Built by Obama, What You See is Not What You Get.

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2012 Sep 18, 5:59am   26,215 views  51 comments

by Honest Abe   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


You didn't make that
You didn't own that
You didn't achieve that
You didn't eat that
You didn't think that
You didn't feel that
You didn't hear that
You didn't say that
You didn't see that...these aren't the droids you're looking for, move along now, and don't forget to vote for comrade o'bama-he'll make sure everyone gets everything they want.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet. The point is, when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things...


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1   Politicofact   2012 Sep 18, 6:01am  


Romney admits buying Chinese sweatshop while at Bain. 20,000 young girls. 12 girls per room. 120 girls per bathroom. Huge fences with guard towers.

"95% of life is set up for you if you were born in this country. And, I remember going to ah, uh, sorry just to bore you with stories.

When I was back in my private equity days, we went to China to buy a factory there. It employed about 20,000 people. And they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23. They were saving for potentially becoming married.

And they work in these huge factories, they made various uh, small appliances. And uh, as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pitance they earned, living in dormitories with uh, with little bathrooms at the end of maybe 10, 10 room, rooms. And the rooms they have 12 girls per room.

Three bunk beds on top of each other. You've seen, you've seen them? (Oh...yeah, yeah!) And, and, and around this factory was a fence, a huge fence with barbed wire and guard towers. And, and, we said gosh! I can't believe that you, you know, keep these girls in! They said, no, no, no. This is to keep other people from coming in.

Because people want so badly to come work in this factory that we have to keep them out. Or they will just come in here and start working and, and try and get compensated. So we, this is to keep people out. And they said, actually Chinese New Year as the girls go home, sometimes they decide they've saved enough money and they don't come back to the factory.

And he said, so, on the weekend after Chinese New Year there will be a line of people hundreds long, outside the factory, hoping that some girls haven't come back. And they can come to the factory. And, and so as we were experiencing this for the first time, going to see a factory like this in China some years ago.

The Bain Partner I was with turned to me and said, you know, 95% of life is settled if you are born in America. This is uh, this is an amazing land and what we have is unique and fortunately it is so special we are sharing it with the world."

-Mitt Romney-

2   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 6:20am  

Honest Abe, why not stick to honest topics. Obama misspoke slightly and the right jumped on it. This is the same thing that happened to Romney when he said "I like to fire people". It was taken out of context.

Start legitimate topics about policy, and we can have a discussion. But this rehashed, bogus topic exposes you as a troll. You just want to start a fight.

3   edvard2   2012 Sep 18, 6:35am  

Yeah.... this is old news.... Besides- that's nuttin' compared to what good ole' Mitt said yesterday.

4   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 18, 6:41am  

Roo - rather than a fight, I'd rather point out the failed mentality of big, intrusive, collective government.

"If nothing is to your credit, nothing is your fault. its all collective achievement...at first, followed by collective failure" The Peoples Blog.

Obama not only wants to redistribute other peoples money, but also other peoples achievement.

5   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 18, 6:45am  


Take from one group of people, and give to another group of people the state deems "deserving".

6   edvard2   2012 Sep 18, 6:54am  

This is again- old news. What's more, at this point everyone agrees that Obama's words were taken out of context. That pales in comparison to what Mitt said yesterday. No words were taken out of context. That's a BIG difference and obviously that's why this story ( and not the old, worn-out, mis-stated "you didn't build" that thing) is getting so much attention.

Oh- and if we're going to talk about "redistributing", then if Reaganomics- aka- the same economics Mitt is proposing isn't the largest redistribution of wealth plan out there then I don't know what is...

7   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 18, 7:07am  

(1) Only lib's believe the words were out of context.
(2) What Romney said was, unfortunately, true.
(3) o'Bama"care" is 1/6 th. of the economy all by itself. 'o is the king of redistribution.
(4) ANY candidate for president will do less harm to America and to Americans than obama-unleashed. Gasoline had a 250% increase under obama in the last four years. If we are unlucky enough to have him reelected I would expect gasoline any where between $10 and $12.50 per gallon after he gets done doing his damage.


8   edvard2   2012 Sep 18, 7:21am  

1: Sorry, but the full speech is widely available online and elsewhere. All it takes is to watch that clip in its entirety and it wouldn't matter if you're a liberal or conservative: The words were taken out of context. It was a sad case of Republicans making something out of nothing. Again- doesn't really matter because taking something out of context versus actually saying it entirely are two totally different things and voters WILL remember that.

2: What Romney said has gotten a lot of attention and hardly any of it has been positive.Nuff' said..

3: ObamaCare doesn't have anything to do with wealth distribution. I know this idea about redistribution seems to be very popular with those on the right. yet they sat back and said nothing when Reaganomics was sold to them. They also said nothing when Bush did much the same thing in the form of inappropriate tax cuts.If the core of the argument is that government should stay out of economics, then Republicans have meddled in economic affairs by introducing various taxation schemes based on economic idealogical theories that don't work. Then they try to do it again and again. That's the very definition of government involvement. Oh- and BTW, Reagan actually raised taxes a total of 11 times during his Presidency. How come we never hear those on the right complain about that?

4: Here's another misconception amongst those on the right: Democrats must surely mean that they're anti-energy. Believe it or not the US stands to be the single largest producer of natural gas in the world and quite possibly the largest oil producer in the world within a few years. In fact, the US is having an absolute energy boom as we speak. Blaming Obama for higher energy prices is sort of silly.


9   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 8:36am  

Honest Abe says

Roo - rather than a fight, I'd rather point out the failed mentality of big, intrusive, collective government.

"If nothing is to your credit, nothing is your fault. its all collective achievement...at first, followed by collective failure" The Peoples Blog.

Obama not only wants to redistribute other peoples money, but also other peoples achievement.

Don't kid yourself. Republicans believe in big, intrusive government too.

As for redistribution of wealth, well, our country as a whole has historically done much better when wealthy pay more taxes. Without redistribution of wealth we'd become an extreme Plutocracy. This is not a good thing.

10   Y   2012 Sep 18, 8:44am  

So what? Romney's tax returns are 'old news', yet the left never quits harping on this subject, in spite of the fact Romney has complied with the law.

edvard2 says

This is again- old news.

11   Y   2012 Sep 18, 8:47am  

There is no sin greater in a presidential race than telling the truth. Romney is being excoriated for accurately describing the situation in America today. Here are the stats:

*49% of all Americans pay no fed income tax

*47% receive a check from the government of which more than half are means tested welfare checks (Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.)

*36% of all Americans of working age are either not working or looking for work.

And therein lies the problem. The left and mainstream media can't handle the truth.

12   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 18, 9:00am  

Or to put it in another way: The truth hurts...but only if you're on the wrong side of the truth.

13   edvard2   2012 Sep 18, 9:17am  

Honest Abe says

Or to put it in another way: The truth hurts...but only if you're on the wrong side of the truth.

Exactly. Its good that most American really see more of what Romney is all about. hence why the overwhelming reaction to what he said was negative. Nuff' said...

14   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 10:19am  

Honest Abe says

Or to put it in another way: The truth hurts...but only if you're on the wrong side of the truth.

SoftShell says

So what? Romney's tax returns are 'old news', yet the left never quits harping on this subject, in spite of the fact Romney has complied with the law.

edvard2 says

This is again- old news.

Dennis, nobody is talking about Romney's taxes anymore. He's done a great job of changing the subject!

15   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 10:26am  

SoftShell says

There is no sin greater in a presidential race than telling the truth. Romney is being excoriated for accurately describing the situation in America today. Here are the stats:

*49% of all Americans pay no fed income tax

*47% receive a check from the government of which more than half are means tested welfare checks (Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.)

*36% of all Americans of working age are either not working or looking for work.

And therein lies the problem. The left and mainstream media can't handle the truth.

America has one of if not the hardest working population of any country. But, like every country, we have our poor. We can argue about policy and how the right one may reduce the number of poor by small percentages, but the reality is all nations have this problem. This is unavoidable.

The choice we need to make is whether we are going to take care of our poor or let them move to shanty towns and die on the street.

We are in this together. You may think "I don't need help - never will. I can survive just fine all by myself, thank you." But that's just you ego talking. You can't survive by yourself.

You need help.

16   Y   2012 Sep 18, 10:31am  

funny...adam and eve seemed to do alright without any help.....6 billion and counting...

rooemoore says

You can't survive by yourself.

You need help.

17   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 10:38am  

SoftShell says

funny...adam and eve seemed to do alright without any help.....6 billion and counting...

rooemoore says

You can't survive by yourself.

You need help.

Ever heard of original sin? If someone had stopped Eve, we'd all be living in paradise.

You really shouldn't refer to the bible if you've never read it, Dennis.

18   Y   2012 Sep 18, 10:50am  

I don't know what's going on with you and this 'dennis' thing....but it's starting to freak me out.....

rooemoore says

You really shouldn't refer to the bible if you've never read it, Dennis.

19   Y   2012 Sep 18, 10:51am  

Nice dodge....
you've said nothing to mitigate the fact that adam and eve did not need help, so neither should we....

rooemoore says

Ever heard of original sin? If someone had stopped Eve, we'd all be living in paradise.

20   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 11:01am  

SoftShell says

Nice dodge....

you've said nothing to mitigate the fact that adam and eve did not need help, so neither should we....

rooemoore says

Ever heard of original sin? If someone had stopped Eve, we'd all be living in paradise.

Yeah, but Santa Clause needs his elves!.

23   Bigsby   2012 Sep 18, 11:20am  

SoftShell says

Nice dodge....
you've said nothing to mitigate the fact that adam and eve did not need help, so neither should we....

Your argument is based on Adam and Eve?

24   rooemoore   2012 Sep 18, 11:42am  

Bigsby says

SoftShell says

Nice dodge....

you've said nothing to mitigate the fact that adam and eve did not need help, so neither should we....

Your argument is based on Adam and Eve?

It's Shrek, or Ruki or (real name) Dennis. What do you expect?

25   Y   2012 Sep 18, 2:42pm  

Your argument is based on the majority of news outlet reporting....
The majority of mankind believes in Adam and Eve.....
Majority rules.

Bigsby says

Your argument is based on Adam and Eve?

26   Y   2012 Sep 18, 2:45pm  

It's "Softshell"......
what's your problem??

rooemoore says

It's Shrek, or Ruki or (real name) Dennis. What do you expect?

27   Politicofact   2012 Sep 21, 9:26am  

So Softshell is Ruki/Shrek?

28   Honest Abe   2012 Sep 22, 12:12am  

Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Finestein, obAmma, the whole liberal cabal...are all hypocrites. I believe the cure for their hypocrisy should be a daily administration of water-boarding until all symptoms disappear.

29   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 12:59am  

Honest Abe says

Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Finestein, obAmma, the whole liberal cabal...are all hypocrites. I believe the cure for their hypocrisy should be a daily administration of water-boarding until all symptoms disappear.

You better stop you are posting things the brainwashed don't want to hear or accept. They will just spin each time everything you are putting out. They are famous for it.

30   37108605   2012 Sep 22, 1:00am  

Tecumcari says

It was a masterful rope-a-dope that liberals fell for completely.

LOL what a GREAT line. Of course, they fell for it simpletons fall for anything they believe supports their crying, ranting and raving.

31   Y   2012 Sep 25, 10:36am  

i'm pure crustacean...

Politicofact says

So Softshell is Ruki/Shrek?

33   Politicofact   2012 Sep 25, 11:18am  

SoftShell says


i'm pure crustacean...

Politicofact says

So Softshell is Ruki/Shrek?

Ruki, Softshel, Shrek, leave already, nobody likes you.

34   Politicofact   2012 Sep 25, 11:20am  

zzyzzx says

If the homeowner isn't insulted by your offer...you didn't bid low enough!!!

Inauguration day, Obama was losing 750k jobs a month and he HAD NO POLICIES

WTF does that tell you? Fool.

You ignorant repukes couldn't care less about facts and America.

The only conclusion I can draw is that your just racist and hate black people, because I promise you. you didn't care this much about Bush's shameless 8yrs in office.

35   Politicofact   2012 Sep 25, 11:46am  

Call it Crazy says

Guess what...

you must be confusing him with Bush, you know the white one,

whose policies took us into Iraq and weapons of mass distraction/destruction that did not exist. Even now, you FOOLISH FOXITES STILL BELIEVE IT! Fools

As you are here telling us what to do, I will tell you.

You really should clean the shit out of your own eyes and remove your own nose from you asshole. Then take you head of out the sand and learn to read.

Damn repukes. Fools , the lot of 'em.

36   Politicofact   2012 Sep 25, 11:53am  

I repeat for you foxites.....

There were NO WMD's , NONE.

Bush's economy created the worst recession/depression in all the worlds history. His polices destroyed the world of finance and broke our credit rating.

Bush costs us..

Cost US over 10 Million jobs
Cost US $10 Trillion in unfunded obligations.
Cost US $2.3 TRILLION in LOSSES unaccounted for!

Did you forget this?

9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon


37   Politicofact   2012 Sep 25, 11:54am  


38   Y   2012 Sep 25, 2:41pm  

So in your puny mind "being liked" is what this forum is all about?
How long have you had your inferiority complex??

Politicofact says

SoftShell says


i'm pure crustacean...

Politicofact says

So Softshell is Ruki/Shrek?

Ruki, Softshel, Shrek, leave already, nobody likes you.

39   Y   2012 Sep 25, 2:47pm  

Ohhhhh, that's funny! What a smart cookie you are....you are!!
you should run for president, or attorney general! You should!! You should!!

Politicofact says


40   zzyzzx   2012 Sep 25, 11:10pm  

Politicofact says

I promise you. you didn't care this much about Bush's shameless 8yrs in office.

Actually I can think of plenty that Bush 2 did that I don't like.

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