So how did Romney make his huge fortune?

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2012 Sep 2, 9:01pm   51,887 views  90 comments

by American in Japan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I am bringing this up, since I hear many Americans (not in Japan, though) saying how Romney is an entrepreneur who has created many jobs for Americans...

I have done just a bit of research, but I am not convinced that this is true.

This is how Romney actually made all his money (Businessinsider)

Tally of Job Creation By Bain Proves Vexing (Wall Street Journal)

Assets offshore hint at larger Romney wealth (Japantoday.com)

Election-2012/Mitt Romney--Did he-create 100 thousand jobs or kill 7 thousand (Rightwingnews.com)

Bain Capital is Romney's corporation founded in 1983. It is one of the top-leveraged buyout firms in the US.

Staples - Sevenfold return on investment for Bain Capital.

Accuride - a leveraged buyout by Bain Capital

Damon Corp.: "Under Romney, one of Bain Capital's more questionable deals was the firm's 1989 purchase of Damon, a medical testing company that ended up pleading guilty to defrauding the government and paying a $119 million fine. Although he sat on the company's board, Romney was never implicated, and Bain tripled its investment returns before selling the company in 1993. Romney personally got $473,000 from the deal, according to the Boston Globe." (Businessinsider)

Experian - a "flip" of a different kind...

DDI Corp. acquired by Bain Capital's in 2000... (A fail here as DDI later filed for bankruptcy protection and laid off 2,100 workers in 2003)

I quote: "The first indication the 100,000 jobs created number’s dodgy is that when Mitt ran against Ted Kennedy in 1994..." (Rightwingnews.com)

"$1.7 trillion was spent by Private Equity on leveraged buyouts. Private Equity companies rolled up a total of a trillion in debt making these purchases." (Alternet.org)

Politics after-mitt-romney-deal-company-showed-profits-and-then-layoffs (NY Times)

These Americans are training the Chinese workers who will replace them. (Businessinsider.com)

The sources vary along political persuasion. sources.

Note- I have no problem with people making millions, while truly creating wealth and jobs for Americans in the process.

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1   American in Japan   2012 Jul 3, 9:50pm  

And this one:


Looking forward to comments to this post, by those with more information...

2   HEY YOU   2012 Jul 5, 10:05am  

Socialism in Romney's own words.


3   American in Japan   2012 Jul 5, 7:57pm  

More reading...

Bipartisan support for Romney's business past ...

"The PE business model is based on squeezing taxpayers from two ends at the same time. On the one hand, they avoid hundreds of billions in taxes through special tax deals only available to the already-super-rich—severely limiting the resources government has to address the economic crisis and the priorities of the country. On the other hand, they feed on taxpayer dollars to finance and fund the companies they purchase and operate by buying companies like Bain’s HCA hospital chain, that receive huge Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement..." (from above)

4   freak80   2012 Jul 6, 4:02am  

Are we surprised? This is America, God's Chosen Nation (tm).

In America, you don't make money via honest work and productivity. You make it via shady deals and "flipping" businesses/houses/stocks for a quick profit.

5   American in Japan   2012 Jul 9, 4:17pm  


Thanks for the comment.

6   American in Japan   2012 Jul 17, 5:57pm  

So again what value did he create for the US in these big business transactions? I would like to see some good arguments.

7   Tenpoundbass   2012 Jul 29, 12:00am  

American in Japan says

Looking forward to comments to this post, by those with more information...

How many jobs has Obama destroyed, since he's been in office?
Is that to much information?

This would be a great argument if Obama was this great bastion of job creation. This would be a great argument if Obama supporters based their support on Obama on results instead of Liberal endocrine.

8   Bellingham Bill   2012 Jul 29, 12:37pm  

when talking about jobs and Obama, the correct reference is how many did he save?


jobs were still in free-fall when Obama took over from the Bush crew.

9   Bellingham Bill   2012 Jul 29, 12:40pm  

same graph with deficit-spending overlaid:


10   Buster   2012 Jul 29, 1:01pm  

The answer is simple: Jesus, Joseph Smith and some outer space dude who visited Jackson County, MO gave it to him. Jeesh. LDS forever!

11   Buster   2012 Jul 29, 1:09pm  

You must believe or you will die. All hail Kolob:

Figure No. 1 from Joseph Smith Hypocephalus published as the Facsimile No. 2 in the Book of Abraham.

12   American in Japan   2012 Aug 17, 1:10pm  

Getting back to the original question. I make a point of it because I keep reading time and time again about Romney being a major job creator (and entrepreneur)...

13   Rin   2012 Aug 17, 3:01pm  

American in Japan says

I make a point of it because I keep reading time and time again about Romney being a major job creator (and entrepreneur)...

What you hear are people (his campaign), saying it, again and again.

Where they've failed is in providing an illustration of how that's done. In other words, if Romney did create a new research wing or services group, and expanded sales and hirings, x many times, then it would make for a good story. It would be type of feel-good story for the times.

If Romney can't come up with a true feel-good turnaround story then it's implict that he's just another Robber Baron, as his detractors seen to be depicting him.

If you remember 2008, even John McCain made fun of his *business* skills, as his CEO experience was in firing a bunch of people. Romney laughed that one off but instead, he should have learned from it and tried to find a way of deriving a positive, out of his private equity work.

14   American in Japan   2012 Aug 17, 5:11pm  

Unfortunately, it isn't just people in his campaign. Millions of Americans are parroting this without thinking. Most (but not all) are in Red States....

15   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 17, 6:49pm  

American in Japan says

I am bringing this up, since I hear many Americans (not in Japan, though) saying how Romney is an entrepreneur who has created many jobs for Americans...

I have done just a bit of research, but I am not convinced that this is true.

what do you consider research.. it certainly wasnt good. A child half your ages better understand this.

If you are correct, what exactly do VC do ? dont they get millions from each investor and allocates it so various young firms ready to hire staff and purchase new capital equipment and lease new offices.

Why would Obama add John Doerr to his team if such people dont create new jobs.


In February 2009, Doerr was appointed as a member of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board to provide the president and his administration with advice and counsel in fixing America's economic downturn. Forbes ranks Doerr as the 540th richest person in the world, with a net worth of US $2.2 billion.

Michael Moritz


He was a prominent supporter of President Barack Obama's candidacy.

16   American in Japan   2012 Aug 17, 8:29pm  


Uhh...I said "just a bit" up to that point and am still researching. I would appreciate link and sources from others as well either showing job creation or job destruction (possibly by ruined companies later declaring bankrupcy)....the synergy effect.

As little as I have up there (in the mere 20-30 min. I could spare) there is more to read than many of the political threads on Patrick.net.

Anyway, thanks for the links...

17   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 17, 8:42pm  

American in Japan says

I would appreciate link and sources from others as well either showing job creation or job destruction (possibly by ruined companies later declaring bankrupcy)

PWCmoneytree.com - for job creations. VentureLoop is proud to offer you 14,694 jobs across 1,381 venture-backed companies!


WASHINGTON, July 20, 2012 – Venture capitalists invested $7.0 billion in 898 deals in the second quarter of 2012, according to the MoneyTree™ Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), based on data provided by Thomson Reuters. Quarterly venture capital (VC) investment activity climbed 17 percent in terms of dollars and 11 percent in the number of deals compared to the first quarter of 2012 when $6.0 billion was invested in 809 deals.

The number of Early stage deals reached the highest quarterly total since Q1 2001, with $2.1 billion going into 410 deals, an 18 percent increase in dollars and a 28 percent increase in deals from the prior quarter. The Internet-specific sector also saw increases during the second quarter, rising 22 percent in dollars and 31 percent in deals from the prior quarter to $1.8 billion going into 261 deals in Q2. The Life Sciences sector (Biotechnology and Medical Devices), however, experienced a decline in funding in the second quarter, dropping 9 percent in dollars and 6 percent in deals from the prior quarter to $1.4 billion going into 174 deals in Q2.

18   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 17, 8:47pm  

American in Japan says

job destruction (possibly by ruined companies later declaring bankrupcy)

there are many number of reasons why companies get ruined/bankrupted... heck some include Japans export dumping policies, we pretty much closed many tech plants in Silicon Valley with many firms going bankrupt in late 80s -early 90s. Steel, Auto, and many other industries also received the same faith. Was that Mitt Romney's fault ? No!

Apple nearly went bankrupt in mid 90s. Was that Mitt Romney's fault ? No!

19   American in Japan   2012 Aug 17, 11:24pm  

Thanks for the links.

BTW, at least I agree Japan has had some policies of dumping of export goods.

FYI I have voted for a Republican candidate for US president twice in the past (not for G.W. though)

I think corporations have too much influence with both major parties.

20   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 17, 11:38pm  

JerryL2 says

I get that. But here's a challenge, find someone other than Romney, a transparent Gordon Gekko for our times.

Dude, I didn't pick Romney, the Liberal media did. They systematically went through all the candidates one by one, building each up calling them the front runner, when there was no front runner, then destroyed them in the press, then on the next. They did that to each and everyone, from Michelle Bachman to Herman Cain. All save for Ron Paul, they just riddiculed him and said, that he would be dangerous.

Dangerous because he was the son of a Bitch, well the first mother fucker to say in a long time. We need to stop getting in the worlds business and reduce our military. The Liberal press(Of all People) ridiculed conceptual Peace.

People that have never heard Ron Paul speak on single word were all running around saying...

"Ron Paul is a crazy person, he wants us to disarm and let other countries take us over. "

No Romney will do, it's about time you Liberals learn to stop meddling with democracy. Let the other candidates do their talking and let the Liberals put forth their own candidate than can win election based on their merits, instead of the Media creating these persona, out of people not deserving of these praises, while meddling with the candidates with passionate supporters. Like those supporters will ever convert to the Liberal agenda.

I aim to deliver you Romney and Ryan in November, it's best, it's for your own good, it's best for the Country.

Maybe just maybe, in 2016, you bastards will let the Democratic process be more organic.

21   lostand confused   2012 Aug 18, 12:00am  

In planet earth this is called politics.

22   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 18, 12:26am  

Well on Planet earth they say "Be careful who you promote to oppose Obama, they just might elect him. No matter how awful the choice."

23   Rin   2012 Aug 18, 4:36am  

CaptainShuddup says

Dude, I didn't pick Romney, the Liberal media did. They systematically went through all the candidates one by one, building each up calling them the front runner

Hmm ... this sounds like a victim-o-logy conspiracy cul-de-sac .
So now, when anyone on this board disagrees with you, you call 'em a Liberal Communist/Media enthusiast and close the discussion with that. Ok Captain, this discussion is over, I don't play that game.

Romney was my local 1 term governor and at best, he was mediocre. The only reason why he'd won was because the Dems put forth Shannon O'Brien, a completely corrupt shill for the local legislature, and in Massachusetts, we don't trust having both the legislature and the governorship, controlled by the same cabal. Thus, as in the past, we voted for Weld & Cellucci, over a Dem, for that exact reason and to restore some semblance of fiscal conservativeness to the office. Both of Romney's predecessors were fine *REPUBLICAN* administrators but unfortunately, neither of them are running for President.

24   American in Japan   2012 Aug 19, 5:11pm  

Thomas added some links with some info. I have yet to be persuaded, but at least he made more effort than others on the Romney bandwagon.

25   bob2356   2012 Aug 19, 6:42pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

the debt you referring to are Capital Equipment investments for purchases of new and upgrades to steel milling equipment. This should have been obvious to you.

Was the 36 million dividend Bain took out of GST the year GST borrowed 125 million part of the purchases and upgrades? Why should Bain be pulling that kind of money out of the money borrowed for upgrades? What about the 44 million in pension underfunding? That also ended up at Bain.

26   freak80   2012 Aug 19, 11:52pm  

To the OP:

The same way anyone makes vast fortunes: by being a criminal sociopath.

People who get money and power in this world are generally the ones willing to do *anything* to get it.

That's why good government is impossible.

27   Nobody   2012 Aug 20, 3:13am  

thomaswong.1986 says

eck some include Japans export dumping policies, we pretty much closed many tech plants in Silicon Valley with many firms going bankrupt in late 80s -early 90s. Steel, Auto, and many other industries also received the same faith. Was that Mitt Romney's fault ? No!


For your info., it is not dumping, but jobs being shipped out to China is the problem. As a Chinese, you should know that.

28   Honest Abe   2012 Aug 21, 5:01am  


Its not about Romney being wealthy. Its about the complete failure of the communist in the white house.

29   edvard2   2012 Aug 21, 5:40am  

blah blah blah

30   Nobody   2012 Aug 21, 6:21am  

Honest Abe says

Its not about Romney being wealthy. Its about the complete failure of the communist in the white house.

No, it is rich taking over and ruling the country. And the rest of us is just fooled into thinking everything is fair. It has nothing to do with communism. It is the success of slavery system disguised in free enterprise. OK, maybe you are fooled into thinking we are not living in a slavery system. Then you can call it hoarding system.

The rich wants more. The investors invest into a company like Apple demanding it to make more money. At some point, with the demand for more profit, the companies like Apple need to shed workforce to make more profit. And perhaps ship some of the jobs to overseas LIKE CHINA. As if they are not already shipping enough jobs to CHINA. Get it, T. Wong?

Less tax=more profit for the rich.
More investment=More demand for more profit.
Demand for more profit=Ship the jobs overseas

Tell me if there is something wrong with those equations. So do you want a fair tax system or tax system that is lopsided to favor only the rich?

31   freak80   2012 Aug 21, 6:26am  

"Communist in the White House"


32   swebb   2012 Aug 21, 6:29am  

thomaswong.1986 says

– Venture capitalists invested $7.0 billion in 898 deals in the second quarter of 2012, according to the MoneyTree™ Report from

Don't confuse VC with PE, they are different animals.

33   anonymous   2012 Aug 21, 7:04am  

And some people swear you can't get a girl pregnant from anal

34   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 21, 8:41am  

How do you all feel about General Motors? They are the model Bain capital really copied. Most of GM's brand names were not created. They were gobbled up from failing companies. The workers and pensions busted. Shareholders at times lost everything.

35   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:21am  

Nobody says


For your info., it is not dumping, but jobs being shipped out to China is the problem. As a Chinese, you should know that.

Its Wongucci, not Chinese bubba! Im just a white boy! We in Santa Clara lost our MFG long ago by early 90s, and today its R&D. It certainly wasnt from competition with China, but with Japan. We shipped our jobs overseas (Singapore, Philippines, Korea, and China) due to unfair Japanese trade practice.

36   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:24am  

swebb says

Don't confuse VC with PE, they are different animals.

what they do are the same, they provide liquidity by private parties to risky ventures.

37   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:34am  

Nobody says

Less tax=more profit for the rich.
More investment=More demand for more profit.
Demand for more profit=Ship the jobs overseas

Apple's mfg is done overseas because they make nothing.. however they do use many motherboards, semiconductor, and storage devices which at one time was manufactured in the US. Since the Japanese dumped their products on the US markets back in the late 80s BELOW their own costs (labor and material) to capture US markets and bankrupt American companies. After suffer many quarter of losses and many layoffs for years..many American Semi, motherboard, and storage device makers moved their production overseas/outsourced it to Solectron/Flextroncs. That was the only course of action they had left. There was no other alternative solution. That is why Apple has mfg in China. thats were all the components are made.

We in Silicon valley were hit hard back in the early 90s. because of this. So we have are own scars from all the competition with the Japanese. Nothing new to us. Govt policies on the other hand went into opposite direction with higher taxes and more regulation making further existence of tech manufacturing difficult to say the least.

It has nothing to do with chasing profits ... to think so is to ignore history.

38   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:42am  

American in Japan says

So how did Romney make his huge fortune?

Romney is 65... many Americans, by that age, should already have a plan and sizable savings/investment accounts to which to fall back on as they get close to retirement.

Yes, your tax bill would also fall, since your cash out of investments would be taxed at lower rates from capital gain..

39   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 21, 11:51am  

Nobody says

Tell me if there is something wrong with those equations. So do you want a fair tax system or tax system that is lopsided to favor only the rich?

OK! lets have it your way.. tax the Rich.. 50-90% as you like..

Now that the Govt has collected the money.. Now what.. you think your going to see
a single penny of it ? You think the Govt will somehow create a new job for you...or give out hand out.. Spread the wealth.. was this the Hope and Change the Obamatrons were voting for...

40   Nobody   2012 Aug 22, 4:04pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Now what.. you think your going to see
a single penny of it ?


Your ignorance continues to amaze me. Did you even forget the government continues to have deficit? I forgot, you are fresh off the boat.

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