Obama's transgender ex-nanny outcast

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2012 Mar 4, 4:58pm   24,991 views  56 comments

by nosf41   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Tranny nanny's name is Turdi, lived with the Soetoro family, cooked, played with 8-year old Barry and brought him to/from school:


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31   elliemae   2012 Mar 10, 2:37am  

marcus says

Geez. I check wha's up on pat.net and on one thread people are sharing thoughts on prostitution and on another one is a gay man waxing poetic with TMI.

It's more entertaining than reading posts where people blame everything on OBAMA. They're just trying to smear his upbringing instead.

32   Bap33   2012 Mar 10, 12:31pm  

a bit of humor to keep miss ellie in good spirits ...

Lord Barry's Granny
raised him with a Nanny
that then became a Tranny
who had a hairy Fanny
and a lover named Danny

At any rate, Lord Barry was brought up by his Grandmama, and in his own words she was, "a typical white person that naturally reacts negatively (to young black males met in dark alleys)." {paraphrased from memory}.

His negro dad was gone. His dad's negro mom or negro dad were not called on to raise the boy.
His mom pawned the boy off onto her typical-white mom. Thanks to his upper-class, typical white upbringing he went to college, but no papers available to share. He then worked for ACORN, voted "present" the few times he was at work, went on Oprah, and then he became president. That's sums it up..... lol .. we know more about secret societies, like The Free Masons, than we do about Lord Barry. That's kinda weird, aint it?

33   marcus   2012 Mar 11, 12:59am  

Bap33 says

That's sums it up..... lol .. we know more about secret societies, like The Free Masons, than we do about Lord Barry.

I know right ? We know so much more about all the other Presidents youth and previous experience ? Actually no. What are you talking about Bap ? More conspiracy theories about Obama ?

34   elliemae   2012 Mar 11, 3:27am  

Bap33 says

who had a hairy Fanny...

...just where did you get this information? He may have had a smooth, hairless ass.

President Obama has presented proof of his birth, a newspaper announcement and school records. He's served as president for three years and this issue was put to rest long ago.

I'm thrilled that you want to please me and keep me in good spirits, but these non-issues were raised long ago and only bitter, angry people with no lives continue to bring them up. It doesn't matter that he had a person in his life who became a transvestite; Hoover ran the FBI and did the same. I imagine there are many people living public lives who have private sexual deviations, but we don't know about them.

Being a transvestite is a personal choice - it's only an issue because you choose to make it that way. Once again, you lived in sin with your wife before you were married. That's sinful and could keep you from being married in several churches.

As long as you continue to bring up shit that doesn't affect you and feign indignance, you show your bigotry and lack of tolerance. G'head, it's entertaining.

35   Bap33   2012 Mar 11, 8:35am  

I don't think I brought up anything, I just wrote a silly rhyme.

You guys are just so touchy.

As for the birth cert., it would appear that the facts were not made available in a timely fashion, that is why 3 years have past. Time passage hardly equals a non-issue. Eric Holder can only do so much for his Lord Master Barry. Holder will do time in prison if Barry does not win in Nov. All of us right-minded folks will do time in prison if Barry does win. High stakes game is on!! yeee haaa.

36   elliemae   2012 Mar 11, 11:34am  

Bap33 says

I don't think I brought up anything, I just wrote a silly rhyme.

Semantics. By writing it, you brought it up. And it wasn't silly, it was stupid. But if you can amuse yourself without having to worry about going blind, good for you. That's one less episode of "deviant" behavior you'll have to worry about.

We're touchy? You can say whatever the hell you want and since you've said it, it's not offensive? We get it, you don't like the president. The one who inherited the worst economy in our lifetimes, at least one unnecessary war and a shitload of problems that were created by your last savior... and you obviously long for the good ol' days.

You know, the days where this shitstorm started. Keep writing ditties, diddling is obviously what you think you do best.

37   Bap33   2012 Mar 11, 1:09pm  

no, I have many talents that don't go over well in cyberville.

Bush was my saviour? Oh contre'! I have said he was much too liberal, many times, so please don't place Bush that high on my list of political people. It's incorrect to do that.

Also, if you search my posts you will find I call myself a sinner - first class. But, unlike the sexual deviants you want to defend, I do not want society to accept my actions as not sinful or as acceptable. Sin should be shameful. Don't you agree?

38   elliemae   2012 Mar 11, 3:35pm  

Bap33 says

Sin should be shameful. Don't you agree?

Well, I'm ashamed of your narrow-minded posts. Does that qualify?

39   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 11, 5:01pm  

Bap33 says

typical white upbringing he went to college, but no papers available to share. He then worked for ACORN, voted "present" the few times he was at work, went on Oprah, and then he became president. That's sums it up..... lol .. we know more about secret societies, like The Free Masons, than we do about Lord Barry. That's kinda weird, aint it?

You forgot to mention how weird it was he received the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his work regarding the reduction of nuclear arms.

and some said WTF did he do for nuclear disarmament???


US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Committee said he won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament.

Like I said... WTF ?

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 12, 1:34am  

nosf41 says

Tranny nanny's name is Turdi, lived with the Soetoro family, cooked, played with 8-year old Barry and brought him to/from school:

Shorter Version: The President is responsible for the life of a maid who became a Tranny after she worked for the President's Mom and Dad when Obama was a child.

I heard once Obama's parents brought him ice cream from a guy who went postal 20 years later. Ergo, Obama is an accessory to murder.

41   nosf41   2012 Mar 12, 2:51am  

thunderlips11 says

Shorter Version: The President is responsible for the life of a maid who became a Tranny after she worked for the President's Mom and Dad when Obama was a child.
I heard once Obama's parents brought him ice cream from a guy who went postal 20 years later. Ergo, Obama is an accessory to murder.

Your timing is off:

"But during his time caring for the young boy who would become the United States' first black president, Turdi tried not to let on that he was transgender, never wearing women's clothes around him."
Although Obama was popular, his friends would make fun of the nanny, calling him "banci", a derogatory Indonesian term for transgender people.
"When I'd fetch him from school, his friends would mock me and shout 'banci, banci' But he ignored them and would just say 'Come on, let's go home'," said Turdi, who asks his close friends to call him Evie.

42   freak80   2012 Mar 12, 4:25am  

marcus says

Geez. I check wha's up on pat.net and on one thread people are sharing thoughts on prostitution and on another one is a gay man waxing poetic with TMI.
What the....

Remember, it's a SF Bay Area forum...

43   Dan8267   2012 Mar 12, 7:13am  

Bap33 says

Bush was my saviour? Oh contre'! I have said he was much too liberal,

Bush, the guy who single handedly revoked the right of Habeas Corpus and set back Western Civilization 800 years, is "much too liberal"?

So then Hitler was a commie, hippie, peacenik in your opinion?

How far to the right are you?

44   nosf41   2012 Mar 12, 11:26am  

Dan8267 says

Bush, the guy who single handedly revoked the right of Habeas Corpus and set back Western Civilization 800 years, is "much too liberal"?
So then Hitler was a commie, hippie, peacenik in your opinion?
How far to the right are you

Did Obama reverse that policy?

45   TPB   2012 Mar 12, 12:02pm  

Bap33 says

Lord Barry's Granny
raised him with a Nanny
that then became a Tranny
who had a hairy Fanny
and a lover named Danny

Doot da dewt doo DOH!

46   Bap33   2012 Mar 12, 5:16pm  

Bush was/is much to liberal/progressive. Big spender, big gov, big social net, big teacher union, big lawyer payoffs, open border, ... the guy did good with killing arabs for what happened on 9/11 and keeeping attacks to a minimm and putting in place a plan that was so perfect that Lord Barry followed it to a T and got Osama (maybe .. I have doubts).

47   Dan8267   2012 Mar 12, 5:57pm  

nosf41 says

Dan8267 says
Bush, the guy who single handedly revoked the right of Habeas Corpus and set back Western Civilization 800 years, is "much too liberal"?
So then Hitler was a commie, hippie, peacenik in your opinion?
How far to the right are you

Did Obama reverse that policy?

No, and Obama is a right wing scumbag too. Why do people think it's impossible to hate both Bush and Obama? It's easy. They are the same person.

48   Dan8267   2012 Mar 12, 6:05pm  

Bap33 says

Bush was/is much to liberal/progressive. Big spender, big gov,

All so-called conservative Republicans are big spenders and have been at least since Regan, you know they guy who proved deficits don't matter according to Cheney.

The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is that the Democrats want to spend on big government social services for the poor and Republicans want to spend on big government military to blow up shit in poor countries. Both are for big spending and big government.

Bap33 says

the guy did good with killing arabs for what happened on 9/11 and keeeping attacks to a minimm and putting in place a plan that was so perfect that Lord Barry followed it to a T and got Osama

Wow, Fox News really keeps you informed, eh?

Bush attacked the wrong country. It wasn't Iraq that attacked us on 9/11. It was Saudia Arabia. 15 of the 19 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Slight difference.

And as for keeping the attacks to a minimum, that's a laugh.

49   elliemae   2012 Mar 13, 12:59am  

I get it, you don't like Obama. Attacking someone who was part of his upbringing has nothing to do with his performance (or perceived lack thereof) in the White House. I've been surprised several times when someone I know turns out to be a transvestite.

Doesn't make them bad. And it certainly doesn't make their family, extended family, or anyone else fodder for jokes.

A guy I know quite well is a transvestite and his children have learned to call "her" by a different name. It's his gig. Who the fuck cares?

50   freak80   2012 Mar 13, 1:43am  

elliemae says

A guy I know quite well is a transvestite and his children have learned to call "her" by a different name. It's his gig. Who the fuck cares?

Mrs. Doubtfire?

51   elliemae   2012 Mar 14, 12:35am  

wthrfrk80 says

Mrs. Doubtfire?

No, but he's a pretty man - and an ugly woman. I don't know why his fantasy includes pantyhose, but let me tell you that no woman really likes those damn things. And the control top ones? They're just super tight elastic around your waist designed to make you hurt, feel fat, and ultimately cut you in half.

52   freak80   2012 Mar 14, 2:38am  

I can't say I have any experience with pantyhose.

53   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 14, 5:15am  

nosf41 says

"But during his time caring for the young boy who would become the United States' first black president, Turdi tried not to let on that he was transgender, never wearing women's clothes around him."

I see.

Shorter Version, Amended:
As an prepubescent Child, Obama somehow is responsible for a grown man deciding he's really a Woman. Decades later, Obama did not, as a middle aged man, go back to Indonesia and contact all the adults who knew as a child, which is something ordinary decency calls for (!?).

54   nosf41   2012 Mar 14, 6:08am  

thunderlips11 says

Shorter Version, Amended:
As an prepubescent Child, Obama somehow is responsible for a grown man deciding he's really a Woman. Decades later, Obama did not, as a middle aged man, go back to Indonesia and contact all the adults who knew as a child, which is something ordinary decency calls for (!?).

You did not get the point, a tranny took care of an 8 year old boy. In one article Turdi mentioned using lipstick (from Obama's mother) and Barry watching it. What else was Turdi doing with the boy?

Larry Sinclair story makes much more sense now.

55   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 14, 6:50am  

nosf41 says

You did not get the point, a tranny took care of an 8 year old boy. In one article Turdi mentioned using lipstick (from Obama's mother) and Barry watching it. What else was Turdi doing with the boy?

I got it now. The idea is that a tranny taking care of a kid is bad.

I still really don't see the big deal of it all. Just like some people are born with bad eyesight, some people are born with the parts of one gender but their mind is geared towards the other.

56   Bap33   2012 Mar 14, 1:15pm  

Trannysourass Rex.

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