is making a completely absurd argument.

6631   tatupu70   2011 May 3, 6:03am  

Ok Shrecky poo. Here you go:

shrekgrinch says

I didn’t see any of those Hawaiian officials signing sworn affidavits, did you?


shrekgrinch says

What am I wrong about? Please prove that I am wrong by providing details. Is and hasn’t Hawaii been under the control of the Democratic party since even before statehood: true or false?

Have you heard of Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle? Obviously not. I guess Governors don't count in your fantasy world...

Seriously--you don't even know what party the Gov. is?? If you had any credibility at all, it's now gone...

6632   kentm   2011 May 3, 7:31am  

Right, we argue about inconsequential details until we all throw our hands up disgust and go home. And the fact that the discussion has never moved forward and has been caught in a morass of sargasso confusion is just fine to the folks who dislike the original point.

6633   rooemoore   2011 May 3, 7:51am  

Seriously, all of you: Quit goofing off and get back to work!

6634   Vicente   2011 May 3, 9:15am  

I hereby dub thee DEATHERS.

Are Glenn Beck and Orly Taitz on this?

There are people who believe Paul McCartney died a long time ago, I'm not sure what to call them.

6635   simchaland   2011 May 3, 9:18am  

That's it. I'm going to start selling tin foil hats. I'll make a fortune around here.

6636   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 9:18am  

Dammit, Vicente, you beat me to it. I'm sure at some point Shrek will explain that he's not a deather, but the circumstances are suspicious, and there are valid questions that need to be answered.

6637   Vicente   2011 May 3, 9:21am  

Sorry, no long form just the short one:

6638   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 9:28am  

I dunno man, I heard there was a farmer that died the day BEFORE Bin Laden, and yet his certificate number ended in 017802.

6639   Vicente   2011 May 3, 10:11am  

shrekgrinch says

The question is did he die of kidney failure in 2003 like the US Military and various intelligence agencies believed or was he really killed the other day?

I'm sorry which "US military" and agency pronouncements of death do you refer to?

Here's your hat, hope it'll suffice until the stylish Simchaland line of hats come out.

6640   tatupu70   2011 May 3, 10:14am  

shrekgrinch says

So they had the occasional Rep governor. California just had one before Jerry Brown. Big deal.

Oh Shrekie, Shrekkie, Shrekkie. It is a big deal if you care about the truth. Obviously it's not important in your fantasy land...

shrekgrinch says

Oh Tatu! What part of the term ’sworn affidavits’ do you not understand? That press release is not a sworn affidavit.

Yes, excellent point. Because that press release doesn't sound anything like a sworn affadavit at all, does it.

It cracks me up that you complain that everyone has poor reading comprehension skills. Maybe if you stopped the outright lies, people would have an easier time understanding you...

6641   simchaland   2011 May 3, 12:13pm  

shrekgrinch says

So they had the occasional Rep governor. California just had one before Jerry Brown. Big deal.

Wow, this quote is special... Do you really believe the stuff you write?


I count no less than 13 Republican Governors since 1900 for California.

There were only 5 Democratic Governors since 1900 for California (and that's counting Jerry Brown twice!).

Oh and there was that one Republican that changed parties to become a progressive whom I didn't count in the 13 Republican Governors since 1900 for California.

So, just so you know, these are facts. Your assertion that there was only 1 Republican Governor before Jerry Brown is a belief. Do you get it now?

And another interesting fact is that there were only 15 California Democratic Governors since the founding of the state (including 2 Lecompton Democrats) compared with 20 California Republican Governors since the founding of the state (not including the 1 Unionist Republican). So, what say you?

6642   simchaland   2011 May 3, 12:14pm  

16% of Americans are brain dead and 30% of Republicans might as well be slugs.

6643   Â¥   2011 May 3, 1:05pm  

16% may not seem as much but that's 1 out of 6 people.

6644   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:17pm  

shrekgrinch says

The question is did he die of kidney failure in 2003 like the US Military and various intelligence agencies believed or was he really killed the other day?

Amazing operation, they actually built a compound like OBLs in Afghanistan for training, and 30 to 40 seals stormed it and supposedly took the body. You've got Gates and countless other high level people involved. And you think that it's possible this is a hoax? Now we all know the serious reasoning skills that are behind your economic assertions.

6645   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:25pm  

I guess a picture would convince everyone.

6646   HousingWatcher   2011 May 3, 1:32pm  

"Because w/o it people will always have doubts…not just here but world wide."

Even if pictures of the body are released, those same nutcases will still have doubts. They will claim that it is not him or that the photo was photoshopped.

6647   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:39pm  

ChrisLA says

Granted that is mainly done by marcus, who is generally the perpetrator of simply trying to get the rise out of people, it isn’t limited to him.

Shouldn't you throw in some absurdly stupid comment about unions, as you know,...punctuation? Or maybe tell me about how I hide behind children in my greed because obviously I'm only interested in myself, ...that like all union guys I'm basically just some kind of narcissistic asshole, just like...

I might have trolled Ray once or twice, or Shrek, but that's because they are constantly trolling everyone.

By the way, I don't have anything against real conservatives. You know, the kind who might say something like, "I'm an old fashioned conservative. Sure, I'm embarrassed by the fools and the extremists, but honestly we had to embrace them, and unfortunately we have to constantly play the God, Guns and Gay cards, and even the racism card sometimes, because we believe that's the only way we can win elections."

Well, maybe I went a little far there. Because I couldn't really respect that attitude, but I would prefer it over the Abe, Ray or Shrek type, just because the honesty would be so refreshing.

6648   FortWayne   2011 May 3, 1:44pm  

They probably are keeping him in Guantanamo. He was too high profile to just shoot. I could be wrong, merely speculating.

6649   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:44pm  

But you never will see that kind of honesty from a republican. If they were that honest, with others and with themselves, they would have to become an independent.

6650   HousingWatcher   2011 May 3, 1:46pm  

If Bin Laden was alive, they would send him to a secret CIA prison in the Middle East or Eastern Europe for enhanced interrorgation, not Gitmo.

6651   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:49pm  

HousingWatcher says

If Bin Laden was alive, they would send him to a secret CIA prison in the Middle East or Eastern Europe for enhanced interrorgation, not Gitmo.

I doubt it. But if so, let's hope it's super enhanced.

There were lots of kids, and his wife there (still alive) so if they took him alive, it seems that would get out. But who knows, maybe some special gun that shoots tranquilizer bullets (not darts).

Seems highly unlikely. But who knows. He would have some quality info.

6652   marcus   2011 May 3, 1:53pm  

IF you like speculation, how about this. Maybe he was shot by one of his people, based on instructions he had given.

6653   Done!   2011 May 3, 2:06pm  

You know? Fuck it!
If the Lemmings needs this to make them feel safe, who cares when or how he died.
I think the economy might finally start turning around.

I think people and money really bought into the whole Boogey man package. It has gripped the worlds financial psyche for a whole goddamn decade, which has cast a huge shadow of uncertainty for too long. These scared babies hedged their money on the worlds dinner plate. Because they know even if the worlds financial centers were leveled in tandem tomorrow, the whole world would still have to eat. But this has been risky, because there does come a tipping point, where entire countries revolt because they can't eat, which creates even more uncertainty.

So you see, it was Vital that Obama put an end to the legend and the madness that has loomed over the worlds economic soul for so long. Like Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, haking Captain Benjamin L. Willard with a machete, in the finale of apocalypse now. (Another fictitious death scene.)

But you know the markets and commodities can't be wrong. Capitol will make a mass exodus now, and begin to flood into manufacturing, services and other vertices other than being hedged on volatile risks.

The money is coming out of it's hole now, it's a new day.

Oh blessed be, it's a happy ending. "Zippity doo dah Zippity AYE!"

6654   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 2:17pm  

marcus says

it seems that would get out.

No silly, you just use one of these:

6655   thomas.wong1986   2011 May 3, 3:35pm  

Should have offered $350K or less to begin with.
Of course people would laugh at those low offers back than,
but no one is laughing today...and wouldnt be up shit creek today.

6656   thomas.wong1986   2011 May 3, 3:38pm  

E-man says

This further confirms that the divergence between the more desirable and less desirable neighborhoods are geting wider.

Was there such divergence before the bubble, before 1998 ?

6657   Hysteresis   2011 May 3, 4:18pm  

thomas.wong1986 says

Should have offered $350K or less to begin with.

Of course people would laugh at those low offers back than,

but no one is laughing today…and wouldnt be up shit creek today.

san jose and san francisco have been on top for the last 20 years.
vallejo and stockton have been on the bottom for the last 20 years.
the relationship between top and bottom is very stable.

also the last time san jose and san francisco were in line with inflation was 1986 - 25 years ago.
during the last housing bust (1989-1996), only stockon, vallejo and oakland were at or below inflation; all the other cities were above the inflation line even at the lowest point.

6658   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 4:36pm  

ChrisLA says

The fact that a lot of the people in this thread simply generalize conservatives and than make it sound like it is a clueless group just further proves the point about dismissal of ideas.

ChrisLA, would you please take a shot at explaining the poll Shrek posted?


34% of self-identified conservatives do not believe Obama was born in the US. And this is AFTER he got the Hawaii registrar to provide a copy of his "long form".

How do you explain that, other than something deeply wrong with the large chunk of conservatives' grasp on reality?

6659   thomas.wong1986   2011 May 3, 4:41pm  

Your best bet is to scroll across various address in the area your looking on RedFin or Zillow maps making note of historical prices, actual and per sq ft and plot on spreadsheet. Yes, lots of work, but worth it.

Additional sites that have data


6660   thomas.wong1986   2011 May 3, 4:50pm  

Pretty funny!

1638 Prince St Berkeley, CA 94703


Make me move for $580,000 back in 2009

Now in 2011 reduced to $399,000 from $425,000

Have fun low balling, why stop at $399K.

6661   Â¥   2011 May 3, 5:25pm  

MarkInSF says

How do you explain that, other than something deeply wrong with the large chunk of conservatives’ grasp on reality?


6662   thomas.wong1986   2011 May 3, 5:25pm  

VanillaSky says

all the other cities were above the inflation line even at the lowest point.

one hell of a deviation!

6663   MarkInSF   2011 May 3, 5:55pm  

Troy says

MarkInSF says

How do you explain that, other than something deeply wrong with the large chunk of conservatives’ grasp on reality?


Both lies and bullshit can either be true or false but bullshitters aim primarily to impress and persuade their audiences, and in general are unconcerned with the truth or falsehood of their statements

Yeah, but who is the "audience" in random poll?

6664   Â¥   2011 May 3, 6:47pm  

I guess where I was going with that is that reality is over-rated.

When we survey the conservative view -- the racism, homophobia, religious fundamentalism, climate and evolution skepticism, priapism for the military, voodoo economics, etc -- it's not so much a question of reality, but an effort to substitute their anti-reality, which is a form of dadaism really.

By making us deal with their bullshit, we are blocked from advancing our own aims. The more bullshit they create, the more we are blocked.

Conservatives believe the best defense is a good offense.

This is kinda how the soviets abused their citizenry, and also what Orwell picked up on, how ideologues can control the reality that matters by getting people to willingly deny the factual reality.

Who wants "reality" when bullshit is so much more comforting?


Just 1 in 6 Americans don't buy the bullshit, by that poll.

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