Unemployed will vote for Obama to keep their "benefits"

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2012 Apr 25, 4:08pm   15,773 views  27 comments

by Honest Abe   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Isn't this what I've been saying for months now? These are the people who vote for a living. They are indentured voters...they HAVE TO vote for oBAma - or else the garvy train stops. This is now confirmed by a house democRAT.

Here are some of the oBaMa constitutiants:

The unemployed
Union members
Everyone associated with Acorn (regardless what they now call themselves)
The New Black Panthers
Hollywood actors, directors, producers
People with the Robinhood mentality
Tree huggers
Do gooders
People who believe that a "free" lunch really exists
The envious
Community "organizers"
Government employees
Everyone on any type of government assistance = 40% of all Americans
Most who drive a Prius, Smart car or Volt
Nanny State supporters


Comments 1 - 27 of 27        Search these comments

1   clambo   2012 Apr 25, 4:16pm  

Had authoritative father who was mean to him.
On drugs. On medical marijuana.
On permanent disability, SSI lifetime annuity for being "bipolar". Or "back pain".
Extremely ugly=chip on shoulder, dislikes what he perceives as "normal". e.g. Bill Maher, Michael Moore. Could work in the circus if not in entertainment.
Literary types.

2   Honest Abe   2012 Apr 25, 4:33pm  

Clambo, I knew I forgot some. Here's another one...anyone with a student loan. Obama, trying to be the hero, wants to saddle the taxpayer with other peoples student loan debt burden. What a wonderful, caring president.

Everyone who's student loan gets "forgiven" will then be a guaranteed supporter of obaMA. "Can I get an A-men"?

3   Travis Bickle   2012 Apr 25, 5:01pm  

I'm afraid we have been misled and lied to. I'm worse off now than I was 4 years ago. Although I'm registered as an independent, and I'm not exactly enamored of the opposition, I will vote for the most viable alternative, magic underwear or not. In fact, I would vote for Caligula himself if he were the only alternative, regardless if his syphlitic brain wanted to go to war with Neptune... No way I would ever vote for this fraud again. I've heard it said in the past that the pendulum always swings left before swinging HARD right as the failed, effeminate ideologies of the left comes crashing down on themselves. This appears to be happening right now, and will continue to gain steam as the Nov elections approach...

4   Travis Bickle   2012 Apr 25, 7:33pm  

democrat = DEMONRAT

republican = REPUBLITARD

Should we elect the GIANT DOUCH or the TURD SANDWHICH? (hint: fececs are brown - dont vote for SHIT!)

The DEVIL or the deep blue sea...

Time to pick the lesser of two EVILS...

Why do we always get such SHITTY choices?? Do lobbyists and our campaign finance laws have anything to do with this? How fucking sad indeed...

5   Danaseb   2012 Apr 25, 7:36pm  

And Republican= Repugnicunt, if we had a party full of honest people with honest aims, the universe would implode as human nature is greed.

6   clambo   2012 Apr 26, 2:07am  

He's gonna let us get our gas and oil for a start.

7   leo707   2012 Apr 26, 3:31am  

clambo says

Romney won't bow and kowtow to foreign despots.

Well Romney listens to the word of Thomas S. Monson as if they came directly from god.

So, he has that going for him...

...Hmmmm... when Thomas S. Monson can translate god's word directly into the eager and receptive ear of the US President I wonder what god will have to say?

8   clambo   2012 Apr 26, 5:03am  

While Obama listened to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, and named him "my father figure" etc.

9   leo707   2012 Apr 26, 5:19am  

clambo says

While Obama listened to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, and named him "my father figure" etc.

Get back to me when Obama views Rev. Wright as a prophet, seer, and sole arbiter of god's word to man.

Also, speaking of father figure Romney also believes that god is our literal spiritual "father" and that someday we can all have the ability -- as long as we believe everything said by Thomas S. Monson -- to "grow up" and become gods of our own planets, just like our "Heavenly Father" as the mormons put it.

10   bob2356   2012 Apr 26, 5:28am  

clambo says

Romney won't surround himself with morons like Chu, Timmie Taxcut Geithner and Valerie Jarrett and won't make as many bad investments of our money in things like Solyndra. Romney won't let the Labor Dept. attack Boeing. He won't have the feds attack Gibson guitar.

Very true, Romney will pick his own morons.

11   PockyClipsNow   2012 Apr 26, 6:35am  

2 year paid vacation is awsome deal if you are lucky enough to get that.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Apr 26, 6:50am  

bob2356 says

Very true, Romney will pick his own morons.

Or his own Mormons.

13   Honest Abe   2012 Apr 26, 8:05am  

One in three view the government favorably...uh - that would be those dependent on the governmen, right? Not too hard to figure out


As to your question how will Romney make things better? I don't know, but I know what I'd do. I would let the people who earn the money decide how they should spend the fruits of their own labor (and yes we need a social safety net - but not a hammock). I'd stop demonizing job creators. I'd encourage more people to be successful and less dependent. I'd stop bailing out failing companies and stop lavishing tax payer dollars on Wall Street fat cats. I'd get out of the way and not work to destroy any type of industry. I'd eliminate job killing legislation (and no, I'm not in favor of poisioning the rivers). I'd let employees choose for themselves if they wanted to join a union -or not. I'd replace the rotten fiat currency with a sound currency. I'd stop shredding the constitution and begin again to respect the rule of law and the rights of individuals. I'd institute a two year term in office for any political position. I'd have a policy that no person could hold office for more than a total of 6 years, in his lifetime. No person would be eligable for any office if they had dual citizenship. Every voter would need to show photo ID in order to vote. I'd eliminate redudnant government offices and operations. I'd return power to the states, to eliminate the centralized power hungry federal government. I'd deport the clintons, nazi pelosi, dirty harry reid, barney frank, barbara boxer, jerry brown, rhom emanual, and the village idiot himself Joe Biden.

And thats just for starters. But thats me, not Romney. I need to get back to work now.

14   leo707   2012 Apr 26, 8:11am  

Honest Abe says

I'd stop shredding the constitution and begin again to respect the rule of law and the rights of individuals.

Ah, hahaha, right...

Then you would go about "deporting" individuals who are your political adversaries.

Honest Abe says

I'd deport the clintons, nazi pelosi, dirty harry reid, barney frank, barbara boxer, jerry brown, rhom emanual, and the village idiot himself Joe Biden.

Nice... expelling political opposition, now where was that in the constitution...

15   clambo   2012 Apr 26, 3:03pm  

Buffet does not earn billions. He has a reasonable income. His net worth may be going up but that's not earned and it's not income.
Few people exist like Buffet and Gates. Their total net worth even if taxed at 50% would represent a drop in the bucket when compared with the recent $5 trillion of Obama debt spending over the $6 trillion or so taken in and spent also (tax receipts to the treasury)
Rev. Wright isn't a Christian in any sense of the word although he may be calling himself that.
Obama had a muslim father, a muslim stepfather, and grew up in a muslim country. What you would call him is a toss up. Of course, he called himself a muslim on TV with Stephanopolous a few years ago.
Romney would do a fine job compared to Obama because he has already done it in business and in politics.
Notice that Obama completely ignored and rejected his own Bowles/Simpson little committee.
Notice also that Paul Volker is no longer hanging around Obama and Valerie Jarrett. He bailed out.
Obama is a pathetic loser who is also a narcissist with severe identity issues. His issues are racial identity and national identity. He really doesn't know who the hell he is. Is he a Kenyan-American? An Indonesian-Kenyan-American? He's mentally just fucked up.
I've seen guys like him before, they're a bit scary and weird.
In college I also can't remember the guy who said "Hey, it's spring break. I'm going to Pakistan!"

16   curious2   2012 Apr 26, 4:26pm  


17   nope   2012 Apr 26, 6:39pm  

I can't decide who the biggest idiots are on this thread:

- Abe and his ilk, who we all know to be about as well informed about reality as a rock

- The people arguing with him.

What's the point, really? Obama could have personally cured cancer while bringing unemployment to zero and giving everyone free beer and perfect teeth, and Abe would still oppose him and pretend that he's a muslim. Whoever is opposing him could be a baby raping demon who's campaign promises include selling your children into slavery, murdering your wife, and wiping his ass with the constitution, and he'd still support him.

He's a member of that 20% of the population that believes insane, idiotic things. There's no point talking to him at all.

18   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Apr 26, 8:59pm  

Iran is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, being crossed by several major fault lines that cover at least 90% of the country. As a result ...

Look. Buff it, Rockefeller the rest of the "Hole in the wall" gang. No one ever stops to figure out how ole Rocky got financed. I saw a documentry on oil the other night. Not one word about that. Now he's a paper swindler. Of course its not a far cry for Buff it who's from Oklahoma of course. On his way to becoming a major force in paper hanging. These guys have a "hide out" somewhere of course. Maybe in a church somewhere or some massive corporate "hideout". I could sit here and pretend Buff it and Rockefeller and the like are really rich guys. The best businessmen around. To me they are nothing more than thieves and criminals. See. Whats your prespective? A crook says I don't care. He's going to help himself to whatever he wants. It's psychopathic criminal behavior. So much so that the criminal will ignore any disdain or warning and continue on because they are sick people. I have no sympathy. It's animal behavior as far as I am concerned.

I could sit here and pretend Democracy works and tip the bucket is the most wonderful form of government ever to exsist. I'm just not gonna do it. It keeps the peasants happy however. Makes them feel empowered. Stops the let them eat cake crowd from showing the crooks to the guillotine. Now you might not think that works. However, Democracy is a proven formula for stopping upheavel. Like anyone thats been hired. The people that participate. The ones hired to sell you on Democracy will lie right in your face. Your failing is your incredulousness. On how it could get this far. How so many people could fall for it. Then again it didn't all take place in the course of your life. You were born into it. Just maybe its your desire to have your subconcious entertained, your means of escape. That makes you gasp when you get at reality and you descend happily back into your dream world. After all they are exciting and very entertaining. Maybe thats the purpose and the point.

You might be suprised at the "types" that read my kind of writtings, Patrick.net had 20,000 readers yesterday. That figure they can make a dollar and a cent. Ratting. If detected the people that "reconfigure" things for the swindlers go to work using tried and true methods coupled with current events. Their reality of course is they are just shining the "master thieves" boots. Cause well paper is cheap and a lot of it can be printed unless you twist yourself into a pretzel making it more complicated than that simple fact. Why complicate your life.

The real bottom line here. Your fear. I've shown you how unreasonable your fear is. Stop living in the shadows. A man should fear no one or any intimidation. Try to stifle a man he's going to react or cower or just walk away. Your dealing with and talking about crooked people. Some of you are really good people. Don't be afraid of reality. What you fail to grasp they are they are the ones cowering in the shadows. Then stop and ask yourself what enforces? Believe me they have to live like that. It's possible the name Rockefeller just might mean hiding under a rock.

19   marcus   2012 Apr 26, 11:53pm  

Kevin says

Whoever is opposing him could be a baby raping demon who's campaign promises include selling your children into slavery, murdering your wife, and wiping his ass with the constitution, and he'd still support him.

Well said.

20   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Apr 27, 1:40am  

Iraq and Afganistan clearly shows you they don't care who the fuck they put in there or what anyone else thinks its just selling it so it all dosen't blow up in their face. Get a fucking clue. Then again they have me dealing from a fucking pluralistic deck. Which everyone else is to. Cause you believe. See. Believers are the best followers in the world. Someone stops believing and thats when their problems start. See Alfred E. Nueman over there. He don't give a fuck. He says just run it for me I don't want to be bothered. Alfreds ancestors probably thought. "Hey this Democracy shit really works. It's better than being dragged through the streets of Mario Land and being hung by the neck". When people get fucked up about things. We get torched. It's very simple really. Don't ever refer to your history books there is no fucking point. Publishers, publish history books and bibles in case that hasn't crossed your mind. Both entities more than likely have the same goal in mind. In case that hasn't crossed you mind.

21   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Apr 27, 2:04am  

More hope.

I wub you Alfred.

Ask me the underpinnings of all the anger. Usury or lending. Taking innocent children teaching them how to be an everyday wog. The basics of running everything they have built. It's developed that far. Instead of teaching them how to be independent or self-sufficent. They certainly could develop that information. If they really, actually gave a damn like they pretend to. They don't. They do whats in there best interest. Leaving that off on children. I'd like to put my fist in their face and I mean it to.

Those people that run that fucking Federal Reserve. I say take all their assets. Tell them fuck you goodbye. We will take it from here. Usury illegal would to that in one fell swoop.

22   leo707   2012 Apr 27, 2:11am  

Honest Abe says

Gosh Leo, the constitution has been shredded so bad I couldn't find the clause that prohibited deporting domestic enemies. Perhaps you're right, they shouldn't be deported, rather they should be imprisoned indefinitely and waterboarded multiple times every day.

Ah, ha ha... nice Abe. Why are you holding back? Why don't you just be totally honest? What you really want is the power to dictate laws to reflect what you imagine the constitution to be. Then you want to be able to round up your political opposition: imprison, torture, extract "confessions" then execute them for crimes against the state.

You would probably like to do the same with a few choice Pnet posters. Well, wait... you are not a monster, you don't want to be "unreasonable"... perhaps some sort of reeducation camp for the Pnet posters and their ilk. Then it is up to them to accept your constitution interpretation. If a few years of reeducation don't bring them around to your way of thinking, well they can live off the state forever...

24   dublin hillz   2012 Apr 27, 7:58am  

leoj707 says

Ah, ha ha... nice Abe. Why are you holding back? Why don't you just be totally honest? What you really want is the power to dictate laws to reflect what you imagine the constitution to be. Then you want to be able to round up your political opposition: imprison, torture, extract "confessions" then execute them for crimes against the state.

There is absolutely no doubt that tea party is fascist at its core. They are populated by social conservatives, their claim that they are simply about fiscal discipline in washington is a smokescreen. Anyone who is adamantly a social conservative is a defacto big governnment advocate who wishes to legislate and impose their view of morality onto others. As such, they share many structural similarities with fascist and communist despots and I don't disbelieve for a minute that if given opportunity, context and means that they would implement their own version of "final solution" and "reeducation campaign" onto others.

25   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Apr 28, 7:58pm  

I'd vote for Obama. I like him. However Democracy is bullshit. So I won't. The only reason I'd vote for him is cause hes a nice guy. Also, I wouldn't dare insult black prowess.

Gee Ron Paul. Your a nice alternative however we feel we can't finance you because well your trying to put us out of fucking business. That make sense? Call Warren Buf - it. Yea like I'm going to fuck with those guys is what he might say. So as you can see I have taken one of their little oddties of life and put it back on its feet again. Its a Ron Paul cardboard cutout with a battery pak on the back and his hand is waving at you. Fuck everyone the Ron cutout says. Even a Playa's gotta eat.

Add to that the everyday guy dosen't understand the intricacies of a complicated swindel. Even though they consume his entire fucking life. They just understand simple swindels. The ones you shake your head at and say how can anyone be so fucking stupid. Like the "bank examiner" swindel on Dragnet. Or work at home scams stuffing envelopes. Yea you got those handled.

Of course I could take you back to let them eat cake the subsequent chopping off of heads. Greek riots. 68 riots. Government overthrows and the Czar and his family being turned into meatloaf sauce. Oh make no mistake these guys have lived through government overthrows. Don't think they haven't had to fly out of town before. Until they can get new managment in. Someone in there that make it so people won't want to tear their heads off. It can get that bad sometimes. Heres the thing. Thats a reality for those people those people. Why? Answer is simple. Its managment of a massive amount of people some of who are very fucking disgruntled. Even the cops shake their heads up and down yea go ahead bullshit em. No cop wants to be outnumbered in a riot guns or not. Its very frightening.

The real bottom line your dealing with the front men of the people who really run things. Thats who your voting for. Otherwise why would they virtually ignore every damn thing of whats being said about the Federal Reserve? Its like it dosen't even exsist. But for the one little guy they put up there. To quell you, another words let the situation we have him in handle it. Anyone with any kind of fucking righteouness would say look private control of the monetary system is not fair. Unless of course they get paid well not to say anything. Of course they printed a history book with some kind of bullshit. That you can't forget because well, you've heard it so many times.

We get the Ron Paul machine with one lump of coal to run it with. Hey look at that fuckin loser. Must be some real popular thought. Yes its only in that stage. Thank God they think. If he did get in there. Well guy just look at all the hurdles. Looks pert near impossible. Its that checks and balances thingy. Here, take a number and go to window number 4 your new activist leader will be waiting for you there. He has just enough funding to keep you occupied with some scintillating reading material and a few barbeques and one march.

Don't you know you can't stop people from fucking. Isn't that the point of Fuck anyway? I was talking with Tom Greene on the internet once. Yea the same Tom Greene of Freddy got Fingered fame on video chat. He explained that in England the King issued a Fuck decree. What it means is Fornication Under the Consent of the King. He did it to raise taxes. True or not some places say not true. For this purpose it makes sense. Then again you have to remember Tom Greene isn't so much a good comedian. As much as he is a creative genius. He's very good at what he does. I said bullshit. Tom insisted on it.

So we have a couple of well financed winners. I'm sure the big guys approve with all their little porky hearts. Jesus is in the game now of course. The devil rubbing his manibles together saying. Wait till you see what I get these guys into. Wait I think Obama thru Jesus in. Or is that just dummy fodder for idiots. Believe it or not most of it is. Bottom line when you can print all you want and buy anyone or anything you want. When everyone owes you even the government. Well you get the idea.

26   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Apr 29, 1:45am  

Yep Id even vote if I could get something out of it. That dosen't even help. You can be superman in your head. However your not making a buck off of anything like politics. Thats for damn sure. Go to Vegas instead. Go to the Obama window. Even the guy that punches your ticket will tell you. It's better than having half the world after you. The odds might have gone down. It's worth the drive.

Then again some could avoid having "no sense". After all I can see someones point no black senators or govenors. Just out of their districts. Or any black leader elected to lead a white majority country. So some may be right it might be pushing ones luck a little to far. Obama could be a longshot. So it may not be best to take my advice.


I'll have a baked potato. My GF throws up when she drinks. I wonder If I have to disclose that. See if she did. Then they are going to wonder what have we gotten into. I feel its always better to know.

If I don't win I'm going to enter the sleep at Marriot with the Romneys. If I do win I'll just pretend I'm clueless and get all excited. My GF thinks thats so cute. What would I say. Is the camera on?

27   Honest Abe   2012 May 8, 7:16am  


If obama supports gay marriage he loses a lot of black votes.
If obama rejects gay marriage he loses a lot of gay votes.

Old indian saying: "White man speak with forked tongue".
Politically correct version: "Politician speak with forked tongue".

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